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Hende-son Adve-tiong sy ur onan | teen 870-0000 wna Sane 2014 = Dateline Raymond Tusk Tusk Business Corporation address D-fe, tenth fer, Medel wes, asker Steet lerdor UK Dear TSC Salutation I, Fred anthony, the senor business anager at Henderson Advertsing, a waitng this let te vou to present a business propose, which s putvaly beneficial ora ard il enable you advertise you gredct nt best poss ble way. Snciy have a lock atthe encosed plan, 2 ist of ancr is prevded adow. Sr, weeis t Use the mecium ofsouid media ec, Scogle_ads,hoerdingstilboards and of newspepe: advertsenen’s toshowcase your preducts and "exc" a.t te the masn.un Rosy fustomersarc target aucieres. We willbe woreng on this ojecin Sphases of 3manths | Letter adh and wil ebeerve the gronth and impac= ofthe clan at he and of 9 mantho.Rathar thar thargra yauer pe sence er adbasig, we shal becolectrg a enetine mo sun ara.rt, nachisepen te Geassier. Fycuaaree, we shal enoy al tre taam oFadve'tsing professionals fr your duty. Feu agree b is proposal krcly respond bacc tous as per your convenience.” Sincere y, Complimentery cos Co sowie wean Senior AsnessManager | sinature Bloc

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