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UTHM Youth Club had its committee meeting on 7th November 2016. You are the secretary
of the club. Based on the dialogue below, write out the COMPLETE MINUTES of this meeting in
the space provided. Include relevant details where necessary.

Syed Ali : Good morning, everyone. Lets start the meeting. First of all, Id like to introduce
Mr Andrew who recently joined our club.
Andrew : Thank you for having me. Im looking forward to todays meeting.
Syed Ali : Is everyone present today?
Nazaha : Im afraid Rosli Yunus cant be with us today. He is in Malacca attending a
Syed Ali : O.K. Id like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting. Are there
any amendments?
Nurul : Yes The number of participants who attended the seminar in Bangi was 37 and
Ain not 47, Mr Chairman.
Nazaha : Sorry about that. I will amend it.
Syed Ali : Any other amendments?
Fatin : No.
Syed Ali : All right. Can someone propose that the minutes be passed?
Fatin : I propose that the minutes be passed.
Umi : I second that.
Syed Ali : Thank you. Lets move on to the next item on the agenda. Nurul, how is the
expedition to Gunung Ledang coming along?
Nurul : So far, we have received letters from five companies who have agreed to be our
sponsors. I think we have achieved our target. As discussed in the previous
meeting, we only need four sponsors for this event to be a success.
Syed Ali : Good job, Nurul. Shall we get down to business? Our main aim today is to discuss
our major activity this semester Camp Fire 2016. Kristy has kindly agreed to
give us a report on that matter.
Kristy : The Cherating Beach Resort has agreed to provide us with the accommodation
for the event which will be held on 23rd December 2016. Each participant will be
charged RM 40.
Syed Ali : Thats great news, Kristy. So, how many members are attending the Camp Fire?
Kristy : So far, we have 40 members who have agreed to participate. That will be just nice
because the bus can only accommodate 44 passengers.
Syed Ali : What activity could we have during the camp fire?
Umi : Mr Chairperson, I would like to propose that we have a short sketch.
Hatta : Yes, I second the motion. That sounds interesting.
Syed Ali : Any objections? No? O.K. Since there are no objections, we will have a sketch.
Fatin : I would like to volunteer to handle that activity.
Syed Ali : Thank you Fatin. Im sure you will do a great job. Right, it looks as though weve
covered the main points. Is there any other business to discuss?
Hatta : Mr Chairperson, can we have the vending machine in the lobby replaced? It has
not been working for quite sometime.
Andrew : Andrew, can you please take care of this?
Andrew : Yes, of course.
Syed Ali : Thank you. Can we now fix the date of the next meeting? How does 14th
November 2016 sound to everyone? Lets have the meeting in Dedaru Meeting
Room, at the same time, 10 a.m. Is that ok with everyone? Excellent. Thank you
all for attending this meeting. The meeting is adjourned.

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