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Torque: When a force F acts on a body, the torque of t = Fl (10.2) Frad 5 F cos f
that force with respect to a point O has a magnitude S S S l 5 r sin f
T r : F (10.3) S
f f 5 lever arm
given by the product of the force magnitude F and the F
lever arm l. More generally, torque is a vector T equal to S
the vector product of r (the position
vector of the point Ftan 5 F sin f O
at which the force acts) and F . (See Example 10.1.) S S S

a tz = Iaz
Rotational dynamics: The rotational analog of (10.7) F F n
Newtons second law says that the net torque acting
on a body equals the product of the bodys moment of x
inertia and its angular acceleration. (See Examples 10.2 M
and 10.3.) Mg

Combined translation and rotation: If a rigid body is K = 12 Mvcm2 + 12 Icm v2 (10.8)

both moving through space and rotating, its motion can
a Fext M a cm
be regarded as translational motion of the center of mass (10.12)
plus rotational motion about an axis through the center vcm 5 0
M v50
a tz = Icm az (10.13) 1
of mass. Thus the kinetic energy is a sum of translational
and rotational kinetic energies. For dynamics, Newtons vcm = Rv (10.11) h v
second law describes the motion of the center of mass, (rolling without slipping)
and the rotational equivalent of Newtons second law 2
describes rotation about the center of mass. In the case of vcm
rolling without slipping, there is a special relationship
between the motion of the center of mass and the rota-
tional motion. (See Examples 10.410.7.)

Work done by a torque: A torque that acts on a rigid u2

body as it rotates does work on that body. The work can W = tz du (10.20)
be expressed as an integral of the torque. The work Lu1 S
energy theorem says that the total rotational work done W = tz1u2 - u12 = tz u (10.21) ds
on a rigid body is equal to the change in rotational (constant torque only) du
kinetic energy. The power, or rate at which the torque Ftan
does work, is the product of the torque and the angular Wtot = 12 Iv22 - 12 Iv12 (10.22)
velocity (See Example 10.8.)
P = tz vz (10.23)

Angular momentum: The angular momentum of a par- L r : p r : mv (10.24) L
ticle with respect to point O is the vector product of the (particle)
particles position vector r relative to O and its momen- S S
tum p mv. When a symmetrical body rotates about a L IV (10.28)
stationary axis of symmetry, its angular momentum is (rigid body rotating
the product of its moment of inertia and its angular about axis of symmetry)
velocity vector V . If the body is not symmetrical or the
rotation 1z2 axis is not an axis of symmetry, the compo-
nent of angular momentum along the rotation axis is
Ivz . (See Example 10.9.)

Rotational dynamics and angular momentum: The net dL
external torque on a system is equal to the rate of aT dt
change of its angular momentum. If the net external
torque on a system is zero, the total angular momentum
of the system is constant (conserved). (See Examples


Conditions for equilibrium: For a rigid body to be in a Fx = 0 a Fy = 0 a Fz = 0

equilibrium, two conditions must be satised. First, the (11.1) T
vector sum of forces must be zero. Second, the sum of S
a T 0 about any point (11.2)
torques about any point must be zero. The torque due to
m1 r1 m2 r2 m3 r3
w E
the weight of a body can be found by assuming the S
r cm
entire weight is concentrated at the center of gravity, m1 + m2 + m3 + y
which is at the same point as the center of mass if g has (11.4) T
the same value at all points. (See Examples 11.111.4.)
Ty Ex

Stress, strain, and Hookes law: Hookes law states that Stress
= Elastic modulus (11.7)
in elastic deformations, stress (force per unit area) is Strain
proportional to strain (fractional deformation). The pro-
portionality constant is called the elastic modulus.

Tensile and compressive stress: Tensile stress is tensile Tensile stress F >A F l 0 Initial
force per unit area, F >A. Tensile strain is fractional Y = = = A state
Tensile strain l>l 0 A l
change in length, l>l 0 . The elastic modulus is called (11.10) l0
Youngs modulus Y. Compressive stress and strain are Dl
dened in the same way. (See Example 11.5.) F' A F'

Bulk stress: Pressure in a uid is force per unit area. F

Bulk stress is pressure change, p, and bulk strain is p = (11.11)
fractional volume change, V>V0 . The elastic modulus Pressure 5 p0 Volume
is called the bulk modulus, B. Compressibility, k, is Bulk stress p
B = = - (11.13)
the reciprocal of bulk modulus: k = 1>B. (See Bulk strain V>V0 F' F'
Example 11.6.)
Pressure 5 p F' F'
5 p0 1 Dp V

Shear stress: Shear stress is force per unit area, F>A, Shear stress F>A F h A
for a force applied tangent to a surface. Shear strain is S = = =
Shear strain x>h A x h state
the displacement x of one side divided by the transverse (11.17) F||
dimension h. The elastic modulus is called the shear x A
modulus, S. (See Example 11.7.)

The limits of Hookes law: The proportional limit is the maximum stress for which stress and strain
are proportional. Beyond the proportional limit, Hookes law is not valid. The elastic limit is the
stress beyond which irreversible deformation occurs. The breaking stress, or ultimate strength, is
the stress at which the material breaks.


Density and pressure: Density is mass per unit volume. m

r = (12.1) Small area dA within fluid at rest
If a mass m of homogeneous material has volume V, its V
density r is the ratio m>V. Specic gravity is the ratio of dF
p = (12.2)
the density of a material to the density of water. (See dA dF
Example 12.1.) dF dA
Pressure is normal force per unit area. Pascals law
states that pressure applied to an enclosed uid is trans-
mitted undiminished to every portion of the uid. Equal normal forces exerted on
both sides by surrounding fluid
Absolute pressure is the total pressure in a uid; gauge
pressure is the difference between absolute pressure and
atmospheric pressure. The SI unit of pressure is the pas-
cal (Pa): 1 Pa = 1 N>m2. (See Example 12.2.)

Pressures in a uid at rest: The pressure difference p2 - p1 = - rg1y2 - y12

Fluid, density r
between points 1 and 2 in a static uid of uniform den- (pressure in a uid (12.5)
sity r (an incompressible uid) is proportional to the of uniform density) p2 5 p0
difference between the elevations y1 and y2 . If the pres- y2 2 y1 5 h
sure at the surface of an incompressible liquid at rest is p = p0 + rgh p1 5 p y2
p0 , then the pressure at a depth h is greater by an (pressure in a uid (12.6) 1 y1
amount rgh. (See Examples 12.3 and 12.4.) of uniform density)

Buoyancy: Archimedess principle states that when a

body is immersed in a uid, the uid exerts an upward
buoyant force on the body equal to the weight of the Fluid element
dF' replaced with
uid that the body displaces. (See Example 12.5.) B solid body of
wbody cg the same size
and shape

Fluid ow: An ideal uid is incompressible and has no A1 v1 = A2 v2 v2

d p2A2
viscosity (no internal friction). A ow line is the path of (continuity equation, (12.10) c
A2 dV
a uid particle; a streamline is a curve tangent at each incompressible uid)
point to the velocity vector at that point. A ow tube is a ds2
tube bounded at its sides by ow lines. In laminar ow, dV
layers of uid slide smoothly past each other. In turbu- = Av
dt Flow
lent ow, there is great disorder and a constantly chang- (volume ow rate) (12.11) v1 b
ing ow pattern. a y2
Conservation of mass in an incompressible uid is p1A1 1
expressed by the continuity equation, which relates the p1 + rgy1 + 12 rv12 = p2 + rgy2 + 12 rv22 ds1
ow speeds v1 and v2 for two cross sections A1 and A2
(Bernoullis equation) (12.17)
in a ow tube. The product Av equals the volume ow
rate, dV>dt, the rate at which volume crosses a section
of the tube. (See Example 12.6.)
Bernoullis equation relates the pressure p, ow speed
v, and elevation y for any two points, assuming steady
ow in an ideal uid. (See Examples 12.712.10.)


Newtons law of gravitation: Any two bodies with Gm 1 m 2 m1 S

Fg = (13.1) Fg (2 on 1)
masses m 1 and m 2 , a distance r apart, attract each other r2
with forces inversely proportional to r 2. These forces S
Fg (1 on 2)
form an actionreaction pair and obey Newtons third r
law. When two or more bodies exert gravitational forces
Fg (1 on 2) 5 Fg (2 on 1) m2
on a particular body, the total gravitational force on that
individual body is the vector sum of the forces exerted
by the other bodies. The gravitational interaction
between spherical mass distributions, such as planets or
stars, is the same as if all the mass of each distribution
were concentrated at the center. (See Examples
13.113.3 and 13.10.)

Gravitational force, weight, and gravitational potential Gm E m Earth, mass mE

energy: The weight w of a body is the total gravitational w = Fg = (13.3) w (N)
RE2 RE 5 6.38 3 106 m
force exerted on it by all other bodies in the universe.
(weight at earths surface) mass m
Near the surface of the earth 1mass m E and radius RE2,
the weight is essentially equal to the gravitational force Gm E
g = (13.4) w 5 Gm E m r 2 /
of the earth alone. The gravitational potential energy U RE2
of two masses m and m E separated by a distance r is (acceleration due to
inversely proportional to r. The potential energy is gravity at earths surface) 0 r (3 106 m)
never positive; it is zero only when the two bodies 0 r 2 RE (3 10 6 m)
are innitely far apart. (See Examples 13.4 and 13.5.) Gm E m
U = - (13.9)

Orbits: When a satellite moves in a circular orbit, the Gm E S

centripetal acceleration is provided by the gravitational v = r
B r
attraction of the earth. Keplers three laws describe the S S
(speed in circular orbit) (13.10) Fg a
more general case: an elliptical orbit of a planet around
the sun or a satellite around a planet. (See Examples v S
a Fg
13.613.9.) 2pr r 2pr 3>2
T = = 2pr = RE
v A Gm E 1Gm E
(period in circular orbit) (13.12) Fg S


Black holes: If a nonrotating spherical mass distri- 2GM

RS =
bution with total mass M has a radius less than its c2
Schwarzschild radius RS , it is called a black hole. (Schwarzschild radius) (13.30) RS
The gravitational interaction prevents anything,
including light, from escaping from within a sphere
with radius RS . (See Example 13.11.) If all of the body is inside its
Schwarzschild radius RS = 2GM c2, /
the body is a black hole.


Periodic motion: Periodic motion is motion that repeats 1 1 x

= T = (14.1)
itself in a denite cycle. It occurs whenever a body has a T
stable equilibrium position and a restoring force that x = 2A x=0 x=A
acts when it is displaced from equilibrium. Period T is 2p x,0 x.0
the time for one cycle. Frequency is the number of v = 2p = (14.2) ax y y y ax
cycles per unit time. Angular frequency v is 2p times n n
the frequency. (See Example 14.1.) x x x
mg mg mg

Simple harmonic motion: If the restoring force Fx in Fx = - kx (14.3) x

periodic motion is directly proportional to the displace- A
Fx k
ment x, the motion is called simple harmonic motion ax = = - x (14.4) O t
(SHM). In many cases this condition is satised if the m m T 2T
displacement from equilibrium is small. The angular 2A
frequency, frequency, and period in SHM do not depend v = (14.10)
on the amplitude, but only on the mass m and force con-
stant k. The displacement, velocity, and acceleration in v 1 k
= = (14.11)
SHM are sinusoidal functions of time; the amplitude A 2p 2p A m
and phase angle f of the oscillation are determined by
the initial position and velocity of the body. (See Exam- 1 m
T = = 2p (14.12)
ples 14.2, 14.3, 14.6, and 14.7.) Ak
x = A cos1vt + f2 (14.13)

Energy in simple harmonic motion: Energy is conserved E = 12 mvx2 + 12 kx 2 = 12 kA2 = constant Energy E5K1U
in SHM. The total energy can be expressed in terms of U
the force constant k and amplitude A. (See Examples (14.21)
14.4 and 14.5.)
2A O A

Angular simple harmonic motion: In angular SHM, the k 1 k Balance wheel Spring
frequency and angular frequency are related to the v = and =
AI 2p A I
moment of inertia I and the torsion constant k. (14.24)
tz u
Spring torque tz opposes
angular displacement u.

Simple pendulum: A simple pendulum consists of a point g

mass m at the end of a massless string of length L. Its v = (14.32)
motion is approximately simple harmonic for suf- L
ciently small amplitude; the angular frequency, fre- v 1 g
= = (14.33)
quency, and period then depend only on g and L, not on 2p 2p A L u
the mass or amplitude. (See Example 14.8.) T
2p 1 L
T = = = 2p (14.34) mg cos u
v Ag mg sin u

Physical pendulum: A physical pendulum is any body mgd O z

suspended from an axis of rotation. The angular fre- v = (14.38)
B I u d
quency and period for small-amplitude oscillations are d sin u
independent of amplitude, but depend on the mass m, I cg
T = 2p (14.39) mg sin u
distance d from the axis of rotation to the center of grav- A mgd
mg cos u
ity, and moment of inertia I about the axis. (See Exam- mg
ples 14.9 and 14.10.)


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