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Explaining Consciousness
39 David M. Rosenthal

Among mental phenomena, none seems so thor- scious, though if ordinary dreams are ever con-
oughly to resist informative explanation as does scious states they are counterexamples to this
consciousness. Part of the difficulty is due to our generalization. 3
using the term 'conscious' and its cognates to Whatever the case about that, the property of
cover several distinct phenomena, whose con- creature consciousness is relatively unproblem-
nections with one another are not always clear. atic. We can see this by considering creatures
And that often leads us to fun these distinct phe- mentally less well-endowed than we are whose
nomena together. Any attempt to explain con- mental states are never conscious, even·when
sciousness, therefore, must begin by distinguish- they are awake. 4 Their mental states are all like
ing the various things we call consciousness. the nonconscious mental states we are in when
One such phenomenon3s closely related to we are awake. Doubtless some creatures are ac-
simply being· awake. We describe people, and tually like this, say, frogs or turtles. And it's
other creatures, as being conscious when they plain that when none of a creature's mental
are awake and their sensory systems are recep- states is conscious, there is nothing puzzling
tive in the way normal for a waking state. I call about what it is for the creature to be conscious.
this phenomenon creature consciousness. Con- Some theorists might deny that such a case is
sciousness in this sense is a biological matter, possible, urging that no creature counts as con-
consisting in a creature's not being uncon- scions unless some of the mental states it is in
scious-thatis, roughly, in its not being asleep or are conscious states. But this seems little more
knocked out than an unwarranted extrapolation of the nortnal
But we also use the term 'consciousness' for human waking state to the case of all creatures.
other phenomena that seem a lot less tractable to Even if their view were correct, moreover, it
understanding and explanation. Not only do we would be state consciousness that introduces the
distinguish between conscious and unconsci0lls apparent mystery.
creatures; we also distinguish between mental What is puzzling about consciousness must
states that are conscious and those which are therefore be a matter not of creature conscious-
not. I'll call this second property stare con- ness, but of the consciousness of a creature's
sciousness. It's widely recognized that not all mental states. Because creature consciousness
mental states are conscious. Intentional states involves being responsive to sensory stimuli, if
such as beliefs and desires plainly occur without sensory states were all conscious, every con-
being conscious.' And, despite some division of scious creature would perforce be in some con-
opinion on the matter, I shall argue that the same scious states. But it would still, then, be the
is true of sensory states, such as pains and sen- consciousness of the states, not of the creature,
sations of color. Such, states not only can, but which seems to induce some mystery.
often do occur nonconsciously. 2 For this reason, I shall focus here on state
Though creature consciousness and state consciousness. After laying some groundwork
consciousness are distinct properties, they are in section I, I go on in section IT to develop a hy- I
very likely related in various ways. Perhaps, for pothesis about what it is for a mental state to be
example, creatures must themselves be con- conscious. On this hypothesis, a mental state is
scious for any of their mental states to be con- conscious if it is accompanied by a specific type

This paper is published here for the first time.



of thought. This is so whether the state that is plaining one phenomenon in terms of another. It
conscious is itself an intentional state or a sen- is one thing for us to be conscious of some-
sory state. Section ill, then, supports this hy- thing-What we may call transitive conscious-
pothesis with an argument that appeals to the ness-and another for a state to be a conscious
ability creatures like ourselves have to report state-what I'm calling state consciousness.
noninferentially about their own conscious And we understand transitive consciousness-
states. our being conscious of things-independently
Sections IV and V take up the special case of ofunderstanding what it is for mental states to be
conscious qualitative states. I argue in section conscious states. We are transitively conscious
IV that such sensory consciousness is just a spe- of something by virtue of being either in an in-
i cial case of state consciousness and poses no ad- tentional or a sensory state whose content is di-
ditional problems of its own. And section V rected upon that thing. And a state's having a cer-
gives reasons for thinking that an accompany- tain content is a distinct property from that of a
1 ing intentional state can actually result in there
being something it's like for one to be in a con-
state's being conscious. 5
It seems relatively uncontroversial that a state
scious sensory state. Section VI, finally, consid- of which one is in no way transitively conscious
ers two general questions about state conscious- could not be a conscious state. Even Descartes'
ness: What function it might have and whether usage, Which still strongly influences our own,
consciousness can misrepresent what mental conforms to this commonsense observation,
states we are in. since he invariably describes the states we call
conscious as states we are immediately con-
scious of. Nonetheless, Fred Dretske has recent-
I. State Consciousness and ly challenged the observation that we are con-
Transitive Consciousness scious of all our conscious states. According to
Dretske, a state's being conscious does not con-
Whatever else we may discover about con- sist in one's being conscious of the state; rather,
sciousness, it's clear that, if one is totally un- a state is conscious if, in virtue of being in that
aware of some mental state, that state is not a state, one is conscious of something or con-
conscious state. A state may of course be con- scious that something is the case. But every
scious without one's paying conscious attention mental state satisfies this condition; so Dretske
to it and, indeed, even without one's being con- must hold that all mental states are conscious
scious of every mental aspect of the state. But if states. Accordingly, he urges that alleged cases
,if one is not at all aware of a state, that state is not of nonconscious mental states are unconvinc-
a conscious state. This observation provides a ing. Thus it is often said that a long-distance
useful start toward a theory of state conscious- driver whose attention lapses perceives the road
ness. Because it is sufficient for a state not to be unconsciously,6 but Dretske rightly notes that
conscious that one be completely unaware of it, perceiving can be inattentive without failing to
being aware of a state is perforce a necessary be conscious. 7
condition for that state to be a conscious state. .Many other examples of nonconscious men-
Being aware of a mental state, however, is not tal states, however, are far more decisive. We
also a sufficient condition for the state to be con- often consciously puzzle over a question about
scious. There are ways we can be aware of our what to do or how to solve a problem, only to
mental states even when those states are not have the answer occur to us later, without the
conscious states. So, if we can rule out those matter having in the meantime been in any way
ways, we'll be left with the particular way in consciously before our mind. Though it doesn't
which we are aware of our mental states when seem, from a first-person point of view, that we
those states are conscious states. And this would were thinking about the issue, it's clear that we
give us a condition that's both necessary and must have been. And uulike the case of the long-
sufficient for a mental state to be conscious. distance driver, here no shift of attention would
For present purposes, I'll speak interchange- change things. Also we often take in sensory in-
ably ofbeing aware of something and being con- formation without being at all aware of doing
scious of that thing. So my strategy is to explain so, again no matter what we're paying attention
a state's being a conscious state in terms of our to. Since, from a first-person perspective, we
being conscious of that state in some particular seem not to· be in any relevant sensory states,
way. No circle is involved here, since we are ex- those states are not conscious states.

Dretske also argues, however, that there are Still, one can be conscious of the thing in virtue
actual counterexamples to the idea that we are of which they happen to differ without being Ii
transitively conscious of all our conscious conscious that they do differ. As Dretske ·would :1
states. To adapt his argument slightly, consider put it, one can be conscious of that in virtue
two scenes, one of ten trees and the other just of which they differ but not of the difference
like it, but with one tree missing. And suppose between them; II indeed, he explicitly acknowl-
I ,

that I consciously see both scenes, and indeed edges that this very thing can happen. 12 Dret-
that I consciously see all the trees in each scene. ske's argument does not, therefore, undermine
But suppose, finally, that despite all this I do not the commonsense observation that we are tran-
notice any difference between the two scenes. sitively conscious of all our conscious states. 13
Dretske sensibly assumes that in this case I
. have conscious experiences of both scenes, in-
cluding all the trees in each. Moreover, there is II. The Hypothesis ;1
some part of the conscious experience of ten .1 f
trees that is not part of the conscious experience Let us turn, then, to the question of what it is that
of nine trees. That part is itself a conscious ex- is special about the way we are transitively con-
perience~a conscious experience of a tree. But, scious of our mental states when those states
because I am not transitively conscious of the are conscious states. Perhaps the most obvious
difference between the two scenes, Dretske con-
cludes that I will not be transitively conscious of
thing is that, when a state is conscious, we are
conscious of it in a way that seems immediate. I
the experience of that extra tree. If so, the expe-
rience of the extra tree is a conscious experience
Descartes emphasized this intuitive immedia-
cy,14 which many have thought points toward a
of which I am not transitively conscious. 8 Cartesian theory of mind, on which a mental
This sort of thing is hardly an esoteric occur- state's being conscious is an intrinsic property of
rence. Indeed, it happens all the time; let one that state. If nothing mediates between a state
scene be a slightly later version of the other, and one's being transitively conscious of it, per-
such that the later scene is altered in some small, haps that transitive consciousness is something
unnoticed way. So, if Dretske's argument is internal to the state itself.
sound, we often fail to be conscious of our con- But the intuition about immediacy does not (
scious experiences. 9 show that a mental state's being conscious is in- I,
But the argument isn't sound. One can be ternal to the state. It does seem, from a first-
conscious of an experience in one respect while person point of view, that nothing mediates be-
not being conscious of it in another. For exam- tween the conscious states we are conscious of
ple, one may be conscious of a visual experi- and our transitive consciousness of them. But
ence as an experience of a blurry patch, but not all that shows is that, if anything does mediate
as an experience of a particular kind of object. between a conscious state and our transitive
Similarly, one could be conscious of the experi- consciousness of it, the mediating factor is not
ence of the extra tree as an experience of a tree, one we are conscious of. And the absence of
or even just as part of one's overall experience, conscious mediation is no reason to think. that
without being at all conscious of it as the thing nonconscious mediation does not occur. lS Fail-
that makes the difference between the experi- ure to appreciate this has led some to hold that
ences of the two scenes. Presumably this is just we are conscious of our conscious states in a
what happens in the case Dretske constructs. way wholly unlike the way we are conscious of
Dretske has not described a conscious state of everything else.
which one is not transitively conscious. Even when something mediates between a
There is a complication in Dretske's discus- conscious mental state and our being conscious
sion that is worth noting. Dretske insists that of it, we can be conscious of the mediating fac-
being conscious of a difference, unlike being tor; we just cannot be conscious of it as mediat-
conscious of concrete objects and events, al- ing. Compare what happens in perceiving.
ways amounts to being conscious "that such a When we consciously perceive things, our con-
difference exists."l0 So he might urge that being scious sensory states mediate between our per-
conscious of a difference is always being con- ceptions and the objects we perceive, and since
scious of it as a difference. But this won't help. those states are conscious, we are conscious of
The experience of the extra tree is that in virtue them. Still, nothing in these cases seems intu-
of which the two overall experiences differ. itively to mediate. That's because we aren't con-

scious of anything as mediating. And the best dimension of our conscious sensory states. And
explanation of that, in turn, is that the conscious sensing always involves some sensory quality.
sensory states that do in fact mediate do not fig- So if we are conscious of our conscious states
ure in any conscious inference on which our by sensing them, perhaps we can explain the
perceiving is based. Similarly with the way we qualitative dimension of consciousness as due
are conscious of our conscious mental states. to that higher-order sensing. Such an explana-
Our being conscious of them seems unmediated tion, however, would at best just put off the
because we are conscious of them in a way that problem, since the qualitative aspect of this
relies on no conscious inference, no inference, higher-order perceiving would itself need to be
that is, of which we are aware. 16 explained in turn.
Consider a case. I am annoyed, but unaware Not only do the considerations favoring the
of it. Though my annoyance is not conscious, perceptual model fail to hold up; there is also
you observe my annoyed behavior and tell me I reason to reject the model. Higher-order sensing
am annoyed. There are two ways I might react. I would have to exhibit characteristic mental
might accept what you tell me, but still feel no qualities; what qualities might those be? One
conscious annoyance. My belief that I'm an- possibility is that the higher-order perception
noyed would be the result of a conscious infer- and the state we perceive would both exhibit the
ence based on your remark, and possibly also a same sensory quality. But this is theoretically
conscious inference from my coming to notice unmotivated. When we perceive something, the
my own relevant behavior. 17 But there is anoth- quality of our perceptual state is distinct from
er possibility; your remark might cause me to any property of the object we perceive. When
become conscious of my annoyance indepen- we see a tomato, for example, the redness of our
dently of any such conscious inference. In that sensation is not the same property as the redness
case my annoyance would have become a con- of the tomato. 19 So we have no reason to think
scious state. that the higher-order qualities would be the
A state's being conscious involves one's same as those of our lower-order states.
being noninferentially conscious of that state. If the higher- and lower-order qualities were
Can we pin down any further the way we are distinct, however, it's a mystery what those
transitively conscious of our conscious states? higher-order qUlilities could be. What mental
There are two broad ways of being transitively qualities are there in our mental lives other than
conscious of things. We are conscious of some- those which characterize our first-order sensory
thing when we see it or hear it, or perceive it in states? And if the higher-order qualities are nei-
some other way. And we are conscious of some- ther the same as nor distinct from our first-order
thing when we have a thought about it. Which qualities, the higher-order states in virtue of
kind' of transitive consciousness is relevant which we are conscious of our conscious states
here? When our mentalstates are conscious, do cannot have qualities at all. But if those higher-
t we somehow sense those states or do we have order states have no qualitative properties, they
f thoughts about them? can ouly be higher-order intentional states of
t The perceptual model may seem inviting. some sort. 20
When we perceive things, we seem intuitively We must therefore reject the perceptual model
t to be directly conscious of them; nothing seems of how we are transitively conscious of our
1 to mediate between our perceptions and the ob- conscious states. The only alternative is that we
f jects we perceive. ls So perhaps the perceptual are conscious of our conscious states by virtue
model can explain the apparent immediacy of of having thoughts about them. Since these
1 the way we are conscious of our conscious thoughts are about other mental states, I shall
S states. But this advantage of the perceptual refer to them as higher-order thoughts (HOTs).
model won't help us decide between that model This narrows down somewhat the way we are
and the alternative view that we are conscious of transitively conscious of our mental states when
, our conscious states by having thoughts about those states are conscious. But we can narrow
" them. Even though our thoughts do often rely things down even more. When a mental state is
'- on conscious inferences involving perceptions conscious, we are conscious of being in that
e or other thoughts, they often don't. state; so the content of our HOT must be, rough-
,f There is, however, another consideration that ly, that one is in that very state. 21 And, since
,- seems to favor the perceptual model. A theory merely being disposed to have a thought about
,- of consciousness must explain the qualitative something does not make one conscious of that

thing, the HOT must be an occurrent thought, companying HOT is a conscious thought. Ordi-
rather than just a disposition to think that one is nary, nonintrospective state consciousness, by
in the target state. Moreover, when we are con- contrast, occurs instead when the HOT is not it-
scious of something by being in an intentional self conscious.
state that's about that thing, the intentional state The HOT model is a hypothesis about the na-
is normally assertoric. Indeed, it's likely that ture of state consciousness, not an analysis of
being in an intentional state whose mental atti- that concept. So it doesn't count against the hy-
tude is not assertoric does not result in one's pothesis simply that one can imagine its not
being conscious of the thing the intentional state holding; one can always imagine things being
is about. 22 So we should require that the HOT different from the way they are. ,
has an assertoric mental attitudeP Finally, to There is an especially interesting argument :
capture the intuition about immediacy, we have
seen that our HOTs must be independent of any
that supports the appeal to HOTs. When a men-
tal state is conscious, one can noninferentially
inference of which we are aware. Our hypothe- report being in that state, whereas one cannot
sis, therefore, is that a mental state is conscious report one's nonconscious mental states. Every
just in case it is accompanied by a noninferen- speech act, moreover, expresses an intentional
tial, nondispositional, assertoric thought to the slate with the same content as that of the speech
effect that one is in that very state. 24 act and a mental attitude that corresponds to its
One problem that seems to face this hypothe- illocutionary force. So a npninferential report
sis is that, even when we are in many conscious that one is in a mental state will express a non·
states, we are typically unaware of having any inferential thought that one is in that state, that
such HOTs. But this is not a difficulty; we are is, a HOT about the state. We can best explain
conscious of our HOTs only when those this ability noninferentially to report our con-
thoughts are themselves conscious, and it's rare scious states by supposing that the relevant
that they are. Moreover, the hypothesis readily HOT is there to be expressed. Correspondingly,
explains why this should be so. The HOTs it the best explanation of our inability to report
posits are conscious thoughts only when they nonconscious states is that no HOTs accompany
are accompanied, in turn, by yet higher-order them. 26
thoughts about them, and that seldom happens. One might reply that the ability to report con-
Not having conscious HOTs, moreover, does scious states shows only that there is a disposi-
nothing at all to show that we do not have HOTs tion for these states to be accompanied by
that fail to be conscious. HOTs, not that any HOTs actually accompany
There is another reason it's useful to distin- themP Indeed, Peter Carruthers has extensive-
guish cases in which HOTs are conscious from ly developed and supported the view that con·
cases in which they are not. The way we are or- scious states are simply those disposed to be ac-
dinarily conscious of our conscious states dif· companied by HOTs, and no actual HOT need
fers from the way we are conscious of mental occur. This, he argues, avoids haVing to posit the
states of which we are introspectively con- overwhelming computational capacity and cog-
scious. Being introspectively conscious of a nitive space required for actual HOTs.28
mental state involves, roughly, our deliberately But this concern is not compelling. Neural
focusing on that state, and very few of our con- implementation is not a problem, since ample
scious states are the subjects of any such intro- cortical resources exist to accommodate actual
spective scrutiny. If being conscious of a mental HOTs. And, though introspection seems to sug-
state were the same as being introspectively gest that the mind cannot accommodate very
conscious of it, it would be rare that we are con- many actual HOTs at a time, that worry is also
scious of our conscious states, and we would be groundless. Introspection can tel! us only about
unable to explain state consciousness in terms our conscious states, and by hypothesis HOTs
of transitive consciousness. Not distinguishing are seldom conscious.
the two, moreover, would lead one mistakenly In any case, the dispositional model cannot
to see the HOT hypothesis as providing a theory explain what it is for states to be conscious. A
only of introspective consciousness, and not of mental state's being conscious consists in one's
state consciousness generally.25 But the present being conscious of that state in some suitable
hypothesis actually allows us to explain what is way, and simply being disposed to have a
distinctive about introspective,consciousness. A thought about something cannot make one con-
slate is introspectively conscious when the ac- scious of it. Carruthers urges that we can get

around this difficulty if we understand a state's One could of course simply dig in one's heels
intentional content in terms of what other inten- and insist that these phenomena are mere phys-
tional states it is disposed to cause. A state's iological occurrences that instantiate no sensory
being disposed to cause a Har might then con- quality, and therefore that they are not mental
fer suitable higher-order content on that state it- phenomena at all. But without independent ar-
self. But, if a state's being disposed to cause a gument, that move amounts simply to saving a
Har were a function of its intentional content, view by verbal fiat.
we could no longer explain how a state with In any case there is good reason to resist that
some particular content is sometimes conscious claim. The relevant nonconscious phenomena
and sometimes not. occur as essential parts of distinctively mental
processes, and that suggests that they are them-
selves mental phenomena. 30 More specifically,
III. Sensory Consciousness conscious sensory states play the same roles in
mental processing when their sensory qualities
On this argument, sensory consciousness is are the same, and correspondingly different
simply a special case of state consciousness- roles when the qualities differ. And the noncon-
the special case in which the state that's con- scious states in subliminal perception, peripher-
scious is a sensory state. Sensory states are al vision, and blindsight play roles that in some
states with sensory quality. So sensory con- respects at least parallel the roles played by con-
sciousness occurs when a mental state has two scious sensory states.
properties: sensory quality and the property of When bodily and perceptual sensations occur
state consciousness. consciously, we taxonomize them by way of the
Moreover, these two properties are distinct sensory qualities we are conscious of.. What is
and can occur independently of one another. it, then, in virtue of which we taxonomize the
State consciousness can of course occur without nonconscious states that occur in these cases?
sensory quality, since nonsensory, intentional Since many of the same qualitative distinctions
states are often conscious. But the converse is figure in the nonconscious cases as figure in
possible as well; sensory qualities can occur conscious sensing, we must assume that the
without state consciousness. Sensory qualities nonconscious cases have the very same qualita-
are just whatever properties sensory states have tive properties. 31 Sensory qualities are the dis-
on the basis of which we distinguish among tinguishing properties of sensory states, the
them and sort them into types. Since state con- properties in virtue of which we classify those
sciousness consists in our being conscious of a states. We use the properties we are conscious
mental state in some suitable way, these proper- of to taxonomize sensory states generally,
ties are independent of state consciousness. We whether they are conscious or not. It's just
would need some special reason to think that the that in the nonconscious cases we are not con-
properties on the basis of which we distinguish scious of those properties. And, since there is
among sensations cannot occur except when nothing problematic about these distinguishing
we're conscious of the states that have those properties when the states that have them are
properties. It's hard to see what special reason not conscious, there can be no reason to find
there could be. those properties puzzling when we are con-
This conclusion conflicts with the familiar scious of them. Sensory qualities will seem
contention that sensory quality cannot occur mysterious only if we assume that they cannot
nonconsciously. On that view, state conscious- occur without being conscious. These consider-
ness is intrinsic, or essential, to sensory quality. ations make the claim that sensory quality must
But it's far from clear that this view is correct. be conscious seem less like a compelling com-
Subliminal perception and peripheral vision monsense intuition than a question-begging the-
both involve perceptual sensations of which oretical doctrine.
we're wholly unaware, and the same is very like- There is, of course, nothing it's like to have a
ly true of such dissociative phenomena as blind- pain or a sensation of red unless the sensation in
sight. 29 Bodily sensations such as pains can also question is conscious. And some have argued
occur without being conscious. For example, we from this to the conclusion that sensory quality
often have a headache or other pain throughout simply cannot exist unless there's something it's
an extended period even when distractions inter- like to have it 32 But what it's like for one to
mittently make us wholly unaware of the pain. have a pain, in the relevant sense of that idiom,

is simply what it's like for one to be conscious sonal account is unlikely to give even an exten-
of having that pain. So there won't be anything sionally adequate account.
it's like to have a pain unless the pain is con- Block is doubtless right that access con-
scious. Of course, if nonconscious pains were sciousness often occurs without phenomenal
impossible, there would be no difference be- consciousness. We frequently have access to our
tween a pain's existing and its being conscious, mental states in the relevant way without there
and its sensory quality would then exist only being anything it's like for us to be in them. In-
when there is something it's like to have it. But deed, that's typically how it is with our thoughts
it begs the question simply to assume that pains, and other intentional states. But the converse is
or other sensations, cannot exist nonconscious- far less clear. A state is access conscious only if
ly. Moreover, the intuition that sensory states one is transitively conscious of it. And if one is
cannot exist nonconsciously gets whatever in no way transitively conscious of a mental
force it has from our first-person point of view. state, there is nothing it's like for one to be in
And it's unreasonable to rely on consciousness that state. It's not enough for the state just to
to tell us whether some phenomenon can exist have the distinguishing properties characteristic
outside of consciousness. of some type of sensory state; for there to be
In a useful series of papers, Ned Block has something it's like for one to be in a state, one
urged that there are two distinct properties of must be conscious of those distinguishing prop-
mental states, both of which we call conscious- erties. So phenomenal consciousness cannot
ness. One is captured by the notion of therebeing occur without access consciousness. Block's
something it's like for one to be in a particular distinction does not, after all, show that sensory ,i
mental state; Block calls this property phenom- states are conscious in a way distinct from other I
enal consciousness. A state has the other proper-
ty when its content is "poised to be used as a
types of mental state, nor that sensory states are
in some special way invariably conscious. 36
premise in reasoning, [and] for [the] rational
control of action and speech."33 This second
property Block .calls access consciousness. And IV. HOTs and What It's Like
he maintains that the two properties are, concep-
tually at least, independent. If Block is right, Nonetheless, there does seem to be a serious
there is no single property of state conscious- problem about what it is for sensory states to be
ness, and the kind of consciousness that is char- conscious. When a sensory state is conscious,
acteristic of sensory states is, conceptually at there is something it's like for us to be in that
least, distinct from the kind exhibited by many state. When it's not conscious, we do not con-
nonsensory states. sciously experience any of its qualitative prop-
The idea behind Block's account of access erties; so then there is nothing it's like for us to
consciousness is that a state's playing various be in that state. How can we explain this differ-
executive, inferential, and reporting roles in- ence? A sensory state's being conscious means
volves one's having access to that state, and that we are transitively conscious of that state in
having access to a state makes it conscious. But some suitable way. So being transitively con-
that's not always the case. States often play ex- scious of a sensory state, in that particular way,
ecutive, inferential, and even certain reporting must result in there being something it's like to
roles34 without being conscious in any intuitive be in that state. But how can being transitively
sense whatever. So, for a state to be access con- conscious of a sensory state have this result?
scious, one must have access to that state, pre- What way of being transitively conscious of our
sumably by being transitively conscious of it in sensory states could, by itself, give rise to there
an intuitively immediate way.35 being something it's like for us to be in those
Block's appeal to states' playing these roles states? Perhaps, after all, Block is right that a
doubtless reflects a desire to account for this sensory state's being conscious is not a matter
kind of consciousness in computationally in- of one's having suitable access to it.
spired functional terms, by providing a kind of The difficulty seems particularly pressing for
flow chart that charts the connections a state has the HOf hypothesis. An attraction of the per-
with various relevant systems. But for any such ceptual model was that it might help explain the
qualitative dimension of our conscious sensory ' l'
attempt to succeed, it must reflect an initial ac- \1
states. Since perceiving involves sensory quali- I
count of such consciousm,ss in ordinary folk- :'\.
psychological terms. Going straight to a subper- ties, if a state's being conscious consisted in our

perceiving it, perhaps we could explain the way our being conscious of more fine-grained differ-
we are conscious of the qualities of our con- ences among the qualities of our sensory states.
scious sensations. As we saw, that explanation Similarly with other sensory modalities; acquir-
fails, since the higher-order qualities it appeals ing new concepts for specific musical and artis-
to would themselves need to be explained. But tic experiences, for example, enables us to have
the HOT hypothesis may seem even less well- conscious experiences with more finely differ-
suited to deal with this problem. How can one's entiated sensory qualities. Somehow, the new
being in an intentional state, of whatever sort, concepts appear to generate new conscious sen-
result in there being something it's like for one sory qualities.
to be in a conscious sensory state? There are two ways this might happen. One is
There are two ways the HOT theorist might try that coming to have new concepts results in our
to show that being in a suitable intentional state sensory states' coming to have distinguishing
can have this result. One would be to show that properties that they did not previously have. This
it's evident, from a first-person point ofview, that is highly implausible. How could merely having
one has a suitable HOT when, and only when, new concepts give rise to our sensory states' hav-
there is something it's like for one to be in some ing new properties? On a widespread view, con-
sensory state. We could then argue that one's cepts are abilities to think certain things; how
having that HOT is responsible for there being could having a new ability change the properties
something it's like for one to be in that state. of the sensory states that result from the same
But if the HOT hypothesis is correct, we can- type of stimulus?
not expect to find any such first-person correla- But there is another possibility. The new con-
tions. That's because, on that hypothesis, the cepts might result in new conscious qualities
HOTs in virtue of which our sensory states are not by generating those properties, but by mak-
conscious are seldom conscious thoughts. And ing us conscious of properties that were already
when a thought is not conscious, it will·seem, there. The new concepts would enable us to be
from a first-person point of view, that one does conscious of sensory qualities we already had,
not have it. but had not been conscious of.3'
So if the HOT hypothesis is correct, it will Possessing a concept allows us to form inten-
rarely seem, from a first-person point of view, tional states that have a certain range of con-
that HOTs accompany one's conscious sensory tents. So which contents our intentional states
states. Our first-person access reveals correla- can have must somehow make a difference to
tions only with conscious HOTs, not HOTs gen- which sensory qualities can occur consciously.
erally. And HOTs are conscious only in those Moreover, the new concepts, which make possi-
rare cases in which one has a third-order ble conscious experiences with qualities that
thought about the HOT. But on the HOT hy- seem new to us, are the concepts of those very
pothesis, HOTs need not be conscious for there qualities. 38 So being able to form intentional
to be something it's like to be in the target sen- states about certain sensory qualities must
sory states. So we cannot hope to test the hy- somehow result in our being able to experience
pothesis by correlating in a first-person way the those qualities consciously. It must result, that
occurrence of HOTs with there being something is, in there being something specific that it's like
it's like to be in conscious sensory states. for us to be in the relevant sensory states.
But we need not rely solely on first-person How could this happen? The only plausible
considerations; there are other factors that help explanation is that a sensory quality's being
establish the correlation between having HOTs conscious does actually consist in our having a
and there being something it's like for one to be HOT about that quality. This is true not only of
in conscious sensory states. In particular, there the relatively finely differentiated qualities we
is a striking connection between what HOTs we have just now been considering. We can extrap-
are able to have and what sensory qualities we olate to any sensory quality, however crudely
are able to be aware of. And the best explanation individuated, and extrapolate even to whether or
of this connection is that accompanying HOTs not we are conscious of any quality at all.
do result in there being something it's like for Take the conscious experience of hearing the
one to be in states with those sensory qualities. sound of an oboe. If one's HOTs couldn't clas-
Consider wine tasting. Learning new con- sify one's sensations in terms of the sound of an
cepts for our experiences of the gustatory and oboe but only that of some undifferentiated
olfactory properties of wines typically leads to woodwind, having that sensation could not be

for one like hearing an oboe. And if one also first- and third-person. Similarly, we may ex-
lacked any concept of the sound of a woodwind, pect that whatever is responsible for there being
what it would be like for one to have that sensa- something it's like for 'one to be in conscious
tion would then be correspondingly more gener- sensory states is not directly accessible from a
ic. If one lacked even the concept of a sensa- first-person point of view, but must instead be
tion's being of a sound as against being of some learned about by way of theoretical inference.
other type of stimulus, having the sensation Some theorists have insisted that no correla-
would for one be like merely having some in- tions or theoretical developments could ever en-
discriminate sensory experience or other. This able us to understand fully how physiological
sequence makes it plausible that peeling away occurrences give rise to there being something
that weakest HaT would result, finally, in its no it's like for one to be in conscious qualitative
longer being like anything at all to have that states. If so, perhaps we also cannot fully under-
sensation. Even though HaTs are just intention- stand how HaTs could give rise to conscious
al states, and so have no qualitative properties, qualities.
having HaTs does make the difference between Joseph Levine calls this difficulty the "ex-
whether there is or is not something it's like for planatory gap" and argues that it results from
one to have particular sensations. our being able to conceive of physiological oc-
Because HaTs seldom occur consciously, we currences without conscious qualities. By con-
cannot, from a first-person point of view, note trast, he claims, it's inconceivable that water
the occurrence of HaTs when, and only when, could boil at a different temperature, at least
we are in conscious sensory states. Still, the ar- holding constant the rest of chemistry.39 But our
gument from wine tasting does draw on first- ability to understand things and the apparent
person considerations. We know in a first- limits on what we can conceive are always rela-
person way that learning new concepts for sen- tive to prevailing theory, whether scientific or
sory qualities is enough for us to come to be folk theory, as Levine's holding chemistry con-
conscious of our sensory states as having those stant illustrates.
qualities. And on that basis, we can infer that Since the appearance of an explanatory gap
nonconscious HaTs are responsible for there simply attests our current lack of a well-devel-
being something it's like for one to be conscious oped, suitable theory, theoretical advances per-
of our sensory states in that way. It's just that the taining to conscious qualitative states should
direct correlation between nonconscious HaTs substantially narrow whatever gap seems now
and conscious sensory states is unavailable to obtain. And,though we may never fully elim-
from a first-person point of view. inate that gap, we seldom if ever have a com-
Is it enough to have correlations inferred from plete understanding of how any commonsense,
first-person considerations? Or must we work macroscopic phenomenon arises. 40
completely within a first-person point of view if The HaT model proceeds independently of
we are to show that HaTs are responsible for physiology, but a similar explanatory gap seems
there being something it's like for one to be in to arise, since we need to understand how non-
conscious sensory states? conscious HOTs can result in conscious quali-
A theory of consciousness must explain the ties. Causal connections are irrelevant here,
first-person aspects of our conscious states. But since there need be no causal tie between a HOT
the explanation need not itself rely only on first- and its target. Rather, HaTs result in conscious
person aspects. Indeed, to demand otherwise is qualities because they make us conscious of
to make any such explanation viciously circular. ourselves as being in certain qualitative states,
So the factor responsible for there being some- which results in the subjective impression of
thing it's like to be in a sensory state need not it- conscious mental qualities. And the considera-
self be a first-person aspect of that state, nor tions raised earlier in this section provide reason
even something available from a first-person to hold that HaTs can actually do this.
.point of view. The HaTs in virtue of which our
mental states are conscious need not, them-
selves, be conscious thoughts. V. Consciousness,
Compare the causal relations conscious sen- Confabulation, and Function
sory states have to stimuli, behavior, and other
mental states. These relations are typically un- In closing I turn briefly to two unexpected im-
available from a first-person point of view; we plications of the HaT hypothesis, indeed, of
must infer them from other considerations, both any theory on which a mental state's being con-

scious consists, as I've argued it must, in one's resolution sensations of most of the Marilyns in
being transitively conscious of that state. Warhol's famous painting,41 but we are aware
As we have seen, the HOTs in virtue of which of them all as clear and focused. What it's like
mental states are conscious represent those for us is a function not of the character of our
states in more or less fine-grained ways. And the sensations, but of how we're conscious of those
way our HOTs represent the states they are sensations.
about influences what those states are like from There is a also well-known tendency people
a first-person point of view. Whatit's like for me have to confabulate being in various intentional
to have a particular gustatory sensation of wine states, often in ways that seem to make ex post
depends on how much detail and differentiation facto sense of their behavior;42 here it's plain
goes into the HOT in virtue of which that sensa- that HOTs misrepresent the states that subjects
tion is conscious. Given any particular sensory are in, Similarly, it is very likely that repressed
state, different HOTs would yield different beliefs and desires are often actually conscious
ways it's like for one thing one to be in that beliefs and desires whose content one radically
state. misrepresents. Thus one might experience one's
Since the HOT that accompanies any particu- desire for some unacceptable thing as a desire
lar sensory state can be more or less fine- for something else instead. In such a case, the
grained, it is not the sensory state alone that de- desire is not literally unconscious; it is a con-
termines what HOT one will have. That will scious desire whose character is distorted by in-
depend also on such additional factors as the accurate HOTs. What it's like for one to have
size of one's repertoire of concepts, one's cur- that desire fails accurately to reflect its actual
rent interests, how attentive one is, and how ex- content. 43
perienced one is in making the relevant sensory The HOT hypothesis is not the only theory to
discriminations. make room for these things; any theory on
This raises an interesting question. Since the which a mental state's being conscious consists
sensation itself does not determine what HOT in one's being transitively conscious of that
one has, why can't the HOT misrepresent the state will do so. As long as a conscious state is
sensory state one is in? Why can't one be in a distinct from one's transitive consciousness of
sensory state of one type, but have a HOT that . it, the content of that transitive consciousness
represents one as being in a sensory state of may misrepresent the state. Conscious states are
some different sort? The HOT one has, more- states we are conscious ofourselves as being in,
over, determines what it's like for one to be in whether or not we are actually in them.
the relevant sensory state. So why wouldn't an The idea that what it's like for one to be in a
erroneous HOT make it seem, from a first- state is determined not by that state's intrinsic
person point of view, as though one were in a properties but by the way one's HOT represents
sensory state that one is not in fact in? it enables us to understand certain cases that
There is reason to believe that this actually seem otherwise intractable to explanation. Sup-
happens. Dental patients sometimes seem, from pose you're walking through the woods, step-
a first-person point of view, to experience pain ping over branches as needed, but so deeply en-
even when nerve damage or local anesthetic grossed in conversation that you pay no
makes it indisputable that no such pain could be conscious attention whatever to the branches.
occurring. The usual hypothesis is that the pa- From a first-person point of view, you appear to
, tient experiences fear or anxiety along with vi- have no thoughts about the branches; any
bration from the drill, and consciously reacts as thoughts about them you do have are not con-
though in pain. Explaining this to the patient scious thoughts.
typically results in a corresponding change in To negotiate through the branches, however,
what it's like for the patient when drilling re- you presumably need more than just thoughts
sumes, but the patient's sense of what the earli- about them; you must also have sensations of
er experience was like generally remains unal- the branches. But from a first-person point of
tered. The prior, nonveridical appearance of view, it may well also seem as though you have
pain is indistinguishable, subjectively, from the no such sensations. Unlike your thoughts, how-
real thing. ever, there is reason to doubt that your sensa-
Other striking examples occur in connec- tions of the branches literally fail to be con-
tion with oUl perceptual sensations. As Daniel scious. It's not that there are no conscious
Dennett notes in Consciousness Explained, sensations where one would expect sensations
parafoveal vision can produce only low- of branches to occur in one's visual field; the vi-

sual field does not seem to have gaps where the pixels that represent color, shape, motion, and
relevant sensations would be. Rather, the sensa- the like. We experience such information, how-
tions that seem to you to be there are, roughly, ever, as ultimately homogeneous simply be-
just sensations of the undifferential\'d rustic cause that is how we are conscious of the rele-
environment. vant informational states. The way we are i
Why, then, are you unaware of your sensa- conscious of our sensations smooths them out, I
tions of the branches? Plainly you have such so to speak, and elides the details of their partic- 'i
sensations; that's how you manage to negotiate ulate, bit-map nature.
through the branches. And the sensations you Dretske has noted that theories on which a
have of the relevant part of the environment state's being conscious consists in one's being
are all conscious; that's why your visual field transitively conscious of the state seem unable
doesn't seem to contain gaps. So it must be that to explain how a mental state's being conscious
the sensations are conscious not as sensations of could have any function. 47 Being transitively
branches, but only as sensations of the undis- conscious of a state, on these theories, makes no
criminated environment. We can explain this difference to the state's nonrelational proper-
kind of occurrence only if the way one is transi- ties. So the state's being conscious will make no
tively conscious of our sensations determines difference to its causal role nor, therefore, to its
what it's like for one to have them. Compare function.
Dennett's vivid example oflooking straight at a It's easy to overestimate the degree to which a
thimble but failing to see it as a .thimble. It's state's being conscious does actually play any
clear that one's sensation of the thimble is con- role. It's inviting to think, for example, that a
scious, but one is conscious of it not as a sensa- state's being conscious somehow enhances any
tion of a thimble but only, say, as a sensation of planning or reasoning in which that state fig-
part of the clutter on a shelf.44 ures. But the role a state plays in planning and
In the thimble and branches cases, what it's reasoning is due to the content the state has, and
like for one to be in particular sensory stal\'s is that content will be invariant whether or not the
informationally less rich than the states them- state is conscious. So whether ot not a state is
selves. But the opposite also happens, as when conscious will not affect the state's role in plan-
we experience our low-resolution sensations of ning and reasoning. We find it tempting to insist
the parafoveal Marilyns as though they were that a state's being conscious affects planning
clear and focused. The best explanation is that and reasoning when we consider actual cases in
our HOTs about our blurry parafoveal sensa- which the planning and reasoning are con-
tions represent them as having high resolution; scious. But those cases tell us nothing unless we
the way we are conscious of our sensations ac- compare them to nonconscious cases, to which
tually corrects them by, as it were, bringing we have no first-person access. Intuitions can-
them into focus and touching them Up.45 Indeed, not help here.
this drives home the need to posit occurrent In any event, Dretske has misdescribed the
higher-order states, since the high-resolution in- situation. On the HOT hypothesis, a conscious
formation must be embodied in some occurrent state is a compound state, consisting of the state
state. one is conscious of together with a HOT. So
This disparity between the properties of our the causal role a conscious state plays is actual-
sensations and the way we're conscious of them ly the interaction of two causal roles: that
has important implications. For an example, played by the state itself and that played by the
consider Wilfrid Sellars' well-known argument HOT.4s This explains how a state's being con-
that the sensory qualities of sensations exhibit scious may to some extent matter to its causal
an "ultimate homogeneity" that sets them apart role. Moreover, the way one is conscious of a
from the particulate character of ordinary phys- conscious state may not fully match the target
ical properties.46 Sellars holds that this ultimate state one is actually in. In those cases, the causal
homogeneity derives from the way we conceive, role played by the HOT will matter even more.
in commonsense terms, of the perceptible prop- State consciousness does, after all, make some
erties of physical objects. Whatever the case small difference to the function mental states
about that, it is likely that those sensory quali- have. 49
ties of sensations are themselves particulate. But what, then, of the compelling intuition
Being neurally based, the relevant sensory in- that a mental state!s being conscious does make
formation will occur in the form of particular a large and significant difference to its mental

functioning? That intuition is very likely due to of our intentional states presents them as free
the sense we have that our conscious thoughts, and uncaused that their being conscious seems
desires, and intentions occur freely and that this to matter to our ability to reason and make ra-
apparent freedom enhances our ability to reason tional choices.
and make rational choices. But our sense that I have argued that the HOT hypothesis ex-
these states occur freely itself arguably results plains how conscious states differ from noncon-
from the way we are conscious of those states. scious mental states, and why, to the extent that
Because we are seldom if ever conscious of any- it does, state consciousness has a function.
thing as causing our conscious thoughts and de- Moreover, the hypothesis squares well with
sires, we have the subjective impression that there being something it's like to be in con-
they are uncaused, and hence free. So it seems scious sensory states. We can provisionally con-
that just being conscious of these states makes a clude that the hypothesis deals satisfactorily
significant difference to the role they can play in with the phenomenon of state consciousness,
our lives. It is because the way we are conscious even for the special case of sensory states.

1. Pace John R. Searle, The Rediscovery of the Mind, of our conscious states when we are introspectively
Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1992; see aware of them. To forestall this objection, Dretske
note 8, below. has recently argued that introspection resembles
I use 'intentionaJ state' here to refer to states, like what he calls displaced perception. Just as we come
beliefs and desires, that exhibit propositional content to know how full the gas tank is by looking at the
along with some mental attitude. gauge, so we come to know what mental state we're
2. For some related observations about different uses of in by noticing what we're seeing. We thereby come
'consciousness' see Edmund HUBsed, Logicallnves- to be conscious that we're in some particular mental
tigations, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1970, state, but not conscious of that state. (Dretske, "lnR

II, pp. 535-36. trospection," Proceedings ofthe Aristotelian Society,

3. 'Ordinary' is to exclude so-called hypnogogic CXV (1994/95]: 263-78, and Naturalizing the
dreams, which occur in a semi-waking state. Mind, ch. 2.)
Intuitions here are in any case hardly decisive. Are On this ingenious proposal, introspection is a mat-
very vivid dream states conscious states? Must we be ter of coming to know how one represents things
conscious when we're in them? Since it's far from (274-75). But introspection is better construed as
clear what to say about these matters, it may well be knowing what mental state one is in, independently
that conscious states can occur without the creature of how that state represents naDmental reality. But
itself being conscious, even if Oretske's right about what introspection is,
4. There is, of course, nothing it's like for such a crea- just seeing that I represent things as being a certain
ture to be conscious-nothing it's like for the crea- way won't yield introspection unless I see this con-
ture. But that doesn't mean there's nothing it is to be sciously. So either the argument rests on Dretske's
conscious. assumption that all mental states are conscious, or he
5. Even if all sensations were conscious, what it is for a must give a different account of what it is for states
sensation to be of something would be a function not to be conscious.
of its being conscious, but rather of the ways it qual- 10. "Conscious Experience," 128;cf.117-18.
itatively resembles and differs from other compara- 11. In his useful "Dretske on HaT Theories of Con-
ble sensations. sciousness," William Seager independently gives a
Strictly speaking, mental states aren't conscious similar account of how Dretske's argument fails to
of things; rather, it's creatures tha~ are conscious of undermine the HOT hypothesis (Analysis 54,1 [Jan-
things in virtue of their being in mental states. uary 19941: 27[}"'76, esp. pp. 275-76).
6. The best known version of the example is due to D. 12. "But readers who were only thing-aware of the dif-
M. Annstrong, "What Is Consciousness?" in his The ference between Alpha and Beta [the two arrays in
Nature ofMind, St. Lucia, Queensland: University of Dretske's example] were not fact-conscious of the
Queensland Press, 1980: 55--{j7, p. 59. See Dretske's difference between Alpha and Beta." ("Conscious
Naturalizing the Mind, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Experience," p. 128.)
MIT PresslBradford Books, 1995, pp. 104-5. 13. John R, Searle also denies that we are conscious of
7. "Conscious Experience," Mind 102, 406 (April our conscious mental states, though for reasons dif-
1993): 263-83; reprinted in Dretske, Perception. ferent from Dretske's. u[W]here conscious subjec-
Knowiedge, and Belief Selected Essays, Cambridge: tivity is concerned, there is no distinction between
Cambridge University Press, 2000, 113-37, p. 123; the observation and the thing observed" (The Redis R

Naturalizing the Mind, chapter 4. covery of the Mind,p. 97). The context makes clear
,1 8. "Conscious Experience," pp, 125-28; cf. Naturaliz-
ing the Mind. pp. 112-3.
that Searle is denying not just that we can observe
our conscious states, but that we are conscious of
1 9. One might object that we are, in any case, conscious them at all, in the way we're conscious of other

things: "We cannot get at the reality of conscious- things are causally due to one's mental state, suchan
ness in the way that, using consciousness, we can get inference counts as mediating between a mental
at the reality of other phenomena" (96-97). This is state and one's being conscious of it.
because "where conscious subjectivity is concerned, We need not independently preclude reliance on
there is no distinction between the observation and observation. Intuitively, one's being conscious of a
the thing observed" (97). mental state can be inunediate even if it relies on ob-
Searle argues for this by appeal to the idea that we servation, so long as one is not aware of its doing so.
can describe consciousness only in terms of what it's And that will be so if there's no reliance on any con-
conscfousness of (96). But even if that's so, there scious inference. E.g., if one observes one's happy
will be states in virtue of which we are conscious of gait and so, without any inference of which one is
things. So it doesn't follow that there aren't states in aware, takes oneself to be happy, the way one is con-
virtue of which we are conscious of our conscious scious of being happy is intuitively immediate.
states. 18. Although we recognize on reflection that mediation
14. "[flhe word 'thought' applies to all that exists in us does in fact occur, no conscious inference normally
in such a way that we are immediately conscious of mediates, and as we've seen, that's what matters for
it" (Geometrical Exposition of the Second Replies, the intuition of immediacy.
Oeuvres de Descartes, ed. Charles Adam and Paul 19. On this, see David M. Rosenthal, ''The Colors and
Tannery, Paris: J. Vrin, 1964-75, VII, 160), Shapes ofVisual Experiences," in Consciousness and
15. Nonconscious mediation, moreover, might well Intentionality: Models and Modalities ofAttribution,
occur; factors of which we're in no way conscious ed. Denis Fisette, Dordrecbt: Kluwer Academic Pub-
often causally mediate among distinct mental states, lishers, 1998, pp. 137-<i9; and ''The Independence
even when we're aware of them from a first-person , of Consciousness and Sensory Quality," in Con-
point of view. sciousness: Philosophical Issues, I, 1991, ed. En-
Our intuitive sense that we're not conscious of our rique Villanueva, Atasc~dero, California: Ridgeview
conscious states in any way that's mediated may be Pnblishing Company, 1991, pp. 15-36, reprinted in
what leads Searle to claim that there's no way in Consciousness and Mind, Oxford: Clarendon Press,
which we're conscious of our conscious states (seen. forthcoming.
13). It also distinguishes this case from the way 20. These considerations are reminiscent of an argument
we're perceptually conscious of things, in which we of Aristotle's at de Anima ill, 2, 425bl2-14, though
are sometimes conscious of the intervening medium. Aristotle also held that the redness of our percep-
16. A slight adjustment to this is needed. One might tions is the very same quality as the redness of phys-
hold a theory on which an inference mediates be- ical objects (e,g., de Anima II, 5, 418a4; II, 11,
tween our being conscious of our conscious states 423b31; II, 12, 424a18; ill, 2, 425b23).
and the states themselves, though we're conscious of Perhaps the qualities of the higher-order states are
that inference only by another inference based on the those our sensory states seem to have, and the lower-
theory. (I thank Eric Lormand for raising this possi- order qualities do pot figure in what it's like for us to
bility.) We would still count as conscious the same be in sensory states. But locating the qualities that
states, even though the theory makes us conscious of figure in what it's like to be in sensory states at the
the inferential mediations. We can provide for this higher level doesn't help explain the qualitative di-
by stipulating that if a state is conscious, we're con- mension of those states.
scious of it in a way that does not require that we be 21. The concern that nonlinguistic creatures can't be in
conscious of any inference that may occur. Our intentional states with such sophisticated content
being conscious of the state may rely on some inferR may also motivate preference for the perceptual
ence, but not on our being conscious of it. model, since perceiving is a less sophisticated men-
This handles a related possibility as well. Suppose tal phenomenon. But little conceptual richness is
that inferences of which we're not conscious nO!R needed to be in such intentional states. The concept
mally mediate between our being conscious of our of self, e.g., need involve no more than the distinc-
conscious states and those states. Even if we some- tion between oneself and everything else. And the
how became conscious of some of those inferences state itself Can be conceptualized in a relatively min-
without benefit of theory, we'd count the same states imal way, say, just as some way the creature is.
as conscious. The adjusted stipulation provides for 22. So HOTs are not simply about intentional contents,
this. Since nothing in what follows hinges on this but about full-fledged intentional states: contents
sort of thing, I'll omit this qualification. plus mental attitudes.
If the way we're conscious of our conscious states If I doubt or wonder whether a particular physical
were sometimes based on conscious inference, we'd object is red, I'm conscious of that object; similarly
then know how we come to be conscious of those if I expect, hope, or desire that it is. But it's not the
states. Though we're conscious of our conSCious doubt, wonder, hope, or desire that makes ·me con-
states, we generally don't, from a firstRperson point scious of the object. Rather, if I doubt whether the
of view, have any idea how we come to be conscious object is red or desire or suspect that it is, I must also
of them. That ignorance helps explain the air of mys- think. assertorically that the object is there, or exists,
tery that surrounds state consciousness. and I'm conscious of the object in virtue of my hav-
17. The inference that consciously mediates between ing that assertonc thought. This is evident because,
mental states and one's being conscious of them in such a case, I wouldn't be conscious of the object
need not begin with the mental state to one's being as -red, but just as something that exists. The content
conscious of it; typically, the conscious inference of my consciousness is detennined not by the con-
would start, instead, from noticing one's behavior or tent of my nonassertoric intentional state, but by the
from the remarks of others. And because those assertoric state. Similarly with intentional states

about our own mental statesj being in nonassertoric come to be conscious. We assume as a general belief
intentional states about one's mental states make one about about the world that the states of affairs we
conscious of being in those states only if they require perceive normally cause the relevant perceptual
one also to have the assertoric thought that one is in states. When one has the (typically nonconscious)
that state. thought that a perceived state of affairs has caused
It's worth noting an argument of Robert M. Gor- the perceptual state, that thought results in a HaT
don that many emotions must be accompanied by that one is in the perceptual state, and thus results in
corresponding beliefs; being angry that p, e,g.• re- that state's being conscious.
quires believing that p. (The Structure of Emotions: 25. See, e.g., Dretske, "Conscious Experience," esp.
Investigations in Cognitive Philosophy, Cambridge: Section 4; also Ned Block, review of Daniel C. Den-
Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 47ff.) If so, nett, Consciousness Explained, The Journal of Phi-
the required belief would explain why, when one's losophyXC,4 (April 1993): 181-93, who alludes on
angry that p. one is conscious of whatever rp 1 is p. 182 to the HaT hypothesis.
about. In any case, this result depends on describing 26. This argument is developed in detail in my ''Think-
the emotion in tenns of its intentional content. Thus, ingThat One Thinks," in Consciousness: Psycholog-
if one describes a person not as being angry that p, ical and Philosophical Essays, ed. Martin Davies
e,g., but as being angry because p, no corresponding and Glyn W. Humphreys, Oxford: Basil Blackwell,
belief is implied. 1993, pp. 197-223. On the connection between
23. This helps deal with an interesting objection. Freudi- thought and genuine speech, see my "Intentionality,"
an theory may seem to posit states that are noocon- Midwesr Studies in Philosophy, X (1986): 151-84.
scious despite their being accompanied by suitable Both will be reprinted in Consciousness and Mind.
HaTs. (This idea has been pressed by Georges Rey The argument relies on creatures that can describe
and Stephen Schiffer.) But it's not easy to come up their mental states. But noninferential reportability
with convincing examples. Pleasure or guilt about simply helps fix the extension of 'conscious state':
repressed states won't do because pleasure and guilt many nonlinguistic creatures are also in conscious
aren't assertoric; so we often aren't conscious of the states.
objects of our pleasure or guilt---even when those Special issues arise about qualitative states, since
states are conscious. there is no such thing as verbally expressing a per-
Even if we could come up with plausible exam- ceptual sensation. We can express perceptions, but
ples, moreover, it is far from obvious that Freudian only because perceptions, unlike sensations, have an
theory requires that we describe the situation as in- intentional aspect and it's that intentional compo-
volving nooconscious states accompanied by HaTs, nent that we can verbally express. The same may
since there typically are several equally good expla- also hold for bodily sensations; though we can ex-
nations for any such phenomenon. It's also impor~ press a pain by uttering 'ouch,' it's unclear that
tant to note that repressed states are seldom noncon- 'ouch' counts as a verbal, as opposed to nonverbal,
scions states. Rather, they're typically states we form of expressing. And, though saying 'It hurts' is
disguise by radically misrepresenting their content, linguistic, that reports the pain, rather than express-
or distract ourselves from by creating elaborate men~ ing it. Still, creatures with suitable linguistic ability
tal noise. See p. 29, below. can noninferentially report their conscious states,
24. According to Searle, the intentional content of per- whether the states are intentional or sensory.
ceptual states always refers to those very states; if I These 'considerations have a bearing on the per-
see a yellow station wagon, the content of my visual ceptual model. When a state is conscious, creatures
perception is "that there is a yellow station wagon with the relevant linguistic ability can express their
there and that there is a yellow station wagon there is transitive consciousness of the state. If there were a
causing this visual experience" (Intentionality: An higher-order perception of the state, one's report
Essay in the Philosophy ofMind, Cambridge: Cam- would verbally express only the intentional compo-
bridge University Press, 1983, p. 48). If the content nent of that higher-order perception. But that's in ef-
of every perceptual state were partly that one is in fect just to express a HaT. So the argument from re-
that state, then on the HaT hypothesis, just being in porting and expressing shows that if the transitive
the state would make one conscious of it, and non- consciousness of a conscious state did have a senso-
conscious perceptions would be impossible. (I am ry aspect, that sensory aspect would be irrelevant to
grateful to Gilbert Harman for raising this concern.) the state's being intransitively conscious.
Moreover, perceiving something does presumably 27. Dennett and Hannan have independently pressed
make one conscious of that thing, arguably because this reply in conversation, and it receives tacit ex-
the mental attitude of perceiving is assertoric. pression in Dennett's view that "[c] onsciousness is
Searle's argument for this claim appeals to the cerebral celebrity" (''The Message Is: There is no
truth conditions of perceptions; a state's intentional Medium," Philosophy and Phenomenological Re-
content "determines under what conditions it is satis- search Lill, 4 [December 1993]: 919-31, p. 929).
fied" (p. 48), and one perceives a thing only ifit caus- See also Dennett, Consciousness Explained, ch. 10
es one's perception. But the conditions under which and esp. p. 315.
the perception is satisfied are simply that there's a 28. Peter Carruthers, Language, Thought, and Con-
yellow station wagon there, not also that the percep- sciousness: An Essay in Philosophical Psychology,
tion is caused by there being a yellow station wagon Cambrid8e: Cambridge University Press, 1996, and
there. The causal condition is relevant not to the truth Phenomenal Consciousness: A Naturalistic Theory,
of what I perceive. but of whether I perceive it. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
These considerations do, however, point toward 29. See Lawrence Weiskrantz, Blindsight, Oxford: Ox-
an explanation of. how many perceptual states do ford University Press, 1986, and Consciousness Lost

and Found: A· Neuropsychological Exploration, Ox- having HOTs. Rather a state has monitoring con-
ford: Oxford University Press,1997. sciousness, in his terms, only if one has a conscious
There is reason to think that discrimination of HOI about it. See ni25.
stimuli with different form may be due to discrimi- For more on Block, see Rosenthal, "Phenomenal
nation of orientation, rather than of form itself Consciousness and What It's Like," The Behavioral
(Blindsight, 84). Van Gulick has argued that this and Brain Sciences, 20, 1 (March 1997), pp. 64-65,
shows that blindsight does not involve states with ''The Kinds of Consciousness," MS, and "How
phenomenal properties like those of conscious visu- Many Kinds of Consciousness," MS.
al sensations. ("Deficit Studies and the Function of 37. Ofcourse, the relevant sensory states will often have
Phenomenal Consciousness," in Philosophical Psy- been conscious before one acquired the more fine-
chopathology, ed. George Graham and G. Lynn grained concepts, but conscious only with respect to
Stephens, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT, 1994.) qualities individuated in a more course-grained way.
But that conclusion follows only if one assumes that E.g.. one might initially be conscious of a particular
sensory qualities must be integrated in just the way type of olfactory sensation solely as being winelike,
they ate in normal conscious cases. and subsequently become conscious of it in terms of
30. A classical example is the so-called cocktail-party more fine-grained sensory qualities.
effect. We typically screen out the sounds of conver- 38. One might argue that the new concepts pertain not to
sations other than our own, though mention of one's the distinguishing properties ofour conscious senso-
Dame in a screened'7out conversation normally caus- ry experiences, but rather to the perceptible proper-
es one's attention suddenly to shift to that conversa- ties of the perceived physical objects and processes,
tion. e.g., the wine or the musical performance. (See Har-
31. Compare parallel arguments that certain noncon~ man, ''The Intrinsic Quality of Experience," Philo-
scious states have mental properties because of the sophical Perspectives, 4: Action Theory and Philos-
roles they play in mental processes; e.g., J. A. Fodor, ophy o/Mind, 1990, pp. 31-52.) But it's clear that in
"Methodological Solipsism Considered as a Re- the cases just imagined we also focus introspective-
search Strategy in Cognitive Psychology," The Be- lyon the distinguishing properties of our conscious
havioral and Brain Sciences m, 1 (March 1980): sensory states. So those cases involve new concepts
63-73. of the distinguishing properties of sensory states.
32. See Thomas Nagel's "What Is It Like to Be a Bat?," 39. "On Leaving Out What It's Like," in Consciousness:
The Philosophical Review LXXXIII, 4 (October Psychological and Philosophical &says, ed. Martin
1974): 435-50; "Panpsychism," in Mortal Ques- Davies and Glyn W. Humphreys, Oxford: Basil
tions, Cambridge:- Cambridge University Press, Blackwell, 1993, 121-36, p. 134, and Purple Haze:
1979, pp. 181-95; and The View from Nowhere, New T1u! Puzzle of Consciousness, New York: Oxford
York: Oxford University Press, 1986, chapters 1-4. University Press, 2001, pp. 79. See also "Material-
33. "On a Confusion about a Function of Conscious- ism and Qualla: The Explanatory Gap," Pacific
ness," The Behavioral arid Brain Sciences, 18, 2 Philosophical Quarterly LXIV, 4 (October 1983):
(June 1995): 227-47, p. 231; emphasis Block's. See 354-61. For related arguments see David J.
also Block, review of Dennett's Consciousness Ex- Chalmers, The Conscious Mind: In Search ofa Fun-
plained, p. 184; :'Begging the Question against Phe- damental Theory, New York: Oxford University
nomenal Consciousness," The Behavioral and Brain Press, 1996.
Sciences 15, 2 (June 1992); 205--6; "Consciousness Similarly, Nagel claims we have a purely rational
and Accessibility," The Behavioral and Brain Sci- understanding of why "heat caus[es] water to boil,
ences xrn, 4 (December 1990): 596-98. rocks causle] glass to break, magnets induc[e] elec-
34. It's not that the states we report are nonconscious, tric current, [and] the wind mak[es] waves"
but nonconscious states influence what we report ("Panpsychism," 186), but currently lack any under-
and how we do it. . standing of how physical hea~ e.g., or a brain
35. Block's definition of access consciousness in terms process, could causally necessitate a pain or other
of a state's being "poised" for certain things gives a sensation ("Panpsychism," 187).
dispositional mark of such consciousness. (In the re- 40. See my "Reductionism and Knowledge," in How
view of Dennett's book he uses the phrase 'freely Many Questions? ed. Leigh S. Cauman, Isaac Levi,
available' [po 182].) That is compatible with access Charles Parsons, and Robert Schwartz, Indianapolis:
consciousness's consisting in a subject's being tran- Hackett Publishing Co., 1983,276-300.
sitively conscious of a mental state, rather than sim- 41. Daniel C. Dennett, Consciousness Explained,
ply being disposed to be conscious of it., States we Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1991, p. 354.
are transitively conscious of have many disposition- See pp. 53-54 for Dennett's striking illustration of
al properties, among them being reportable and in- these limits in attempting to discern the color of
trospectible. playing cards seen parafoveally at arm's length.
36. Block distinguishes a third concept of conscious- 42. For a classic study, see Richard E. Nisbett and TIm-
ness, which he calls reflective consciousness (review othy DeCamp Wilson, ''Telling More Than We Can
of Dennett, p. 182) or monitoring consciousness Know: Verbal Reports on Mental Processes," Psy-
("On a ConfusIon," p. 235). According to Block, a chological Review LXXXIV, 3 [May 1977]:
state is conscious in this way if one has a HOT about 231-59.) Nisbett and Wilson's influential study fo-
it.,But the states he counts as reflectively or monitor- cused not only on cases in which subjects confabu-
ing conscious are states that we're introspectively late stories about the causes oftheir being in partic-
conscious of: states that we're conscious of being ular cognitive states, but also on cases in which they
conscious of. This is a distinct notion of conscious- confabulate accounts about what states they're actu-
ness, but Block is'mistaken to define it in terms of ally in.

43. Perhaps such erroneous HOTs might figure also in 45. In aesthetic experience, also, how we are conscious
apparent selfwdeception. ofa sensation presumably outstrips that sensation's
It may sometimes be difficult to tell whether a qualitative character,
,HOT misrepresents an actual target or the HOT has For more on sensations' diverging from the way
only a notional target, and there is an actual state that we are conscious of of them and the way HOTs func-
simply isn't conscious. Indeed. it may well be arbi- tion in that connection, see "Sensory Qualities, Con-
trary within a certain range of cases which way we sciousness, and Perception," forthcoming in Con-
describe a case. sciousness and Mind, and "Consciousness and
44. Consciousness Explained, p. 336. Metacognition," in Metarepresentation: Proceed-
Similarly, in the cocktail-party effect, one's atten- ings ofthe Tenth Vancouver Cognitive Science Con-
tion shifts to a previously unattended conversation in ference, cd. Daniel Sperber, New York: Oxford Uni-
which one's name was mentioned. So one must have versity Press, 2000, 265-95.
been hearing the articulated words in that conversa- 46. Often referred to as Sellars' "grain argument." Wil~
tion, though to consciousness it seemed just to be frid Sellars, "Philosophy and the Scientific Image of
background din. Man," in Frontiers of Science and Philosophy, ed,
Robust experimental findings, e.g., those involv- Robert G. Colodny, Pittsburgh: University of Pitts-
ing masked priming, also provide compelling evi- burgh Press, 1%2, pp. 35-78; reprinted in Science,
dence that what it's like to have a sensation some- Perception ·and Reality, 1-40, p. 36; also p. 35, and
times diverges from the properties of the sensation "Phenomenalism," also in Science, Perception and
itself. In masked priming, subjects report being un- Reality, 60-105, pp. 103-5.
aware of qualitative input whose presence is evident Cf. Peter Carruthers' claim that "perceptual infor-
from its effect on subsequent cognitive behavior. For mation is analogue (that is, 'filled in' and continu-
a classic study, see Anthony J. Marcel, "Conscious ous)," and ''the subjective aspect of an experiencejust
and Unconscious Perception: Experiments on Visual is analogue information about [physical] red, pre-
Masking and Word Recognition," Cognitive Psy- sented to a cognitive apparatus having the power
chology 15 (1983): 197-237. classify states as information carriers, as well as to
Experimental work on change blindness also pro- classify the information carried" (Peter Carruthers,
vides vivid evidence for divergence of how we're Language, 'Thought, and Consciousness: An Essay in
conscious of our sensations from their actual proper~ Philosophical Psychology, Cambridge: Cambridge
ties. Subjects here fail consciously to register visible University Press, 1996, pp. 167,214).
changes so salient that it's overwhelmingly likely 47. Naturalizing the Mind, p:117.
that corresponding changes do occur in their visual 48, The interaction of the two roles may not be additive;
sensations. So subjects' sensations diverge from how the causal properties of the HOT may interact with
they're aware of them. Moreover, the compelling im- those of the state in such a way th~.t the original
pression we all have of being continuously conscious causal properties of the state are modified, or even
of salient qualitative detail is evidently erroneous. blocked altogether.
See John Grimes, "On the Failure to Detect Changes 49. So conscious inessentialism, on which every intelli-
in Scenes across Saccades," in Perception, ed. Kath- gent activity we perform consciously could be per~
leen Akins, New York: Oxford University Press, fanned without its being conscious, is mistaken. The
1996, pp. 89-110; Daniel J. Simons, "Current Ap- label is due to Owen Flanagan, who rejects the thesis
proaches to Change Blindness," Visual Cognition 7 (Consciousness Reconsidered, Cambridge, Massa-
(2000): 1-16; and RonaldA. Rensink, ''The Dynam- chusetts: MIT PresslBradford Books, 1992, pp. 5,
ic Representation of Scenes," Visual Cognition, 7, 129ff.).
1/213 (January 2000): 17-42, and "Seeing, Sensing,
and Scrutinizing," Vision Research, 40, 10-12
(2000): 1469-87.

Classical and
Contemporary Readings

David J. Chalmers

New York Oxford


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