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Part 1


Wound Healing
Vivek Shetty, DDS, Dr.Med.Dent.
Charles N. Bertolami, DDS, D.Med.Sc.

The healing wound is an overt expression sue, then repair has occurred. Repair by closed primarily with sutures or other
of an intricate and tightly choreographed scarring is the bodys version of a spot means and healing proceeds rapidly with
sequence of cellular and biochemical weld and the replacement tissue is coarse no dehiscence and minimal scar forma-
responses directed toward restoring tissue and has a lower cellular content than tion. If conditions are less favorable,
integrity and functional capacity following native tissue. With the exception of bone wound healing is more complicated and
injury. Although healing culminates and liver, tissue disruption invariably occurs through a protracted filling of the
uneventfully in most instances, a variety of results in repair rather than regeneration. tissue defect with granulation and connec-
intrinsic and extrinsic factors can impede At the cellular level the rate and quali- tive tissue. This process is called healing by
or facilitate the process. Understanding ty of tissue healing depends on whether second intention and is commonly associ-
wound healing at multiple levelsbio- the constitutive cells are labile, stable, or ated with avulsive injury, local infection,
chemical, physiologic, cellular, and molec- permanent. Labile cells, including the ker- or inadequate closure of the wound. For
ularprovides the surgeon with a frame- atinocytes of the epidermis and epithelial more complex wounds, the surgeon may
work for basing clinical decisions aimed at cells of the oral mucosa, divide throughout attempt healing by third intention
optimizing the healing response. Equally their life span. Stable cells such as fi- through a staged procedure that combines
important it allows the surgeon to critical- broblasts exhibit a low rate of duplication secondary healing with delayed primary
ly appraise and selectively use the growing but can undergo rapid proliferation in closure. The avulsive or contaminated
array of biologic approaches that seek to response to injury. For example, bone wound is dbrided and allowed to granu-
assist healing by favorably modulating the injury causes pluripotential mesenchymal late and heal by second intention for 5 to
wound microenvironment. cells to speedily differentiate into 7 days. Once adequate granulation tissue
osteoblasts and osteoclasts. On the other has formed and the risk of infection
The Healing Process hand permanent cells such as specialized appears minimal, the wound is sutured
The restoration of tissue integrity, whether nerve and cardiac muscle cells do not close to heal by first intention.
initiated by trauma or surgery, is a phylo- divide in postnatal life. The surgeons
genetically primitive but essential defense expectation of normal healing should be Wound Healing Response
response. Injured organisms survive only correspondingly realistic and based on the Injury of any kind sets into motion a com-
if they can repair themselves quickly and inherent capabilities of the injured tissue. plex series of closely orchestrated and tem-
effectively. The healing response depends Whereas a fibrous scar is normal for skin porally overlapping processes directed
primarily on the type of tissue involved wounds, it is suboptimal in the context of toward restoring the integrity of the
and the nature of the tissue disruption. bone healing. involved tissue. The reparative processes
When restitution occurs by means of tis- At a more macro level the quality of are most commonly modeled in skin1;
sue that is structurally and functionally the healing response is influenced by the however, similar patterns of biochemical
indistinguishable from native tissue, nature of the tissue disruption and the cir- and cellular events occur in virtually every
regeneration has taken place. However, if cumstances surrounding wound closure. other tissue.2 To facilitate description, the
tissue integrity is reestablished primarily Healing by first intention occurs when a healing continuum of coagulation, inflam-
through the formation of fibrotic scar tis- clean laceration or surgical incision is mation, reepithelialization, granulation
4 Part 1: Principles of Medicine, Surgery, and Anesthesia

tissue, and matrix and tissue remodeling is begin arriving at the wound site within continue with the wound microdbride-
typically broken down into three distinct minutes of injury and rapidly establish ment initiated by the neutrophils. They
overlapping phases: inflammatory, prolif- themselves as the predominant cells. secrete collagenases and elastases to break
erative, and remodeling.3,4 Migrating through the scaffolding provid- down injured tissue and phagocytose bac-
ed by the fibrin-enriched clot, the short- teria and cell debris. Beyond their scaveng-
Inflammatory Phase lived leukocytes flood the site with pro- ing role the macrophages also serve as the
The inflammatory phase presages the teases and cytokines to help cleanse the primary source of healing mediators.
bodys reparative response and usually wound of contaminating bacteria, devital- Once activated, macrophages release a bat-
lasts for 3 to 5 days. Vasoconstriction of ized tissue, and degraded matrix compo- tery of growth factors and cytokines
the injured vasculature is the spontaneous nents. Neutrophil activity is accentuated (TGF-, TGF-1, PDGF, insulin-like
tissue reaction to staunch bleeding. Tissue by opsonic antibodies leaking into the growth factor [IGF]-I and -II, TNF-, and
trauma and local bleeding activate factor wound from the altered vasculature. IL-1) at the wound site, further amplifying
XII (Hageman factor), which initiates the Unless a wound is grossly infected, neu- and perpetuating the action of the chemi-
various effectors of the healing cascade trophil infiltration ceases after a few days. cal and cellular mediators released previ-
including the complement, plasminogen, However, the proinflammatory cytokines ously by degranulating platelets and neu-
kinin, and clotting systems. Circulating released by perishing neutrophils, includ- trophils.6 Macrophages influence all
platelets (thrombocytes) rapidly aggregate ing tumor necrosis factor (TNF-) and phases of early wound healing by regulat-
at the injury site and adhere to each other interleukins (IL-1a, IL-1b), continue to ing local tissue remodeling by proteolytic
and the exposed vascular subendothelial stimulate the inflammatory response for enzymes (eg, matrix metalloproteases and
collagen to form a primary platelet plug extended periods.5 collagenases), inducing formation of new
organized within a fibrin matrix. The clot Deployment of bloodborne mono- extracellular matrix, and modulating
secures hemostasis and provides a provi- cytes to the site of injury starts peaking as angiogenesis and fibroplasia through local
sional matrix through which cells can the levels of neutrophils decline. Activated production of cytokines such as throm-
migrate during the repair process. Addi- monocytes, now termed macrophages, bospondin-1 and IL-1b. The centrality of
tionally the clot serves as a reservoir of the
cytokines and growth factors that are
released as activated platelets degranulate
Fibrin clot
(Figure 1-1). The bolus of secreted pro-
teins, including interleukins, transforming Epidermis
growth factor (TGF-), platelet-derived
growth factor (PDGF), and vascular Platelet plug Epidermis
endothelial growth factor (VEGF), main- Growth Blood vessel
tain the wound milieu and regulate subse- TGF- 1 factors
quent healing.1 PDGF TGF- 2
Blood vessel
TGF- 3
Once hemostasis is secured the reac-
tive vasoconstriction is replaced by a more Dermis FGF-2 Fibroblast
persistent period of vasodilation that is Fibroblast TGF- 1
mediated by histamine, prostaglandins, Dermis

kinins, and leukotrienes. Increasing vascu-

lar permeability allows blood plasma and
other cellular mediators of healing to pass Fat

through the vessel walls by diapedesis and

populate the extravascular space. Corre-
sponding clinical manifestations include FIGURE 1-1 Immediately following wounding, platelets facilitate the formation of a blood clot that secures
swelling, redness, heat, and pain. hemostasis and provides a temporary matrix for cell migration. Cytokines released by activated macrophages
Cytokines released into the wound pro- and fibroblasts initiate the formation of granulation tissue by degrading extracellular matrix and promot-
ing development of new blood vessels. Cellular interactions are potentiated by reciprocal signaling between
vide the chemotactic cues that sequential-
the epidermis and dermal fibroblasts through growth factors, MMPs, and members of the TGF- family.
ly recruit the neutrophils and monocytes FGF = fibroblast growth factor; MMP = matrix metalloproteinase; PDGF = platelet-derived growth factor;
to the site of injury. Neutrophils normally TGF- = transforming growth factor beta. Adapted from Bissell MJ and Radisky D.70
Wound Healing 5

macrophage function to early wound heal-

ing is underscored by the consistent find- Fibrin clot

ing that macrophage-depleted animal Epidermis

t-PA Epidermis
wounds demonstrate diminished fibropla- MMPs
sia and defective repair. Although the
numbers and activity of the macrophages Fibroblast
taper off by the fifth post injury day, they
continue to modulate the wound healing Blood vessel
process until repair is complete. Blood vessel
Proliferative Phase Dermis

The cytokines and growth factors secreted

during the inflammatory phase stimulate
the succeeding proliferative phase (Figure
1-2).7 Starting as early as the third day post
injury and lasting up to 3 weeks, the pro-
liferative phase is distinguished by the for-
mation of pink granular tissue (granula- FIGURE 1-2 The cytokine cascade mediates the succedent proliferative phase. This phase is distin-

tion tissue) containing inflammatory cells, guished by the establishment of local microcirculation and formation of extracellular matrix and
immature collagen. Epidermal cells migrate laterally below the fibrin clot, and granulation tissue
fibroblasts, and budding vasculature begins to organize below the epithelium. MMPs = matrix metalloproteinases; t-PA = tissue plas-
enclosed in a loose matrix. An essential minogen activator; u-PA = urinary plasminogen activator. Adapted from Bissell MJ and Radisky D.70
first step is the establishment of a local
microcirculation to supply the oxygen and
nutrients necessary for the elevated meta- matrix synthesis dissipates, evidencing the depends on the depth of the wound and
bolic needs of regenerating tissues. The highly precise spatial and temporal regula- its location. In some instances the forces
generation of new capillary blood vessels tion of normal healing. of wound contracture are capable of
(angiogenesis) from the interrupted vas- At the surface of the dermal wound deforming osseous structures.
culature is driven by wound hypoxia as new epithelium forms to seal off the
well as with native growth factors, particu- denuded wound surface. Epidermal cells Remodeling Phase
larly VEGF, fibroblast growth factor 2 originating from the wound margins The proliferative phase is progressively
(FGF-2), and TNF- (see Figure 1-2). undergo a proliferative burst and begin to replaced by an extended period of pro-
Around the same time, matrix-generating resurface the wound above the basement gressive remodeling and strengthening of
fibroblasts migrate into the wound in membrane. The process of reepithelializa- the immature scar tissue. The remodel-
response to the cytokines and growth fac- tion progresses more rapidly in oral ing/maturation phase can last for several
tors released by inflammatory cells and mucosal wounds in contrast to the skin. years and involves a finely choreographed
wounded tissue. The fibroblasts start syn- In a mucosal wound the epithelial cells balance between matrix degradation and
thesizing new extracellular matrix (ECM) migrate directly onto the moist exposed formation. As the metabolic demands of
and immature collagen (Type III). The surface of the fibrin clot instead of under the healing wound decrease, the rich net-
scaffold of collagen fibers serves to sup- the dry exudate (scab) of the dermis. work of capillaries begins to regress.
port the newly formed blood vessels sup- Once the epithelial edges meet, contact Under the general direction of the
plying the wound. Stimulated fibroblasts inhibition halts further lateral prolifera- cytokines and growth factors, the collage-
also secrete a range of growth factors, tion. Reepithelialization is facilitated by nous matrix is continually degraded,
thereby producing a feedback loop and underlying contractile connective tissue, resynthesized, reorganized, and stabilized
sustaining the repair process. Collagen which shrinks in size to draw the wound by molecular crosslinking into a scar. The
deposition rapidly increases the tensile margins toward one another. Wound con- fibroblasts start to disappear and the colla-
strength of the wound and decreases the traction is driven by a proportion of the gen Type III deposited during the granula-
reliance on closure material to hold the fibroblasts that transform into myofi- tion phase is gradually replaced by
wound edges together. Once adequate col- broblasts and generate strong contractile stronger Type I collagen. Correspondingly
lagen and ECM have been generated, forces. The extent of wound contraction the tensile strength of the scar tissue
6 Part 1: Principles of Medicine, Surgery, and Anesthesia

gradually increases and eventually injury is rare. Histologically, changes of tion of the connective tissue matrix. Bone is
approaches about 80% of the original degeneration are evident in all axons adja- a biologically privileged tissue in that it
strength. Homeostasis of scar collagen and cent to the site of injury.11 Shortly after heals by regeneration rather than repair.
ECM is regulated to a large extent by ser- nerve severance, the investing Schwann Left alone, fractured bone is capable of
ine proteases and matrix metallopro- cells begin to undergo a series of cellular restoring itself spontaneously through
teinases (MMPs) under the control of the changes called wallerian degeneration. sequential tissue formation and differentia-
regulatory cytokines. Tissue inhibitors of The degeneration is evident in all axons of tion, a process also referred to as indirect
the MMPS afford a natural counterbal- the distal nerve segment and in a few healing. As in skin the interfragmentary
ance to the MMPs and provide tight con- nodes of the proximal segment. Within thrombus that forms shortly after injury
trol of proteolytic activity within the scar. 78 hours injured axons start breaking staunches bleeding from ruptured vessels in
Any disruption of this orderly balance can up and are phagocytosed by adjacent the haversian canals, marrow, and perios-
lead to excess or inadequate matrix degra- Schwann cells and by macrophages that teum. Necrotic material at the fracture site
dation and result in either an exuberant migrate into the zone of injury. Once the elicits an immediate and intense acute
scar or wound dehiscence. axonal debris has been cleared, Schwann inflammatory response which attracts the
cell outgrowths attempt to connect the polymorphonuclear leukocytes and subse-
Specialized Healing proximal stump with the distal nerve quently macrophages to the fracture site.
stump. Surviving Schwann cells prolifer- The organizing hematoma serves as a fibrin
Nerve ate to form a band (Bngners band) that scaffold over which reparative cells can
Injury to the nerves innervating the orofa- will accept regenerating axonal sprouts migrate and perform their function. Invad-
cial region may range from simple contu- from the proximal stump. The proliferat- ing inflammatory cells and the succeeding
sion to complete interruption of the nerve. ing Schwann cells also promote nerve pluripotential mesenchymal cells begin to
The healing response depends on injury regeneration by secreting numerous neu- rapidly produce a soft fracture callus that
severity and extent of the injury.810 Neu- rotrophic factors that coordinate cellular fills up interfragmentary gaps. Comprised
ropraxia represents the mildest form of repair as well as cell adhesion molecules of fibrous tissue, cartilage, and young
nerve injury and is a transient interrup- that direct axonal growth. In the absence immature fiber bone, the soft compliant
tion of nerve conduction without loss of of surgical realignment or approximation callus acts as a biologic splint by binding
axonal continuity. The continuity of the of the nerve stumps, proliferating the severed bone segments and damping
epineural sheath and the axons is main- Schwann cells and outgrowing axonal interfragmentary motion. An orderly pro-
tained and morphologic alterations are sprouts may align within the randomly gression of tissue differentiation and matu-
minor. Recovery of the functional deficit is organized fibrin clot to form a disorga- ration eventually leads to fracture consoli-
spontaneous and usually complete within nized mass termed neuroma. dation and restoration of bone continuity.
3 to 4 weeks. If there is a physical disrup- The rate and extent of nerve regener- More commonly the surgeon chooses
tion of one or more axons without injury ation depend on several factors including to facilitate an abbreviated callus-free
to stromal tissue, the injury is described as type of injury, age, state of tissue nutri- bone healing termed direct healing (Figure
axonotmesis. Whereas individual axons tion, and the nerves involved. Although 1-3). The displaced bone segments are sur-
are severed, the investing Schwann cells the regeneration rate for peripheral nerves gically manipulated into an acceptable
and connective tissue elements remain varies considerably, it is generally consid- alignment and rigidly stabilized through
intact. The nature and extent of the ensu- ered to approximate 1 mm/d. The regen- the use of internal fixation devices. The
ing sensory or motor deficit relates to the eration phase lasts up to 3 months and resulting anatomic reduction is usually a
number and type of injured axons. Mor- ends on contact with the end-organ by a combination of small interfragmentary
phologic changes are manifest as degener- thin myelinated axon. In the concluding gaps separated by contact areas. Ingrowth
ation of the axoplasm and associated maturation phase both the diameter and of mesenchymal cells and blood vessels
structures distal to the site of injury and performance of the regenerating nerve starts shortly thereafter, and activated
partly proximal to the injury. Recovery of fiber increase. osteoblasts start depositing osteoid on the
the functional deficit depends on the surface of the fragment ends. In contact
degree of the damage. Bone zones where the fracture ends are closely
Complete transection of the nerve The process of bone healing after a fracture apposed, the fracture line is filled concen-
trunk is referred to as neurotmesis and has many features similar to that of skin trically by lamellar bone. Larger gaps are
spontaneous recovery from this type of healing except that it also involves calcifica- filled through a succession of fibrous
Wound Healing 7

Gap healing
Basic multicellular unit



Blood vessel


Contact healing

FIGURE 1-3 Direct bone healing facilitated by a lag screw. The fracture site shows both gap healing and contact healing. The internal archi-
tecture of bone is restored eventually by the action of basic multicellular units.

tissue, fibrocartilage, and woven bone. In and the remainder are entombed inside the tors determining the mechanical milieu of
the absence of any microinstability at the mineralized matrix as osteocytes. a healing fracture include the fracture con-
fracture site, direct healing takes place While the primitive bone mineralizes, figuration, the accuracy of fracture reduc-
without any callus formation. remodeling BMUs cut their way through tion, the stability afforded by the selected
Subsequent bone remodeling eventual- the reparative tissue and replace it with fixation device, and the degree and nature
ly restores the original shape and internal mature bone. The grain of the new bone of microstrains provoked by function. If a
architecture of the fractured bone. Func- tissue starts paralleling local compression fracture fixation device is incapable of sta-
tional sculpting and remodeling of the and tension strains. Consequently the bilizing the fracture, the interfragmentary
primitive bone tissue is carried out by a shape and strength of the reparative bone microinstability provokes osteoclastic
temporary team of juxtaposed osteoclasts tissue changes to accommodate greater resorption of the fracture surfaces and
and osteoblasts called the basic multicellu- functional loading. Tissue-level strains results in a widening of the fracture gap.
lar unit (BMU). The osteoblasts develop produced by functional loading play an Although bone union may be ultimately
from pluripotent mesenchymal stem cells important role in the remodeling of the achieved through secondary healing by
whereas multicellular osteoclasts arise from regenerate bone. Whereas low levels of tis- callus production and endochondral ossi-
a monocyte/macrophage lineage.12 The sue strain (~2,000 microstrains) are con- fication, the healing is protracted. Fibrous
development and differentiation of the sidered physiologic and necessary for cell healing and nonunions are clinical mani-
BMUs are controlled by locally secreted differentiation and callus remodeling, festations of excessive microstrains inter-
growth factors, cytokines, and mechanical high strain levels (> 2,000 microstrains) fering with the cellular healing process.
signals. As osteoclasts at the leading edge of begin to adversely affect osteoblastic dif-
the BMUs excavate bone through prote- ferentiation and bone matrix forma- Extraction Wounds
olytic digestion, active osteoblasts move in, tion.13,14 If there is excess interfragmentary The healing of an extraction socket is a spe-
secreting layers of osteoid and slowly refill- motion, bone regenerates primarily cialized example of healing by second
ing the cavity. The osteoid begins to miner- through endochondral ossification or the intention.15 Immediately after the removal
alize when it is about 6 m thick. Osteo- formation of a cartilaginous callus that is of the tooth from the socket, blood fills the
clasts reaching the end of their lifespan of gradually replaced by new bone. In con- extraction site. Both intrinsic and extrinsic
2 weeks die and are removed by phagocytes. trast osseous healing across stabilized frac- pathways of the clotting cascade are activat-
The majority (up to 65%) of the remodel- ture segments occurs primarily through ed. The resultant fibrin meshwork contain-
ing osteoblasts also die within 3 months intramembranous ossification. Major fac- ing entrapped red blood cells seals off the
8 Part 1: Principles of Medicine, Surgery, and Anesthesia

torn blood vessels and reduces the size of Skin Grafts tion. Grafts rarely attain the sensory
the extraction wound. Organization of the qualities of normal skin, because the
Skin grafts may be either full thickness or
clot begins within the first 24 to 48 hours extent of re-innervation depends on how
split thickness.16 A full-thickness graft is
with engorgement and dilation of blood accessible the neurilemmal sheaths are to
composed of epidermis and the entire der-
vessels within the periodontal ligament the entering nerve fibers. The clinical
mis; a split-thickness graft is composed of
remnants, followed by leukocytic migration performance of the grafts depends on
the epidermis and varying amounts of der-
and formation of a fibrin layer. In the first their relative thickness. As split-thickness
mis. Depending on the amount of underly-
week the clot forms a temporary scaffold grafts are thinner than full-thickness
ing dermis included, split-thickness grafts
upon which inflammatory cells migrate. grafts, they are susceptible to trauma and
are described as thin, intermediate, or
Epithelium at the wound periphery grows undergo considerable contraction; how-
thick.17 Following grafting, nutritional sup-
over the surface of the organizing clot. ever, they have greater survival rates clin-
port for a free skin graft is initially provided
Osteoclasts accumulate along the alveolar ically. Full-thickness skin grafts do not
by plasma that exudes from the dilated cap-
bone crest setting the stage for active crestal take as well and are slow to revascular-
illaries of the host bed. A fibrin clot forms at
resorption. Angiogenesis proceeds in the ize. Nevertheless full-thickness grafts are
the graft-host interface, fixing the graft to
remnants of the periodontal ligaments. In less susceptible to trauma and undergo
the host bed. Host leukocytes infiltrate into
the second week the clot continues to get minimal shrinkage.
organized through fibroplasia and new the graft through the lower layers of the
blood vessels that begin to penetrate graft. Graft survival depends on the Wound Healing Complications
towards the center of the clot. Trabeculae of ingrowth of blood vessels from the host into Healing in the orofacial region is often
osteoid slowly extend into the clot from the the graft (neovascularization) and direct considered a natural and uneventful
alveolus, and osteoclastic resorption of the anastomoses between the graft and the host process and seldom intrudes into the sur-
cortical margin of the alveolar socket is vasculature (inosculation). Endothelial cap- geons consciousness. However, this
more distinct. By the third week the extrac- illary buds from the host site invade the changes when complications arise and
tion socket is filled with granulation tissue graft, reaching the dermoepidermal junc- encumber the wound healing continuum.
and poorly calcified bone forms at the tion by 48 hours. Concomitantly vascular Most wound healing complications mani-
wound perimeter. The surface of the connections are established between host fest in the early postsurgical period
wound is completely reepithelialized with and graft vessels. However, only a few of the although some may manifest much later.
minimal or no scar formation. Active bone ingrowing capillaries succeed in developing The two problems most commonly
remodeling by deposition and resorption a functional anastomosis. Formation of vas- encountered by the surgeon are wound
continues for several more weeks. Radi- cular connections between the recipient bed infection and dehiscence; proliferative
ographic evidence of bone formation does and transplant is signaled by the pink healing is less typical.
not become apparent until the sixth to appearance of the graft, which appears
eighth weeks following tooth extraction. between the third and fifth day postgraft- Wound Infection
Due to the ongoing process of bone remod- ing. Fibroblasts from the recipient bed Infections complicating surgical outcomes
eling the final healing product of the begin to invade the layer of fibrin and usually result from gross bacterial contam-
extraction site may not be discernible on leukocytes by the fourth day after trans- ination of susceptible wounds. All wounds
radiographs after 4 to 6 months. plantation. The fibrin clot is slowly are intrinsically contaminated by bacteria;
Occasionally the blood clot fails to resorbed and organized as fibroblastic however, this must be distinguished from
form or may disintegrate, causing a local- infiltration continues. By the ninth day the true wound infection where the bacterial
ized alveolar osteitis. In such instances new blood vessels and fibroblasts have burden of replicating microorganisms
healing is delayed considerably and the achieved a firm union, anchoring the deep actually impairs healing.18 Experimental
socket fills gradually. In the absence of a layers of the graft to the host bed. studies have demonstrated that regardless
healthy granulation tissue matrix, the Reinnervation of the skin graft occurs of the type of infecting microorganism,
apposition of regenerate bone to remain- by nerve fibers entering the graft through wound infection occurs when there are
ing alveolar bone takes place at a much its base and sides. The fibers follow the more than 1 105 organisms per gram of
slower rate. Compared to a normal socket vacated neurilemmal cell sheaths to re- tissue.19,20 Beyond relative numbers, the
the infected socket remains open or par- construct the innervation pattern of the pathogenicity of the infecting microorgan-
tially covered with hyperplastic epithelium donor skin. Recovery of sensation usually isms as well as host response factors deter-
for extended periods. begins within 2 months after transplanta- mine whether wound healing is impaired.
Wound Healing 9

The continual presence of a bacterial ure rather than improper suturing tech- sive production of collagen and extracellu-
infection stimulates the host immune niques. The dehisced wound may be lar matrix. Additionally, proliferative scar
defenses leading to the production of closed again or left to heal by secondary tissue exhibits increased numbers of
inflammatory mediators, such as intention, depending upon the extent of neoangiogenesis-promoting vasoactive
prostaglandins and thromboxane. Neu- the disruption and the surgeons assess- mediators as well as histamine-secreting
trophils migrating into the wound release ment of the clinical situation. mast cells capable of stimulating fibrous
cytotoxic enzymes and free oxygen radi- tissue growth. Although there is no effec-
cals. Thrombosis and vasoconstrictive Proliferative Scarring tive therapy for keloids, the more common
metabolites cause wound hypoxia, leading Some patients may go on to develop aber- methods for preventing or treating these
to enhanced bacterial proliferation and rant scar tissue at the site of their skin lesions focus on inhibiting protein synthe-
continued tissue damage. Bacteria injury. The two common forms of hyper- sis. These agents, primarily corticosteroids,
destroyed by host defense mechanisms proliferative healing, hypertrophic scars are injected into the scar to decrease
provoke varying degrees of inflammation and keloids, are characterized by hyper- fibroblast proliferation, decrease angiogen-
by releasing neutrophil proteases and vascularity and hypercellularity. Distinc- esis, and inhibit collagen synthesis and
endotoxins. Newly formed cells and their tive features include excessive scarring, extracellular matrix protein synthesis.
collagen matrix are vulnerable to these persistent inflammation, and an overpro-
breakdown products of wound infection, duction of extracellular matrix compo- Optimizing Wound Healing
and the resulting cell and collagen lysis nents, including glycosaminoglycans and At its very essence the wound represents
contribute to impaired healing. Clinical collagen Type I.21 Despite their overt an extreme disruption of the cellular
manifestations of wound infection include resemblance, hypertrophic scars and microenvironment. Restoration of con-
the classic signs and symptoms of local keloids do have some clinical dissimilari- stant internal conditions or homeostasis at
infection: erythema, warmth, swelling, ties. In general, hypertrophic scars arise the cellular level is a constant undertow of
pain, and accompanying odor and pus. shortly after the injury, tend to be circum- the healing response. A variety of local and
Inadequate tissue perfusion and oxy- scribed within the boundaries of the systemic factors can impede healing, and
genation of the wound further compro- wound, and eventually recede. Keloids, on the informed surgeon can anticipate and,
mise healing by allowing bacteria to prolif- the other hand, manifest months after the where possible, proactively address these
erate and establish infection. Failure to injury, grow beyond the wound bound- barriers to healing so that wound repair
follow aseptic technique is a frequent rea- aries, and rarely subside. There is a clear can progress normally.23
son for the introduction of virulent familial and racial predilection for keloid
microorganisms into the wound. Trans- formation, and susceptible individuals Tissue Trauma
formation of contaminated wounds into usually develop keloids on their face, ear Minimizing surgical trauma to the tissues
infected wounds is also facilitated by lobes, and anterior chest. helps promote faster healing and should
excessive tissue trauma, remnant necrotic Although processes leading to hyper- be a central consideration at every stage of
tissue, foreign bodies, or compromised trophic scar and keloid formation are not the surgical procedure, from placement of
host defenses. The most important factor yet clarified, altered apoptotic behavior is the incision to suturing of the wound.
in minimizing the risk of infection is believed to be a significant factor. Ordinar- Properly planned, the surgical incision is
meticulous surgical technique, including ily, apoptosis or programmed cell death is just long enough to allow optimum expo-
thorough dbridement, adequate hemo- responsible for the removal of inflammato- sure and adequate operating space. The
stasis, and elimination of dead space. ry cells as healing proceeds and for the evo- incision should be made with one clean
Careful technique must be augmented by lution of granulation tissue into scar. Dys- consistent stroke of evenly applied pres-
proper postoperative care, with an empha- regulation in apoptosis results in excessive sure. Sharp tissue dissection and carefully
sis on keeping the wound site clean and scarring, inflammation, and an overpro- placed retractors further minimize tissue
protecting it from trauma. duction of extracellular matrix compo- injury. Sutures are useful for holding the
nents. Both keloids and hypertrophic scars severed tissues in apposition until the
Wound Dehiscence demonstrate sustained elevation of growth wound has healed enough. However,
Partial or total separation of the wound factors including TGF- , platelet-derived sutures should be used judiciously as they
margins may manifest within the first growth factor, IL-1, and IGF-I.22 The have the ability to add to the risk of infec-
week after surgery. Most instances of growth factors, in turn, increase the num- tion and are capable of strangulating the
wound dehiscence result from tissue fail- bers of local fibroblasts and prompt exces- tissues if applied too tightly.
10 Part 1: Principles of Medicine, Surgery, and Anesthesia

Hemostasis and Wound oxygen tension drives the healing cigarette the peripheral vasoconstriction
Dbridement response.24,25 Oxygen is necessary for can last up to an hour; thus, a pack-a-day
hydroxylation of proline and lysine, the smoker remains tissue hypoxic for most
Bleeding from a transected vessel or dif-
polymerization and cross-linking of pro- part of each day. Smoking also increases
fuse oozing from the denuded surfaces
collagen strands, collagen transport, carboxyhemoglobin, increases platelet
interfere with the surgeons view of under-
fibroblast and endothelial cell replication, aggregation, increases blood viscosity,
lying structures. Achieving complete
effective leukocyte killing, angiogenesis, decreases collagen deposition, and decreas-
hemostasis before wound closure helps
and many other processes. Relative hypox- es prostacyclin formation, all of which neg-
prevent the formation of a hematoma
ia in the region of injury stimulates a atively affect wound healing. Patient opti-
postoperatively. The collection of blood or
fibroblastic response and helps mobilize mization, in the case of smokers, may
serum at the wound site provides an ideal
other cellular elements of repair.26 Howev- require that the patient abstain from smok-
medium for the growth of microorgan-
er, very low oxygen levels act together with ing for a minimum of 1 week before and
isms that cause infection. Additionally,
the lactic acid produced by infecting bac- after surgical procedures. Another way of
hematomas can result in necrosis of over-
teria to lower tissue pH and contribute to improving tissue oxygenation is the use of
lying flaps. However, hemostatic tech-
tissue breakdown. Cell lysis follows, with systemic hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy
niques must not be used too aggressively releases of proteases and glycosidases and to induce the growth of new blood vessels
during surgery as the resulting tissue dam- subsequent digestion of extracellular and facilitate increased flow of oxygenated
age can prolong healing time. Postopera- matrix.27 Impaired local circulation also blood to the wound.
tively the surgeon may insert a drain or hinders delivery of nutrients, oxygen, and
apply a pressure dressing to help eliminate antibodies to the wound. Neutrophils are Diabetes
dead space in the wound. affected because they require a minimal Numerous studies have demonstrated that
Devitalized tissue and foreign bodies level of oxygen tension to exert their bac- the higher incidence of wound infection
in a healing wound act as a haven for bac- tericidal effect. Delayed movement of neu- associated with diabetes has less to do with
teria and shield them from the bodys trophils, opsonins, and the other media- the patient having diabetes and more to do
defenses.23 The dead cells and cellular tors of inflammation to the wound site with hyperglycemia. Simply put, a patient
debris of necrotic tissue have been shown further diminishes the effectiveness of the with well-controlled diabetes may not be
to reduce host immune defenses and phagocytic defense system and allows col- at a greater risk for wound healing prob-
encourage active infection. A necrotic bur- onizing bacteria to proliferate. Collagen lems than a nondiabetic patient. Tissue
den allowed to persist in the wound can synthesis is dependent on oxygen delivery hyperglycemia impacts every aspect of
prolong the inflammatory response, to the site, which in turn affects wound wound healing by adversely affecting the
mechanically obstruct the process of tensile strength. Most healing problems immune system including neutrophil and
wound healing, and impede reepithelial- associated with diabetes mellitus, irradia- lymphocyte function, chemotaxis, and
ization. Dirt and tar located in traumatic tion, small vessel atherosclerosis, chronic phagocytosis.30 Uncontrolled blood glu-
wounds not only jeopardize healing but infection, and altered cardiopulmonary cose hinders red blood cell permeability
may result in a tattoo deformity. By status can be attributed to local tissue and impairs blood flow through the criti-
removing dead and devitalized tissue, and ischemia. cal small vessels at the wound surface. The
any foreign material from a wound, Wound microcirculation after surgery hemoglobin release of oxygen is impaired,
dbridement helps to reduce the number determines the wounds ability to resist the resulting in oxygen and nutrient deficien-
of microbes, toxins, and other substances inevitable bacterial contamination.28 Tissue cy in the healing wound. The wound
that inhibit healing. The surgeon should rendered ischemic by rough handling, or ischemia and impaired recruitment of
also keep in mind that prosthetic grafts desiccated by cautery or prolonged air dry- cells resulting from the small vessel occlu-
and implants, despite refinements in bio- ing, tends to be poorly perfused and sus- sive disease renders the wound vulnerable
compatibility, can incite varying degrees of ceptible to infection. Similarly, tissue to bacterial and fungal infections.
foreign body reaction and adversely ischemia produced by tight or improperly
impact the healing process. placed sutures, poorly designed flaps, hypo- Immunocompromise
volemia, anemia, and peripheral vascular The immune response directs the healing
Tissue Perfusion disease, all adversely affect wound healing. response and protects the wound from
Poor tissue perfusion is one of the main Smoking is a common contributor to infection. In the absence of an adequate
barriers to healing inasmuch as tissue decreased tissue oxygenation.29 After every immune response, surgical outcomes are
Wound Healing 11

often compromised. An important assess- Radiation Injury ingly fibrotic and hypoxic due to oblitera-
ment parameter is total lymphocyte count. tive vasculitis, and the tissue susceptibility
Therapeutic radiation for head and neck
A mild deficit is a lymphocytic level to infection increases correspondingly.
tumors inevitably produces collateral
between 1,200 and 1,800, and levels below Once these changes occur they are irre-
damage in adjacent tissue and reduces its
800 are considered severe total lymphocyte versible and do not change with time.
capacity for regeneration and repair. The
deficits. Patients with debilitated immune Hence, the surgeon must always anticipate
pathologic processes of radiation injury
response include human immunodefi- the possibility of a complicated healing
start right away; however, the clinical and
ciency virus (HIV)-infected patients in following surgery or traumatic injury in
histologic features may not become appar-
advanced stages of the disease, patients on irradiated tissue. Wound dehiscence is
ent for weeks, months, or even years after
immunosuppressive therapy, and those common and the wound heals slowly or
treatment.34 The cellular and molecular
taking high-dose steroids for extended incompletely. Even minor trauma may
responses to tissue irradiation are imme-
periods.31 Studies indicate that HIV- result in ulceration and colonization by
diate, dose dependent, and can cause both
infected patients with CD4 counts of less opportunistic bacteria. If the patient can-
early and late consequences.35 DNA dam-
than 50 cells/mm3 are at significant risk of not mount an effective inflammatory
age from ionizing radiation leads to mitot-
poor wound outcome.32 Although newer response, progressive necrosis of the tis-
ic cell death in the first cell division after
immunosuppressive drugs, such as sues may follow. Healing can be achieved
cyclosporine, have no apparent effect on irradiation or within the first few divi- only by excising all nonvital tissue and
wound healing, other medications can sions. Early acute changes are observed covering the bed with a well-vascularized
retard the healing process both in rate and within a few weeks of treatment and pri- graft. Due to the relative hypoxia at the
quality by altering both the inflammatory marily involve cells with a high turnover irradiated site, tissue with intact blood
reaction and the cell metabolism. rate. The common symptoms of oral supply needs to be brought in to provide
The use of steroids, such as prednisone, mucositis and dermatitis result from loss both oxygen and the cells necessary for
is a typical example of how suppression of of functional cells and temporary lack of inflammation and healing. The progres-
the innate inflammatory process also replacement from the pools of rapidly sive obliteration of blood vessels makes
increases wound healing complications. proliferating cells. The inflammatory bone particularly vulnerable. Following
Exogenous corticosteroids diminish prolyl response is largely mediated by cytokines trauma or disintegration of the soft tissue
hydroxylase and lysyl oxidase activity, activated by the radiation injury. Overall cover due to inflammatory reaction, heal-
depressing fibroplasias, collagen formation, the response has the features of wound ing does not occur because irradiated
and neovascularity.33 Fibroblasts reach the healing; waves of cytokines are produced marrow cannot form granulation tissue.
site in a delayed fashion and wound strength in an attempt to heal the radiation injury. In such instances the avascular bone needs
is decreased by as much as 30%. Epithelial- The cytokines lead to an adaptive response to be removed down to the healthy por-
ization and wound contraction are also in the surrounding tissue, cause cellular tion to allow healing to proceed.
impaired. The inhibitory effects of gluco- infiltration, and promote collagen deposi-
corticosteriods can be attenuated to some tion. Damage to local vasculature is exac- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
extent by vitamin A given concurrently. erbated by leukocyte adhesion to endothe- HBO therapy is based on the concept that
Most antineoplastic agents exert their lial cells and the formation of thrombi that low tissue oxygen tension, typically a par-
cytotoxic effect by interfering with DNA block the vascular lumen, further depriv- tial pressure of oxygen (PO2) of 5 to
or RNA production. The reduction in pro- ing the cells that depend on the vessels. 20 mm Hg, leads to anaerobic cellular
tein synthesis or cell division reveals itself The acute symptoms eventually start metabolism, increase in tissue lactate, and
as impaired proliferation of fibroblasts to subside as the constitutive cells gradual- a decrease in pH, all of which inhibit
and collagen formation. Attendant neu- ly recover their proliferative abilities. wound healing.64 HBO therapy entails the
tropenia also predisposes to wound infec- However, these early symptoms may not patient lying in a hyperbaric chamber
tion by prolonging the inflammatory be apparent in some tissues such as bone, and breathing 100% oxygen at 2.0 to
phase of wound healing. Because of their where cumulative progressive effects of 2.4 atmospheres for 1 to 2 hours. The
deleterious effect on wound healing, radiation can precipitate acute breakdown HBO therapy is repeated daily for 3 to
administration of antineoplastic drugs of tissue many years after therapy. The late 10 weeks. HBO increases the quantity of
should be restricted, when possible, until effects of radiation are permanent and dissolved oxygen and the driving pressure
such time that the potential for healing directly related to higher doses.36 Collagen for oxygen diffusion into the tissue. Corre-
complications has passed. hyalinizes and the tissues become increas- spondingly the oxygen diffusion distance
12 Part 1: Principles of Medicine, Surgery, and Anesthesia

is increased threefold to fourfold, and received special emphasis with respect to the hydroxylation process of proline and
wound PO2 ultimately reaches 800 to healing. Amino acids are critical for wound lysine. Healing wounds appear to be more
1,100 mm Hg. The therapy stimulates the healing with methionine, histidine, and sensitive to ascorbate deficiency than unin-
growth of fibroblasts and vascular arginine playing important roles. Nutri- jured tissue. Increased rates of collagen
endothelial cells, increases tissue vascular- tional deficiencies severe enough to lower turnover persist for a long time, and healed
ization, enhances the killing ability of serum albumin to < 2 g/dL are associated wounds may rupture when the individual
leukocytes, and is lethal for anaerobic bac- with a prolonged inflammatory phase, becomes scorbutic. Local antibacterial
teria. Clinical studies suggest that HBO decreased fibroplasia, and impaired neo- defenses are also impaired because ascorbic
therapy can be an effective adjunct in the vascularization, collagen synthesis, and acid is also necessary for neutrophil super-
management of diabetic wounds.65 Animal wound remodeling. As long as a state of oxide production. The B-complex vitamins
studies indicate that HBO therapy could be protein catabolism exists, the wound will and cobalt are essential cofactors in anti-
beneficial in the treatment of osteomyelitis be very slow to heal. Methionine appears to body formation, white blood cell function,
and soft tissue infections.66,67 Adverse be the key amino acid in wound healing. It and bacterial resistance. Depleted serum
effects of HBO therapy are barotraumas of is metabolized to cysteine, which plays a levels of micronutrients, including magne-
the ear, seizure, and pulmonary oxygen vital role in the inflammatory, proliferative, sium, copper, calcium, iron, and zinc, affect
toxicity. However, in the absence of con- and remodeling phases of wound healing. collagen synthesis.43 Copper is essential for
trolled scientific studies with well-defined Serum prealbumin is commonly covalent cross-linking of collagen whereas
end points, HBO therapy remains a con- used as an assessment parameter for pro- calcium is required for the normal function
troversial aspect of surgical practice.68,69 tein.40,41 Contrary to serum albumin, of granulocyte collagenase and other colla-
which has a very long half-life of about genases at the wound milieu. Zinc deficien-
Age 20 days, prealbumin has a shorter half- cy retards both fibroplasia and reepithelial-
In general wound healing is faster in the life of only 2 days. As such it provides a ization; cells migrate normally but do not
young and protracted in the elderly. The more rapid assessment ability. Normal undergo mitosis.44 Numerous enzymes are
decline in healing response results from serum prealbumin is about 22.5 mg/dL, a zinc dependent, particularly DNA poly-
the gradual reduction of tissue metabo- level below 17 mg/dL is considered a merase and reverse transcriptase. On the
lism as one ages, which may itself be a mild deficit, and a severe deficit would be other hand, exceeding the zinc levels can
manifestation of decreased circulatory below 11 mg/dL. As part of the perioper- exert a distinctly harmful effect on healing
efficiency. The major components of the ative optimization process, malnour- by inhibiting macrophage migration and
healing response in aging skin or mucosa ished patients may be provided with interfering with collagen cross-linking.
are deficient or damaged with progressive solutions that have been supplemented
injuries.37 As a result, free oxidative radi- with amino acids such as glutamine to Advances in Wound Care
cals continue to accumulate and are harm- promote improved mucosal structure An increased understanding of the wound
ful to the dermal enzymes responsible for and function and to enhance whole-body healing processes has generated height-
the integrity of the dermal or mucosal nitrogen kinetics. An absence of essential ened interest in manipulating the wound
composition. In addition the regional vas- building blocks obviously thwarts nor- microenvironment to facilitate healing.
cular support may be subjected to extrin- mal repair, but the reverse is not neces- Traditional passive ways of treating surgi-
sic deterioration and systemic disease sarily true. Whereas a minimum protein cal wounds are rapidly giving way to
decompensation, resulting in poor perfu- intake is important for healing, a high approaches that actively modulate wound
sion capability.38 However, in the absence protein diet does not shorten the time healing. Therapeutic interventions range
of compromising systemic conditions, dif- required for healing. from treatments that selectively jump-
ferences in healing as a function of age Several vitamins and trace minerals start the wound into the healing cascade,
seem to be small. play a significant role in wound healing.42 to methods that mechanically protect the
Vitamin A stimulates fibroplasia, collagen wound or increase oxygenation and perfu-
Nutrition cross-linking, and epithelialization, and will sion of the local tissues.45,46
Adequate nutrition is important for nor- restimulate these processes in the steroid-
mal repair.39 In malnourished patients retarded wound. Vitamin C deficiency Growth Factors
fibroplasia is delayed, angiogenesis impairs collagen synthesis by fibroblasts, Through their central ability to orches-
decreased, and wound healing and remod- because it is an important cofactor, along trate the various cellular activities that
eling prolonged. Dietary protein has with -ketoglutarate and ferrous iron, in underscore inflammation and healing,
Wound Healing 13

cytokines have profound effects on cell well as ciliary neurotrophic factor appear to bolus of exogenously applied growth fac-
proliferation, migration, and extracellular support the growth of sensory, sympathet- tor, gene transfer permits targeted, consis-
matrix synthesis.47 Accordingly newer ic, and motor neurons in vitro.5355 Insulin- tent, local delivery of peptides in high con-
interventions seek to control or modulate like growth factors have demonstrated sim- centrations to the wound environment.
the wound healing process by selectively ilar neurotrophic properties.56 Although Genes encoding for select growth factors
inhibiting or enhancing the tissue levels of most of the investigations hitherto have are delivered to the site of injury using a
the appropriate cytokines. been experimental, increasing sophistica- variety of viral, chemical, electrical, or
The more common clinical approach tion in the dosing, combinations, and deliv- mechanical methods.60 Cellular expression
has been to apply exogenous growth fac- ery of neurotropic growth factors will lead of the proteins encoded by the nucleic
tors, such as PGDF, angiogenesis factor, epi- to greater clinical application. acids help modulate healing by regulating
dermal growth factor (EGF), TGF, bFGF, Osteoinductive growth factors hold local events such as cell proliferation, cell
and IL-1, directly to the wound. However, special appeal to surgeons for their ability migration, and the formation of extracel-
the potential of these extrinsic agents has to promote the formation of new bone. Of lular matrix. The more popular methods
not yet been realized clinically and may the multiple osteoinductive cytokines, the for transfecting wounds involve the in vivo
relate to figuring out which growth factors bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) use of adenoviral vectors. Existing gene
to put into the wound, and when and at belonging to the TGF- superfamily have therapy technology is capable of express-
what dose. To date only a single growth fac- received the greatest attention. Advances in ing a number of modulatory proteins at
tor, recombinant human platelet-derived recombinant DNA techniques now allow the physiologic or supraphysiologic range
growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB), has been the production of these biomolecules in for up to 2 weeks.
approved by the United States Food and quantities large enough for routine clinical Numerous experimental studies have
Drug Administration for the treatment of applications. In particular, recombinant demonstrated the use of gene therapy in
cutaneous ulcers, specifically diabetic foot human bone morphogenetic protein-2 stimulating bone formation and regenera-
ulcers. Results from several controlled clin- (rhBMP-2) and rhBMP-7 have been stud- tion. Mesenchymal cells transfected with
ical trials show that PDGF-BB gel was effec- ied extensively for their ability to induce adenovirus-hBMP-2 cDNA have been
tive in healing diabetic ulcers in lower undifferentiated mesenchymal cells to dif- shown to be capable of forming bone when
extremities and significantly decreased ferentiate into osteoblasts (osteoinduc- injected intramuscularly in the thighs of
healing time when compared to the placebo tion). Yasko and colleagues used a rat seg- rodents.61,62 Similarly bone marrow cells
group.48,49 More recently, recombinant mental femoral defect model to show that transfected ex vivo with hBMP-2 cDNA
human keratinocyte growth factor 2 (KGF- rhBMP-2 can produce 100% union rates have been shown to heal femoral defects.63
2) has been shown to accelerate wound when combined with bone marrow.57 The Using osteoprogenitor cells for the expres-
healing in experimental animal models. It union rate achieved with the combination sion of bone-promoting osteogenic factors
enhanced both the formation of granula- approach was three times higher than that enables the cells to not only express bone
tion tissue in rabbits and wound closure of achieved with autologous cancellous bone growth promoting factors, but also to
the human meshed skin graft explanted on graft alone. Similarly, Toriumi and col- respond, differentiate, and participate in
athymic nude rats.50,51Experimental studies leagues showed that rhBMP-2 could heal the bone formation process. These early
suggest potential for the use of growth fac- mandibular defects with bone formed by studies suggest that advances in gene ther-
tors in facilitating peripheral nerve healing. the intramembranous pathway.58 The apy technology can be used to facilitate
Several growth factors belonging to the widespread application of osteoinductive healing of bone and other tissues and may
neurotrophin family have been implicated cytokines depends in large part on a better lead to better and less invasive reconstruc-
in the maintenance and repair of nerves. understanding of the complex interaction tive procedures in the near future.
Nerve growth factor (NGF), synthesized by of growth factors and the concentrations
Schwann cells distal to the site of injury, necessary to achieve specific effects. Dermal and Mucosal Substitutes
aids in the survival and development of Immediate wound coverage is critical for
sensory nerves. This finding has led some Gene Therapy accelerated wound healing. The coverage
investigators to suggest that exogenous The application of gene therapy to wound protects the wound from water loss, drying,
NGF application may assist in peripheral healing has been driven by the desire to and mechanical injury. Although autolo-
nerve regeneration following injury.52 selectively express a growth factor for con- gous grafts remain the standard for replac-
Newer neurotrophins such as brain-derived trolled periods of time at the site of tissue ing dermal mucosal surfaces, a number of
neurotrophic factor and neurotrophin-3 as injury.59 Unlike the diffuse effects of a bioengineered substitutes are finding their
14 Part 1: Principles of Medicine, Surgery, and Anesthesia

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