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Chapter 20 Study Guide

Fascism Adolph Hitler Internationalism
Collective(s) Hideki Tojo The Lend-Lease Act
Exploit The Munich Conference The Atlantic Charter
Appeasement The Nazi-Soviet Pact Winston Churchill
Benito Mussolini Blitzkrieg Pearl Harbor
Joseph Stalin Neutrality The Nuremberg Laws
Learning Objectives

Ch. 20-1
1. What economic and political conditions following World War I encouraged

2. How was Hitler able to rise to power in Germany?

3. How did European nations try to prevent another war in Europe (before WWII)?

4. What is the difference between communism and Nazism?

Ch. 20-2

5. Why did Americans initially support isolationism? Why did President Roosevelt
support internationalism?

6. How did President Roosevelt assist Britain while maintaining US neutrality?

7. How did the United States try to slow Japans advance in the Pacific?

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