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Two Supports of the True and Everlasting


There remains an expectation of having a strong body, a well educated

brain, an attractive personality, desired earnings, a complete family, a
necessary environment and a favorable opportunity for the materialistic
progress. One achieves the materialistic success to the extent one gets
these resources.
     The value, importance, happiness as well as the result of the Spiritual
Progress are thousands times better than the materialistic progress. Even
after this, there are only two resources sufficient for achieving the Spiritual
Progress. One is the Upasana  (Sitting in Proximity of God) that is filled with
feelings; the other is the Sadhana  (Spiritual pursuits) of making the life
excellent, making the life that is worthy to be followed. If we do an effort
with stable intellect and very intense faith for these two then without any
doubt we can also achieve the Spiritual Progress like the way we achieve
the materialistic progress.
     The significance and success of the life depends on the Spiritual
Progress. Materialistic successes give joy only up to the time we have not
achieved them. The minute we get the materialistic successes the joy from
them ends. The True and Everlasting happiness and benefit depend on the
Spiritual Progress only. Therefore, who so ever wants to make the best
righteous use of the human life, who so ever wants to have that joy for
which, we have got this human birth and who so ever is desirous to
achieve this joy should be ready with eagerness and enthusiasm for the
Spiritual Progress and should engage in both supports of the Spiritual
Progress i.e. Upasana and Sadhana.

   Akhand Jyoti – April  1968 Page 1

Art of living  -  selfless service

There are so many subjects like Music, wrestling, medicine etc. are such
that, to know them well, only theoretical knowledge is not enough but we
need to have practical experience as well. How can we become an expert
swimmer without getting into water?

It is nice to read or listen or understand the principles of spirituality. We

get direction of path from doing so. But the actual goal can be achieved
only by following this path practically in life. 

Spirituality means - becoming Introvert, to awaken the treasure of divine

qualities inside us and making them alive. Any Upasana, like worship or
meditation or rituals etc. should be able to make us divine. It should be
able to develop qualities of God inside us, otherwise what is the meaning
of it?

Keeping ourselves indulged in selfless services and activities for the

betterment of others is such an effort that gives us an opportunity to put
the principles of spirituality into practical actions. Consistent practice of
these activities helps us put our philosophical knowledge into actions. This
is spirituality in its true meaning.
For a fire to keep going, burning material should be available. Same way,
to get proper results of philosophical knowledge, it is necessary that it
should be put in action by selfless service. Being spiritual and being a social
worker with selfless motives are two different forms of one single fact.

                                                           BY P P GURUDEV SHREE RAM SHARMA ACHARYAJI.

Akhand Jyoti –February 1986, Page 1

The Power of Thoughts

Human being is like a statue made of bones and muscles.  His
body is so weak compared to some of the animals that on the
perspective of physical strength, he can be considered very tiny
and useless. Animals do not have ability to think. Just how any
other animals or birds live their life naturally, thought less people
also carry their bodies in the routine of life (Eating and having
progeny) without thinking about anything. But you can never
achieve the goal of your life by living such a thoughtless life.

 “Thought” is that strength which made human capable of living a

better life than any other animals. This is the first magic of
Thought. The next magic starts, when he starts using this great
power, to understand the goals of life and how to get the best out
of it. This very process is known as “Philosophy” or “Darshan” or
“Spirituality”. A person who understands the value and
importance of Thought power, starts using this incredible gift
given to him by God in achieving the ultimate goal of life. As a
result, his routine of life completely changes. His actions and
endeavors get improved and he becomes an example of great
moral in the society. 

This is the joy and pride of life. Human life can be made worth
only by followingThoughtfulness in life; otherwise all other
animals and insects live their entire life for food. It would be
better if we understand the importance of human birth and
significance of our thought power and adopt a life style that is
appropriate to the pride of a Human being!

Akhand Jyoti February 1986 Page 1

Key to be powerful and happy in life

Angry person feels that he favors the Truth. He feels that, he gets
angry when someone makes mistake. These words seem
completely innocent in talking but actually they are quite opposite
to the truth. Isn’t it hard to imagine, how can you correct or
transform a person who made mistake by punishment or anger?
Nobody has time to know the main reason to be angry. First of all,
the bad tone and bitter words expressed during anger, proves a
person - wrong. Others become his enemies before even an
inquiry starts about what was the reason to be angry. This is how
he loses the battle which he could have won otherwise.  

Before even anybody tries to find out the original reason to be

angry or finding solutions, the person will be affected with all
negative consequences like, bad name about having bad
personality, inability to handle conflicts and loss of his own vital
energy. Same way a shy and coward person also because his
inability to express himself, is proved guilty even though he is

There are so many things considered to be important for overall

success of a person, like; stable health, proper financial
management, peace and happiness in family, ability to solve
problems and proper management of progress. Mental balance is
the main requirement for all these. We can only lead our life to a
path of success only with light and easy approach. Just be happy
yourself and try to make others also happy.

Akhand Jyoti – March 1988 Page 56


  If you really want to be happy and successful in life , begin with setting up your
GOALS. All your thoughts, activities, aspiration should be motivated by this main
purpose. Be like Arjun of Mahabharat. Concentrate upon yourself, analyze your
present status, capabilities, qualities with respect to what is necessary for
accomplishing what you aim for. Don't look at what others are doing.
Remember! Being focoused at the target does not mean only its imagination and
daydreaming. It simply impiles that your efforts and your activities, should revolve
around the chosen objective. This means greater efforts and more work rather than
only planning and thinking...
once you choose the correct direction, don't deviate. Work hard with patience and
enthusiasm; enjoy it without any fear, desperation, or despair. It will take you to
the desired goal at an accelerated pace.
Concentration of mind with willpower at a chosen aim plays wonders. This is the
secret of all magnificent achievements and historic successes.
                                                      -Akhand jyoti june 1950

People, who close their eyes while running, get hit by the bumps, fall down
and break their teeth. It is wise to keep the consequences in mind and
follow the path which even though looks difficult upfront, but ultimately
proves to be the right one in providing peaceful results.   

When greed prevails, we forget the boundary of how much to accumulate

and when we want to have prosperous life, we forget the boundary of
what is right and what is wrong. Stream water is clean and useful only till
its flowing freely. If it stops flowing and start accumulating at one place, it
floods the surrounding area. Same thing is true for wealth also. Wealth is
meaningful only when it is earned righteously and used properly for good
purposes.  Where ever there is unnecessary accumulation of wealth, it
creates countless bad qualities and in turn it creates conflicts because of
jealousy, hatred etc. which makes life miserable. Miser always stays at loss.
Even the people who inherit miser’s wealth also cannot use it happily.
Nobody can digest stuff that he got for free without paying anything for it.

Life is a precious gift given to us by God. Everybody gets it but hardly

anyone knows how to make a proper use of this precious gift. As a result,
the life style created on the bases of selfish intellect (so called Smartness)
becomes very tough and troublesome for such undeveloped people.
Anybody who can solve such problems should be considered wise even
though he is not educated or good looking!

Akhand Jyoti – September  1984 Page 51

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