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The main objective of this activity is to make the participants to be

relaxed and how to manage the stress by meditation.

Materials Needed:

Papers and pen

Activity Proper:

Ice Breaker: Crush your stress

Time Needed: 3 Minutes


Take the paper and write down the things which causes you
stress and think it as the real stress of it and crush it.

Main Activity: Meditation (Yoga)

Time Needed: 10 Minutes


1. Ask the participants to sit comfortably in the floor with the

enough space between each other.
2. The participants to sit as the cross legs and ask them to keep their
right hand over the left hand and close their eyes and take deep
breath and focus in the exhalation and inhalation for 10 minutes.
3. You should not think of any other things.
4. They are asked to do the surya namaskar (which the prayer
towards the Sun) which is basic steps in Yoga and it will make
them relaxed.

Processing Questions:

How do you feel after the meditation?

Do you feel relaxed and out of stress, will you did the meditation before?
How the meditation made you to relax you from the stress?
You should learn to forgot the problems and enjoy the time. Take a deep
breath and relax for a minute and everything will be normal and keep you off
from the stress.

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