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TWE Homework

Dyan Senja Rachmawati, 1406544614

Self-confidence is one of the important factors for success. Self-confidence is not only
the important factors to get success but also two other important factors more; knowledge and
sensitivity. All of these are required if you want to get success anywhere.
All of the people want to accomplish their tasks. If people think that he or she is
incapable of doing something, he or she will unable to do so. Even though he or she has some
potential capabilities for that. For example, if you have any thoughts that you are bad on an
exam, you will probably do badly. It is important to tell yourself that you can do well on the
examination. If you feel confident with yourself, you might be doing well.
Even if you have good self-confidence, you will not be able to do well on the
examination without having knowledge by learning the subjects. You have to understand your
subject very well to pass the examination. With both knowledge and self-confidence, you will
have a better chance for success.
On the other hand, you need to be more sensitive between your surroundings in order
to succeed. You are not only need to know when to boast about yourself or being modest, but
you also have to know whether you should take the lead or let the others. This is difficult to
learn, but the most important one for success.
Getting success both in school or work, you need self-confidence, knowledge, and
sensitivity. None of these factors will help you to get success, but they ensure success

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