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Digital Photography name: Troutman photographer: Critique Form photo title: 1. Technical Aspects of Photograph Describe the lighting in the phot ‘Where is the light coming from, and how does it fall on the subject of the photo? Contrast - Does the photo have both highlights (white whites) and shadows (black blacks)? Exposure- Is the photo over or under-exposed? (too dark or light) Is the photograph in focus? Has the photographer employed the shutter speed or depth of field to create special effects in the photo? Describe. 2. Composition What camera angle was used? (point of view) 1s the photograph (symmetrical, asymmetrical or radial) balanced? Does this photo meet the guidelines of the Rule of Thirds? Is there a clear focal point or center of interest? (no distracting backgrounds, the subject of the photo is evident) Is the photograph horizontal or vertical? Is it effective in this direction, or would it be better the opposite way? Has the photographer visually framed the photo or created a sense of depth with foreground, middleground and background?

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