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Tomul LII, s.I, Matematic
a, 2006, f.1




Abstract. We study the vanishing of the Bochner curvature tensor field on the tan-
gent bundle T M of a Riemamnian manifold (M, g), when this tangent bundle is endowed
with a Kahler structure (G, J) which is a natural lift of g, of diagonal type. It follows that
the base manifold (M, g) must have constant sectional curvature and the K ahler manifold
(T M, G, J) must have constant holomorphic sectional curvature.
Mathematics Subject Classification 2000: 53C55, 53C15.
Key words: tangent bundle, natural lifts, K ahlerian structures, Bochner curvature

1. Introduction. The tangent bundle T M of a Riemannian manifold

(M, g) can be endowed with an almost Hermitian structure (G, J), defined
by using natural lifts of the metric g, of diagonal type. This lift depends on
8 initial parameters a1 , a2 , b1 , b2 , c1 , c2 , d1 , d2 which are smooth functions of
the energy density t = 12 kyk2 , where y T M is the current tangent vector
from T M . From the condition for J to define an almost complex structure
on T M one can obtain two parameters, e.g. a2 , b2 as (rational) functions
of a1 , b1 . From the condition for J to be integrable, it follows that the base
manifold (M, g) must have constant sectional curvature c; then one can
obtain the parameter b1 as a (rational) function of c, a1 and its first order
derivative a01 . From the condition for G to be Hermitian with respect to J,
one can express the parameters c1 , c2 , d1 , d2 with the help of the parameters
a1 , a2 , b1 , b2 and two proportionality factors , . From the condition for
the almost Hermitian structure (G, J) to be almost Kahlerian, one obtains

Partially supported by the Grant 18/1463/2005, CNCSIS, Ministerul Educatiei si
arii, Romania
26 V. OPROIU 2
that the new parameter must be the derivative of i.e. = Next,0 .
combining the conditions for J to be integrable and for (G, J) to be almost
Kahlerian, one gets a Kahlerian structure on M ; this structure depends on
two essential parameters: a1 and . In this paper we study the vanishing
of the Bochner curvature tensor field of (G, J), obtaining that the Kahler
manifold (T M, G, J) must have constant holomorphic sectional curvature.
Several computations have been done by using the RICCI package under
Mathematica for doing tensor calculations in differential geometry.
All geometric objects are assumed to be smooth. We use the computa-
tions in local coordinates in a fixed local chart though many results admit
an invariant form via the vertical and horizontal lifts. The summation con-
vention is used throughout over the indices h, i, j, k, l running {1, . . . , n}.

2. Natural almost complex structures of diagonal type on T M .

Let (M, g) be a smooth n-dimensional Riemannian manifold and denote
its tangent bundle by : T M M . To fix notation, the manifold
structure of T M is obtained from the manifold structure of M whose lo-
cal charts ( 1 (U ), ) = ( 1 (U ), x1 , . . . , xn , y 1 , . . . , y n ) are induced from
the local charts (U, ) = (U, x1 , . . . , xn ) on M , where the local coordinates
xi , y i , i = 1, . . . , n, are defined as follows. The first n local coordinates of a
tangent vector y 1 (U ) are the local coordinates in the local chart (U, )
of its base point, i.e. xi = xi , by an abuse of notation. The last n local
coordinates y i , i = 1, . . . n, of y 1 (U ) are the vector space coordinates
of y with respect to the natural basis in the local chart (U, ). A useful
concept in the differential geometry of T M is that of M -tensor field (of type
(p, q)) which is defined by sets of np+q components (functions of x and y)
with p upper indices and q lower indices, assigned to induced local charts
( 1 (U ), ) on T M , such that the local coordinate change rule is that of
the local coordinate components of a (p, q)-tensor field on the base manifold
M (see [3] for further details); e.g., the components y i , i = 1, . . . , n, corre-
sponding to the last n local coordinates of a tangent vector y, assigned to
the induced local chart ( 1 (U ), ) define an M -tensor field of type (1, 0).
Assume that u : [0, ) R is a smooth function and let kyk2 = g (y) (y, y)
be the square of the norm of the tangent vector y. If ji (the Kronecker sym-
bols) are the local coordinate components of the identity (1, 1)-tensor field
I on M , then the components u(kyk2 )ji define an M -tensor field of type
(1, 1) on T M . The components u(kyk2 )gij define an M -tensor field of type
(0, 2) on T M , where g is the metric tensor field on M . The components

g0i = y k gki define an M -tensor field of type (0, 1) on T M .

The Levi Civita connection of g on M gives the direct sum decom-
(1) T T M = V T M HT M
of the tangent bundle to T M into the vertical distribution V T M = Ker
and the horizontal distribution HT M . The set of vector fields ( y 1 , . . . , yn )
on 1 (U ) defines a local frame field for V T M and for HT M we have the
local frame field ( x 1 , . . . , xn ), where

= i
h0i h , h0i = y k hki
x x y
and hki (x) are the Christoffel symbols of g.
The set ( y 1 , . . . , yn , x 1 , . . . , xn ) defines a local frame on T M , adapted
to the direct sum decomposition (1). Remark that

= , = ,
y i xi xi xi
where X V and X H denote the vertical and horizontal lift of the vector field
X on M which help us to obtain invariant expressions later on. However,
in local coordinates, the formulae are more direct, and more natural, in a
certain sense.
We begin by considering the energy density of the tangent vector y
1 1 1
(2) t = kyk2 = g (y) (y, y) = gik (x)y i y k , y 1 (U ).
2 2 2
Obviously, we have t [0, ) for all y T M . By direct computation we

Lemma. If n > 1 and u, v are smooth functions on T M such that either

ugij + vg0i g0j = 0, or uji + vg0j y i = 0, on the domain of any induced local
chart on T M , then u = v = 0.
Denote by C = y i y i the Liouville vector field on T M and by C e = yi i
the similar horizontal vector field on T M . Let a1 , a2 , b1 , b2 : [0, ) R be
some smooth functions. A natural 1-st order almost complex structure J
of diagonal type on T M is given by (see [2])

(3) J i
= a1 (t) i + b1 (t)g0i C, J i = a2 (t) i b2 (t)g0i C.
x y y x
28 V. OPROIU 4

Proposition [5]. The operator J defines an almost complex structure

on T M if and only if

(4) a1 a2 = 1, (a1 + 2tb1 )(a2 + 2tb2 ) = 1.

Remark (i) As all coefficients a1 , a2 , a1 + 2tb1 , a2 + 2tb2 from (4) are

non-zero and of the same sign, we may assume them positive for any t 0.
(ii) By (4), two of the coefficients a1 , a2 , a3 , b1 , b2 are functions of the
other two; e.g. we have:
1 a2 b1 b1
(5) a2 = , b2 = = .
a1 a1 + 2tb1 a1 (a1 + 2tb1 )

For later use, we shall introduce the following M -tensor fields J1hi , J2hi ,
defined by
J1hi = a1 ih + b1 g0i y h , J2hi = a2 ih + b2 g0i y h .
Then the formula (3) can be written as

J i
= J1hi h , J i = J2hi h .
x y y x
The property of J to define an almost complex structure is equivalent to
the property that (J2hi ) is the inverse of the matrix (J1hi ), i.e.

J1hi J2ik = J2hi J1ik = kh .

To express the integrability condition of J we use the vanishing of its

Nijenhuis tensor field NJ , defined by

NJ (X, Y ) = [JX, JY ] J[JX, Y ] J[X, JY ] [X, Y ],

for all vector fields X and Y on T M .

Theorem 3. [5] Let (M, g) be an n(> 2)-dimensional connected Rie-

mannian manifold. The almost complex structure J defined by (3) on T M
is integrable if and only if (M, g) has constant sectional curvature c and the
coefficient b1 is given by:

a1 a01 c
(6) b1 =
a1 2ta01

(compare with the corresponding expressions from [4] and [10]).

3. Natural diagonal K ahlerian structures on T M . Consider a

diagonal 1-st order, natural metric G on T M (see [2], see also, [1], [6]),
given by

(7) G , = c1 gij + d1 g0i g0j , G , = c2 gij + d2 g0i g0j ,
xi xj y i y j

G , =G , = 0,
y i xj xi y j
where c1 , c2 , d1 , d2 are smooth functions depending on the energy density
t [0, ). The conditions for G to be positive definite are assured if

(8) c1 > 0, c2 > 0, c1 + 2td1 > 0, c2 + 2td2 > 0.

We establish here the conditions under which the metric G is almost

Hermitian with respect to the almost complex structure J, considered in
the previous section, i.e.

G(JX, JY ) = G(X, Y ),

for all vector fields X, Y on T M .

Considering the coefficients of gij in the conditions

(9) G(J i
, J j ) = G( i , j ), G(J i , J j ) = G( i , j ),
x x x x y y y y
we obtain the following expressions

(10) c1 = a1 , c2 = a2 ,

where = (t) is a positive smooth function of t [0, ). (Recall the

assumptions a1 , a2 > 0).
Next, considering the coefficients of g0i g0j in the relations (9) and using
(10), we obtain the following expressions

(11) c1 + 2td1 = ( + 2t)(a1 + 2tb1 ), c2 + 2td2 = ( + 2t)(a2 + 2tb2 ),

where + 2t = (t) + 2t(t) is a positive smooth function of t [0, ).

The conditions (8) are automatically fulfilled, due to the properties (4) of
30 V. OPROIU 6

the coefficients a1 , a2 , b1 , b2 . From (14), d1 and d2 have the following explicit


(12) d1 = b1 + (a1 + 2tb1 ), d2 = b2 + (a2 + 2tb2 ).

Remark If = 1 and = 0, we obtain the almost Kahlerian structure

constructed in [5].
Consider now the two-form defined by the almost Hermitian structure
(G, J) on T M
(X, Y ) = G(X, JY ),
for all vector fields X, Y on T M .
The expression of the 2-form in a local adapted frame ( y 1 , . . . , yn ,

, . . . , xn )
on T M , is given by

, = 0, , = 0, , = gij + g0i g0j
y i y j xi xj y i xj

or, equivalently

(13) i dxj ,
= (gij + g0i g0j )y
i = dy i + i dxh is the absolute differential of y i .
where y 0h
From the following formula
d = (0 )(gij g0k g0i gjk )y
k y
i dxj ,
obtained by a straightforward computation and following the same idea as
in [6], we obtain

Theorem 4. The almost Hermitian structure (T M, G, J) is almost

ahlerian if and only if
= 0 .
Thus the family of almost Kahlerian structures of diagonal type on T M
depends on three essential coefficients a1 , b1 , . Combining the results from
Theorems 3 and 4, it follows that the coefficient b1 can be expressed as a
function of a1 and its first derivative, so that a natural Kahlerian structure
(G, J) of diagonal type on T M is defined by two essential coefficients a1 , ,
which have to satisfy some additional conditions a1 > 0, a1 + 2tb1 > 0, >

0, + 2t0 > 0. Examples of such structures can be found in [10] (see also
[4], [5], [7]).
For later use, we shall consider the following M tensor fields G1ij , G2ij ,
defined by G on T M
Gij = G , c1 gij + d1 g0i g0j ,
xi xj
Gij = G , c2 gij + d2 g0i g0j ,
y i y j
The conditions for G to be positive definite are assured iff G1ij , G2ij define
positive matrices and this happens iff
(15) c1 > 0, c2 > 0, c1 + 2td1 > 0, c2 + 2td2 > 0.
We shall consider too the inverse matrices of (G1ij ), (G2ij ), denoted by
(H1kl ), (H2kl ), with the entries defined by the properties
H1hi G1ij = jh , H2hi G2ij = jh .

It follows easily that the components H1kl , H2kl define M -tensor fields of
type (2, 0) on T M and that they have the following expressio ns
H1kl = p1 g kl + q1 y k y l , H2kl = p2 g kl + q2 y k y l ,
where the components g kl are the entries of the inverse of the matrix (gij )
and coefficients p1 , p2 , q1 , q2 are given by
1 1 d1 d2
p1 = , p2 = , q 1 = , q2 = .
c1 c2 c1 (c1 + 2td1 ) c2 (c2 + 2td2 )

2. The Levi Civita connection and its curvature tensor field on

T M . Denote by the Levi Civita connection of the Riemannian metric g
on M . Denote by R kij
h the components of the curvature tensor field R of ,

whereR kij
i , j ) k . Denote too by R h = y k R h . Consider a
= R( x x x 0ij kij
Riemannian metric G of diagonal type on T M and denote by its Levi
Civita connection. Denote by i = x i , i = y i , i = 1, . . . , n. The local
expression of is given in an adapted local frame (1 , ..., n , 1 , ..., n ) by
h h h

i j = Qij h , i j = ij h + Pji h ,
i j = Pijh h , i j = hij h + Sij
h ,

32 V. OPROIU 8
and the M tensor
where hij are the Christoffel symbols of the connection
h h h
fields Pij , Qij , Sij are given by
Pijh = H1hk (i G1jk + G2il R0jk
c0 d1 d1
= 1 g0i jh + g0j ih + gij y h
2c1 2c1 2(c1 + 2td1 )
c1 d01 c01 d1 d21 c2 h k c2 d1
+ g0i g0j y h Rjik y y h R ikjl y k y l ,
2c1 (c1 + 2td1 ) 2c1 2c1 (c1 + 2td1 )
Qhij = H2hk (i G2jk + j G2ik k G2ij )
c0 c02 2d2 c2 d02 2c02 d2
= 2 (jh g0i + ih g0j ) gij y h + g0i g0j y h ,
2c2 2(c2 + 2td2 ) 2c2 (c2 + 2td2 )
h = 1 H hk ( G1 + G2 R
Sij l
k ij kl 0ij )
2 2
d1 h d1 h c01
= j g0i i g0j gij y h
2c2 2c2 2(c2 + 2td2 )
c2 d01 2d1 d2 1 h k
g0i g0j y h R kij y .
2c2 (c2 + 2td2 ) 2
The curvature tensor field of is denoted by R. Its expression in the
local adapted frame (1 , ..., n , 1 , ..., n ) is given by

h , R( , ) = XXY h ,
R(i , j )k = XXXijk h i j k ijk h

h , R( , ) = Y Y X h ,
R(i , j )k = Y Y Yijk
(17) h i j k ijk h

h , R( , ) = Y XY h ,
R(i , j )k = Y XXijk h i j k ijk h
h , . . . are given by
where the components XXXijk
XXXkij = R kij
h h l
+ Plk R0ij + Plih Sjk
Pljh Sik
XXYkij = R kij
h l
+ Silh Pkj h l
Sjl Pki + Qhlk R 0ij
h h
Y Y Xkij = P P + Pilh Pjk l
Pjlh Pik
y i jk y j ik

Y Y Ykij = i Qhjk j Qhik + Qhil Qljk Qhjl Qlik ,
y y
Y XXkij = S + Qhil Sjkl h l
Sjl Pik ,
y i jk
Y XYkij = i Pkj + Pilh Pkj
Pljh Qlik .

The expanded expressions of the above components (depending on a1

and ) can be obtained by using RICCI.
Now we obtain the Ricci tensor field of by using the well known
Ric(X, Y ) = trace(Z R(Z, X)Y ).

The components of Ric in the adapted local frame (1 , . . . n , 1 , . . . , n )

are obtained as
h + Y XX h
RicXXjk = Ric(j , k ) = XXXkhj khj

(18) h Y XY h
RicY Yjk = Ric(j , k ) = Y Y Ykhj kjh

Ric(j , k ) = Ric(k , j ) = 0.

Their explicit expressions can be obtained by using RICCI.

In the following we shall use too the following (1, 1) M -tensor fields
RicXkh , RicYkh on T M , obtained from the components RicXXjk , RicY Yjk
by raising an index with the help of the metric G

RicXkh = H1hj RicXXjk , RicYkh = H2hj RicY Yjk .

Finally, the scalar curvature r of G is obtained as the trace of the tensor

field Ric

r = RicXhh + RicYhh = H1hj RicXXjh + H2hj RicY Yjh .

Its explicit expression can be obtained by using, again, the package


3. The Bochner curvature tensor field on T M and its vanish-

ing. The Bochner curvature tensor field B of the 2n-dimensional Kahlerian
34 V. OPROIU 10

manifold (T M, G, J) is defined by the well known formula (see e.g. [12])

B(X, Y )Z = R(X, Y )Z [Ric(Y, Z)X Ric(X, Z)Y
2n + 4


+Ric(JY, Z)JX Ric(JX, Z)JY 2Ric(JX, Y )JZ 2g(JX, Y )QJZ]

+ [G(Y, Z)X G(X, Z)Y
(2n + 2)(2n + 4)

+G(JY, Z)JX G(JX, Z)JY 2G(JX, Y )Z],

where the tensor field Q of type (1, 1) is obtained from the tensor field Ric
as the corresponding linear operator with respect to the metric G, i.e.

Ric(X, Y ) = G(X, QY ),

and r = trace Q is the scalar curvature. If we use the adapted local frame
(1 , . . . n , 1 , . . . , n ), we get the following components of B

h = B( , ) = [XXX h
BXXXkij h i j k kij
(RicXXjk ih RicXXik jh + G1ik RicXjh G1jk RicXih )
2n + 4
+ (G1 h j G1ik jh )]h ,
(2n + 2)(2n + 4) jk i
h h
BXXYkij h = B(i , j )k = [XXYkij
(J1lj G2lk J1ri RicYrh J1li G2lk J1rj RicYrh
2n + 4
+J1lj RicY Ylk J1hi J1li RicY Ylk J1hj )
+ (J1lj G2lk J1hi J1li G2lk J1hj )]h ,
(2n + 2)(2n + 4)
h h
BY Y Ykij h = B(i , j )k = [Y Y Ykij
(RicY Yjk ih RicY Yik jh + G2jk RicYih j G2ik RicYjh )
2n + 4
+ (G2 h G2ik jh )]h ,
(2n + 2)(2n + 4) jk i

h h 1
BY Y Xkij h = B(i , j )k = [Y Y Xkij (J2lj G1lk J2ri RicXrh
2n + 4
J2li G1lk J2rj RicXrh + J2lj RicXXlk J2hi J2li RicXXlk J2hj )
+ (J2lj G1lk J2hi J2li G1lk J2hj )]h ,
(2n + 2)(2n + 4)
h h 1
BY XXkij h = C(i , j )k = [Y XXkij (RicXXjk ih
2n + 4
+G1jk RicYih + J2li G1lk J1rj RicYrh + J2li RicXXlk J1hj
+2J2li RicXXlj J1hk + 2J2li G1lj J1rk RicYrh )
+ (G1 h + J2li G1lk J1hj + 2J2li G1lj J1hk )]h ,
(2n + 2)(2n + 4) jk i
h h 1
BY XYkij h = B(i , j )k = [Y XYkij (RicY Yik jh
2n + 4
G2ik RicXjh J1lj G2lk J2ri RicXrh J1lj RicY Ylk J2hi
2J2li RicXXlj J2hk 2J2li G1lj J2rk RicXrh )
+ (G2ik jh J1lj G2lk J2hi 2J2li G1lj J2hk )]h .
(2n + 2)(2n + 4)
We are interested in the conditions under which B = 0. From the
condition BXXYkij h = 0 we get, by taking the terms containing n and n2

in the coefficient of gjk ih , the following relation

n(n+4)(a1 2a01 t)3 (+20 t)2 (a21 a01 +2a1 c+a31 0 2a01 ct+2a1 c0 t) = 0

Considering the essential relation only, we get after an easy integration

(20) =A ,
a21 + 2ct

where A is a positive constant. In this case we get easily the expression of

the scalar curvature
r = n(n + 1).
Next, we obtain by a straightforward but quite long computation that
all components of B are zero.
We should remark that the relation (21) implies that the Kahlerian
manifold (T M, G, J) has constant holomorphic curvature. Hence we may
36 V. OPROIU 12

Theorem. The K ahlerian manifold (T M, G, J) is Bochner flat if and

only if it has constant holomorphic sectional curvature.


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Received: 15.I.2006 Faculty of Mathematics,

University Al.I. Cuza,
Iasi 700 506,

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