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La semana del veintisiete de marzo (week of 3-27)

Plans may change a little day to day. If there is a major change or

an assignment change, I will post it on my website.



Remember to practice Spanish at home at least 15

minutes a night, whether or not you have homework.

This is a reminder that as stated in my syllabus, I do

not give credit for late work. Homework not turned in
at the beginning of class when it is due, will receive
49%. However, homework that was turned in on time
(and complete) may be redone for a better grade.
Tarea means homework. Examencito means

lunes (Monday)

Yo puedo practicar usando el

vocabulario nuevo.

-Qudate con la tarea (half

worksheet Dnde hacen cosas
-Find a partner who sits at a working
computer at the front of the room and
stand by them.
-The person at the computer has to Log
in to and sign in with
both your names. For example, if
Giselle partnered with Lilly, their name
would be Lilly y Giselle. Todays code is

-The other partner brings both

homework sheets to me and makes
sure that I mark them as credit.

Vamos a
-arreglar la tarea
-hacer acciones de la casa y quehaceres
-jugar Quizletlive
-jugar oraciones en el pizzarn

Tarea: Your 10 minute vocab quiz is

tomorrow. Keep studying the
vocabulary for chapter 5 vocabulario 2,
pages 170-172, including the exprsate
boxes y ms vocabulario. If you know
all the vocabulary from my quizlet and
from class, you should ace it.
As always, there will be 5 sentences in
Spanish that you will need to translate
to English, same rubric as usual.

martes (Tuesday)

Yo puedo tomar mi examencito de

vocabulario y tomar notas de estar
y preposiciones.
-Put up your privacy folder/s and put up the
folders for your neighbors if they need them.
-take out a pencil and be ready for your test
with your folders set up.
-Quiz rules:
No peeking. No talking.
Raise your hand for questions.
When you are done, put your paper
face down and raise your hand. I will
come and get it from you.
Keep your privacy folders up and
read over your project requirements
Remember no talking or moving while anyone
still has their test.
Vamos a
-Hacer el examencito --10 minutos
-hablar del Proyecto (due Tues. April 11)
-mirar el video de estar y tomar notas
-practicar diciendo donde estn cosas con el
dibujo de pgina 175
Tarea: This is extra because its not due
until Thursday due to your field trip:
worksheet Dnde estn? and study
both of my quizlets on estar and read over
your project requirements so you can ask
me questions on Thursday.
Your project is due Thursday April 13.
Thursday we will spend the day talking
in Spanish about family photos and
starting our paragraph projects.

mircoles (Wednesday)
No hay clase. Los estudiantes del septimo grado van
a viajar a Rouge. (No class today as the 7 th graders
will be on a field trip to the Rouge Factory. The 8 th
graders get double lunch today to use as a study hall.)
Make sure you finished yesterdays homework, are
reading over the requirements for our project that is
due on Tuesday April 12 th, and studying the estar

jueves (Thursday)

Yo puedo hablar en espanol de familias

y casas y saber que necesito hacer para
mi proyecto.
-Entrega la tarea (worksheet Dnde
Quickly draw a blue print of a house that
isnt your own and label the rooms in
Spanish. I have scrap half sheets of paper
by the printer you can use.
And open your cuaderno to take notes

Vamos a
-hacer un ejemplo de preguntas y
respuestas de un foto de una familia
-preguntar y responder preguntas de
Dnde est(n)..? con tu vecino sobre
una foto de una familia y de su dibujo de
una casa
10:55 vamos a empezar nuestros
proyectos y preguntar a Sra. Shea si
tienes preguntas

Tarea: Your project is due Wednesday

after break, so that is your only paper
assignment over break, but I strongly
suggest you are reviewing the links
from my website to practice too.

viernes (Friday)
No hay clase de espaol. Es medioda.
Dont forget to work on your project extra today and
over break and practice your quizlets. Our project is
due Wednesday, April 12 th.

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