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Name _________________________

Geometry Important Book


Students will create a Geometry Important Book foldable from the list of vocabulary words provided.

Steps to create your Geometry Important Book:

1. Create the foldable that will be used for your book.
2. Select ten (10) vocabulary words from the list below.
3. Create an important statement for each vocabulary word.
(Follow the template provided below)
4. Write each important statement on its own page of the foldable book. Be sure to add color or
pictures to enhance your book.

Collinear Straight Angle Angle Bisector Vertex
Coplanar Acute Angle Vertical Angles Endpoint
Segment Right Angle Complementary Angles Segment Bisector
Ray Obtuse Angle Adjacent Angles Opposite Rays
Line Midpoint Supplementary Angles Linear Pair

The important thing about a {insert vocabulary word here} is that {state why it is important here}.
{The next lines will be the three characteristics and/or description of the vocabulary word}.
The important thing about a {insert vocabulary word here} is that {state why it is important here}.


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