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Chapter One

100,000 BE - The Wars of Creation

Everything starts with creation. One moment there is

nothing. The next, everything. And it is in this moment, that the

first of the Gods were born. Not as the gods we know, for gods

live and die, but the first gods. It is said they created in

darkness. As they created, so too did they destroy.

The First of the Gods created the world, but their sons and

daughters became envious, and overthrew their fathers. And so it

began, the never ending cycle of war, jealousy, and despair.

The Wars of Creation - the battles of the creators - are

things of legend. Brave Lennitis, defeating his brother Xeros at

the battle of Therlop. Kain and his brother Abel, murdering each

other over their creation. Lavd, taking his creations and

destroying his rivals.

<$surname> / ALKULUPPO / 1

We do not know how many generations of Gods died before the

Advent of the 12 suns. But their legends are countless.

All these things we remember through song, and legend. But

what we remember most about the Wars of Creation, is how it

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Chapter Two

90,000 BE - Advent of the 12 Suns

The Wars of Creation ended brightly, burning away the

cancerous cells that existed in hopes that without them,

everything could thrive once more. The impact of these suns is

still felt today, in areas of our world left barren, lifeless,

and salted like in the legends of Carth, where nothing can ever

grow again. But slowly we reclaim, and we rebuild. Five main

Kingdoms rose from the Ruins of the 12 Suns. These were:

- The Kingdoms of Humans

- The Forest Nation of the Elves

- The Underground Nations of the Dwarves

- The Farming Country of the Halflings/Gnomes

- The Tundra Tribes of the Trollkin

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These nations warred for the limited resources within the

North Western Landmass, Necari.

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Chapter Three

20,000 BE - War of the Five Kingdoms

The Wars of the Five Kingdoms lasted thousands years, the

biggest causal factor being the Old Gods. Five old gods laid

claim to the land of Necari. And those five gods fought with the

Armies of the Five Kingdoms.

So much death reigned in those years that it attracted other

gods, particularly the Gods of Death, who tore the five kingdoms

asunder. It is unknown what would have happened if Magic had not

then returned to the Mortal Races.

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Chapter Four

15,000 BE The Return and Rise of Magic

Magic came flooding back into the World. It is unknown what

the source of this Magic was, and scholars still debate it's


Magic heralded the end of the Wars of the Five Kingdoms.

Mortals rose up, and killed the Warring Gods of Death and the

five Old Gods who once ruled them.

The magic used was raw and powerful: feats of magic back

then were much greater than we could presently dream of. It took

five thousand years of fighting against the old gods to finally

defeat them.
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Chapter Five

10,000 BE - The Wars of the Magi

They say power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts

absolutely. This has been proven again and again throughout

history. But the best evidence that proves the rule, would be the

war of the Magi.

After the fall of the Old Gods, the Magi rose. Initially,

they were forces of good. But over a thousand years, what

followed was a horrific war, not of armies, but of individuals.

Skirmishes started, leaving whole areas barren, innocent people

dead, and the world lessened in some indescribable way.

While these skirmishes are called the Wars of the Magi,

there was only one true war. The war lasted only thirty seconds,

and there were only five survivors. One of each race. After the
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War, they returned to their kingdoms, sickened by the death,

violence, and destruction.

The Surviving Magi were the main mechanism of the Pact of

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Chapter Six

7,000 BE - The Pact of Eternity

After millennia of wars, and killing, the five remaining

Magi brought all of the Five Kingdoms together to talk peace, on

the place still barren from the War of the Magi.

What the pact is written on is the skin of the Old Gods. The

ink was made by mixing the blood of all the Race leaders, and the

Magi of each Race. This created a powerful bond between the five

races. The combination of this powerful magic - and the spell

which the words of the Pact creates - bind all the five Kingdoms

in peace for Eternity.

As part of the Pact, all the Races made one City, on the

location of the Magi War. With the signing of the Pact, this city

became The Eternal City. The five Kingdoms then became the League

of Five.
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Chapter Seven

5,000 BE - Foundation of the Eternal City

The Eternal City is a thriving metropolis where every Race

is represented. It was initially founded as a Capital City of the

League of Five, but it eventually expanded into what it is today.

Over five hundred years, the five Magi laid the magical

foundations of the city, built the wall of illusions around the

city. They were creating a paradise. Until they disappeared.

The city, half completed, was in a complete state of

disarray. The pact demanded that the city be completed, and so it

was. It took the League of Five four thousand and five hundred

years to finally finish the city without magic. Then they started

to look outside their borders.

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Chapter Eight

4,000 BE - Nations of the Underground Split

Within each of the Kingdoms, there are sub factions. Often

these are divided by slight alterations within Races. The races

who lived underground were the labourers and workers, while their

above ground cousins were enjoying the fruits of their labour.

After five thousand years of labour, the Under Nations split, and

built civilisations underneath the foundations of the Eternal

City, as well as spider webbing around the entire island of

Necari, and the lower Island.

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Chapter Nine

3,500 BE - Undernations Founded

The Underground Realms hold three main Distinctive Kingdoms.

The Kingdoms of Drow, the Mines of the Duergar, and the Lake Area

of the Svirfneblin. These are mainly scattered around the main

island, in mostly isolated communities, but they all have a high

level of presence in the catacombs of the Eternal City.

The Under-nations were recognized through the magic of the

Pact of Eternity, but as different entities from the League of

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Chapter Ten

1,500 BE - Invasion of the Darakhul Empire

After the foundation of the Undernations, expansion quickly

followed. New cities were founded, lost secrets rediscovered, and

unknown terrors stalked in the dark. Old and new legends entered

the lore of the world. There have been whispers of the return of

some of the old gods who survived the Wars of Creation.

Natural and unnatural cave systems were found. Trade evolved

and quickened, the Undernations grew rich on jewels, gold and

precious materials mined from the dark earth. Suddenly trade

almost completely stopped, the outskirts of the Undernations grew

silent. A slight smell of death and decay hung stagnant in the

caves of the Undernations.

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Chapter Eleven

1,450 BE Undernations Almost Obliterated by Darakhul

Envoys left from both the Undernations and the League of

Five, none of them returned. Slowly the Undernations shrank.

Legends of the old gods grew more powerful and frequent, while

fewer of the underground tunnels were considered safe to travel.

The first refugees that survived spoke of a skeletal warrior

clad in golden armour, and armed with blood and shadow. The

skeleton was at the head of an army of monstrosities, wielding

magic that had never before been contemplated. The Skeleton in

golden armour appeared before the gates of Silvercloud City,

Demanding single combat and denouncing the League of Five and the


All fighters were defeated, and all were transformed into

monstrosities which destroyed the city. If it wasn't for the

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efforts of five brave adventurers, the threat of the Darakhul

might have been discovered much too late.

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Chapter Twelve

1,450 BE - Darakhul Nation Rises to the Surface

Eventually even the nights in the lands of the League of

Five grew dangerous. Monstrosities rose from the secret entrances

of the Undernations to raid villages, graveyards, crypts and

cities. Only to disappear with the moon, leaving behind only

death and destruction as evidence of their passing.

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Chapter Thirteen

1,400 BE - Nations of the Living Band Together

The threat of the Darakhul rising on two fronts caused the

slow moving assembly of the Eternal City to issue a call to arms.

The biggest army the world of Alkuluppo had ever seen, was dubbed

the Defenders of Eternity. They mustered around and in the

catacombs of the Eternal City, waiting for the incoming invasion

of the Darakhul.

The Magi hadn't created the Eternal City without defences,

and these defences kept the monstrosities of the Darakhul at bay

for long enough that the defenders were able to hold their

ground. But the Darakhul seemed endless, while the defenders were

finite, and slowly they were beaten back.

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Chapter Fourteen

1,400 BE Darakhul Invasion Thawted

The Magi of the Eternal Pact hid many secrets in the Eternal

City, one of which opened itself to a worthy hero who was to

become the champion of the city. It is unknown who this hero was

or where he got his power from, but he appeared when the battle

was all but over.

The skeletal champion of the Darakhul was cutting through

and transforming the defenders, and just as he was about to set

foot in the Eternal City proper, he was challenged to single

combat. But at the first clash of swords, both champions

disappeared in a blinding flash of light.

The Darakhul, now without a leader, were slaughtered and put

to rest in the catacombs of the eternal city. Wards were placed

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which prevented them from rising again, and the people of Necari

began rebuilding and expanding again.

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Chapter Fifteen

0 AE - The Beginning of the Age of Exploration

After the rebuilding and expansion of the League of Five to

explore the entirety of the southern island, their sights moved

to beyond the blue horizon of the seas. This phase in history has

been dubbed The Age of Exploration. Magical ships set sail from

Necari and all the ports of the Island kingdom, searching far and

wide for new treasures, spices, and slaves. There were two main

landing points in which the age of exploration originated on the

new continent. These were Port (name) and port (name).

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Chapter Sixteen

500 AE - New Races Discovered

With the initial exploration of Mundas, many new

civilizations were discovered scattered around the Continent.

Almost all of these races trace their heritage to different

animals than apes. These races include:-

- The proud eagle like Aarakocra

- The Shape-shifting Changelings

- The Magical Descendants of Dragons

- The Elemental Descendants of Dragons

- The mythical descendants of the Genie

- The Giant Hunters of Dragons the Goliath

- The Warforged Orc Hordes

- The Slaves of the Dragons Kobolds

- The Tribal Hunting Lizardfolk

- The Underground Guardians Minotaur

- The Greedy and Cunning Ravenfolk

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- The Infernal Demonic Tieflings

- The Tosculi Hivemind

- The Mysterious Vampires

These Races often found themselves in direct conflict or

hiding from the League of Fives exploring forces.

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Chapter Seventeen

600 AE - Lizardfolk/Tosculi War

Long before the League of 5 set foot on the continent of

Mundas, wars between tribes and races occurred. But none were as

intense or longstanding as the wars between the Lizardfolk Tribes

and the Tosculi Hives. This war wasn't so much about petty things

such as land or materials. The Lizardfolk fought for their main

food source, whilst the Tosculi fought for their very survival.

The Tosculi hivemind survived through adaption and learning

military tactics, with perfect long range communication and

coordination. While the lizardfolk fought through geurilla

tactics and ambush plots. It was a race to see which species

could evolve faster.

This evolutionary race was interrupted by the invasion of

the League of 5 into their isolated islands.

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Chapter Eighteen

600 AE - Foreign Races Enslaved and brought to the Eternal City

Due to the League of Five's lack of labour, one of the major

goals of the Age of Exploration and the City of Eternity funding

of the exploration, was slave labour. Due to the comparatively

"Uncivilized" nature of many of the races in Mundas, they were

quickly subdued by the League of Five. Kobolds were taken to the

Undernation Mines, Minotaurs taken as Gladiators, Dragonfolk and

Dragonkin used in the Great Dwarven Forges. All races were put to

use in the City of Eternity or its holdings.

Eventually there were more slaves in the Eternal City than

there were members of the League of Five. And still the cogs of

the Eternal City continued to turn.

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Chapter Nineteen

650 AE - Lizardfolk/Tosculi Alliance against the League of Five

Faced with something that neither the Tosculi nor the

Lizardfolk, they were slaughtered by the Thousands. Hives and

lairs destroyed by invaders, thousands of refugees. A group of

Lizardfolk snuck deep into the largest Tosculi hive. They

appeared before the queen, no weapons, begging for mercy. They

told the queen of what they had seen, the destruction of other

hives. They opened their minds to the Queen, showing the truth.

Out of this sprung an Alliance that would shake the very

foundations of the eternal city. The Tosculi druids created

telepathic stones that allowed the Tosculi Generals to plan with

the geurilla tactics which had defeated so many of them. The

Tosculi Infantry - defeated early by the League of Five - learned

strategy from the invaders, and quickly came to outmanoeuvre

them. Hit and run raids on supply lines and settlements by the
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lizardfolk, mixed with hard hitting battles, quickly beat the

League back off their island.

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Chapter Twenty

650 AE - Slave Revolt

There are few things in life more dangerous than a race of

people kept under the foot for long enough to resent it, and

short enough that they still remember being free. A young Kobold,

being executed for stealing food for his young family, was the

spark that ignited the fire.

Just as he dropped, the Kobolds revolted. Chanting the

slaves name. They released the Minotaur, and spread like

wildfire through the city, releasing every slave they could find.
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Chapter Twenty-One

650 AE - Eternal City Sacked

During their exodus from the Eternal City, the Slaves sacked

every building, of all the weapons, food, and wood they could.

Armed, fed and dangerous, the slaves fled south, to the southern

island. Culosa. Raiding, and freeing slaves as they went.

Eventually they reached the southern island, and decided to

defend themselves. The bottleneck created by the Dread Pass,

combined with the siege engines they found in the fortresses

around the pass, ensured the destruction or capture of any ships

that came close to their base.

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Chapter Twenty-Two

650-700 AE - Slave Wars

The Slave Wars which followed the sacking of the Eternal

City were long and bloody. The Dragonkin blacksmiths forged arms,

while the Dragonborn enchanted them. The skills they had been

taught as slaves were turned against the League of Five. The only

thing in the Leagues favour was superior training and tactics.

Slowly, the Slaves ran out of food, and then slowly they

were being defeated.

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Chapter Twenty-Three

690 AE - War of the Isles

Sensing the threat that the League of Five had to their way

of life, The Tosculi\Lizardfolk Alliance took the battle to the

Isles, liberating the distant tribes of both Tosculi and

Lizardfolk. Their armies grew, light infantry, spies,

infiltrators, skirmishers. The Lizardfolk provided all the

information and support the Tosculi needed. This was the First

large scale war that the League of Five ever lost.

Eventually, the League of Five were out of the isles, and

the Alliance heard about the Slave Wars occurring on the Necari

Continent. They set their sights, seeking to relieve and free the

slaves, and eliminate the League of Five forever.

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Chapter Twenty-Four

695 AE - Relief Comes for the Slaves from the Isles

Just as the Slave Wars were looking their worst for the

slaves, relief came from the Isles. Tosculi and Lizardfolk ships

were spotted on the horizon. Suddenly flames erupted from the

Warships, Lizardfolk emerged from the ocean, followed by the

Tosculi heavy infantry. With renewed zeal, the slaves fought


The League of Five, caught off balance, were quickly

subdued. With food, ships, and new soldiers. Envoys were sent to

the central points of each race, drawing them all into the fray.

The biggest alliance, and army the world has ever seen, rose and

was heading towards the Eternal City.

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Chapter Twenty-Five

700 AE - Slave Wars End In Treaty of Union

The Slave armies surrounded the Eternal City within weeks.

Surrounded and looking for a solution, the leader of the Eternal

City walked out of the gates, alone. He was quickly surrounded

and taken to the generals of the Eternal City. Days passed, the

attacks stopped. Eventually the leader of the Eternal City walked

back through the city gates, leading an honour guard of the

slaves and each of the generals.

They were led to the Central Hall, and inside, they forged

the Treaty of Union. Binding the Eternal City to peace with the

Slave Races, Releasing them all as free citizens, compensating

them, and helping rebuild everything they destroyed. Three

decades later, the generals met again, and with all the

conditions of the Treaty fulfilled, they signed the Pact of

Eternity, binding all their futures together.

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Chapter Twenty-Six

750 AE - Eternal City Expands with New Districts for the New


Following the Treaty of the Union which binds all the races

together in the Treaty of Eternity, the Eternal City started

changing. Slowly, it evolved and expanded itself. The League of

Five funded the additional works that needed to be done. Somehow,

the city started to resemble something entirely new. Parts of the

City were clearly the style of the race that grouped there. While

others became melding pots, and unnatural creations where half-

breeds congregated.
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Chapter Twenty-Seven

900 AE - Darakhul Return to the Undernations

Several thousand years after the end of the Darakhul

Invasion, rumours started spreading about monsters feasting on

raw flesh, and smelling of the earth and slight rot. The sources

of these rumours all were fully covered, and shrouded in shadow.

But before they could be verified the strangers disappeared.

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

1,000 AE - Gearforged Created as New Form of Slave Labour

Working together, the genius creations of the Dwarves,

Kobolds, Gnomes and Dragonborn attained something close to

sentience. The first of the Gearforged was created deep in the

Forges under the Eternal City. The Gearforged were full

mechanical men, controlled by magic they went into mass

production. This magic was crafted by criminals on death row and

life sentences, on the proviso that they will be allowed freedom

after serving their sentence.

Sent down into the mines, serving as builders, and elite

guards. These were the jobs given to the Gearforged.

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

1,500 AE - The Forged Revolt

When the first Gearforged contract was completed, he wasn't

released. Instead after adding on more charges they sent him back

to work. This occurred again and again. The Gearforged couldn't

disobey due to the control restraints and control rods which

prevented them from acting on violent impulses. Somehow one of

the Gearforged didn't have this restraint, and went on a killing

spree, slaughtering all the wizards responsible for making the

Gearforged and all the control rods.

This led to a mass slaughter in the Eternal City. The

Gearforged didnt need rest, food, water, sleep. Virtually

indestructible, they started gathering all the escaped convicts

and turning them into Gearforged.

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Eventually, a truce was signed between the Gearforged and

the League of Five, and they became recognized as a race.

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Chapter Thirty

2,000 AE - Second Darakhul Invasion Begins

The first scouts of the Darakhul nation have returned to the

outskirts of the Undernation. All have been repelled, but a small

group has approached the League of Five. They have promised the

secrets of the Darakhul Empire in return for protection, and the

right to freedom from persecution. A small city of the Darakhul

are currently holding back the tide of the Darakhul Army. With

the support of all the races, it appears as if it will only be a

matter of time until they are overrun, and the Invasion begins in



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