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;Altering this number will cause the app to overwrite this file with defaults

Version 10
;Overrides all other options to achieve desired performance profile. Must be set
to -1 for changes in this file to be applied.
PerformanceImpact 0
;Overrides all other options to achieve desired memory profile. Must be set to -
1 for changes in this file to be applied.
MemoryImpact 0
;MSAA sample count. 0 ==> 1. -1 ==> Max available
;MSAA quality, enables EQAA or CSAA if supported
MSAAQuality 0
;1 = Wait for vertical sync. 0 = I don't mind tearing artifacts
VSync 1
;Resolution of overlay texture (NxN)
OverlayResolution 2048
;Resolution of shadow map (NxN)
ShadowMapResolution 2048
;Resolution of ambient occlusion depth map (NxN)
AODepthResolution 1024
;Resolution of ambient occlusion render texture (NxN)
AORenderResolution 1024
;Resolution of mask for FOW (NxN)
TerrainHeightMaskResolution 1024
;Refresh rate for fullscreen mode. Ignored for windowed mode
RefreshRateInHz 60
;Set to 0 to use full resolution textures. Non-zero to reduce them
ReducedAssetTextures 1
;1 = full-res, 2 = low-res.
TerrainSynthesisDetailLevel 2
;Valid settings are 0 to 4. Higher number = higher quality.
TerrainQuality 0
;Discard less important terrain materials. Saves memory.
ReducedTerrainMaterials 1
;Set to use low quality terrain shader (reduces texture filtering quality and sp
ecular lighting)
LowQualityTerrainShader 1
;Number of passes when calculating screen-space reflection with 16 samples per p
ass, default is 4 (64 samples). 0 disables SSR.
SSReflectPasses 0
;Drop highest mip level for water LEAN maps
UseLowResWater 1
;Disable high quality water (no refraction or reflection).
UseLowQualityWaterShader 1
;Default time of day
DefaultTimeOfDay 11.500000
;Enable/disable ambient time of day cycling.
AmbientTimeOfDay 0
;Set which game views are enabled: 0 = Strategic only. 1 = 3D only. 2 = Both.
AvailableViews 2
;Indicates the level of detail for vfx. 0 = low. 1 = high
VFXDetailLevel 0
;How much stuff on the map? 0 = not a lot. 1 = a lot
ClutterDetailLevel 0
;Enable screen-space overlay effect.
ScreenSpaceOverlay 0
;Whether or not to turn on AO
EnableAO 0
;Whether or not to turn on Bloom
EnableBloom 0
;Whether or not to turn on Shadows
EnableShadows 0
;Whether or not to use dynamic lighting
EnableDynamicLighting 0
;Overall leader rendering quality
Quality 0
;Submit draws via the DX11 immediate context
DX11_ForceImmediate 1
;Throw away all compute dispatches. This is a debugging switch
DiscardCompute 0
;Force d3d debug layer. This is a debugging switch
ForceDebugLayer 0
;If supported, use Root Signature 1.1 (1), or don't (0), or platform default(-1)
EnableRootSig_1_1 -1
;Set DX12 compute queue usage on (1), off (0), or platform default(-1).
EnableAsyncCompute -1
;Enable DX12 split-screen optimizations for multi-GPU systems. On (1), Off(0), o
r platform default (-1) [Platform Default is OFF, but may change in the future.]
EnableSplitScreenMultiGPU 0
;Set to 1 to drop all rendering except for UI. This is a debugging switch
UIOnlyRendering 0

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