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1. Agour You Hi. ke to introduce myself in 2 few words. My name 's Katalin Kiss, but my frlends call me Kiscsibe and my. parents cal me Morzsa: they gave this nickname to me ‘when | was 2 litle child. 3 tm from Hungary and | liven Budapest. 11am 24 years old; more precisely, had my 24th birthday February, 30am almost 35. |1was born in 1995 in Zalaegerszeg and my birthday is on the 9th of February. [As | am 14 years old, 'm a student. | goto Kossuth Lajos ‘Secondary Grammar School in Budapest. | can speak three languages. Hungarian, that’s my native language, Englsh, which I've been learning for 5 years ‘now, and alte bit of German: I started learning it ast year. 'As for my appearance, my height is below average, 1 ‘metre 60 and I'm slender, | weigh SO kg, I've got long, straight, blonde hair with red streaks in i, thave a fringe and sometimes l wear a ponytal. ve got big brown eyes. "Talking of my face, i's oval with some freckles on ry cheeks, m snub-nosed. My eyelashes are long and my eyebrows are arched. "ve gota small mouth and thin ips. don’t wear glasses. TOPIC 108 A NUTSHELL HdeelLabpteUstideetye beaks people, andit at Mena {sorthie ser loee ener ‘friends and expect the same loyalty in return. | consider | ‘myself a good listener. When people have ay problems ‘they usualy tlk to me. My fiends, however, say that | ‘am sometimes bossy. ike teling people what todo, Lam also too outspoken. | am always ready to speak my mind | ‘evenfit moans offending some people. ‘On the whole, | am satisfied with myself | woulén’t change single thing about me. nny apion, We ‘accept ourselves 35 we are. My friends say that my best ‘auality Is my sense of humour. | always enjoy making | someone's day better. As I've mentioned before | get on ‘well with people. My friends and classmates tellme their ‘problems, share their secrets with me or ask for advice. Iam also a good organiser. | am often asked to organise ‘ass programmes, such 25 tips, parties or other social ‘programmes. (am a born optimist. | always think that ‘good things will happen. I try to look on the bright side of things. ‘TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS ‘more precisely asfor talking of thine iegoee without saying Henaside: myself My fiends, however, say. onthe whole in opinion ast've mentioned before pntesabban. am tile hha mar soba ket; ha mar .-6lvan 526 ‘ethiszem ‘mondnom sem kell “nek tartom magam Abardtaim vazont art mond, ‘egészében veve \vleményem srerint ‘mint mat emitter. [Atypical family unit in Hungary consists of a mother, a tatherand two children, 50 ean say that | havea typical | Hungarian fami: | live with my parents and my ite sister, 2568, who Ie 7 years old. My parents were quite ‘young when was bora, and they aren their thirties now. {ay mother was born in 1972, 50 she is 37 years old and iy father is 39. As fo their occupation, my father isan engineer; he works for a big company in Budapest and ry motnerisa lawyer. Inthe last few years family fe has changed a tte, because more and more parents live together and have etvldren without getting marred. Ym very happy thet ‘my parents got married, because in my opinion it makes thelr relationship stable and serous, and It sso nice to iook at their wedding photos with my sister. The importance of the forty has changed! ala recently. [Parents work a lot and they have less time for thelr TOPIC IN A MUTSHELL | children, soit is more and more common for teenagers to be given a lot of freedom. Parents just sive them money to buy thei own food; inthe afternoons they are at home alone and they can decide how much to study land when to go out. To tell the truth, my parents work a {ot too, but fortunately they aiways find enough time to spend with us. First of ll, we try to have dinner together everyday is usually the only meal during the day when everybody is a home. At weakends we do the shopping with my mother and we help her clean the fit In our {ree te we visit my grandparents and relatives, we he] playing cards and board games. Ifthe weather i nice, ‘we ike going hiking in the mountains, go cyting ot olay basketball, badminton or table tennis in our gaiden. We ‘30 ke watching 2 good fim on TY together or going t ‘the cinema: weal lke comedies. ‘TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS {can say that at mondhatom, hogy ‘We ve in Budapest, the capital city of Hungary. Welive in the centre, in the 13" district. We live in a two-bedroom || latin an old block of ats. We moved into this at & years ‘ago when I started primary school. We have been living here ever since. ‘Our flats not too bg, but Ithas a well-planned layout. If ‘we go through the front door there's a iti hall where ‘ve can hang our coats up. if we go straight on, we get to the living room. The living room and the Kitchen are Lined together. If we don’t go into the living room, but ‘turn left instead, the first thing we see is my room. Then ‘comes a bathroom with a shower and toilet, and then my parents’ bedroom. The flat has also got a big balcony ‘with awonderful view. eve being in my room. | have everything ! need: a TV, a DVD- player, a big stereo and a computer. | have got a astor ami a.tilet Frm very happy that rnagyen erik annak, hoa. inmy pinion véleményem szerint anditissoice to Sannyira jo log fotellthe truth az garat megvalva [fet ota esses TOPIC IM A NUTSHELL desk with bookshelves above it, It quite big, so 1 can ‘spread my things out. I is well it with an overhead ight, ‘and a table lamp. | keep my books and dictionaries on the | shelves above the desk, so everything is at hand. | have) posters of my favourite stars and bands onthe walls. My| ‘mother says that my room is to0 messy, but lke it the| ‘way tls. lwouldn't change anything about it, Hove living in a bg city Lifes never boringina city there! are @ lot of things to do. There are cinemas, theatres, | ‘museums and cafés where I can meet my friends. ‘The only bad thing ! can think of is the public transport system. The buses are crowded and don't run on time. were the mayor ! would improve our public transport system. [TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS | ttwe go through the front door | there area lot of things todo ‘the nly bad thing cn think of iiwere the mayor habelépinks bojrat stn, Ite go straight on ha opyeneventovabbmegyint, ture left instead Inkab ata ferdlunk {he est ting we see 2 4ls8 doog, ait meelstnk. then comer Snurdnkovtiaa 3. "have everything need ‘mindenern megvan, em sokséges ‘everything sat hana rden keel van Hike the way is gy ese ahogy van | twoutdne change anything about. ‘Semmit sem vtortatnék aa solenindantlhet esta fr egytien ost log, al esembe ut. han leaneka poldrmester. Friends play a very Important role in our lives, tm. Convinced that we can't ve without our friends. For me a friend is someone who: helps you, accapts and loves you for wh you ar, understands you, is interested in the same things as you ae, is there for you when you 'need him / her, keeps your secrets, shares his /her things Iwith you, Is always there for you, even when you are [dovin, always has time for you, forgives your mistakes, lgves you a shoulder to cry on, never lets you down, Inever betrays your trust, never keeps any secrets from ‘you, knows al about you and likes you anyway. ln my opinion, a good friend is someone you: can rely on, ‘can always count on, can share your problems with, can rust with your secrets, hang out with, can have fun with land can share a complete silence with, ‘TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS vm convinced that forme inmy opinion everybody save attend snset ta Secondary School in Pécs and in [rade 9. Ourschol sina historical buicingin the centre [et our town. tis more then one hundred eat of. ts 2 Yourstoreybuldng with let f tars The cistron arog but untortunatly, the corrcers ae too narrow We have thirty 45-minute lessons a week. We ave wo sitemating metabies: Week A and Week 8. 3m happy with our timetable the way it, although Wechesday isa very ict dy: we have Physics, Maths, History, Engi, Geography and Hungarian Grammar am alnays |excemely red bythe end ofthe da. |My fevourte subjects erature ~I have stways loved racing. nk that reading a good books ke going on |snadrentreIalolove Maths Iecomes easy tome and |Fmgood ai ike worng with numbers [ourscholotfersa wide choles of er shel activites, “herearesportschio basketball footbaandbacnte, [ict Gnformation Technology) classes, at workshops and ‘TOPIC Ii A NUTSHELL TOPIC Ih A NUTSHELL Everybody says am very sociable and talkative enjoy meeting. new people and 1 can make friends easy TThave made many good fiends at school. Most of my classmates are my fiends, As we go tothe same school, Wwe know each other very well We hang out together at breoks and sit together at lunch, We often meet after school, sometimes t0 study, sometimes Just to spend Some time together. | IMy best friend Is Jack. | hove known him for mare than | {en years. We have alot in common ond relly enjoy each bothers company. We ore interested inthe some things. ‘We both ke music, especialy hip-hop, We can talk about for hours. mee venyok eyéadve arr, hep. Yelomengem stint Iingenla a2 manda, Nowy. lifferent study circles. | singin the school cholr and | go ‘to basketball training-sessions twice a week. ‘Our class Is specialised in English. This means that we hhave mora English lessons a week than other classes — ‘ix. English Is spoken all over the world. We can actually hhear andreadit almost everywhere. It'sthe international language of business, commerce, diplomacy, science ‘and technology. lke to pass the Intermediate English language exam next year, so | grab every opportunity to improve my English. | often watch English-speaking channels on TV and films in English without subtitis. It Is also very useful to read graded readers or books in the original language. | regularly visit English language Websites to look up information that interests me = news, the latest on music, films or famous people. | often use free online resources for language learners, suchas dictionaries, grammar references and vocabulary games. | TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS | tattend min grade Frmhappy with. the way tis iy favourite subject "have eiways loved Talo love teomes easy tome mgood at ‘wide cholee of is specialised in this means English s spoken allover the world, lke to pass {grab every opportunity to Inalso very useful to wba rok os3tyos vagyok ‘gy ttstk, ahogy van ‘a kedvenc tantérgyam ‘mind is szerettem meg szeretem a ts ‘snnyen megy nakern i8vagyok..-ben sles vblsztee tagozatosvolomiyen térgybol annyit jelent, ogy ‘x angolt viigszerte bese steretném leteonia ..vasgat ‘inden akaimat megragadot, hogy nagyon Rasznos meég a's, ha, |As rma teenager, my day routine is pretty ordinary. On | weekdays | usually get up at twenty past si Ym afraid of ‘oversleping, 80 | get up immediately after my alarm clock ‘goes oft. can't start my day withouthaving’e mugof cocoa, 50 my mum always brings me one in bed. After drinking it fo tothe tollet, wash my face, brush my halr and clean my teeth and then! get dressed. am alwaysin arush, sol dort make a fuse of choosing my clothes. | usually grab a shirt at random and a pair ofjeans. Finally pack my school things into my rucksack and leave for school Fortunately, some friends of mine live very lose to us, so! meet them at the tram stop at quarter past 7 and we go to school together ‘Usually Ihave six 45-minute lessons aday, We start school at B and the sith lesson finishes at 1.40 pm. After my lessons TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS aetmateenager ety orinary Tsar my doy without {don't make 8 fuss of fortunately | infack that'sone ofthe most enloyable parte of. rowonder TOPUC UN A NUTSHELL I have lunch atthe school canteen with my classmates and, then we have a short chat. n fact, that's one of the most ‘enjoyable parts of my day. Twice 2 weet, on Mondays and ‘Wednesdays, | goto basketball training from 3 to 4.30 and ‘on Tuesdays {have an extra English lesson from 2.30 t0 4. (On Thursdays visit my granny after my lessons. really ke fietening to her funny stores ofher life and no wonder love ‘Thursday afternoons very much. When | get home, have 2 smack and then I do my homework, Ie takes me about two or three hours to get ready forthe nextday. 1 have dinner with my family a7 clock; after that usualy switch on my ‘computer, check my emails and surf the Internet oF play my favourite computer games. At9.30 have a shower and | go tobed at 10 0'lock. | mivel taonévesvagyok, eg sokvnyo3 sem tadom ketdeni a napomat anil, hogy. ‘nem cxindlok nay dgyet ab, hogy. sterencsére “uladonkppen ez az epyklegjobb réze 8 nem csoda \ am a big fan of the cinema. | go to the cinema almost every week. tlove action and sci-fi films, but Lear’ stand |westerns, if there Is a new film on at the cinema watch Ihe taller fori, read the reviews on the internet and if itlooks interesting | go to see it. |My favourite film is undoubtedly Star Tek. tis a science- |fiction movie It came out in 2009 and was directed by JJ. Abrams. Its subtitle is “The Future Begins" as ittakes ilace in the 23rd century and itis about the maiden Wvoyage of the new starship, the USS Enterprise, and its lerew. The film is action-packed and exciting. The main icharacters are played by Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto land Leonard Nimay. it was filmed in the USA, mainly in [california | would recommend it to anybody who loves Iscience-fiction and action. I often rent BVDs too because | prefer watching films in the original language. | often switch on the subtitles TOPIC 18 A NUTSHELL | watch TV almost every day. ove cartoons soap opera and serles fie NCIS or CSI. 1 regularly watch sports programmes, and | love quiz shows. We have cable TV| Bt home and we have more than 60 channels | often watch Cartoon Network, Eurosport and MTV, but my favourite channel is Discovery Channel. There ae a lot of intresting programmes on it, and we can learn a ft about science, technology history and nature. | ‘There are many arguments against television. There is no doubt that watching too much television may harm ‘your eyesight. You might become lazy, real couch] potato, You may get addicted to watching TV and you might waste alot of time. Alloftheseare tue, buttelevsionhasalotof advantages, 10, Fist ofall, watching television after a hard day In school of at work's very relaxin. Itis aso entertaining land educational We ean obtain alot of information and |because they help me understand what the actors are knowledge from the programmes. saving. TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS, 11am abig fan of nagy rajongsia vagyok Imsdom ner hatom ketséehival bérkineksrivesenajdnlanden preter Joblean szeretek ‘hore ate many arguments against sok érvsz6la ellen there is no doubt that sem kétsg nem fr abo, hog allof these are true, but ‘exmind ga, de. first ofall elésseis gyre 5 ls Musicmeans the world tome. Icartimagine fe without ittlisten toi al the time it helps me relax and escape rom everything around me. If am sad or upset | listen to music and it makes me feel better, | ike all types of Imusic. don't stick to one genre, listen to hip-hop, rock, [pop and reggae, but can't stand rap. The artists listen {to are Green Day, black Eyed Peas and Avril Lavigne. {have my own stereo in my room. Ihave got a surround |stereo system with a DVD:player, CO-player, MP3 player, [iPod dock and four speakers, | collect the CDs of my favourite artists. have got more than 200. The last CD! bought was my favourite singer’ latest album. TOPIC 09 A MUTSHEL often go to gigs with my friends. | love live music and the | srecten ori ea nae st andl gave a concert my fovourite band came to Budapest: in Puskés Ferenc Stadium. site aati "can play the guitar. Fve taken lessons forfour yeas. started with the classical guitar and then | moved on to} the electric guitar. ike to pay in arock band, "love classical music. | often go to concerts at the ‘Academy of Music or the Palace of Arts, Lespecially lve] symphonic concerts and. chamber music. My favourite ‘composers are Bach, Beethoven and Ravel love singing, ‘oo, | sing in the school choir. We have a choit practice ‘every Monday. ‘TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS means the world tome {dont stickto ean stand ‘ever forget ie to ‘especialy love ‘a mindenem ‘nem tartok Ki mine. mellett ener iatom soha nem fogom elelejten! sreretndke ‘elonosen sereter {ts sald that “books are our best friends". | absolutely ‘agree. | am 2 real bookworm. We can learn a lot from ‘them, they give us pleasure, and we can laugh and cry with them. | love novels, historical novels, adventure stories, travel books and thrilers. | have a collection of ‘more than two hundred books. 'At the moment am reading The Lord of the Rings by “Tolkien. | take my book with me everywhere, | read on EN RB AHN TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL [My favourite writer is C. S. Lewis. He had a fantastic! Imagination and superb story-telling skills. My favourite tbook of all time is The Sliver Chai. Its the best of the| ‘Narnia Chronicles. The characters are wonderful, the story is spellbinding. | usualy read a book and then pass| it on to a friend but this time t've kept the book and re- ‘ead It several times. I's briliant! | frequently visit our school library. | love browsing [At the moment lam reading ‘My favourite book of alltime. the underground inthe breaks and even nthe bath | troughthe shelves inthe ibrar. always in someting love curing upon the ofa with good Book. new TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS ins sald hat xt mood dey trie Toso sree, Teles eben epee Hove acon ‘Most éppen a .t ovasom ‘Minden id6klegkedvesebb konyve stémonv.. Sport plays a very important role in my ife. Physical exercise is very useful to keep ourselves fit and healthy and is aso @ good way of spending out free time. As the old saying goes "Good heath is beta than the best meticine” Doing sports makes us. more resistant to itpesses. [At school we have three PE lessons a week. | love it’s one of my fovourte lessons. We start with running land warm-up exercises, then we do. gymnastics or piay diferent games. Inthe afternoon, there are many optional sports courses we can choose from. My favourite sport is basketball. 1's great fun, I's 4 team sport, 0 it brings people together. | am in the [school basketball team. We have practice sesions | every weekday and at east one match evry weekend | To become 2 good basketball player you need skill and || determination. Practice sessions are important, You must TOPIC iM A NUTSHELL practise dribbling, shooting and passing. You aso have to learn how to play together as a team {also love swimming, It keeps me Mt | find it relaxing | ‘and enjoyable, When | am in the pool, | forget about| ‘everything, I just enjoy being inthe water, ‘In winter, we often go sking, | love sking. am a very| {good skier. | have a good sense of balance. love sliding| ‘down the side of @ mountain. There is nothing like fying ‘on skis. t's a great feeling ‘The only sport | don’t like is boxing. | think its pure business: it’s just about money. Itis also very dangerous, [think it should be banned, [ke watching sports competitions on TV. At home, we’ have four sports channels. Fortunately, they have 2 varied programme. love watching foothall and basketball matches, tennis tournaments, athletic events, but most ‘of all car races. | am a bg formula one fan. TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS playsa very important role in good way of | asthe old saying oes Fes greattun {just enjoy being havea good sens fontos scerepet tsk egy médja a. -nek ahogy a él mondés tarja jomoka ogy valakib6lj6kosaraslegyen ahhoz née szeretem a tls egyseriencsak élvezek len 18. exdke van Fortunately, | am in good health. To stay healthy | am physically active: I do @ lot of exercise. go jogging three ‘times week, It is also important to eat a healthy diet 's0| eat vegetables and fruit every day. | try to avoid junk | food, and | rarely drink fizzy drinks | usually drink water. | always keep a bottle of water with me. |Thave good eyesight, too. | don’t need glasses. have my. ‘eyes tested every year. | am rarely il, 1 remember well, the last time | was il \wasin February. | caught a cold. had to stay at home for a few days. | sneezed and coughed a lot. My nose was, running, |had sore throat and hada sight temperature |Lmade an appointment to see our GP. He examined me, there's nothing like ‘ine hho Foghat dog, mint the only sport dont ike azepyeten sport, amit em seretek fortunately srerencsére most ofall legineabbs TOPUC tid A NUTSHELL listened to my heart and lungs with a stethoscope. He| ‘old me to stay in bed for three deys and he prescribed some medicine. | took the prescription to the chemist’s ‘where | got the medicine, uekly, | have never had a serious accident, but last summer we were playing basketball with my fiends. | jumped vp to catch the ball and when ! landed I sprained ‘my ankle. ithurt and it got big and swollen | couldnt put. any weight on it. { put an ice pack on it, which reduced the swelling. | [Hake care of my teeth, too. | clean my teeth after meals | and | try to avold sugary snacks and drinks. | visit the dentist regularly for checkups. ‘TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS fortunately tostay healthy IRisalso important to Htremember wel Icky take care ot Itry to avoid szerencsére hoy egészséges maradiak ‘ats fortos, ogy hal emlekszern sterenesére viyazok ra megprébilom keri ra tice to be healthy and I don't want to put on weight, so try to have a balanced diet. | never skip breakfast, | eat 2 lot of fruit and vegetables — atleast two or three | portions a day, they contain lots of fibre, minerals and ‘vitamins. | try to avold salty and sugary snacks, | rarely {eat junk food. I's greasy and unhealthy. | drink milk or ‘yoghurt every day because they are good sources of Calcium. Calciumis good for our bones. When tam thirsty, 1 drink mineral water or fruit juice. My friends say that | ama picky eater, but the truth Is that I just pay attention ‘to what leat and drink. There is only one food on this earth that | refuse to eat and that’s liver. Mum made me eat it when | was a litle child because she said it would ‘make me big and strong. | hate it! My only weakness is chocolate. |have a really sweet tooth and cannot walk by TOPIG Ii A NUTSHELL My favourite food is pencekes. | love pancakes, jam- filled pancakes, pancakes with nutella (hazelnut spread). ar cottage cheese, but mast af all Gundel-pancakes ~ pancakes with chocolate sauce ard walnuts. Ike totrynew foes, epedialyfooa rom other counties. When we aresbroodor et ata foreign restaurant aha order something | haven't eaten before, We don’t go out very often; only on special occasions such as birthdays, name days or my parents’ wedding anniversary. | don’t have one favourite restaurant. |) teve indian food and Incian restaurants. They have a special decor, candlelit tables and friendly atmosphere | with Indian music playing in the background. The food is delicious an the service i usualy quick ane excellent. Unfortunately, can't cook The ony thing can make is | achocolate bar and not eait. love sweets scrambled eggs, butthat's al. TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS elke to srereinds ryt avoid ‘megorobom Kern a. my friends say a barstalm axt mond, ‘but the truth is de a ar gazség, hogy ‘refuse to nem vagyok hajiand ry only weakness 2. azegyetlen gyengérn iy favourite foods ~ akedvenc ételem a. but most of all de leginkdb ike to try sreretek ips especially fetes, exondsen ‘only on special occasions, such as {sak kanlegesalkalmakkor, mint példsul {don't have one favour. ins egyetien kedvene .-m unfortunately salnos the only thing can make ar egyetion dog, amit el tudok késiten! ‘but that’ al deer minden it you want to buy something, you can do the shoppingin {several diferent places. Many people like hypermarkets, jor supermarkets, because the variety is bigger, there are lower prices and some of them are open around the clock. (Others go to shopping mails, because they lke doing lots lof things in one place besides shopping, There are also lsome people who like shopping in small corner shops, because they are closer to their home and in these the |customer service fs usualy better than in bigger stores, [because the shop assistants help the customers 2 lot; [customers are more important there. More and more [people choose mailorder shopping: they usualy use the [internet or their phone to order the goods they need. ‘TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS ‘many people there there ae aso some people ‘more and more people choose talking of ‘my favourte shop { TOPIC 18 A NUTSHELL ‘Talking of my shopping habits, | buy some food every| day. Twice oF three times a month 1 go shopping for some clothes, some books, some stationery and some| cosmetics, My favourite shop isa stationer’sin the main| street. | ike this shop, because I'm mad about beautiful ‘pens and colour sheets, exercise-books and folders. They have a wide variety of different articles so often ¢0 there and take a look at the newest designs, Sometimes | ‘order some books oF CDs online, because its easier and; faster and usually cheaper for me than going to several diferent shops. sokan masok ‘megint mésok ‘gyre tobb ember vilasztia aet6lsabha 2 kedvene bottom TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL Personally, ! think what we wear says a lot about our personality. | am a practical and easygoing person and ‘most of the time | wear casual clothes. For school | ‘normally wear jeans or cords, T-shirts, sweatshitts, zipper hoodies and trainers. | don’t really like formal clothes. 1 only dress up when | go to the theatre. '¥m fashion-conscious to a certain extent, but | don'tlike ‘to look exactly ike everyone else. ! don’t want to become ‘fashion victim, someone who always wears fashionable clothes evenif these clothes make them look silly. {often wear black. It makes me look slimmer. My other favourite colouris blue. it matches my eyes. My favourite item of clothingis the striped woolly jumper my Grandma knitted for my birthday. I’s warm, soft and has beautiful colours. ‘Move shopping for new clothes, accessories and shoes. | don’t have a favourite shop. | usually go to a shopping TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS personaly, think {don't realy ike toa certain extent ove shopping Inmy expertence you can’tbe sure about fortunately there fc nothing | enjoy more than ‘centre where there are a lot of different shops and boutiques. First | have a look around. if find something Hike, I try it on. It fits me and suits me and the price fs right | buy it I never buy clothes online because in my experience, it is important to try clothes on before buying them. You ‘can't be sure about the colour and the material either, You might get disappointed when the garment you ‘ordered arrives. Fortunately, | have been wearing the same size clothes for two years. | take size 28 In jeans and size M (medium), in T-shirts, ‘There isnothing l enjoy more than designing and sewing ‘my own clothes. It is cheaper than buying new clothes and | can have clothes no one else has. | also make my, ‘own jewellery. I make brightly coloured necklaces and bracelets from glass beads. fn, személyszerint, gy gondolom, hogy... nem igazin szeretem bieonyos oklg imddok vésérolns tapasetalatom szerint sosem lehets batosa -tiletéen srerencsére semmi sincs, amit jobban élveznék a .-nél |The ways people get in touch with each other have changed alot since ancient times. Starting from the very {cst smoke signals or messages in botties people have ‘developed various means of communication. As speech ' the fastest method of communication, the easiest and |uickest way to communicate is by calling people on the Phone. You can also text them if something is urgent. you have a computer and internet access, you can send Jemails or you can make online calls. Another way of ‘communicating Is by using the postal services. You can send letters, postcards, telegrams, faxes or parcels by post. It Is qulte obvious for me to use my mobile phone )whenever | want to get in touch with my friends or my ‘TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS starting from vyoucanalso another way Tels quite obvious for me lean say Inadatfon to talking of ~ TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL parents. | can say l'm a phone-addict: "m always on| the phone. | usually make about 12-15 calls a day and] I receive about 4 oF 5. | usually send about 15-20 text ‘messages every day. In addition to phoning, | use ema ‘every day. Luckily we have Internet access at home and| ‘ike it very much, because | can send attached files and| Internet hyperlinks to my friends. | access my account| ‘twice a day: in the afternoon when | get home from| ‘school and then later in the evening, ater dinner, when have some free time. | usually get about 23 emalls a day. and | send about 3-5 letters. Talking of post, | never use! itfor communication, but my parents do, as they have to send several official letters every month. tel kenave Tehet még nis ‘egy mésk mda a.-nek -sximonraelégnyvanvald ‘a8 mondhatom, hogy TOPIC Ii A NUTSHELL i soe RC ay ei URE Pane SLi aura acientarsuge eee ceetee ele cisca eee sear ne Re ieee cere eetiewnic ners ety Rens todos beat a san oie [inert wy cet ic hare maser pect Regenerate nee tee [eosiea case atanes secur RE ‘TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS as most teenagers do ‘and things lke that Inaddiion tothis furthermore and astly Ff you want my opinion "im erary about homework, because | can find everything very quickly with the help of search engines and so | don’t have to 0 to the library to find the necessary information, And lastly, 1 play a lot of computer games in my free time| ‘and if you want my opinion, Its the best llsure activity Inthe world. 'm crazy about my favourite games and | would be very sad i couldn't play them. My parents say that as long as '™m a good student at school and I don't zzet any bad marks, it's not a problem. mint alegtobb tzenéves, ésiyesm ‘ren Kv exe fll radasul 6) mitab Gs vég0l bhaaz én vélaményemre vagy kivénesi smeg6riloka ert [My dream Is to become an archaeologist or an Egyptologist. Fd like to study ancient Egyptian history ‘and culture: the Pyramids ~ the tombs of the pharaoks. Vd tke to take part in excavations, To become an archaeologist, you have to go on to higher education and. gain a university degree. |Although Iam still a student, | have some kind of work lexperience, | have had several summer jobs, There are 2 lot of job opportunities for students in the summer. For example, we can hand out flyers, sell ice cream, pick fruit and vegetables, deliver newspapers, or work at fast ood restaurants or in supermarkets. The advantages ‘of working In the summer are that you can earn a fitle TOPIC 1M A NUTSHELL extra spending money, and you have 2 chance to gain| real-world experience and work experience. You can also| learn atte bit about time and money mangement. The| disadvantage is that you miss all ofthe summer fun —you| can't meet your friends, you can't have a lie-n, you have| to.get up early even in the summer, Last summer | handed out fiers for 2 new café at the| Jocal shopping centre. | worked four hours a day. tried to persuade passers-by to have a cup of coffee there, | ked| this ob. It was never boring and I met alot of interesting, People. TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS ‘my dreamisto become {ike to study tobecome an archaeologist although forexample the advantages of the disadvantage ‘az dlmom, hogy .leszek seretnék tamu abhor, hogy valalrégés lehessen, hebée él ac elényela nek ahatrénye Getting around in Budapest people can either use public {transport or their cars, a tax, they can ride a bicycle or they can even choose the healthiest method and walk to their destination. |All of these methods have their advantoges and disadvantages. Firstly, if you travel by car, bus, tram lor trolley bus, traffic jams can cause a lot of problems, ‘especially during the rush hour, There are too many ‘people who use their cars and Iti impossible to reach ‘your destination fast. Secondly, underground is a very fast and comfortable way of getting from one place to ‘another, but there aren't enough lines and the trains are always crowded. Another point is that it would be very Important to use public transport in every town and city, because that would mean less air pollution and there would be far fewer accidents. People could read and relax on the underground, trams, trolleys and buses TOPIC Ii A NUTSHELL Finally, more and more people rde their bikes nowadays, because itis much faster and environmentally friendly, ‘you don't have to wait for the vehicles or spend your ‘money on tickets or petrol. However, there aren't enough cyde lanes in Budapest and so cycling is very dangerous. Ifyou are ft enough, you might as well walk and you are ‘not affected by the trafic, but it definitely takes much more time to get to your destination, ‘As lve along way from my school, Ihave to use different means of public transport; | take the tram and the underground every day and sometimes the bus as well ‘As | have to be at school by 7.50 in the morning, | use ‘public transport during rush hours. Luckily, there is no ‘problem with the underground, but sometimes my tram gets Into a traffic jar and it takes about 10.15 minutes longer to get to schoo). instead of spending thei time in enormous traffic jams. TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS ‘On my last vacation travelled to Croatia with my family. ida’ tke our trip, because Itwas very long andtiring. We |went there by car and we left home at two o‘clock a.m. \We had to drive along long motorways and we got caught in several trafficjams. It was horrible. On the other hand, | really hiked the ferry that took us to the litle island. [Altogether it took 11 hours for us to get there. 'We stayed for 10 days on alittle island ina fishing village. \We stayed ata private apartment that was situated about 150 metres from the sea, It had a view on the mountains from the bedrooms but the living room overlooked the sea. It was not very well-equipped: we had a TV-set and la washing machine, but it was not alr-conditioned, so 1 \was a bit disappointed, It was within easy reach of the Inearest town: it took about 5 minutes to get there by advantages and disadvantages clay ds hatrényok festy cise is secondly masodstor ‘another pints that 8 / egy mask dologar,hoey feally veal however azonban you might a5 wet akér mée chats is defintely hatérozotan 3 rmvel tuekty sterencsére TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL {can say we were very lucky with the weather: we had ‘only one cool, rainy day. All the other days were sunny’ ‘and hot with a light breeze blowing from the sea, just Ideal for a seaside holiday. ‘As for our programmes there, we got up late every day, hhad breakfast and then we went tothe beach. We swam 2 lot, went on motorboat trips to some islands nearby, sunbathed, went snorkeling, played beach ball and read! ‘some magazines. In the evenings we had dinner at the hotel and after that we went for a strallin the city centre, did some shopping and had some cold refreshments in nice seaside bars. All in all, it was 2 fascinating vacation and it would be! nice to have a similar one next ye TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS ‘onthe other hand ‘wasa bit disappointed within easy reach of ‘can say we were very lucky withthe weather ‘for our programmes there allinall iseésar5) cat esalddott voter Rotel whet ‘mondhatom, nagy szerencsénk volta d6)éréssal ami az ottanlprograrjainkat let. ‘mindentosszevetve My favourite animals are dogs. They are loyal, and that’s ‘why we call them man's best friends. They are adaptable and very intelligent. in my opinion, they make the best pets. They are devoted to thelr owners and protect them against danger. They are clever so they can easily learn to obey orders, they can be trained to protect our homes, and they can be taught to do amusing tricks. They are {great fun. "ve no doubt that they never let you down. | However, taking care of dogs snot easy. Youhave to feed |them, train them, and walk them every day. They must [tebe ae pores saucy See muane TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS TOPIC 18 A NUTSHELL Alot of people say thst we should not keep a dogitwelive inatlot.1 doe’ gree with them. Dogs re socal erestures, ‘They need to be cared for and loved. They love spending| ‘time with thei family. They may get lonely outside. \ have a Golden Retriever, called Rocky. | really enjoy} beeing with him and he loves being with me. He wakes me| up every morning by licking my fce.| take him fora walk] ‘three times a day. After school we spend at least an hour | ‘together playing in the park. Rocky is a great companion. | He keeps me company, comforts me when | am sa. Heis 2 good stoner anda real friend. thats why emit; exert ing opinion véleményem serine ‘vero doubt that semimikétséger afl hogy however azonban. itisworthit rmegert 1 don't agree with them rem értek egyt vel TOPIC it A NUTSHELL into question while planning some outdoor activities. 1 have no doubt in my mind that none of my friends would ike to go hiking or playing football when the weather Is, really nasty with rain and a strong north wind. it goes ‘without saying thatthe weather forecast doesnotalways influence our choice of clothes, but sometimes there's a ‘chance that we cen be persuaded by low temperatures to change our minds. |The weather sometimes affects the way we feel. As far 12s tm concerned, I'm often affected by the weather, especially whenit’sabouttorain.Ibecomeverysleepyand find itvery dificult to do my homework or pay attention, From a teenagers point of view weather usvally comes |ax school. otherwise, satisfied with the climate In Hungary, lke having four seasons, because every season| hhasits own pleasant feature for me, However, sometimes| ‘Vm fed up with rain and wind, because hate getting wet. By the way, there's one more thing I'd like to mention| hhere: thate snow, especially when it becomes slushy and| all the streets in the city are dirty. It’s not very dificult to guess that my favourite winter activity is sleeping| ‘and relaxing in our warm living room or going toa sauna| ‘with my friends. Well, you may have guessed that my favourite season is spring. After the cold and dark winter | days | always become very happy when the fist spring] flowers start to blossom and we have longer days with a| lot of sunshine, The weather in springis ideal for walking, | biking and jst siting in the garden and | realy lke doing| ‘these things. ‘TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS | froma teenagers point of view: comes into quest | tavene doubt ia ming | itgoes without saying that | theresa chance | asfarastm concerned snot very difeult to guess well you may have euessed egy tzenévesseemsabgé6lnézve sadba jon semmi kétségem afe6l, hoy ‘rondanom sem kel sagvan 3 a ely ami engem et cegydbkén, méskdlonben aprop6; utestembe van még egy dolog, art It sreretnék megemiten ‘nem tl nebez kal talin mars alta [There are many environmental problems today, for instance, global warming, climate change and pollution. ‘The temperature of the Earth has increased and this has caused climate changes. Because of global warming, the Icecap at the North Pole and the glaciers are melting and the sea-level is rising, |Globalwarming scausedby anincreaseinthegreenhouse lffect. The greenhouse effect means that certain gasesin ‘the atmosphere (water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane letc) trap the energy from the sun and this makes the Earth warmer. Many greenhouse gases come from things | we do every day. Whenever we use an electric appliance, |eeg: watch TV or dry our hair, whenever we go by car oF use public transport, we are adding greenhouse gases to ithe atmosphere and pollute our environment | We can reduce pollution if we use less energy and water: we switch off lights, our computer or television when we don't use them; we use low-energy bulbs; we turnoff the {tap while brushing our teeth, Its also a good idea to |walk or ride a bike instead of taking the bus or driving, |Our car. We can use alternative energy sources, such as ‘solar energy to heat our houses or to make electricity. TOPIC 1 A NUTSHELL ‘To reduce greenhouse gases we cen plant trees, which produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, ‘The three Rs are very important ~ reuse: keep using the same things as many times as you can, reduce: reduce the artount of things you buy recycle: make new things from the things we have already used. For example, ‘we can recycle newspapers, milk cartons, botles, cans ‘and plastic bags. We can separate our rubbish and take ‘our recyclables (newspapers, hotties and cans etc) toa selective waste collection point in the city where there arecifferent sorting containers. Another thing we can do. {is to buy products that contain recycled materials. Many brands of paper towels, garbage bags, greeting cards, and tolet paper are made from recycled materials. tis also important to keep our surroundings clean. We ‘mustn't drop litter in the classroom orn the streets. We have to pick up litter we might have dropped. surroundings [9 ravndigg|—kbemyezet drop liter [ts -seemetel _ might have dropped mai] ~esetlegeetert ‘TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS for intance él because of mat ee. o Ieisalsoa good idea to 3 egy dole, ha. such a rine pul for example él ‘another thing we condos to ‘gy méskdolog, amit tehetGnk, 2, hogy itisalzo important {zis fonts, hogy TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL 1 carrt say I'm particularly good at advertising Hungary, Festival near Tokaj. Secondly, there is a wide variety but | would lke to give some ideas to young people [coming to our country. Besides visiting the obvious tourist attractions of Budapest, Lake Balaton and other famous places in the country, there are some good reasons to {Gome and spend some days here. Firstly, there are some music festivals every year thatare great. Perhaps the most famous one is the Sziget Festival in August, but ! could {also mention the Volt Festival in Sopron or the Hegyalia ‘TOPIC IN A NUTSHELL WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS ‘can't say 'm particularly good at besides firstly, could alse mention secondly thirdly finally {tishighy Healy that of theatres, cinemas and exhibitions to choose from. ‘Thirdly, young people can experience active holidays and| adventure tours in Hungary: they can go hiking, horse riding, sailing, windsurfing, canoeing, kayaking or cross country biking. Finally, 2s Hungarian young people are vvery friendly and open, itis highly likely that by the end| cof your visit you will have some new Hungerian friends to visit next time, ‘nem mondhatom, hogy kiléndsenjélennék amellet, hogy. clr ‘erlithetném még, misodsror harmadsior vega ‘8b mint valszing hogy.

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