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(Adventures in the Kernal Panic)

[Revision 2.0]

By: Chloe Zero

Note: Script starts on Page 4.


Production Notes:

Note: Letters denote a single location.

Letters are locations. Numbers are shots.

Example: Scene 14A

That would be shot #14 of the entire movie, taking place in the specified location of scene A.

Shot numbers are consecutive through the film, and not confined to specific scenes.

Prop list is an additional document.


Scene / Location Set ups:

(Listed in order of appearance.)

P: Post-Production Effect

A: News Remote Setup (1 day) Auburn, Alabama

B: Autorium (News Confrence) (2 days) Cottondale, Alabama (or UA)

C: Living Room (Half day) Oklahoma City

D: Outside Apartment (Half Day) Oklahoma CIty

E: Car Interior (1 Day) - Alabama

F: Field (Half day) Alabama, The Ruins

G: Tuscaloosa County Courthouse (Half Day)

H: New Bryce Hospital (interior) (Half day)

I: Hose Spray (Half day)

J: Sloss Interior Room (1 day) Sloss, Birmingham

K: Tongue Effect (Half Day) Birmingham

L: Cell (at Sloss) (1 day) Birmingham

M: Smoking area, at Sloss) (Half Day) Birmingham

Note: Shot listings, such as medium close up, are suggestions only. Nothing is hard and fast here.
Cinematography is, in part, left up to the discretion of the DP.
Welcome to the Kernal Panic
Scene 1P: Post Production Effect

[Setting] Fade in. A graphic comes up consisting of a wavering American Flag background. A globe,
and a cross swing into view, along with a title that reads:

The Holy Goverment News Network

Beneath this logo, is the tag line: Anonymous for our own protection

Announcer: (Voice Over) You're watching the Holy Government News Network. Anonymous for
our own protection.

Scene 2P: Post Production Effect

[Setting] A woman is seated behind a news desk, with a large black bar over her eyes. This appears to
be an old open source, news broadcast, that has been recut for lip sync purposes. That is because, that
is exactly what it is. Her voice sounds extremely chipper.

Anchor woman: Welcome to the Holy Government News at 6:00. I'm Patty Pure. Clones of Jesus
Christ, taking from DNA samples found on the Shroud of Turin, continue to walk among us. Why are
the so at risk for violent assaults? That story leads our next hour. But first....


Scene 3P: Post Production Effect

[Setting] Footage of rioters breaking and demolishing buildings is now seen, followed by scenes of
civil unrest, followed by punk kids moshing at a punk show. The Anchor Woman narrates the voice

Anchor Woman: (Voice Over) Authorities have recently arrested several terrorist groups, perpetuated
to be involved in Unamerican activities. This involves possessing media that denounce strong,
genetically pure, American values.


Scene 4A: Ext. of Federal Building. Daylight. Medium Close up.

[Setting] We now cut to a remote of a crazed looking, bearded man in a suit. He has a wild, crazy
look in his eyes. He speaks with a heavy southern accent. This man is Cletus Goodright. In his hand
he holds a CD entitled Jesus is Boring.

[Title] A title of the bottom of the screen, reads Cletus Goodright: Religious Czar and Chairman of
Unamerican Acitivies Commission., along with the HGN logo.

Page 4
Cletus Goodright: This MUSIC, if that's what you want to call it, drives these people, to deviant,
wanton acts of violence and destruction. Rejecting our strong American values, of genetic purity, and
heritage. These hate gangs, known as Goths and Punks, must be put in their proper place.

Scene 5. Ext. Daylight.

[Setting] A girl is dancing around outside, happy. This looks to be shot on a cell phone.

Ancor Woman: (V.O.) Today the ring leader of one such group was arrested. 5 year old Sabi
Starlight, from Gomorroah, Alabama.

Sabi: I like music because it sounds pretty!


Scene 6A. Ext. Ext. of Federal Building. Daylight

[Setting] We now return to Cletus Goodright, who is once again titled Religious Czar and Chairman
of Unamerican Activities Commission.

Cletus Goodright: Look at the absolute, deranged insanity inflicted upon such a child. Liking music
cause it sounds pretty. They should be listening to songs about the LORD, cleaning the house,
making ROASTS.

(Cletus now gets a wild eyed, spacey look in his eyes, and beings to preach, sounding very similar to an
unhinged homeless person. Think Rodney. He speaks into the camera directly.)

Cletus Goodright: Which is why, they must be drenched in the blood of lamb. Who invites us to


Scene 7A Ext. Daylight. Medium Close up

[Setting] We now cut to Jesus, who looks terrified. His mouth is open in horror, as he stares at Cletus.

Jesus: (Terrified) That....that was symbolic.

Cletus: (Off camera) SHUT UP!


Page 5
Scene 8A Ext. Daylight.

[Setting] We now return to Cletus Goodright. He is turned to someone off camera, implying he just
got done speaking to Jesus. He once again turns to face the camera, sounding like an enraged homeless

Cletus Goodright: For it is only through HIM, their psychic wounds are healed.....through the divine
nature of the sacred ED. Who rose from the dead, admit a thousand points of flame. And possessed us
with his soul saving HOO-DOO. That's what common sense tells you.

Scene 9A: EXT. Daylight. Medium Close Up.

[Setting] We now return to the same shot of Jesus as before, except this time he has a title at the
bottom, along with the HGN logo. He looks slightly terrified.

[Title] Jesus Christ Clone #3925, Shroud of Turin Clone / False Prophet

Jesus: I um, never really said women should just stay home and make roasts. I also never really said
anything about people not being able to listen to certain music....

(Cletus walks into frame, looking extremely irate.)

Cletus: What you wearing them fancy dresses for, faggot? Where you from, the middle east?!

Jesus: These are my robes, sir

Cletus: You ain't no real Jesus You ain't pure! This is Ed Christ country!

(Cletus lunges for the Jesus Clone, and the Jesus clone blows a rape whistle.)


Scene 10B: Int. Auditorium. 3 shot / establishing.

Settting: A stylish man in a suit, with slicked back hair, and a disingenuous grin, stands in front of a
background of an American flag, on a wooden stage. This man is Ed Christ, appointed savior and Jesus
of the new government. Beside him, is a podium with the presidential seal, and a gagged man in prison
attire, who also wears a black hood over his head.

Ed holds his arm outstretched, with his sleeve rolled up as blood flows from it. Beneath him, kneeling
at his feet, several followers drink the blood flowing from his arm.

Ancor Woman: (V.O.) Today our beloved leader, President of the United States, and Savior of all
mankind, Edward Christ Jesus Jr, otherwise known as our benevolent Ed Christ, had this to say about
such people.

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(Ed speaks to the followers, kneeled at his feet, drinking the blood that flows from his arm.)

Ed Christ: (To his followers) That's right, drink up, its not just a metaphor. Its real. Drink my blood.
There's a little bit of hepatitis in there, but don't let that stop you. It'll make you pure and virile. There
you go. That's good. Wait, are we on? Alright, that's enough.

(Ed Christ waves his followers away, rolls down his sleeve, and approaches the podium.)


Scene 11B: Int. Auditorium. Medium Close up of Ed.

[Setting] Same News Conference. We are now center frame, as Ed Stands at his podium.

Ed Christ: People - I may be nothing but a simple, country bumpkin Christ......but I know this. Them
people ain't to be trusted. Their minds are corrupted with insanity and uncleanliness. They fill
themselves with FILTH. Listen to these lyrics:

(Ed takes out his smartphone, and begins to read from it)

Ed Christ: She lusts after her lovers, whose genitals were like that of donkeys, and who's emissions
were like that of horses?! Filth! Absolute filth! Who in their right mind would write such
garbage....I'm sorry?

(Someone comes up and whisper's in Ed Christ's ear)

Ed Christ: I'm sorry, I'm being told that passage was actually from the original bible. Now don't you
worry, we'll cut that out, we'll cut that out. We'll make it clean. We ARE going to keep the parts about
slavery, and selling your daughter to her rapist. Those are just old testament classics. However, that
part is NOT making the next edition, I'll tell you that.


Scene 12B: Int. Auditorium 2 shot Establishing.

[Setting] We now cut to a 2 shot that includes Ed Christ at his podium, standing beside the man in the

Ed Christ: But what I'm trying to get at here people....these people have chosen a life of sin.
Unamerican, UnEdChrist-like sin.

(Ed gestures to the man in the hood, walks over to him, and places his arm around him. He then pulls a
cd out of his jacket.)

Page 7
Ed Christ: Take Edwardo here. Edwardo was found with with a music disc entitled I sometimes
disagree with the government. You know what I call that boys? HERSEY. And that is a crime
worthy of death. However, I am a merciful Ed. Which is why I will spare his life, by sending him to
one of our custom built Ed Christ Reorientation Centers and Casinos, where his life will once again
be given true purpose, through my ultimate benevolent nature.

(Ed pauses, and smiles with Edwardo. Someone snaps a few picture. Ed smiles big, completely
frozen, before then shoving Edwardo to the side.)

Ed Christ: You see, Edwardo here is what is known as impure. He's got impure thoughts and
unclean desires. He's a danger to himself and others. Maybe its because he's one them, Mexicanis.
Maybe its because he's one of them Muslims. Maybe its because he's one of them Gays, trans, punks,
or goths. Who's to say really?

But I will say this such people ain't to be trusted. Most of them don't even want to sleep with their
own sister, to keep their own bloodline pure. Ain't that right, Mary Lou?


Scene 12.5B Int. Autorium. Close up.

[Setting] We cut to a cross eyed woman, with hillbilly buck teeth, wearing overalls.

Mary Lou Christ: It surely is, brother husband!


Scene 13B Int. Autorium. Medium Close up.

[Setting] We cut back to Ed Christ, as he gestures to Mary Lou Christ.

Ed Christ: My sister wife, ladies and gentlemen. But that's what it means to be an American. You
hate and vilify anyone different from yourself. Anyone not pure like us. That's why we made this
country. So everyone could be exactly the same. That's what it means to be free. Which is why people
like Edwardo be taught their proper place, on the righteous path.

Scene 14B: Int. Auditorium 2 Shot. Medium Close up

[Setting] We now see a medium close up of the Podium again, as Ed approaches it. One he reaches it,
he begins to speak, as he pulls out a book from the podium. It appears to be a bible with Ed Christ's
face on it.

Ed Christ: And if you want to make sure you're on the right path, you definitely need to check out my
new book. My bible and yours: Ed Christ's Official Bible for Mandatory Salvation. Thanks to the
recently passed Freedom of Superstition act, its now required reading in all collegiate science classes.
In fact, its really the only book you'll ever need.

Page 8
(Ed holds up the book, as he opens the cover, revealing a chart labeled The Periodic Table. Only one
gigantic element is listed, named JESUS.)

Ed Christ: You'll see in this new edition the periodic table has been reduced to one element, which is
Jesus....which is also me. Through me, all things are possible after all. In fact, your bible is the ONLY
science book, that is not been outlawed by the state at this point. So if you're reading anything else,
you're being lied to. And that is sin that.....

Post Production: A gigantic explosion is heard off camera, as the camera shakes around.

Ed Christ: What the absolute fuck is that?!

(Ed's assistant approaches the stage.)

Assistant: Its the Nuclear Power plant sir. You fired all the people who read those fake science books,
and only hired those that read your bible. They say they don't know what they're doing.

READING IT HARD ENOUGH! (turns to the camera) This press conference is over!


Scene 15P: Post Production

[Setting] We now return to the Anchor Woman, Patty Pure, from earlier still seated at her news desk.

Anchor Woman: Ed Christ reminds all of his loyal servants to be on the look out of any suspicious
activity, and report it to the proper authorities. Goths and punks, and the terrible music they listen to
as been proven by Ed-Christian scientists to make people....


Scene 16P: Post Production

Setting: We now see a graphic come up with the title Un-American Activies. Patty, the anchor
woman, reads each one aloud as it appears on screen.

Anchor Woman: (V.O.) (Reads list)


* Engage in unlawful protests

* Question the benevolent nature of the Holy Ed.

* Burst into unholy flames

* Tear the tags off mattreses

Page 9
* Eat a chili dog without a napkin

* Burn down churches...with their minds

* And make dogs and cats live mass hysteria


Scene 15P: Post Production

[Setting] We now return to the Anchor Woman, Patty Pure

Anchor Woman: Goth, Punks, and other Asocials were also thought to behind the recent unlawful
protest that left 33 people dead, when they foolishly protested the addition of a delicious and nutritional
nuclear byproduct, along with some barely noticeable human waste to our water supply.


Scene 16P: Post Production

[Setting] We Now see footage of the Ohio, Kent state massacre where the police open fire on
protesting students. We then see bored college kids holding protest signs.

Ancor Woman: (Voice Over) Our brave holy warriors, our police force, were forced to open fire on
this dangerous menace, when they gave them mean stares, while holding cardboard signs. But here's
an unrelated footage of a man hitting someone, so we all know who we're dealing with.


Scene 17P: Post-Production

Setting: Cut to footage of an old timey boxing match, which plays for several seconds.


Scene 18C: Int. Living Room Close up of television zoom out to establishing.

Setting: We start with a close up of the television, as it plays the old boxing footage. We gradually
zoom out until we are behind the shoulder of a young trans girl, with light make up, a Nirvana t-shirt,
and skinny pants watching the tv on the couch. The girl is named Casey.

A coffee table separates the tv from the couch.


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Scene 19C: Int. Living Room Camera medium close up.

Setting: We now see a medium shot of Casey watching the tv on the couch. The trans girl picks up a
pack of cigerettes, opens it, turns it to show its empty. She then sighs and tosses it on the table. Her
name is Casey.

Casey: (sigh) They don't even bother with lip sync anymore.

(Casey then gets up from the couch, and walks out of frame.)


Scene 20C: Int. Living Room. Close up

[Setting] We now cut to a close up of the television, as it cuts back to the news anchor.

Post Production: Add in news footage, in post.


Scene 21P: Post Production.

[Setting] Cut to Anchor Woman, Patty Pure, still at news desk. This footage is superimposed on tv

News Ancor: In other news, Ed Christ has taken a firm stance against the other great threat to our
nature: The genetically impure. He had this to say, last Tuesday.


Scene 22B: Int. Studio. Auditorium. 1 Shot medium close up

[Setting] Ed Christ appears to be standing in a similar news conference, compared to prior scenes.
This footage is superimposed on tv.

Ed Christ: Look, I'm a decent and accepting as the next person. Ask my BLACK golf caddie, if you
disagree. But there is one thing I am sure of: Only genetically and chromesomally PURE men and
women are REAL men and women. And anyone that doesn't possess this genetic purity, is most likely
mentally deficient, filled with lewd base desires, and not to be trusted. Now what's so hateful about

[Camera] Camera zoom out, and pans over to reveal...

KKK leader: Absolutely nothing boss.

Ed Christ: See, the nice ghost man agrees with me. And he loves crosses. In fact, he burns them.

Off-camera: Bigot! Fuck you, Ed Christ!

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Ed Christ: What? I will not stand for slander for such a proud Ed Christian man. Gentlemen, take
this blasphemous peasant away. See if we can teach him some manners in our holding facility.


Scene 23D Ext. Daylight. Apartment building.

[Setting] All of the following is accomplished in one take. The Camera follows behind Casey's
shoulder, as he leaves his apartment. They go down the stairs, and exit through the gate. Casey turns
right and starts towards the parking lot. The camera remains behind their shoulder.

Once Casey reaches the parking lot, suddenly, a black police car with the insignia reading The Federal
Bureau of UnAmerican Acitivies and Genetic Impurity, pulls up with its lights flashing. It pulls
directly in front of Casey, blocking their path.


Scene 23D Ext. Daylight. Apartment building - parking lot. Medium close up.

[Setting] We now cut to Casey staring helplessly off camera, at the cop car that pulled in front of them.
They slowly puts their hands up, as an additional cop car pulls up behind it him with lights flashing.
Casey continues to stare as a hand holding a gun is slowly extended into view.


Scene 24E Int. Car. Daylight

[Setting] We cut to the interior of the car, shooting from what appears to be the front passenger seat,
into the back. Seperating us, is what looks to be a layer of reinforced chicken wire, acting as a cage.
The back driver side door is open. On the opposite side, sits a bored, perturbed looking girl in all
black. Her hands are secured behind her back. Her name is Moon. A pair of head phones hangs of the
front driver's seat head rest.

(Casey is throw into the back of the car., by the Cop. Who is a slightly irate Cop.)

Cop: Get the fuck in there scum.

Casey: What the fuck did I do?

Cop: You know what you did. Or what you're going to do. Shut up the fuck up, genetically impure

(The Cop slams the car door, walks over, opens the driver's side door, and gets in.)

Casey: Hi.

Moon: (sacred, withdrawn, and furious stares at Casey, then back out the window.)

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Casey: You ok?

(The girl says nothing. The cop starts the car.)

Cop: No fucking talking back there.

(The car starts to move.)

Casey: (whispers) My name is Casey.

Cop: I said no talking!

Casey: Look, spare me the hardass routine.

(Moon silently sighs, now even more perturbed.)

Cop: Spare me the what? How about I pull this car over, and put a boot in your ass?

Casey: How about I whisper a few diseased thoughts into your ear while you do it. Then they can take
you in, for reorientation with the rest of us.

Cop: You gonna do that without a tongue?

Casey: I might. I've said more eloquent things while gargling emissions, like that of horses.

Cop: (Frightened) Oh fuck you, don't tell me this shit.

Casey: (Louder) Who's genitals were like that of DONKEYS!

Cop: Hey! Don't you put that sick shit in my head!

Casey: Well then put your headphones on, and I'll spare you.

Cop: You'll be quiet because I tell you too!

Casey: I will be quiet. Just put your headphones on. I promise, you will not hear me mutter a word.

Cop: I know I won't. Or we're gonna have problems. I don't need this shit. Not a fucking peep, or
you'll regret it. (The cop prays to himself.) Please Ed forgive me, and cleanse my mind of all

(The Cop puts on headphones on. A short silence occurs. We zoom through the chicken wire on


Page 13
Scene 25E & 26E Int. Car Daylight Medium Close up.

[Setting] We now cut to a Medium close up of Moon, with the chicken wire removed. We hold this
shot for the entire scene. Scene 26C will feature the same dialogue, except the close up will be of
Casey, also with the chicken wire removed, and we'll splice the two together in post. We see the car
start to move in the background, through the windows.

Moon: Well that was interesting.

Casey: I guess. I think he's just scared.

Moon: My name's moon.

Casey: My name's Casey.

Moon: I know, you told me.


Moon: Are they like, going to kill us or something?

Casey: Probably, I don't know. The news is so fucking ridiculous now, who knows what's real

Moon: I used to think it was hilarious.

Casey: Me too in a weird, off putting sort of way. So why are you here?

Moon: (pause. Says nothing.)

Casey: (understands) Ok.


Moon: You know that kid on the tv, Sabi? Got arrested for being a terrorist or some stupid shit?

Casey: Yeah. That's real?

Moon: Yes. That's my kid.

Casey: (horrified) Do they still still have her?

Moon: No, they let her go and took me instead. (distraught) But they say they'll come back for her,
if I don't do what they say.

Casey: (scared) I'm sure she'll be ok.

Moon: (Furious) I will fucking kill them.

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Casey: Well...I will help you.

Moon: No you won't. You don't even know me. (pause) I'm gay by the way.

Casey: Really?

Moon: Apparently. I dress weird, so I guess that makes me gay.

Casey: I'm trans.

Moon: I figured.

Casey: That obvious?

Moon: Kind of. Only when you get hyper. But not in a bad way.

Casey: (self conscious) Oh, ok.

Moon: (sarcastic) So are you like, one of those bathroom pervs?

Casey: Oh, totally. That's why I took massive amounts of doctor prescribed drugs, that permanently
killed off my sex drive.

Moon: Why would you want to do that?

Casey: I don't know. I mean, I still have kind of a sex drive but it doesn't work the same as a boy's,
really. It never really did.

Moon: We don't have to get into specifics.

Casey: I know, it just sucks. The girls bathroom is as gross as the boy's bathroom, by the way.

Moon: Really? I kind of figured.

Casey: I just use whichever one is least likely to get me murdered. Which is apparently neither.

Moon: So how did you find out?

Casey: Um, I just felt like something wasn't right, my moods were all over the place, I couldn't
recognize myself in the mirror, everything just felt wrong. And then I talked to a doctor.

Moon: mmmm? I feel like I'm in a commercial.

Casey: (smiles) And they diagnosed me with it. Apparently, if you have it, it implies some weird
hormone thing. Your body is set up one way, but your brain is set up another?

Moon: That's not that ridiculous. I saw a show where a man turned into a tree, because of a skin
Page 15
Casey: I know, right? So yeah, they diagnosed me with it, and I started taking hormones, and all that
stuff went away, and I felt better. Just everyone hated me after that. Because I wasn't Pure. Its the
same reason they hate black people and Jews, I think.

Moon: Well, people suck. I mean, that's pretty well established.

Casey: Yeah, so....I guess that's why they took me. Although, they'll probably just say I was a terrorist
or something.

Moon: That's what they do to everyone now. They say gay, trans, black, or Muslims are all these
terrible things, but they don't openly arrest you for it. No, no...they just say you're a terrorist, because
you have Unamerican propaganda, because you bought a Marylin Manson album in the 3rd grade.
Then they put you on the news, and say See, what a coincidence. Then they blame it on being

Casey: So why did they arrest you? Why did they go after your kid?

Moon: Oh well, see, I really pissed them off. I used to have my own kids show in the morning, on
channel 7.

Casey: Holy shit...Marylin Moon? That's you?

Moon: Yep. And I got sick of all the Everyone is a terrorist, Black and Gay people are the devil
stuff on the news. So one day, I wrote a song about it.


Scene 27F: Ext. Daylight.

[Setting] Moon sits with a cheap acoustic in her lap, on top of a grass knoll. A title appears over her,
admist numerous cartoon dancing bunnies and flowers, before disappearing.

Title: Maryin Moon's Happy Fun Time Sing Along

(Moon speaks directly into the camera, much as someone would do on Blue's Clues.)

Moon: Hi kids. We're going to do something a little different today. This song is called Everyone
different from you is a rapist, and probably wants to kill you.

(Moon cheerfully strums her guitar.)

Moon: Oooooh.......

(Moon immeately starts thrashing the guitar like she was in a death metal band, while screaming.)

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(Moon smashes the guitar while screaming, then lets out a small sigh. She then smiles gently into the

Moon: Ah. Now then. Who wants cookies?


Scene: 28E Int. Car Daylight 2 shot.

[Setting] We cut to a 2 shot of Moon and Casey sitting beside each other in the back of the cop car.
The chicken wire is now back in place.

Moon: I heard they were thinking of making it the new national anthem, until they realized I was
being sarcastic.

Casey: Wow. At least they picked you up for something cool. All I did was grow boobs.


Scene 29G Ext. Daylight. Establishing shot

[Setting] We cut to head on shot of a large, official looking federal building, with a large cement stair
case. The cop car pulls up beside it, and screeches to a stop.


Scene 30G Ext. Daylight. Profile tracking shot.

[Setting] We track with the Cop, as they lead Casey and Moon up the staircase. As we do, we see in
the back ground, a punk resistance girl be pushed up against the wall, by another cop. Her name is
Leika. We leave Casey and Moon, and truck onto this scene. Numerous pizza boxes are littered at her
feet. Leika is slammed against a wall, as her hands are restrained behind her back with zip ties.

Leika: What the fuck, man?!

Cop2: We warned you about this shit, Leika.

Leika: Look man, people are fucking starving. What do you care if I give some old pizza to some
homeless kids?

Cop2: That is our garbage you're stealing. The people you're giving it too don't deserve it. Impure
deviants, and the like.
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Leika: (laughs) Oh, you mean like the leppers?

Cop2: That's enough!

Leika: Oh fuck you man you'r'e gonna dine on pizza, and not even give poor people the crusts?

Cop2: That's class warfare! And that's enough to put you on a terrorist watch list for the rest of your
life. I think you're going inside with the rest of them.

Leika: Oh fuck you pig!

Cop2: Watch yourself!

Leika: That's real fucking Christian of you starving people, hating them just because they're
different. Saying anyone not like you ain't pure, ain't Christian, and ain't to be trusted.

Cop2: WE'RE NOT CHRISTIAN. We're EdChrist-ian. And that's your last mistake.

Note: Nothing else is filmed, until we make it this far.


Scene 31H Int. Dogma 95 lighting POV trucking shot,

[Setting] We cut to a pov shot as we truck through the front doors of the facility. It look very fancy,
nice and posh. Standing in front of us, as we truck inside, is a prestigious and intelligent person, by the
name of Zed Killdare. He wears glasses and a white lab coat. He pulls out some black hoods out of his

Zed: Ah, some more of my lovely subjects. Please, put these on. (holding up the black hoods) The
orderlies will show you to our special facilities.


Scene 32I Ext. Daylight.

[Setting] We rapidly cut to Casey, Leika, and Moon, each curled up in a ball with a hood over their
head, stripped down to their underwear, as a hose sprays them down. A wad of prison clothes is then
thrown at them. This scene lasts a maximum of 5 seconds.


Scene 33J: Int. Sloss Room Establishing shot.

[Setting] We cut to the inside of a large, dialoaped facility directly contrasting the posh, fancy room
we saw earlier. We see Casey, Leika, and Moon lined up beside each other in prison garb, next to a 4th
person by the name of Justin. The cop that drove them there, stands behind them. Dr. Zed Kildare
stands in front of them, on a literal, old timey soap box.
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Note: All scenes where Zed faces the camera will be shot first. Then all shots where the camera faces
our prisoners. Then all additional shots. This will minimize lighting set ups.

Dr. Zed Kildare: Hello, my children. My name is Dr. Zed Kildare high priest, and chief scientist of
research in this facility. You are here because sinful action and thought has corrupted you. But soon
you will know obedience, as the hatred I have for all of you, can only be described as love.


Scene 34J: Int. Sloss Room. Medium Close up.

[Setting] We cut to a medium close up of Zed. He takes a lobotomy ice pick out of his pocket.

Dr. Zed Kildare: Soon you will know that ignorance is the truth path to enlightenment
enlightenment, only I can give to you. (Zed places the ice pick back in his pocket.) Soon you will learn
to hate the evil and corruption that lies within yourself, as I allow you to purge yourself of it. As I,
through the empowerment of the Sacred Ed Christ, show you the truth path to a spiritually pure destiny.
For it is only through me, that you may be redeemed. Guard, you may remove their masks.

Scene 35J: Int. Sloss Room. 2 shot of Casey and Moon

[Setting] We track right to left with each prisoner, as the cop takes each of their masks off. We end
with Casey and Moon. The cop walks up behind Casey and Moon, and pulls the hoods off. Casey and
Moon look around at their dilapidated surroundings.

Casey: Oh, I love what you've done with the place.

Moon: Ooooh, when you start torturing us, are we going to get nipple clamps? I'm actually looking
forward to those.

Casey: You too?

Zed: (Off Camera) SHUT UP! Disgusting freaks. You sicken me.

Casey: Well that's not very nice. When we get out of here, my yelp review is going to reflect the
terrible service here....


Scene 36J: Int. Sloss Room. Medium Close up of Zed.

[Setting] We now see a medium close up of Zed. He is filled with rage.

Zed: SHUT UP! Disgusting freaks. You sicken me.

(Pause. Zed gives a head nod to someone off camera, indicating something.)

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Scene 37J: Int. Sloss Room. Medium two-Shot.

[Setting] We once again see a two shot of Casey and Moon. The cop comes up behind them, pulls out
what looks to be a tazer, and presses against each of their necks. Casey and Moon collapse to the floor.


Scene 38J: Int. Sloss Room. Overhead shot.

[Setting] Cut to an over head shot of Casey and Moon on the ground. They both laugh.

Moon: (laughs) That was awesome!

Casey: I want to go again!


Scene 39J: Int. Sloss Room. Casey POV shot

[Setting] We cut to POV shot of Casey, as he lies on the floor, staring at the ceiling. Zed leans into

Zed: Keep laughing. Are you laughing now? Who's laughing now?


Scene 40J: Int. Sloss Room. Overhead shot. Close up.

[Setting] We cut to a close up of of Casey as he lies on the floor.

Casey: (smiles) Me. Oh, I love that song.


Scene 41J: Int. Sloss Room. French angle.

[Setting] Leika stares at Casey on the floor, still standing at attention.

Leika: (worried) Oh my God, stop talking.


Scene 42J: Int. Sloss Room. Medium shot

[Setting] We see Zed hunched over staring at the floor, at Casey. He gets back up and dusts himself
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Zed: You better listen to your friend. If you know what's good for you.

(We pulls back to once again reveal an establish shot of Zed staring at the lined up prisoners. The cop
walks over and helps Casey and Moon to their feet.)

Zed: There, do I have all of your attention now? Are you listening?


Scene 43J: Int. Sloss Room. Medium Close up

[Setting] We cut to a shot of Justin.

Justin: Where's the casino?


Scene 44J: Int. Sloss Room. Medium Shot.

[Setting] We center on Zed, as he once again addresses his lined up prisoners.

Zed: There is no casino, you stupid fuck. There's only me, and you, and this place. And you're with
me, as long as I decide for you to be. Until you're cured. Or until you're dead. The choice is in part up
to you.


Scene 45J: Int. Sloss Room. Close up.

[Setting] We cut to an even tighter version of the shot, from Scene 44S. Zed claps his hands in front
of his hands, and then slowly lowers them.

Zed: So welcome. Welcome to the rest of your miserable degenerate lives. You are here, because you
are my toys to play with. You are here, so I can remove the FILTH from your minds, and make you
decent, respectable members of society.


Scene 46J: Int. Sloss Room. Angled Profile shot.

[Setting] We cut to a close up of Casey facing forward. As he speaks, we rotate around to a profile
shot of Casey facing forward.

Casey: Does this mean we're going to have to molest alter boys? Because I'm totally not into that.

(Zed leans into frame and points his finger at Casey.)

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Zed: Those are GAY priests, not pure, EdChrist-ian priests.

Casey: Oh. Are the women that rape male children gay priests too?

Zed: (laughs) Not possible. Boys always want it.

Casey: Even when they're kids?

Zed: (Thinks for a moment.) Yes.

Casey: Oh really? Now who's the rapist scumbag?

THIS, THE SACRED ED'S HOLY HOUSE. You will learn courtesy. You will learn respect. You will
learn to purge yourself of these sinful thoughts.

Casey: Except when you say it?

Zed: Exactly. Guards, take our new friend in the back. Cut off fucking tongue. Just the tip. I want
them to know there's always more the loose.


Scene 47J: Int. Sloss Room. Medium Shot.

[Setting] We cut to an over the should shot of the three remaining prisoners, as Zed stands in front of
them. The camera has free reign, moving freely as it suits them - except when it closes in on Moon,
during the specified time.

(The Cop angerly escorts a terrified Casey off camera. Zed approaches Leika.)

Zed: You. You were quite the little trouble maker too, weren't you?

Leika: (with thinly veiled hate) Whatever is your bidding, Master Zed.

Zed: Good. Good. That's good to hear. Perhaps we may show you the truth path of Christianity the
EdChristi-ain path. Perhaps you may be saved yet.

(Zed walks over to Moon, and stands in front of her.)

Zed: Anything else you'd like to share?

(Moon stares at Zed with a look of thinly veiled hatred.)

Zed: Perhaps once your mind has once again been purified, and removed of all contrary subversive
thoughts perhaps then, you may be reunited with your family. You must know your proper place, as a
servant of this administration.

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(The Camera pans over to a close up of Moon. Moon stares at him silently, saying nothing.)

Moon: (Voice Over) I'm not your servant, you goat raping fucktard.

Zed: What was that?

Moon: I didn't say anything.

Zed: No, but you thought it. I told you, your minds are mine to play with now. Nothing is kept secret
from me. Take her to her room.

(The Cop walks back, snatches moon, and escorts her away. Zed approaches Justin.)

Zed: And now you. What are you in for?

Justin: I don't know, you tell me. You're the fucking psychic.

Zed: There's no need to be psychic in your case genetically impure, immigrant.

Justin: What? I was born here.


Justin: Is this a black thing?

Zed: No, its an immigrant thing,

Justin: But I'm not an immigrant...

Zed: QUARTERS! (Zed Presses hands together, as the camera closes in on him.) Let us play.


Scene 48K: Int. Extreme close up of face. Effect shot.

[Setting] We see an extreme close up of a tongue having its tip cut off. We then cut to a shot of Casey
coughing up blood, before they are once again lead away.


Scene 49L: Int. Dimly Lit Cell - Red

[Setting] We cut to a dimly lit cell corner. Casey is thrown into frame, and we hear a large metal door
close. Casey spits out more blood, and talks with a swollen, damaged tongue. The cell is tinted Red.

Casey: I'm going to develop an S/M fetish if you keep me here long enough. I still have enough to
give your dad a decent blow job, though. Not that I would though. Your dad sucks.

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Scene 50L: Int.. Dimily Lit Cell - Red

[Setting] We see a shot of the wall directly in front of Casey, with a tv screen built into it. A large
heavy steel door is beside it.

Post Production 1: Add in Tv Screen, and heavy steel door. This shot is stationary, so we should be
able to accomplish it with photoshop.

Post Production 2: A image of Zed appears on the screen.

Zed: You are being watched. You are always being watched. Never forget that Casey.

(Zed blinks off, and is soon replaced with 15 minutes of a man watching you eating marshmallows
by Kevin Ragland. They stare as the cartoon man gulps down several marshmallows.)


Scene 51L: Int. Dimily Lit cell - Red

[Setting] Casey stares directly ahead as we hear the man eat marshmallows in the background. They
look confused.


Scene 52L: Int. Dimily Lit Cell - Yellow

[Setting] Leika is thrown into their cell. She turns around, staring directly ahead, worried and
confused. The scene is tinted a dingy yellow.


Scene 53L: Int. Dimly Lit Cell - Yellow

[Setting] We once again see the heavy metal door, beside the tv screen embedded in the wall. Except
this time it is tinted yellow to correspond to Leika's scene.

The Screen simply shows Ed Christ is your savior, while an announcer is heard to shout this.

Announcer: Ed christ is your savior. Ed Christ is your savior. Ed Christ is your savior. Ed Christ is
your Savior. Ed Christ is your savior.

Leika: (Off Camera) Fuck you, you assholes!


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Scene 54L: Int. Dimly Lit Cell - Purple

[Setting] We see moon cast into the cell. She looks pissed. Her cell is tinted purple.

Moon: Suck my dick, you bastards!

(Moon sits down and looks very perturbed. She stares directly ahead.)


Scene 55L: Int. Dimly Lit Cell - Purple

[Setting] We once again see the shot of the steel metal door, with the screen embedded in the wall. It
is tinted purple to correspond with Moon's scene.


Scene 56L: Int. Dimly lit Cell - Purple

[Setting] We once again cut to a shot of Moon, as she notices the screen.

Moon: Oh, what's this for? Are you going to show me dog porn or something? Because that would be


Scene 57L: Int. Dimly Lit Cell - Purple

[Setting] We once again see the shot of the steel metal door, with the screen embedded in the wall. It
is tinted purple to correspond with Moon's scene. A shot of Martha Stewart suddenly appears on the
screen, looking particularly psychotic, holding a butcher knife.

Martha Stewart: Hi MOON!


Scene 56L: Int. Dimly lit Cell - Purple

[Setting] We once again cut to a shot of Moon, as she recoils in horror.



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Scene 57L: Int. Dimly Lit Cell - Blue

[Setting] We cut to Justin being thrown into the cell. Justin turns around, as we hear the metal door
shut off camera. Justin's scene is tinted blue.

Justin: What the hell is this shit?


Scene 60L: Int. Dimly Lit Cell - Blue

[Setting] We cut to the shot of the wall, with the screen embeded into it, next to the steel door.

On the screen is Ked.

Ked: Hey Justin. Looks what I found. Its you.

(Ked holds up a brown doll that says Terrorist on it.)


Scene 60L: Int. Dimly Lit Cell Blue

[Setting] We cut back to a shot of Justin the cell.

Justin: Don't you got better things to do, than fuck with me? Fuck that shit. Why don't you pull out a
KKK doll, and write terrorist on that. That shit is more accurate anyway.

Ked: How racist of you. Besmirching the name of good Christian people....

Justin: (laughs) You're not Christians! You're hateful, inbred fucks!


Scene 61M: Ext. Meeting area, Sloss. Two shot

[Setting] We see a shot of Ked and the Cop, standing beside each other. They are smoking

Ked: We certainly have a promising group of candidates this quarter, don't we?

Cop: Yeah, I guess we do.

Ked: Tell me, are you keeping up with your studies?

Cop: My studies?

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Ked: Yes. Is your mind still clean and uncontaminated by filth?

Cop: Well, I guess I saw a book about the Birmingham Civil Rights protests, the other day.

Ked: Did you open it?

Cop: No. I reported the person who had it, and had it burned.

Ked: That's good. History like that just stirs up trouble. Its better it be silenced, for a cleaner, more
pure mind.

Cop: I suppose I agree.

Ked: You suppose?

Cop: I do.

Ked: Good, good. You kind of people are just fine, as long as you know your proper place. Nothing
racist about that, is there?

Cop: (thinly veiled disgust at Ked) No. No I guess not.

Ked: Good. Excellent. Keep up the good work. Better have you scheduled for a mind wipe, just to
be sure though. Even seeing the cover of such a book, can affect a pure, EdChrist-ian mind.

Cop: Yes sir.

Ked: Good man. Oh, and boy? Would you mind fetching me a coffee? Bring it to my office later.
You are so nice. You truly are one of the good ones, you know. Pleasant day to you.

(Ked puts out his cigerette. And walks away, off camera.)


Scene 62M: Ext. Meeting area, Sloss. Medium 1 shot.

[Setting] We cut to a medium close up of the cop, as he watches Ked walk away. He then looks down.
We tilt down, as the cop removes something from his pocket.


Scene 63M: Ext. Meeting area, Sloss. Close up.

[Setting] We cut to a close up, as the Cop pulls something out of his pocket. It is a packet of pills
labeled Sleepytime Insta-Coma. The tag phrase is Knocks you out cold.

Cop: (Off Camera, smiling) Pleasant day to you too, mother fucker.

Page 27
Next time:

Casey learns he's supposed to always want it, unless he's a faggot.....which still means, they still want
it anyway.

They learn their medical diagnosis is bullshit, because it makes them Impure


Leika most forsake the false profit Jesus, in the name of the true Messiah Edward Christ Jesus Junior

She must learn to hate the poor, and the genetically impure.


Justin learns he is inherently corrupt, simply because he's a Terrorist....which he's not.

But the people imprisoning our heroes are very, very dumb.


Zed: This implant will overload your brain with good, pure Ed Christ-ian thoughts, obliterating the
bad. Until you are completely at his and my mercy. Now the images you see, will not be merely
confined to a screen. They will will permanently embedded in your mind. A Kernal Panic induced
neurologically, obliterating the bad, and replaced with only pure, Ed Christ-ian thought.

Casey: (Gives a golf clap)

Zed: What are you doing?

Casey: Giving you the golf clap. The Kernal Panic? If this was a movie, that would be the title,
wouldn't it?



The Skitzo beam, Lots of brain surgery, self induced gore...

Sted the Cop joins the revolution

And our heros give Zed a taste of his own medicine, and escape.


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