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The players can meet at any time throughout the day, but should be together by

the time they speak with Sildar.

The adventure starts in Phandalin, about 20 years after the events of Lost Mine of
Phandalin is currently celebrating Highharvesttide, a festival at the end of the
month of Elient to mark the end of another season of crops. Phandalin itself is a
joint-export city, with the Mining Guild being its primary moneymaker. Nonetheless,
the surrounding areas are ripe for farming, and the farmers are now gathered to
Describe the sights and sensations of the city when the player(s) enter the city. Let
them wander, engage with the citizens, and enjoy the festival. It should be morning
when you begin.
There are two primary attractions for the party. The first is the Pie Contest, which is
dominated by Gundren Rockseeker, the dwarf who discovered Wave Echo Cave in
the LMOP questline. He and his brother, Nundro, have since retired to open a pastry
shop. He is sharing his creations in the town square at midday for all to enjoy. The
second attraction is the Haunted Mansion on the east end of town. This was the
Redbrand hideout until a previous group of adventurers cleared it out and paved the
way for Phandalins economic revival with the opening of Wave Echo Caves mining
Whichever attraction the party does first is unimportant, but after these two events,
SIldar Hallwinter has a task for the party which is meant to segue into the Storm
Kings Thunder campaign. This can be adjusted to meet your campaign, whatever it
may be.

The Festival
As the players look around, the city is buzzing with activity. A group of musicians are
in the square playing festive tunes as couples dance merrily with each other.
Children are laughing and chasing each other, each carrying small sacks,
sometimes dropping pieces of sweets as they run past. An old man is giving
swordsmanship lessons to a young boy as a group of girls stand giggling.
The roads are filled with stalks of corn, and piles of pumpkins scattered outside
buildings. Thin ropes connected to the roofs of buildings line the alleyways, jingling
in the wind as small baubles and bells in a colorful array of greens, reds, and
yellows, creating a happy air of festivity.
As the party walks down the road, a shout can be heard behind them Coming
through, make way! Two men are running side by side, rolling wheelbarrows of
stone and ore down the road. One of them barely misses one of the players as he
passes, a crowd of people is quickly following them to see who will be first to the
end. Youve got this Todd, show him what youre made of! Give it to him Gunder,
put your weight into it people shout in laughter. One of the men loses his grip on
his wheelbarrow as the contents spill onto the road. He swears loudly, kicking the
wheelbarrow, then grabbing his foot in pain. The other man rushes past a small post
with a flag as the crowd erupts in cheers.
One large building with a thatched roof adorned with a brass bell stands at the edge
of the town square. A posting board stands at the bottom of the steps leading up.
The board has been covered with hastily drawn images of scarecrows and
werewolves gnawing on small dismembered legs with bold lettering HARVEST
HIGHHARVESTTIDE with an image of a pickaxe breaking into the crust of a warm
If the party goes to the Mansion before midday, the pie contest is starting when they return.

1. Haunted Mansion
For this attraction, use the map provided with LMOP for the Redbrand hideout. Some
small adjustments have been made that are noted in this description.
The old Redbrand hideout has been converted to a haunted mansion for the
Highharvesttide celebration. The entrance to the mansion is decorated with jack-o-
lanterns, and a townsperson is posted outside with a small bucket filled with
coppers. 1 copper for entry into the haunted mansion. Be warned, what you are
about to see can be quite frightful.
Leading into Area 1, a character can see bones and tattered clothes are lying on the
ground, with lit torches on wall sconces making eerie shadows in the room. The
water pool has been dyed a dark red to give off the impression of blood. Barrels and
crates block the secret passageway in the southwest corner, but a DC15 Wisdom
(Investigation) check can reveal the crack in the wall where the door opens. The
door to Area 2 is closed, and squeaks can be heard behind it. If a character opens
the door, three rats immediately screech and run past, darting up the stairs and
past Area 3.
Leading into Area 3, the doors at the end of the hall are wide open, with red streaks
painted on the walls, and hand prints are clearly spattered on the doors. The
creaking and clattering of chains and cell doors can be heard down one of the halls,
and a sense of uneasiness can be felt, like being watched.
If a character follows the sound of the chains, they pass the old skeleton guard
room, the coffins still intact but the skeletons are long gone. The smell of musty
decay fills the room, and dust and webs covers the coffins. Past this room is the
prison room, but the door is locked. Light groaning can be heard behind the door. A
DC10 Dexterity (Lockpicking) check using thieves tools can open the door to reveal
two townspeople staring at you, one with chains in his hands. They are merely hired
hands for the haunted mansion and are simply adding sound effects for guests. Do
not pay mind to the man behind the chains one says, as he slowly closes the door.
The door to Area 6 is locked, but a DC15 Dexterity (Lockpicking) check using
thieves tools can open it to reveal two sets of redbrand cloaks, along with a pair of
mummy and hobgoblin masks.
The secret door to Area 7 has been set slightly ajar, and the sound of clattering can
be heard in the distance. Following that passage, a character can make a DC10
Wisdom (Perception) check to hear metallic clattering and something crunching in
the dark crevasse south of area 7. Upon leaving area 7, the character hears
Hehehehehe another friend come to visit Thing? If the character investigates
further, she can see a chained creature at the bottom of the crevasse, with bones
scattered around it. Unless the character jumps down, it is too dark to see anything
else. Come down here friend, you look tast--- er friendly! Come play a game with
Thing! The north bridge leading across the crevasse is intact, but the south bridge
has been completely removed. A sign has been posted at the east side of the bridge
THE THING UNDER YOUR BED When the character crosses the bridge, she can
hear Thing in her mind say, See you tonight, friendhehehe
The western ridge at the end of the bridge is blocked off by a makeshift wall that
connects to the stone pillar on the LMOP map. There is a pile of rubble surrounding
it, which can be used to climb over the wall, putting the character in a constructed
tunnel connecting the stairs leading west and the tunnel leading south outside. A
character can make a DC15 Strength (Acrobatics) to climb the rubble and the wall to
the other side, but a failure causes a small rockslide, pushing her into the crevasse
with Thing. When Thing sees the character near him, he will lash out with his bite
attack, but unless the character is within 5ft, the chains restrain Things attack.
Come a little closer, let me tell you a secret, friend he says. A small ladder has
been constructed into the south side of the crevasse wall, providing easy access
out, leading back to the east side.
If the players decide to attack Thing, use the Nothic stats in the Monster Manual or
LMOP book. Thing has been tamed and made a deal with Sildar to live here in
exchange for daily food. He will not attack unless attacked first.
Returning to the west side, the character will hopefully choose to follow the path
down the north staircase. At the bottom of the staircase, the south door to Area 10
is open, revealing a dark, room filled with animal heads on the walls, a large stuffed
bear standing in the southwest corner with its claws raised, and a Hobgoblin in
leather armor snarling on the east side. A DC15 Wisdom (Perception) check can
reveal the hobgoblin appears to be shifting slightly.
The north door to Area 11 is closed, but unlocked. Upon a player opening the door,
two townspersons in mummy costumes turn to the character. They immediately yell
and begin to chase the character into Area 10. If the characters decide to instead
fight the mummies, the townspersons have 10 AC and 6 hit points. They will not
attack, but will take the dodge action and stay away from the players. Taking more
than 50% damage will cause the townspersons to rip off the mask and tell the party
to stop hurting them. Killing a townsperson, obviously, will have serious
If the characters are chased into Area 10 by the mummies, they must make a DC5
Dexterity saving throw as the disguised hobgoblin yells out and attempts to grab
the closest party member. The townsperson is not trying to hurt them, but a low
enough saving throw will cause him to grab their wrist and snarl at her. An easy tug
will cause him to let go, only scaring the party as they run out the door.
As the party leaves the hobgoblin room, the door to Area 9 is open and the party
can hear a soft sobbing inside. A child is hiding under one of the beds, frightened by
the mansions creatures. He was separated from his mother, who is waiting outside.
A player can make a DC10 Charisma (Persuasion) check to convince the child to
come with the party, otherwise he will stay hiding under the bed. Offering the child
a sweet from the festival will also bring him out to join the party.
Following the staircase north, a makeshift wall has been constructed, blocking view
of Area 8 and the crevasse. This is the wall that can be climbed from Area 8. The
constructed tunnel connects to the tunnel leading outside, and a sign reading
EXIT is nailed into the wall.
If a player escorts the child outside, his mother is waiting at the exit and is
thankful. She gives a silver coin to the player bringing the child out, and says it is
good for a free Rockseeker pie. The coin has the face of a dwarf on it (Gundred
A townsperson points the party toward the direction of the road, which leads back to
the square.

2. Pie Contest
If the party went through the haunted mansion before lunch, the contest is starting
when they return to the square. As they are coming back to town, people are
hurrying over to see the various pies, and to get a glimpse of Gundren, the old
dwarf piemaker. He is a stout dwarf, with graying hair and a missing leg.
When he sees the party getting near, he calls out to them Gather round, gather
round, get a good look at my fresh baked pies! These delicious things will put you to
sleep faster than warm milk on a winters eve! In front of him are three huge pies,
each one the size of a wagon wheel. He points to the one on your left, which bears
the image of a pumpkin carved beautifully into the crust. This one I made
especially for Master Hallwinter, he fancies pumpkin pie so I took upmost care
perfecting the flavors. He points to the center pie and waves his hands over it as
the sharp scent of cinnamon hits your nostrils. This cinnamon apple is a favorite
among the kids, might be a little too sweet for the likes of you though hahaha. He
motions to the third pie on the end, as a hearty aroma floods the air. This is a true
dwarven pie, I call it the Triboar Special. Its filled with dark, delicious gravy,
potatoes, and only the fattest boar this side of the Sword Mountains. My brother
Nundro created the recipe after he retired from the Mine.
After he finishes his description, he gives a sample to each of the players,
depending on their choice. If the players give him the coin received for bringing the
child out of the mansion, he gives a smaller pie of their choice that can serve 4
At this point, Sildar Hallwinter comes to the stall, embracing Gundren and breathing
in the aromas of each pie. Youve outdone yourself again, friend! You fare much
better in the kitchen than in a mine HAHA! And who might you be? Travelers visiting
our beautiful city just in time for festivities? Welcome to Phandalin, I am the city
Regent and Knight of the Lords Alliance, Sildar Hallwinter. If any of the players
mention they are members of the Lords Alliance, he slaps them on their back,
Good to see another fellow member! Perhaps we may share a battlefield
If the players introduce themselves as travelers or visitors, Sildar tells them to visit
his office after theyve had their fill of the festival. He then takes a heaping portion
of the pumpkin pie and retreats into the crowd.

3. Sildars Task Hook into Storm Kings Thunder

Once the party has engaged with the townspeople and enjoyed the festival,
have them make their way to Sildars office, which is located in the building with the
posting board. Sildar is at the front desk sorting paperwork when the party enters.
Ah! I hope youve enjoyed Highharvesttide today! That mansion is quite the
fright, isnt it? That old creature in the hole used to be part of a small gang, but we
managed to tame him and include him in the fun, for a far wage of course! Haha!
Now, on to business. He reaches behind the desk and pulls a letter sealed with a
wax image of a crown. When I first saw you, you lot reminded me of another group
of fierce women I encountered many years ago. You give off the same aura of
confidence and I see you come well-equipped for travel. So I have a request of you.
My friend in Nightstone is in need of an escort, and asked me for assistance.
Unfortunately I must stay here in Phandalin for some political discussions. I know
you may think being an escort is paltry work, but believe me when I say, this is no
simple task. My friend is Lady Velrosa, a noblewoman of Nightstone and wife to Lord
Nandar. She needs to pass through the Ardeep Forest, a land owned by the wood
elves. Lord and Lady Nandar are not on the greatest of terms with the wood elves,
and as such need protection when moving through the Forest. If you can provide her
with protection, I ask that you meet Captain Conant at the Nightstone gate and give
him this letter. It bears the crest of the Lords Alliance, he will trust its validity and
my judgment in your abilities. She leaves within a fortnight, so please make haste
when you are ready.
If the players accept this mission, start the level 1-5 adventure in Storm
Kings Thunder. If you do not wish to play this campaign, let the characters meet
Lady Velrosa and create a quest that works for your party.

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