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First impression is the last impression

No, it is not when we are born, but when we make the first interaction with people
it seems only then person is a blank paper waiting to be written. That is the kind of
power that the first impression beholds. Be that as it may, should it be the statement
that we ought to hold on to, or should we consider the possibility that a second
impression offers.

Its not said in vain that what we present and how we behave on our first
encounters with people is of a high importance. The first glimpse of our personality lies
within the first impression, and we as human beings as we are, tend to make the best
out of it.

Nevertheless, adaptability and plasticity are most beneficial human traits.

Therefore however and whatever we have made out of our initial encounter there is
always a second chance to shape that impression the way we wanted to previously.

Eventually the absolute truth is that there is no second chance to make a first
impression, so the best possible way to engage in it, is to be prepared. Yet, why do you
need to prepare? Do you genuinely need to make it the best?

In my humbly personal opinion the best opening impression is the honest one. As
long as a person knows who he/she is, and how he or she truly needs to behave the
game is easier to be played since all cards are open. In these manners the wrong
assumptions and inaccuracies are minimized.

As my last reasoning I would say that the approach towards the first impression
is very context depending, sometimes people feel the need to fit certain categories and
society structures so they boost their social perception, sometimes they are open and
honest. Both ways are a subjective approach and it relies on personal reasons.
Eventually we all have to remember that everything that has been build, has a
reparation when its broken.

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