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Yucca benefits for health

Traditional use: the cassava has This starchy
traditionally tuber, is a
been used popular edible
as one of root for their
the main taste . It's
resources compatriot
for the potato , taro ,
native yams and bananas ; It has lots of
Indians of carbohydrates, assets that will
the contribute between 40 to 80% of
energy to the body. It is also known
as manioc or tapioca.
This food is low in fat , ideal for those
southwestern United States and
who want to combat overweight . It
northern Mexico already used the
has lot of protein , more than other
juice of its roots and stems as a
natural laxative and for pain.
tubers, significantly minimizing alternatives to deal with irritable
cholesterol levels in the blood. bowel

Due to its lots of vitamin
high K , this
dietary compound
fiber helps to build
decreases bone mass
the level of and combats
triglycerides , benefiting dramatically It is used , as
the proper functioning of the body. the best food in the world: avocado,
in treating patients who have
It frees us from stress and benefits Alzheimer.
the nervous system. It reduces Is moderate source of vitamin B,
anxiety and is one of the best recorded significant amounts of
folate, thiamine, vitamin B-6, in the production of cellular fluids.
riboflavin Likewise, perfectly regulates heart
and rate and blood pressure
acid. Great It is promoted for
for hair care treating boils,
and remove diarrhea, flu, various
acne scars. inflammations and
Your skin conjunctivitis
will be more As you see, this root
than is almost miraculous.
grateful. Some people use
their benefits in
Yucca contains some important various preparations. Do you dare to
minerals like zinc, magnesium and prepare it?
copper. Generating energy in those
who consume it. It also contains Because of its high content of dietary
potassium, an essential component fiber helps reduce triglyceride levels,
thereby contributing to the body to
function It is also a
properly. source of
vitamins B, B-
It is really 6, also has
beneficial for very good
the nervous amounts of
system, it folate,
reduces thiamin,
anxiety and is riboflavin and
also the best pantothenic
way to acid. It is ideal
combat the for hair care and to eliminate acne scars.
discomfort produced by the irritable
Cassava also contains minerals such as zinc,
bowel. magnesium and copper, which provide energy
This food has among its components to people who consume it. It is a good source
devitamina large quantities K, which of potassium, which is important in the
contributes to the formation of bone mass production of cellular fluids, also it is an
and combats osteoporosis; also it used in important regulator of heart rate and
the treatment of Alzheimer's patients. blood pressure.
It is They elaborated with leaves baskets or
recommended ropes, were
in the painting with
treatment of flowers and
diarrhea, stems built
influenza, rafts and
some used their fruits and seeds for food.
and Rheumatoid arthritis: the cleansing and
conjunctivitis. anti-inflammatory
properties of cassava
able to reduce joint
inflammation that
Internal use occurs in both the disease and any type
The roots and stems are used to relieve of arthritis.
joint pain and to treat or
disinfect wounds or
shampoo to prevent
dandruff and hair loss.
Colitis: some Blood circulation: the use of that
studies have preparation can improve
linked the use circulation, which allows
of saponins more blood flowing.
cassava with
decreased Cholesterol: it has shown that
allergic resveratrol is one
processes. of the most
Cancer: The ability of yucca extract to suitable principles
cleanse the body and for removal of
increase the defensive cholesterol.
system has recently External use
led some state
universities States to
investigate the use
thereof in reducing the
pain of cancer
Pain external use of cassava its power
balsamic and anti-inflammatory in the
treatment of pain and can be applied as a "Year of the
massage over the affected for various Productive
reasons such as arthritis, bruises and
sprains area.
applied to the
Diversification and Strengthening
Institute for public Education
infection and help healing.
Animal feed: the addition of yucca extract to
Mons. Elas Olzar
food animals can improve their health .

Food industry: using cassava in some of its STUDENT : Patricia Garay Jarama
products. Your ability
YEAR : 2015

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