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Time Prepositions

Multiple Choice Exercise

Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
1. Jane is arriving January 26 2 o'clock the


2. It snows here every year December. We always go outside and

play in the snow Christmas day.

3. Michael is leaving Friday noon.

4. Frankie started working for her law firm 1995.

5. Franklin began working on the project yesterday.

6. Normally, New Year's Eve, it's tradition to kiss the one you love


7 Don't be ridiculous; there were no telephones the seventeenth

century! The telephone was invented the 1870s.

8. The plane leaves tomorrow morning 8:00 AM.

9. The hills here are covered with wildflowers early spring.

10. We met at the restaurant 6:30 and stayed 10:30.


Time Prepositions 2
Multiple Choice Exercise
Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
1. She always gets up early the morning, so she can make it to class


2. I was sick, so I didn't go to work last Thursday, but I did go to work


3. Mary stopped talking the middle of her story, and suddenly started

to cry. I think we were all crying the time she finished telling us what
had happened.

4. Late night, you can here coyotes howling in the distance.

5. Just wait a second, I'll be there a minute.

6. I need to give my parents a call. I haven't talked to them over a


7. Barbara is going to start her new job next September..

8. The professor said the first day of the course that there would be

a big final test the end of the semester.

9. I have been sitting here more than an hour. If they don't arrive

the next ten minutes, I'm leaving.

10. We were really worried first because the banks were closed

Saturdays, so we couldn't exchange money. But the

end, everything worked out because we were able to exchange money at the


Location Prepositions
Multiple Choice Exercise
Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
1. We have DSL Internet access work, but I don't have a high-speed

connection home.

2. The kids are learning about the Civil War their history class


3. Toby was the hospital for two weeks after his motorcycle accident

the freeway.

4. Jane and Debbie saw dolphins the ocean while they were having a

picnic the beach.

5. Fred loves to go camping the desert, but Kyle prefers to camp

the mountains.

6. The conference was held a ski resort Telluride, a small

town southwest Colorado.

7. You can buy stamps the post office Delancy Street.

8. The old man who was standing the corner yelled at the kids who

were playing the street.

9. While they were hiking Ridgeback Mountain, Laurelle and Frank saw

a bear the woods.

10. They have a small house a lake in the countryside. When I visit

them, I always love to sit the shore and watch the kids swimming

the lake. > Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs > Location Prepositions 2

Location Prepositions 2
Multiple Choice Exercise
Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
1. You can buy your rail passes the ticket counter any train

station the country.

2. The brown bears found Kodiak Island are the largest the


3. There is no life the moon, but there are many forms of life

the ocean floor.

4. She bought her wedding dress an exclusive shop Fifth


5. Nathan was able to exchange money the exchange counter

the airport.

6. If you want anything to eat, there is a freshly baked chocolate cake

the table the kitchen and plenty of food the refrigerator.

7. While Shirley was in Tacy's department store the mall, she ran into

Evan and Lea the furniture department.

8. While Dave was the top of the Eiffel Tower, he could see several

tourist boats the Seine, the river that runs through Paris.

9. I stood line for thirty minutes the ticket window

the movie theater to get tickets for the film.

10. Mike was sitting his desk his office work when

Bill called; Bill was Asia on business.

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Direction Prepositions
Multiple Choice Exercise
Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
1. Donna went the store, but I don't think she found what she was

looking for because she came back almost immediately.

2. As Samantha was climbing the swimming pool, she slipped and

fell back .

3. The post office is just the street on the left near the hospital.

4. Lily had problems climbing back the tree house because she

had injured her ankle as she was climbing .

5. She didn't have any difficulty pulling the parking space, but as

she was backing , she scratched the car parked next to her.

6. Although you can take an elevator the top of the Eiffel Tower, we

decided to walk . I was exhausted by the time we got to the top.

7. When Mrs. Sims saw the kids playing on the roof she screamed, "You kids had

better come there, right now!"

8. You can go now; Dr. Wilson is ready to see you.

9. Our customer service center will help you solve that problem. Just walk

the hall and take the elevator the second floor.

10. Just as Debbie was stepping the elevator, she realized she was

on the wrong floor, so she quickly jumped back before the doors


Direction Prepositions 2
Multiple Choice Exercise
Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
1. While they were hiking the forest, Laurelle and Frank saw a

mountain lion.

2. We walked the river looking for a way to get it, but

there was no bridge.

3. When the kids saw the snake in the grass, they started running

screaming hysterically.

4. The train passed nine tunnels on the way to Denver.

5. They strolled the beach watching the sunset.

6. The plane flew the Grand Canyon on the way to Los Angeles.

7. Several animals, including emus, ran the road in front of the car

as they were driving the outback of Australia.

8. They walked the building twice looking for the entrance.

9. The cruise ship passed the Golden Gate Bridge as it was leaving

San Francisco.

10. His dog is always trying to escape from the backyard. Sometimes he

manages to jump the fence, and sometimes he digs a hole and

crawls it.

Position Prepositions
Multiple Choice Exercise
Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
1. The computer printer is the table the computer.

2. Shawn and Noel stood the tree waiting for the rain to stop.

3. I didn't see the mailbox even though I was standing right it.

4. Everybody was already sitting the table waiting for dinner to be


5. Every evening, the dog sits the dinner table begging for food.

7. Debra was sitting the computer surfing the Internet.

8. I asked the woman standing me on the bus where I should get

9. My car keys were the desk, but I couldn't see them because they
were a magazine.

10. When I went to buy the concert tickets, there was nobody the
ticket sales window.

Mixed Prepositions 1
Complete the text below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
Suddenly Uncle Henry stood .

"There's a cyclone coming, Em," he called his wife. "I'll go look after the

stock." Then he ran toward the sheds where the cows and horses were kept.

Aunt Em dropped her work and came the door. One glance told her of

the danger close hand.

"Quick, Dorothy!" she screamed. "Run for the cellar!"

Toto jumped of Dorothy's arms and hid under the bed, and the girl

started to get him. Aunt Em, badly frightened, threw open the trap door

the floor and climbed down the ladder the small, dark hole. Dorothy
caught Toto last and started to follow her aunt. When she was halfway

across the room there came a great shriek the wind, and the house

shook so hard that she lost her footing and sat down suddenly the floor.

An excerpt from "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" by L. Frank Baum

Position Prepositions 2
Multiple Choice Exercise
Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
1. Her wallet wasn't her purse; it was her coat


2. Tony had an ink stain his coat pocket.

3. Philip waited the movie theater for Simone, so they could buy

tickets and go in together.

4. While Sam was talking to the bank teller, the woman him in

line kept sighing impatiently.

5. There was a sign the restaurant saying that it was closed for


6. His grandfather, who had passed away years before, was the

painting which was hanging the wall.

7. Shelly didn't see Bobby because he was hiding the couch.

8. Frank had his passport his hand as he boarded the plane.

9. There is an electrical outlet the desk. Can you help me move

the desk, so I can plug in the computer?

10. The kids were sitting the floor the TV when

Barbara came home.

Mixed Prepositions 1
Complete the text below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
Suddenly Uncle Henry stood .
"There's a cyclone coming, Em," he called his wife. "I'll go look after the
stock." Then he ran toward the sheds where the cows and horses were kept.

Aunt Em dropped her work and came the door. One glance told her of
the danger close hand.

"Quick, Dorothy!" she screamed. "Run for the cellar!"

Toto jumped of Dorothy's arms and hid under the bed, and the girl
started to get him. Aunt Em, badly frightened, threw open the trap door
the floor and climbed down the ladder the small, dark hole. Dorothy
caught Toto last and started to follow her aunt. When she was halfway
across the room there came a great shriek the wind, and the house
shook so hard that she lost her footing and sat down suddenly the floor.

Mixed Prepositions 2
Complete the text below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.

January 9, 1995

We took a morning bus Arusha, and after checking a very

simple hotel, started our search for a safari company. We went to Sunny Safaris,

but nothing seems to be going soon. Next, we went to Cheetah Safaris. They

have a safari going Tuesday. It sounds like a good deal $65 a

day; we didn't want to search forever, so we chose them. While walking around
town this afternoon, we met Joan and Per from Lamu. They introduced us

Senara who will be taking the Safari us tomorrow. Later, we

had dinner a less than exiting restaurant.

January 10, 1995

Our first day of safari! Uh, oh! Unfortunately, we had a late start after trying to get

some cash for Reiner and Walter. On the way the park, our driver John

first stopped two gas stations, and then we went to his house to pick

some clothes. We didn't get Lake Manyara until after one

o'clock. Can you believe John actually suggested stopping a restaurant

before going the park? We all said, "No way!"

An excerpt from "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" by L. Frank Baum

Mixed Prepositions 3
Complete the text below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
Bigfoot, also known Sasquatch, is an alleged ape-like animal said to

inhabit the remote forested areas of much North America, with many

of the sightings occurring the Pacific northwest of the United States

and British Columbia, Canada. Bigfoot is sometimes described a

large, bipedal hairy hominoid creature, and many believe that this animal, or its

close relatives, may be found the world under different regional

names, such as the Yeti of Tibet and Nepal. Bigfoot is also one of the more

famous examples of cryptozoology, a subject that has been dismissed

pseudoscience by mainstream researchers. It is because of that in

addition unreliable eyewitness accounts and a lack

physical evidence that very few scientists accept the likelihood

Bigfoot's existence. Most who have expressed an opinion consider the stories of

Bigfoot to be a combination unsubstantiated folklore and hoaxes.


Mixed Prepositions 4
Complete the text below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
Turkey is a Eurasian country that stretches the Anatolian peninsula

in southwestern Asia and the Balkan region of southeastern Europe. The region

comprising modern Turkey has seen the birth major civilizations

including the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires. Owing its strategic

location the intersection of two continents, Turkey's culture is a

unique blend Eastern and Western tradition, often described as a

bridge the two civilizations. Turkey is a democratic, secular, unitary,

constitutional republic whose political system was established in 1923

the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatrk following the fall of the

Ottoman Empire the aftermath of World War I. Since then, Turkey

has increasingly integrated with the West while continuing to foster relations with

the Eastern world. It is a founding member the United Nations, the

Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Organization for Economic Co-

operation and Development and the Organization for Security and Co-operation

in Europe, a member state of the Council of Europe 1949 and of

NATO 1952.

Mixed Prepositions 5
Complete the text below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
Ruth Handler, an American businesswoman, watched her daughter Barbara at

play paper dolls, and noticed that she often enjoyed giving them adult

roles. At the time, most children's toy dolls were representations of infants.

Realizing that there could be a gap the market, she suggested the idea

of an adult-bodied doll her husband Elliot, a co-founder the

Mattel toy company. He was unenthusiastic about the idea, as were Mattel's

directors. But during a trip Germany 1956 with her children

Barbara and Kenneth, Ruth Handler discovered a German doll called the Bild Lilli

doll a shop window. The adult-figured Lilli doll was exactly what

Handler had mind, so she purchased three of them. She gave one

her daughter and took the others back Mattel. The Lilli doll

was based a popular character appearing in a comic strip of a German

newspaper. Lilli was a working girl who knew what she wanted and was not

above using men to get it. The Lilli doll was first sold Germany

1955, and although it was initially sold to adults, it became popular

children who enjoyed dressing her up in outfits that were available

separately. On her return the United States, Handler reworked the

design of the doll and it was given a new name, Barbie, after Handler's daughter

Barbara. The doll made its debut at the American International Toy Fair in New

York March 9, 1959. This date is also used as Barbie's official birthday.


Mixed Prepositions 6
Complete the text below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
Long before any recorded human history in Yellowstone National Park, a massive

volcanic eruption spewed an immense volume ash that covered all of

the western U.S., much the Midwest, northern Mexico and some areas

of the eastern Pacific Coast. The eruption dwarfed that of Mt. St. Helens

1980 and left a huge caldera. Yellowstone typically erupts every

600,000 900,000 years with the last event occurring 640,000 years

ago. Its eruptions are among the largest known to have ever occurred

Earth, producing drastic climate change the aftermath. The park was

named the yellow rocks seen the Grand Canyon of the

Yellowstone - a deep gash in the Yellowstone Plateau that was formed

floods during previous ice ages and river erosion from the Yellowstone



Mixed Prepositions 7
Complete the text below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table, all made solid

glass; there was nothing it except a tiny golden key, and Alice's first

thought was that it might belong one of the doors of the hall; but, alas!

either the locks were too large, or the key was too small, but any rate it

would not open any them. However, on the second time round, she

came upon a low curtain she had not noticed before, and behind it was a little

door about fifteen inches high: she tried the little golden key in the lock, and

her great delight it fitted!

Alice opened the door and found that it led a small passage, not much

larger than a rat-hole: she knelt down and looked along the passage
the loveliest garden you ever saw. How she longed to get of that dark

hall, and wander about those beds of bright flowers and those cool

fountains, but she could not even get her head through the doorway; 'and even if

my head would go through,' thought poor Alice, 'it would be very little

use without my shoulders.'

An excerpt from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll

Mixed Prepositions 8
Complete the text below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
I went down even into the vaults, where the dim light struggled, although to do so

was a dread my very soul. Into two of these I went, but saw nothing

except fragments old coffins and piles of dust. In the third, however, I

made a discovery.

There, in one of the great boxes, of which there were fifty in all, a pile

of newly dug earth, lay the Count! He was either dead or asleep. I could not say

which, for eyes were open and stony, but without the glassiness of death, and the

cheeks had the warmth of life through all their pallor. The lips were as red as

ever. But there was no sign movement, no pulse, no breath, no beating

the heart.

I bent over him, and tried to find any sign of life, but vain. He could not

have lain there long, for the earthy smell would have passed away a

few hours. By the side of the box was its cover, pierced with holes here and

there. I thought he might have the keys him, but when I went to search

I saw the dead eyes, and in them dead though they were, such a look

hate, though unconscious of me or my presence, that I fled the place,

and leaving the Count's room by the window, crawled again up the castle wall.

Regaining my room, I threw myself panting upon the bed and tried to think.

An excerpt from "Dracula" by Bram Stoker

Mixed Prepositions 9
Complete the text below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.

This pizza is made no toppings other than salt and oil and is served as

a snack.

Preheat oven 500F.

Whisk together hot water and 1/2 a teaspoon of kosher salt until most of the salt

is dissolved, then whisk one tablespoon of oil.

Coat the dough lightly flour, then stretch it a floured surface

into a 13- by 9-inch rectangle. Transfer the dough an oiled baking pan,

stretching the dough to cover the bottom of the pan. Dimple the dough

pressing your fingertips all over, then brush the oil mixture.

Bake the pizza a pan on the bottom rack of the oven until it is golden

brown top and bottom, about 10 to 12 minutes. Transfer the pizza

a rack, then brush it with the remaining oil and sprinkle it with the

remaining kosher salt. Serve the pizza warm, torn pieces.

Makes 4 servings.
Mixed Prepositions 10
Complete the text below by choosing the correct prepositions, then press
"Check" to check your answers.
His wife had always spoiled him outrageously. No doubt of that. Take,

example, the matter of the pillows merely. Old man Minick slept high. That is, he

thought he slept high. He liked two plump pillows his side of the great,

wide, old-fashioned cherry bed. He would sink them with a vast

grunting and sighing and puffing expressive of nerves and muscles relaxed and

gratified. But the morning there was always one pillow the

floor. He had thrown it there. Always, the morning, there it lay, its plump

white cheek turned reproachfully at him from the side of the bed. Ma

Minick knew this, naturally, after forty years of the cherry bed. But she never

begrudged him that extra pillow. Each morning, when she arose, she picked it

on her way to shut the window. Each morning the bed was made

with two pillows his side of it, as usual.

An excerpt from "Gigolo" by Edna Ferber

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