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Ruby Valdovinos

March 1, 2017
Art 133
Unit Paper 3

In We Need Mind, chapter five talks about stories. People remember stories not facts,

people tend to be able to connect to others though personal stories because there is that

personal connection of listening to each other stories and being proud of who we are and

the deeper understanding of our own stories. According to Roger C. Shank, Story is just

as integral to the human experience as design (as cited in Pink, 2006. P.102). Students

who come from a low income, community that experience low-quality education, low

paying jobs, housing problems are more likely to need more help and attention because

they are the most vulnerable students. It is important to meet those students needs

(Eldridge, 2012).

The first studio gave us the chance to tell our stories through the empathy braid.

Connecting and adding meaning and creativity was really emotional to me, I enjoyed

having others looking at my piece and enjoyed giving and receiving ideas on what to add.

By sharing and observing at other empathy braids, I felt like f understood the person

more than I did before. What I loved the most about this, was not just hanging them in the

lights but putting it up with the help of other students. Made me feel like I was able to

show more meaning behind it with the lights. In the second studio, I enjoyed it but found

difficulty coming out with something. I would probable give students the idea, them to

create and put together.

Eldgrige, L. A (2012). The ethic of caring holistically for art students: Esmeraldas
boutique. In L. H. Campbell & S. Simmon III (Eds.), The heart of education: Holistic
approaches (pp. 287-296) . Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.
Pink, D. (2006). A whole new mind: Why right brainers will rule the future. New York,
NY: The Berkeley Group.

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