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Tiered – arranged in layers or tiers

2. Plodding - to walk slowly and usually heavily and to develop progress or develop slowly
3. Thatched – to make (a roof) with dried plant material
4. Halted – having a manner of walking that is impaired by a limp: LAME
5. Buxom – of a woman: healthy and attractive with large breasts
6. Perchance – maybe but not definitely
7. Furtive – done in a quit and secret way to avoid being noticed
8. Countenance – the appearance of a person’s face : a person’s expression
9. Embers – a glowing piece of coal or wood from a fire
10. Amiable – friendly and pleasant
11. Broaching – any of various pointed or tapered tools, implements, or parts
12. Sunbeams – a ray of sunlight
13. Flitted – to move or fly quickly from one place or thing to another
14. Chrysalids – to be in the pupa stage, enclosed in a cocoon, before
turning into a butterfly or moth.
15. Devoured – to eat up greedily or ravenously
16. Emaciation – to cause to lose flesh so as to become very thin
17. Strenuous – requiring or using great exertion
18. Lenient – allowing a lot of freedom and not punishing bad behavior
in a strong way : not harsh, severe, or strict
19. Wholly – completely or fully
20. Rummaged – to search for something especially by moving and
looking through the contents of a place
21. Lured – an appealing or attractive quality and a device used for
attracting and catching animals, birds, or especially fish
22. Despondency – the state of being despondent or extremely low in
spirits : Dejection, Hopelessness
23. Exultant – very happy and excited
24. Wistfully – having or showing sad thoughts and feelings about something that you want to
have or do and especially about something that made you happy in the past
25. Tedious – boring and too slow or long

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