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Jordan Caaton 3/21/20 3a KT1

Formula - a mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols.

Sentence: Every morning before I went to school I had chores to do, which began with

mixing up the formula and feeding the calves.

Column - a vertical division of a page or text.

Sentence: The fourth column, with which Kutuzov was, stood on the Pratzen Heights.

Row - a number of people or things in a more or less straight line.

Sentence: She pointed down the row of stalls.

Workbook - a student's book containing instruction and exercises relating to a

particular subject.

Sentence: I write in a workbook.

Cell - small room in which a prisoner is locked up or in which a monk or nun sleeps.

Sentence: The cell reproduced and the organism grew.

Formula - Formula. ... Using formulas in spreadsheets can allow you to quickly make
calculations and get totals of multiple cells, rows, or columns in a spreadsheet. In the
picture below is an example of a Microsoft Excel formula =SUM(A$1:A$3), which adds
the total of cells A1,A2, and A3.

Column - A column is a vertical series of cells in a chart, table, or spreadsheet. Below is

an example of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with column headers (column letter) A, B,
C, D, E, and F. As you can see from the picture below, column H is the highlighted
column in red and the selected cell D8 is in column D.

Row - A row is a series of data banks laid out in a horizontal fashion in a table or
spreadsheet. For example, in the picture below the row headers (row numbers) are
numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. As you can see from the picture below, row 16 is highlighted
in red and cell D8 (on row 8) is the selected cell.

Workbook - Worksheet An Excel worksheet is a single spreadsheet that contains cells

organized by rows and columns. A worksheet begins with row number one and column
A. Each cell can contain a number, text or formula. A cell can also reference another
cell in the same worksheet, the same workbook or a different workbook.

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