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Nga Uri o Pokaitara Makowharemahihi Whanau Hui (Meeting)

When: Saturday 25 March 2017

Time: 1.00 pm
Venue: 22 Folkestone Drive, Flaxmere, Hastings

Opening Karakia Lance Makowharemahihi

In attendance
As recorded Please see attached
Toosie Toheriri Tessa Davis Karen Renata Sam Mako Edward Callahan James Mako Hinekaa McKuslah
General Business
Changes to Ture Whenua Act 2017 Discussion
What this means to the family?
Current shares and succession
Options for the future
What we have now: Individual whanau lines have succeeded to their land shares. Some shares have not been succeeded too. Whanau
discussed the option to establish a Collective Whanau Trust to seek secession of the outstanding shares for Pokaitara Makowharemahihi
for his descendants. This would be to connect and retain this taonga for current and future generations.
Maori Land Court Online Papas known shares via Maori Land Court Online:
Block ID Block Name Shares Minute Book Ref Ownership Type
District : Aotea
19412 Aorangi (Awarua) 2 Absolute
18942 Awarua 2C13C2B 0.0625 Absolute
District : Takitimu
16963 Awarua O Hinemanu 10.1861 Absolute
16538 Timahanga No 1 8590 115 NA 205 Absolute
Discussion with an MLC officer, we gained insight into what is the best option to move forward. She outlined the criteria and answered
our queries as to what were the best way forward. We would need to engage all lines (children of Pokaitara & their families), seek their
feedback, support and written consensus. Each family line must discuss/meet and give consent to allow their portion to be invested into
the new trust. e.g. Papa had 17 living children therefore, they (living or deceased) or their descendants are entitled to an equal portion
of this legacy 1/17th.
Important Notes
This does NOT affect any shares currently bequeathed or already succeeded to by whanau or individuals. This is for unclaimed
land shares in papas name.
Whanau are not required/obligated to agree If they should choose not to, their portion of this estate will sit outside of the
Time is of the essence due to the upcoming changes to the Ture Whenua Act, therefore we would like whanaus to discuss or
meet before our hui, (6 May in Taupo). This will help determine if there is support for this proposal. Any and all feedback is
Representation from each supportive line would be required. We would ask that at least one person or group of people be
nominated from your discussions as go to person/coordinator. A communication line to share information to those within your
whanau group.
We have explored options but have not confirmed the structure & administration of the proposed trust.
o What will the trust look like?
o Structure vs Admin
o Funding
o Trustees
How many?
Roles & Responsibilities
Any feedback will be well received.
Koha for next meeting, it was proposed if whanau could koha towards the development of our trust. This will be an initial start, we will
explore future funding, fundraising options etc as we progress.

Proposal To establish a Whanau Trust to manage the interests of Pokaitara Wharemahihi, for current and future

Stage 1 Panui out information to whanau re this proposal, and receive feedback from all. Our next meeting will be held in 5 weeks
time whanau and we would appreciate a timely response

When: 6 May 2017

Where: Averil Koko 44B Arthur Crescent Taupo
Time: Midday Saturday Midday Sunday
All whanau are much welcome Please bring a kai contribution towards a shared lunch and dinner.

Proposed Agenda:
Whenua Update/Feedback re the proposal
Reunion Update/Feedback
Whakapapa Continuing our discussion and exploration of our connections
Panui/General Business

Note: Hui Rotation We look to rotate hui to different locations around the whenua, to establish or reconnect to whanau. We will also
look at tech options to further our scope & communications.


Last reunion we had was held in 2005, and whanau are interested in holding another. The logistics of pulling this together takes a lot of
time, dedication and effort, due to the large size of the whanau and our extensive locales. Initial topics discussed were:

When: It was determined that we should hold a reunion for the Uri o Pokaitara Makowharemahihi, no later than 2020
Location: Moawhango? Well supported by all. To date they have been held in
1986 Pakipaki-Hastings
1994 Ratana Pa-Whanganui
2005 Pohangia Valley-Manawatu

Discussion on how we can make this happen. Many great ideas came forth. We decided to await feedback from whanau on their thoughts
and continue the discussion at the next hui.


As we are exploring the option of succeeding to Pokaitaras legacy, we thought to start with a snapshot of who we are now. To this end
we opened discussion beginning by collating information on

o Important Dates Birth/Death etc
o Names (6 other known as identities)
o Career/Interests
o Personality
o Shared experience/memories from whanau
o Extra Information
o Wives (Maheaiterangi & Maraea) (Connection: We will do an in-depth discussion at our next hui)
o Children (Connection: We will continue discussion as we progress)

Note: A lot of information was collected and memories shared. I will attempt to format into a continuing discussion document for the
next hui. We look to develop this document as we explore each generation. This will be a standing agenda item for every hui held. We
ask that whanau start to collect & share their knowledge/photos and whakapapa with us all.

Sunday Morning Recap

Additional Panui:
Averil Koko: A surprise cake/waiata was presented to acknowledge Averil Kokos 50th birthday celebration.
Maori Land Rates: Aunty Pauline highlighted a need for further discussion, on the status of some whanau blocks and the issue
of rates. This will be an agenda item at a future whanau/trust hui.
Apologies were submitted from Uncle Bossy Mako due to ill health. He would like to be included in future communications, and
supports all kaupapa discussed, especially the Whanau Reunion.
Acknowledgment to our host Colleen Mako and support whanau for the success of this hui.

After reviewing notes from the previous day, we made amendments required and continued to flesh out details to progress this shared
kaupapa. Those who attended the hui, were energised by the collective input from at least three generations of Pokaitaras descendants
present. We had shared great food, concise information and created awesome memories. This renewed our commitment to continue to
connect and grow as a Whanau, encompassing our shared Taonga of Whanau, Whenua and Whakapapa.

Meeting Closed: 12.00 pm

Closing Karakia: Lance Makowharemahihi
Waiata Tautoko: Whanau

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