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To Whom it May Concern,

My name is Jazlyne Camacho. I am a senior at First Colonial High School attending the Legal
Studies Academy. As part of my time here, I am conducting a senior project event called Pretty
Hurts, a cosmetic fair event that will be overviewing cosmetic products, such as makeup, body
soap, and other typical bodycare products. Within the event, there will be optional makeovers
using cruelty-free and/or vegan products. It should be known to both the parent/guardian and
your child, that there is always going to be the possibility of having an allergic reaction to certain
ingredients regardless of the natural ingredients some may use.
The form attached is a waiver/permission slip that gives release for your child to receive a
makeover your child will NOT be able to receive a makeover without this form being filled
out WITH parent permission regardless if your child wishes to have a makeover. There will also
be somewhat graphic information regarding the testing of animals that some may find upsetting.
This form will allow your child to attend the event. Your child will NOT be able to attend this
event without parent/guardian permission. The form will also allow me to take photo/video of
your child at the event for project documentation purposes only. However, if your child does not
have permission for photo/video documentation, your request will be followed and your child
will not have photos/videos taken of them.
If you have any question or concerns please dont hesitate to contact me for any information.


Jazlyne Camacho
Legal Studies Academy
First Colonial High School

Phone: (757) 287-8958
Permission/Waiver Form

I, ________________________________, understand that by participating in this event, that
Jazlyne Camacho is not to be held responsible for possible allergic reactions to any of the
makeup products in use, should I choose to receive a makeover. I also give her permission to
film, record, and/or take photos of me during this event. I understand that this event might cut
into class time, therefore I must be responsible for any work missed during that time period.
Student name Printed:
Student Signature: ______________________________________________
Date: _______________________
___ I DO choose to have a makeover
___ I DO NOT wish to have a makeover
___ I DO give permission for my photo/video to be taken
___ I DO NOT give permission for my photo/video to be taken

I give my son/daughter/child, _____________________________________, permission to
participate in Jazlyne Camachos Senior Project and understand that she will not be held
responsible for possible allergic reactions to any of the makeup products in use, should my child
choose to receive a makeover. I also give her permission to take film, record, and/or take photos
of my child during this event.
Parent/Guardian name Printed:
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________
Date: _____________________
___I DO allow my child to receive a makeover
___I DO NOT allow my child to receive a makeover
___I DO give permission for my childs photo/video to be taken
___I DO NOT give permission for my childs photo/video to be taken

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