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USES MARCH 2017 - EIDE, industrial clutches

and brakes manufacturer

Brake for Packaging Machine

The electromagnetic and pneumatic clutch-brake designed by Eide plays an

essential role in automatic and semi-automatic packaging machines. It can
regulate clutch performances and braking in a controlled manner for greater

There are three types of clutch-brake for this purpose:

NEF pneumatic clutch-brake without rotary air: compact unit formed by a

pneumatic clutch and an antagonistic brake antagonistic that works by
springs reaction. With regulation of air pressure, it is possible to control
the acceleration of the machine.

EFE electromagnetic clutch-brake: a compact and narrow unit that offers

a safe and rapid response.

GEF electromagnetic clutch-brake: the clutch and brake of this unit are
mounted within a housing and have the possibility of a combination of up
to 17 different versions. Both devices operate on the current draw.

Conca de Barber, 8 de Castellar del Valls (Barcelona) Spain Tel: +34 93 714 65 11

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