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True if a wheel can be made by using only one hole card.

A wheel is
FourCardsToWheelOnBoard A2345. Restrictions: Post-flop only.
True if the bot has 4 cards in sequence with 1 gap in the hole. For
example this variable is true if the hand is 5689. Restrictions: Can only
FourCardsWith1GapInHand be true in Omaha games.
True if the bot had any overpair on the flop. An overpair is defined as a
pocket pair higher than all the board cards. Restrictions: Turn and River
HadOverpairOnFlop only.
True if the bot had any pair on the Flop, including a pocket pair.
HadPairOnFlop Restrictions: Turn and River only.
True if the bot had any pair on the Turn, including a pocket pair.
HadPairOnTurn Restrictions: River only.
HadTopPairOnFlop True if the bot had top pair on the flop. Restrictions: Turn and River only.
HadTopPairOnTurn True if the bot had top pair on the Turn. Restrictions: River only.
HadTwoPairOnFlop True if the bot had two pair on the flop. Restrictions: Turn and River only.
True if the bot has a straight draw which has at least 10 outs to a
straight. Can also be possible when the bot has a made straight already.
Have10OutStraightDraw Restrictions: Post-flop only. Can only be true in Omaha games.
True if the bot has a straight draw which has at least 12 outs to a
straight. Can also be possible when the bot has a made straight already.
Have12OutStraightDraw Restrictions: Post-flop only. Can only be true in Omaha games.
True if the bot has a straight draw which has at least 16 outs to a
straight. Can also be possible when the bot has a made straight already.
Have16OutStraightDraw Restrictions: Post-flop only. Can only be true in Omaha games.
True if the bot has the 2nd best kicker or the best kicker with the current
board cards (to clarify, this variable is also true when havebestkicker is
true). The 2nd best kicker is defined as the 2nd highest valued card not
currently present on the board. The best kicker is defined as the highest
valued card not currently present on the board. Ace is highest.
Have2ndBestKicker Restrictions: Post-flop only.
True if the bot has a made hand which is 2nd best kicker or better given
the current board cards. The or better part refers to any better hand
values such as a pair, two pair, etc and not just a better kicker.
Have2ndBestKickerOrBetter Restrictions: Post-flop only.
True if the bot has the 2nd highest possible flush with the current board
cards. For Holdem the 2nd highest possible flush could consist of all
cards from the board. Note that 2nd nut flushes could be beaten by a
higher flush, full houses, four of a kind and straight flushes. Restrictions:
Have2ndNutFlush Post-flop only.
True if the bot has a made 2nd nut flush or a 2nd nut flush draw.
Restrictions: Post-flop only. Have2ndNutLow - True if the bot has the
2nd best possible low using the current board cards. Restrictions: Post-
Have2ndNutFlushDraw flop only. Can only be true in Omaha/8 games.
True if the bot has the 2nd nut low draw. If a low is possible then this
variable will be false. This variable is also false for made lows.
Have2ndNutLowDraw Restrictions: Post-flop only. Can only be true in Omaha/8 games.
True if the bot has the 2nd best possible straight using the current board
cards. Note that this may not be the 2nd best hand if a flush or full house
Have2ndNutStraight is possible. Restrictions: Post-flop only.
True if the bot has a hole pair which is between the highest board card
and the 2nd highest card rank on board and therefore is not technically
an overpair to the board. Ace is highest. Pairs on board are only counted
Have2ndOverPair as one rank. Restrictions: Post-flop only.
True if the bot has a hole card that is the same value as the 2nd highest
Have2ndTopPair card on board. Ace is highest. Restrictions: Post-flop only.
True if a straight can be made with the current board cards. Restrictions:
StraightPossible Post-flop only.

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