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1. Who is the founder of the communism and wrote “The Communist Manifesto” in 1848?
Karl marx

2. What is communism?
Communism is a political and economic ideology that positions itself in opposition to liberal
democracy and capitalism, advocating instead for a classless system in which the means of
production are owned communally and private property is nonexistent or severely curtailed.

3. What is the historical significance of Vladimir Lennin?

Lenin created the Soviet totalitarian system by eliminating basic freedoms, executing his
enemies, and promoting global revolution (first communist leader in Russia)

4. How did Lennin stay in power?

Bolsheviks employed mass terror

5. How many people died as a result of Stalin policies?

Tens of millions of people

6. What is the Gulag?

system of forced labor camps throughout Russia.

7. What is the Great Terror?

1936-1938 are known as the "Great Terror." Stalin wanted to purge anyone who might
challenge him. Confessions were obtained through the use of torture and intimidation.

8. What was the Cold War? An era of confrontation and competition between the United
States and the Soviet Union

9. Why did the Cold War start?

Ideological differences between capitalism and communism.

10. Who participated in the Cold War?

NATO and the Warsaw pact alliance.

11. What was the Yalta conference and who participated?

the Big Three (U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston
Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin ) agreed that after Germany's unconditional
surrender, it would be divided into four post-war occupation zones, controlled by U.S.,
British, French and Soviet military forces

12. What is the Declaration of Liberated Europe?

A declaration that was created during the Yalta Conference. It was a promise that allowed
the people of Europe "to create democratic institutions of their own choice."

13. Why and who divided Germany in 4 sections?

In the Yalta conference, for administrative purposes after the war ended and they
surrounded Berlin. It was divided by the United States, the Soviet Union, France, and the
Great Britain.

14. What did Stalin wanted Germany to do after the damages of the WW2?
Having experienced great losses he wanted Germany be dismembered and divided so that it
could not rise to its former strength to threaten European peace and security again. sought
huge reparations from Germany in the form of money, industrial equipment, and resources

15. Who was president after Roosevelt died?

Harry Truman

16. What was the Potsdam conference and who participated?

Truman and Stalin met to work out a deal on Germany. negotiate terms for the end of World
War II.

17. What was the Iron Curtain?

It was a metaphor that Churchill said in a speech where he refers to the line or barrier that
was made in Germany between the communist side and west side.

18. What are the causes and effects of the Cold War?

Soviet Union controls Eastern Europe after World War Il
Chinese Communists win control of mainland China
UnitedStates and Soviet Union explode atomic bombs

Marshall Plan provides aid to Western
Western nations form NATO; Communist nations respond with Warsaw Pact Korean War
American and Soviet arms race begins
Red Scare leads to hunt for Communists in the United States

19. What is the Truman Doctrine and what was its purpose?
Truman went before Congress to ask for $400 million to fight Communist aggression. His
speech outlined a policy which became known as the Truman Doctrine.
Its goal was to aid "free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed
minorities or by outside pressures.

20. What is the Marshall plan what did it pretend?

It would give European nations American aid to rebuild their economies.

21. What part of Germany was occupied by the USA?

West Germany and West Berlin

22. What happened during the Berlin Airlift?

The USA and UK delivered supplies to West Berlin Cargo planes with food, medicine, and

23. What is the NATO and who was part of it initially?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization with originally Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France,
Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the
United States

24. What was the major change in China during their Civil War and Revolution? Were they
also communist?
The Communists gained control of mainland China and established the People's Republic of
China in 1949,

25. What happened in the Korean War? Was it an effect or consequence of the Cold War?
North Korean leader Kim Il Sung wanted to unite the peninsula under communism
North Korea launches a surprise attack over the 38th parallel and push South Korea back
The United States and United Nations go to war to support South Korea. Worried that
communism will spread in Asia!! (China already became communist the year before in

26. What happened during the Cuban Revolution? Who was the dictator that they wanted to
A military and political effort to overthrow the government of Cuba. Fidel Castro opposed
Batista he organized a guerrilla army and fought against Batista

27. Who became the leader of Cuba after the Cuban Revolution?
Fidel castro

28. What happened during the Bay of Pigs Invasion?

U.S. plan to support anti-Castro Cubans that fled Cuba
The goal was to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro but the plan fails, Castro found out
about it before the invasion, rebels were defeated and taken prisoner, Castro looked for
protection from the Soviet Union

29. What is the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Cuba wanted protection so the Soviet Union put nuclear missiles in Cuba.
Kennedy put Cuba under "quarantine" (no offensive weapons would be allowed)
Both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. wanted to avoid war. They agreed to end the Crisis so the
Soviet Union would take out all missiles from Cuba and the U.S. would take the missiles out
of Turkey and not invade Cuba.

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