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conceive = to develop an idea, TO UNDERSTAND SOMEONE

Condemn(v) : To pronounce judgment against (president condemns the terrorist att

acks)/ reprehension / censure/ reprimand/admonish/deporable
CONTEMPT/OBNOXIOUS = the feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or beneat
h consideration./ haughty / despise/ vile
CONJURE= TO BRING into existance
coddled= excessive indulgence
contraband= illegal goods
console-comfort , esp in grief or disappointment.
clandestine = secret
circumspect = cautious
approbation - approval
antagonism = hatred
aggravate/aggro = to make worse/ severe
obsolete= no longer in use
austere = unpleasant looks
assuage = to lessen/ mitigate
boisterous = full energy
exuberant = energitic
ecstasy = intense pleasure
taciturn = silent
veteran = long service
panacea = remedy to cure all diseases
voracious = great appetite
reproach = shame
meage= thin/ lean
pretentious = ostentatious (intended to impress others )
fracas = quarrel
castignsation =punishment
supress , prevent ,reprimand, reprove, subdue , repress, restrain ******
modest = unpretentious
acarpous= unfruitful
renounce= give up/ abjure
desolate= devoid of inhabitants
shrewd= clever resourcefullness
sagacious= keen discernment (difference)
erratic = inconsistent
explicit = very specific
illicit= illegal
fallacy = false /mistaken
mock = imitate
unanimous = sharing same decision
aesthetic= beauty
anguish= extreme pain
naive =insophisticated
sumptous = luxiourious
decapitate= remove head
averse = opposite side
semantics =meaning study
imperative = essential
pervious = permeable
intrepid = fearless
appendant = attached
subdue= bring under control
deify = treat worthy
glib = ready flow
garrulous =continuous talker
impervious = unable to be affected by
transient= brief
reverence= veneration/respect/awe
menace= act of threatning
intimidate =to make timid
credulous = ready to believe things /gullible
precipice = a steep cliff
clergy= pesons trained for religious service
delude = lead to error
swindle(defraud) = obtain money by fraud
profound=deeply felt
kindle= to arose /inspire
gulible= easily cheated
bliss = happiness
futile =incapable of producing results
parsimonious= stingy
penurious =miser
cache =storage of things that cn b retrived rapidly
hoard= hidden supply
fidelity = loyalty
gratuity= payment/reward/service
seldom = rarely
ken = knowledge
amend= to heal/cure
devastated = upset
redemption = recover /redeem
mesmerized = enthralled / spellbound
exagerate = overstatee
subtle= barely noticeble
shoddy = poor quality
rabble= disordered crowd
strand = piece of wire obtained by combining wires
invincible = cannot be defeated
fritter= small
oblivion = forgetfullness
salvation=state of being saved
accoladed = approval
fictious = not real
iota = small
deploy = to prepare n arrange
lucrative = profitable
emulate = to copy / imitate
ominous= evil
larceny = unlawful way of taking personal property as an attempt to deprive legl
garner =gather
ludicrous = idiotic
perpicacious = keendiscernment /sapient
anile = feeble
chafe = heatt by friction
bemuse = confuse
fawn = young deer
growel = crawl
asinine = failing to exercise intelligence
obiquitous = being everywhere
masquerade =party
befuddle = perplex/confuse/bewilder
limpid= clear / lucid
tantamount= equivalent
malignant = diseased
mundane= worldly
felony = a criminal offense
substatial = significantly greAT
FATUOUS= foolishness
volition= mental power
menial= servant woork
mend= act of repairing
inane = lacking sense of meaning
wan = uninterested
exodous= sudden departure of large no of people
yonder= in a distant, indicated place
ponder= to wonder
endurance= measurement of ones stamina
prankish= playfullness
oppress= keep down by force
whimsical= peculiar
oppress= to keep down by force
demarcate = to mark differnce
crux= basic/central
inundate = cover with large amts of water
inebriate = intoxicated
indict= accuse of wrong doing
debiltate= to make feeble
insipid= lacking definition
laanky= thin / gaunt/ lean
adulterate -= adult thing
captivate= to attract and hold intrest
assimilate= absorb knowledge in mind
summon = call people to persuade
orotund = pompous (grang/solemn/important)
supercilious= arrogantly superior
detest= dislike
lament= expression of grief
canny= careful
embezzle= to steal
emaciate= to make extremely thin
corpulent = large in body
repeaal = cancel
extricate = free
salacity = indecent
manoeuver - move skillfully
candid - straighforward
meld = merge
lynch = kill
wretch - unpleasant
rant - noisy speechor angry speech
zany - palyful prson
slaughter=kill (animals) for food.
massacre - kilijng of people
wary - vigilant(alert)
distorted - out of shape
jubilation - triumph/joy
mayhem - havoc
insomnia= sleeplessness
repercussion- reaction
frugal - spending economically/ thriftiness
furore - excitement
meendacious- lying
mendicant- beggar
voracious - gluttonous (greedy eater)
gratify -- indulg (enjoy leasure of)
drool - secrete saliva in anticipation of food
tepid - lukewarm
commensurate = proportionate
uncouth - rude
discrete - seperate
discreet - quiet
affect comes first alphabetically, and an ACTION (to affect) has to occur before
you can have a RESULT(an effect).
afflict - who is doing sufferuing
inflict - who is causing suffering
ALLUDE- say somthing indirectly
elude- to evade
Amicable refers to the connections between people or things, like a friendly sit
uation with a crowd.
Take out the "c" for crowd and you're left with amiable, one friendly person.

bemuse - confuse
interim - temporary
august= dignified
canny = clever
Lament= cry of sorrow and grief
rant = To preach noisily
ZANY= lown
vicissitudes = CHANGES
kin = relative
pensive= thoughtful
apportion= divide
qualm = scruple (unease)
wary = cautious
dismay = shock
reviere = daydreem
chimera= illusion
imeriy= audacity
educe= develop som ething potential

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