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Xenia Progress Report

Product Description (who/what are you going to write about and what will the final deliverable
be/look like?):

Article on __________________.

[Include here your most recent draft for each article you are writing. Until accepted as the final
version, update any draft at least weekly]

Article #1:
For the Presidio Project we chose from a variety of different options including the Coding group,
Blender group, Unity group and Multimedia group. We picked our top two choices, then were
placed into our official project groups. As soon as we were placed in groups, we got a rundown
of what needed to be done. We had an overview of the project deadlines, instructions and
expectations. Then, the groups met together to discuss and decide who is in charge of the
different parts of the project. Each group constructed a plan to check-in at the midpoint of the
project to discuss progress and review the articles before we publish them. For the first two
weeks we have had project work time in class. Everyone is organizing what we each need to
finish in the next couple of weeks to be able to meet the project deadlines.

Article #2:
Into our third week of the project I got the chance to get multiple interviews from group
members of each group asking them a main question what are they going to be doing for this
project and what does your role have to do with the overall project. All four groups have a task
that they're assigned to throughout this project depending what group you're in you either
creating a specific object from the presidio to recreate into virtual reality. Filming videos every
week of the step by step process showing the students process over this project. Or writing
weekly blogs twice a week by helping promote this project citywide.

Article #3:
Our Blender group helps create the specific objects that were in the Presidio. Their main tasks is
receiving an object like bookshelfs, books, plates, forks, and other of uniquely detailed things. So
that in the process that they are creating the objects on Blender to make it realistic so the public
or anyone can come in and experience it in Virtual Reality. So that they can relive the experience
that was in the Presidio many years ago. The main job and purpose for the blender group is to
create objects that are detailed so that its realistic for the viewers when they get to experience it
on VR.
Article #4:
From our first introduction of the Presidio project we got a quick run down from Victor and
Sarah. They gave us a brief description of the presidio and the goal that they are trying to
accomplish for this project. Specifically for fourth graders are the ones that typically go and tour
the Presidio. Their goal is to improve the visual component and use VR so they can get an
realistically view of what the presidio was.

(Below Sarah giving us a tour of the Presidio)

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