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Tucks - to push a loose end of a piece of clothing or material into a

particular place or position, especially to make it tidy or comfortable.

Converse The opposite: In the US, you drive on the right-hand side of the road, but
in the UK the converse applies. However, the converse of this theory may also be true.
Sticky - made of or covered with a substance that can stick to
other things.
Earnest - serious and determined, especially too serious and unable to find
your own actions funny.
Beseech - to ask for something in a way that shows you need it very much.
Entreat - to try very hard to persuade someone to do something.

Chunk - a roughly cut piece. Informal a part of something, especially a large part.

Burp - to allow air from the stomach to come out through the mouth in a
noisy way

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