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Communicable Disease Management Protocol

Toxoplasmosis Manitoba
Public Health

Communicable Disease Control Unit

Case Definition rarely result in congenital toxoplasmosis. Dormant

organisms from a latent infection can reactivate and
Confirmed Case: Case definition depends on the cause cerebral toxoplasmosis, particularly among
age and immunocompetency of the patient. See immunodeficient persons, such as AIDS patients.
Diagnosis, directly excerpted from the 1997 Red
Book (see ref. 2).
Reporting Requirements Toxoplasma gondii, an intracellular coccidian
protozoan of cats, belonging to the family
All positive tests (including IgG) are reportable Sarcocystidae, grouped in the class Sporozoa.
by laboratory.
All cases determined through any combination Epidemiology
of clinical and laboratory evidence are reportable
by attending health care professional. Reservoir and Source: The definitive hosts of
T. gondii are cats and other felines, which acquire
infection mainly from eating infected mammals
Clinical Presentation/Natural History (especially rodents) or birds and rarely from feces of
infected cats. Only felines harbour the parasite in
Infections are frequently asymptomatic or present
the intestinal tract where the sexual stage of its life
as an acute disease with one or more of fever,
cycle takes place. This results in the excretion of the
lymphadenopathy and/or lymphocytosis persisting
oocysts in feces for 10 to 20 days or, rarely, longer.
for days or weeks. It sometimes resembles
mononucleosis. With development of an immune The intermediate hosts of T. gondii include sheep,
response, the parasitemia decreases, but Toxoplasma goats, rodents, swine, cattle, chickens and birds.
cysts remaining in the tissues contain viable These hosts may carry an infective stage (cystozoite
organisms. These tissue cysts may reactivate if the or bradyzoite) of T. gondii encysted in tissue,
immune system becomes compromised. Among especially muscle and brain. Tissue cysts remain
immunodeficient persons, primary or reactivated viable for long periods, perhaps for the life of the
infection may cause cerebritis, chorioretinitis, animal.
pneumonia, generalized skeletal muscle
Transmission: Transplacental infection in humans
involvement, myocarditis, a maculopapular rash
occurs when a pregnant woman has rapidly
and/or death. Cerebral toxoplasmosis is a frequent
dividing tachyzoites circulating in her bloodstream,
complication of AIDS.
usually in the primary infection. Children may
A primary infection during early pregnancy may become infected by ingesting infective oocysts from
lead to fetal infection with death of the fetus or dirt in sandboxes, playgrounds and yards in which
chorioretinitis, brain damage with intracerebral cats have defecated. Infections may be acquired by
calcification, hydrocephaly, microcephaly, fever, eating raw or undercooked infected meat (pork or
jaundice, rash, hepatosplenomegaly, xanthochromic mutton, more rarely beef) containing tissue cysts,
CSF and convulsions evident at birth or shortly or by the ingestion of infective oocysts in food or
thereafter. Later in pregnancy, maternal infection water contaminated with feline feces. Inhalation of
results in mild or sub-clinical fetal disease with sporulated oocysts was associated with one reported
delayed manifestations, such as recurrent or chronic outbreak. Milk of infected goats and cattle may
chorioretinitis. In immunosuppressed pregnant contain tachyzoites; one reported outbreak was
women who are Toxoplasma seropositive, there may associated epidemiologically with consumption of
be reactivation of the latent infection that may raw goats milk. Infection may rarely be acquired by

Communicable Disease Management Protocol Toxoplasmosis November 2001

Communicable Disease Management Protocol

blood transfusion or organ transplantation from an and usually become undetectable within six to nine
infected donor. months. On rare occasions, IgM-specific antibodies
are detectable for as long as two years following
acute infection. Tests to detect IgA antibodies,
General: Worldwide in mammals and birds.
which fall to undetectable concentrations sooner
Infection in humans is common.
than IgM antibodies, are useful in diagnosing
Manitoba: Toxoplasmosis first became congenital infections and when more precise
reportable in January 1999. Fifty persons tested information about the duration is needed. These
positive for IgM and/or IgG in 1999. tests are available only in reference laboratories.
Incubation Period: From 10 to 23 days in one Tests for specific IgM antibodies should be
common-source outbreak from ingestion of performed by an experienced laboratory; test kits
undercooked meat; five to 20 days in an outbreak used by some laboratories can give false-positive
associated with cats. and false-negative results.

Susceptibility and Resistance: Susceptibility to Serconversion or a four-fold rise in specific IgG

infection is general, but immunity is readily antibody titre suggests recently acquired infection,
acquired and most infections are asymptomatic. but the results can be misleading if serum
Duration and degree of immunity are unknown specimens are not tested concurrently to control for
but assumed to be long lasting or permanent; day-to-day laboratory variability. Persons with
antibodies persist for years, probably for life. seroconversion or a four-fold rise in IgG antibody
Persons undergoing cytotoxic or titre should have specific IgM antibody
immunosuppressive therapy or persons with AIDS determinations performed by a reference laboratory.
are at increased risk of developing illness from Prenatal: A definitive diagnosis of congenital
reactivated infection. toxoplasmosis can be made prenatally by (1)
Period of Communicability: Not directly detecting the parasite in fetal blood or amniotic
transmitted from person-to-person except in utero. fluid or (2) documenting the presence of
Oocysts shed by cats sporulate and become Toxoplasma IgM and IgA antibodies in fetal blood.
infective one to five days later and may remain The parasite can be isolated by mouse inoculation
infective in water or moist soil for about one year. or its genomic material can be detected by the
Cysts in the flesh of an infected animal remain polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in a reference
infective as long as the meat is edible and laboratory. Suspicion of infection is increased by
uncooked. documenting maternal seroconversion during
pregnancy. However, maternal seroconversion does
not lead to inevitable fetal infection. Serial fetal
Diagnosis ultrasounds should be performed in cases of
Serologic tests are the primary means of diagnosis, suspected congenital infection to detect and
but results must be interpreted carefully. IgG- increase in size of the lateral ventricles of the central
specific antibodies are measured by enzyme nervous system or other signs of fetal infection.
immunoassay (EIA) in most clinical laboratories. Postnatal: If the diagnosis is unconfirmed at the
IgG-specific antibodies peak in concentration one time of delivery in an infant with suspected
to two months after infection and remain positive toxoplasmosis, ophthalmologic, auditory, and
indefinitely. To determine acute infection, the neurologic examinations and computed tomogaphy
Centres for Disease Control and Prevention of the head should be performed. An attempt
recommend a capture-EIA for IgM antibodies. should be made to isolate T. gondii from the
IgM-specific antibodies can be detected two weeks placenta, cord, and/or the infants peripheral blood
after the onset of infection, reach peak by mouse inoculation. Alternatively, the buffy coat
concentrations in one month, decline thereafter, from 1 ml of blood or the cell pellet from the

November 2001 Communicable Disease Management Protocol Toxoplasmosis

Communicable Disease Management Protocol

cerebrospinal fluid may be tested by PCR for primary Toxoplasma infection during gestation,
genetic evidence of the parasite. Congenital should be evaluated for congenital toxoplasmosis.
toxoplasmosis also can be diagnosed serologically by
Diagnosis of ocular toxoplasmosis is based on
the detection of Toxoplasmosis-specific IgM or IgA
observation of characteristic retinal lesions in
or the persistence of Toxoplasma IgA beyond 12
conjunction with serum Toxoplasma-specific IgG or
months of age. Cadham Provincial Laboratory
IgM antibodies.
should be requested to forward samples to a
reference laboratory that performs the mouse
inoculation and the Toxoplasma IgM and IgA assays Key Investigations
by the double-sandwich IgM EIA (DS-IgM EIA) or
None, except in outbreaks when possible sources of
IgM immunosorbent agglutination assay (ISAGA).
infection should be investigated.
The DS-IgM EIA and the ISAGA detect
Toxoplasma IgM in approximately 75-80% of
infants with congenital infection. The sensitivity of Control
both the immunoflourescent and capture-EIA
assays for Toxoplasma IgM are significantly less than Management of Cases:
that of the DS-IgM, IgA EIA or ISAGA assays, and Treatment:
negative results with these assays do not exclude Most cases of acquired infection do not
congenital infection. Circulating maternal require specific antimicrobial therapy.
Toxoplasma IgG antibodies in an uninfected infant
usually become undetectable by six to 12 months When indicated, the combination of
of age. pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine, which is
synergistic against Toxoplasma, is the most
Infants should be evaluated for congenital widely accepted regimen for children and
toxoplasmosis if they are born to women who are adults with acute, symptomatic disease.
infected concurrently with HIV and Toxoplasma or Pyrimethamine, 1 mg/kg per day
to women who have evidence of primary (maximum daily dose, 25 mg) orally once
Toxoplasma infection during gestation. a day in combination with sulfadiazine,
HIV Infection: Persons with HIV infection, 85 to 100 mg/kg per day in four divided
latently infected with Toxoplasma, have variable doses (maximum daily dose, 8g) should
titres of IgG antibody to Toxoplasma but rarely be given for three to six weeks.
have IgM antibody. While seroconversion and four- Supplemental folinic acid (calcium
fold rises in IgG antibody titres may occur, the leucovorin) must be administered
ability to diagnose active disease in AIDS patients is concurrently (5-10 mg every three days
commonly impaired by immunosuppression. In orally or parenterally) to prevent
many cases, a presumptive diagnosis of Toxoplasma hematologic toxic effects. Alternatively,
encephalitis is based on the presence of the pyrimethamine can be used in
characteristic clinical and roentgenographic findings combination with clindamycin if the
in an HIV-infected patient who is seropositive for patient does not tolerate sulfadiazine. The
Toxoplasma IgG. If the patient does not respond to use of corticosteroids in the management
an empiric trial of anti-Toxoplasma therapy, of ocular complication and of central
demonstration of T. gondii organisms, antigen, or nervous system disease is controversial.
DNA in biopsied tissue, blood, and/or Persons infected with HIV who have had
cerebrospinal fluid may be necessary to confirm the toxoplasmic encephalitis should receive
diagnosis. suppressive therapy. Regimens for primary
Infants born to women who are dually infected treatment are also effective for suppressive
with HIV and Toxoplasma, or who have evidence of therapy.

Communicable Disease Management Protocol Toxoplasmosis November 2001

Communicable Disease Management Protocol

For HIV-infected adults, primary Management of Contacts:

chemoprophylaxis against toxoplasmosis The Public Health Branch will monitor the
has been recommended for those who are occurrence of outbreaks. When these occur, all
Toxoplasma-seropositive and have low cases will be referred for investigation to
CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts. The determine risk factors for infection.
recommended drug is trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole. Current data are In an outbreak family members should undergo
insufficient for formulation of specific serological testing and have exposure histories
guidelines for children. Based on taken to identify possible common sources of
recommendations for adults, infection.
chemoprophylaxis in some circumstances
should be considered and is Management of Outbreaks:
recommended by some experts. Search for and remedy common sources of
For both symptomatic and asymptomatic infection such as food, water or soil.
congenital infection, pyrimethamine
combined with sulfadiazine (supplemented Preventive Measures:
with folinic acid) also is recommended as Cook meat to 150F before eating. Freezing
initial therapy. Duration of therapy is reduces, but does not eliminate, infectivity.
prolonged and often is one year. However,
the optimal dosage and duration are not Pregnant women should not clean up cat litter
definitely established and should be decided unless they are known to have been infected
in consultation with appropriate specialists. previously and are immunocompetent. Gloves
should be worn when cleaning litter and
Treatment of primary Toxoplasma gardening. Cat litter should be disposed of daily
infection in pregnant women, including so sporocysts do not have time to become
those with HIV infection, should be infective. Care should be taken not to aerosolize
decided in consultation with appropriate cat litter dust. Litter pans should be disinfected
specialists. Spiramycin treatment of via scalding.
primary infection during gestation
Wash hands after cleaning litter, handling raw
reduces the frequency of congenital
meat and before eating.
infection, but maternal therapy will not
prevent sequelae in the fetus once Feed cats dry, canned or boiled food and
congenital toxoplasmosis has occurred. discourage hunting.
Public Health Measures: Control stray cats.
Cases in hospital should be managed with Prevent access by cats to sandboxes and sand
routine infection control precautions. piles at all times.

November 2001 Communicable Disease Management Protocol Toxoplasmosis


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