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The class seminar held last Tuesday has been a fruitful one because we, the participating
business students, have acquired tips and lessons that surely guide us toward achieving our
career goals. Being involved in such activity was the one of the most productive experiences I
had. It is because of my belief that every single thing we did from that activity helped us improve
our potentials to be good and suitable employees soon.

The first activity, which was medication-like, settled us to be mentally and emotionally
ready for the whole seminar. The second activity was more than just a game. I realized that it has
a deeper purpose that taught us something essential that will bring us to be good members in an
organization. By understanding and giving attention to what our fellow member shows or
expresses can give us the idea to solve a particular problem. It was also a catching talk gave by
Mrs. Pipo, our speaker, who explained to us some of the significance of being an honest,
dependable and a properly dressed employee. I am very happy that all the lessons she shared
were worth-listening because these lessons definitely play one of the greatest parts for the
success of our career.

I think the seminar trained us how we work effectively to make the seminar perfect.
Some were tasked individually and the others were grouped. The preparation for the activity was
to assess ourselves on how well we perform our assigned tasks. In organizing the seminar,
cooperation was well observed and I think everyone was able to finish what he is told to do so. I
learned that courage and communication were the most important ones performed by the
members, hence, the seminar succeeded and ended up with a positive result. I hope the seminar
we once organized will be one of the roots of our career achievements and growth.

Reina Zia G. Recomio

BS Entrep-III

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