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By River Blue (Image by Rueme)

Chapter one

I used to have the perfect life. My owner was champion of the Kanto region. She won it with me. I was her last
Pokemon, and the opponent had three. Everyone thought we were the underdogs--that we would lose. Though me and Betsy
didnt, considering we were with each other from the start.
It was always me and her. Well, it use to be until he came.

Normally when she caught a Pokemon, it was her 7th Pokemon. When Lucario, the Pokemon, finally accepted that he
would not win against me, and the Pokeball clicked, the Pokeball vanished. That was not normal--or, at least I don't think that
that was normal. She acted as if nothing happened, so I looked at at her.
Siper, pereon? I asked her. It meant, What happened? Then Betsy said, Dont worry. Ill get him to Pokemon
center. She looked different as she said this, however. She looked as if she was hiding something big about getting him back.

After eating a good meal Betsy and I sat for a little bit watching stars pop out of the night sky. A little autumn breeze in
which was blowing by lifted Betsys long black hair, waving it majestically like a flag.
I think its time to go to sleep, Betsy said in a tired voice.
So, just like that, Betsy was asleep.
It took me a little while to fall asleep, though. But finally, after a lot of tossing and turning, I fell asleep. My dream was
different than usual. It started off with the first time Betsy and I met. I use to live in a beautiful, lush green land with my friends,
but then the drought came. It took all of the greenery from the land. Everyone left except for me. I remember being hungry, weak,
tired, and sick. Then I had blacked out. The next thing I saw was Betsy running across the dry plain, sweat dripping down her
face. She was carrying me to the closest Pokecenter. And that was how we met. I was her very first Pokemon to catch--I mean,
besides her Charmander.
Then the dream shifted. I was alone. Everything was black. Then, I saw Betsy. Spir, I said joyfully. I was running to
her, though every step I took, she just got further and further. Wait! I said until she was gone. I curled up in a ball and cried. I
cried until I lost all my tears.
I woke up with a jolt. I looked around. Betsy was already awake and rolling up my sleeping bag. All her other
Pokemon were out. She had a Charizard, a Lapras, an Arcanine, a Jolteon, and a Persian. Well, of course, me as well. Then I kept
looking around and saw a bowl of my favorite food. I didnt realize how hungry I was, though we only had that food on special
occasions. But I didnt care! It was good--well, candy is always good with Pokefood, I guess. Then she made everyone return
except me.
Now, don't get me wrong. I still go into my Pokeball. Its just that I usually stay out and fall off cliffs or get lost with
Betsy. I was probably the main reason she got lost though she didn't care. It was always just the two of us. I went up to Betsy
and cuddled against her. I sat there for awhile. The wind picked up Betsys long black hair again and whipped it around, which
made her look like a movie star.
Then, something happened that I did not expect. A tear fell onto the ground. I look up at Betsy and saw that she was
crying. She saw me look up to her. She started to wipe her tears away and faked a smile. It is a long walk to the next
Pokecenter,she said. You should get some rest.

I was not in my pokeball too long when I came out again. Betsy hugged me so tight that she cut off some circulation.
Then she started talking--saying some words that I didn't really hear, mostly because I was trying to get the blood back to my
head. But I did pick out a few words, though she said them so fast I couldnt understand them all. There was some stuff about
Professor Sycamore and his lab--she said the word transfer and how she had to give other pokemon a chance. Finally, just as
my vision came back to me, Betsy said, I hope you understand that I will see you shortly. I love you, she said with her black
bangs hanging over half of her face, which was a constant stream of tears rolling down her cheek. Pir, Pir Spir, I asked her,
though she didn't seem to hear me.
I love you so much, Betsy said. I will see you soon!
What did I miss? I thought to myself. Then, as Betsy reached for her pokeball, I put my cheek against her face--though
that didn't seem to make it better. In fact, she started to cry again.
I told her that everything was going to be alright, but she just kept crying. Sometimes I don't think she understands
what I am saying.
Then Betsy brought herself together and promised, We will see each other again. Then I got into my pokeball.
Chapter two

I was in in my pokeball for quite some time once i got out i don't know exactly though it looked like the
professor's lab
How did i get here i thought to myself
I looked around i looked around to get a better glimpse of my surrounding. There were a few other pokemon a squartil,
a diglett and some i didn't ever see they must have been from a different region because i knew most of them from Kanto region
Where am i? i asked the squirtle
You are at the professor's lab he stated how come? i asked kind of with a tremble in my voice
i didnt want to be at the professor's lab i wanted to be with Betsy cuddling with her run from beedrill together getting
in battles with other trainers that we would find on the road those were the fun times. Why would she do this to me? I thought.
My trainer, ahh Betsy would never do that i said confused and kind of scarred what did leave me what if she dose not
me like me what if NO i accidentally said out loud
Well it is the truth the diglett said
We are just the outcast said a zubat that she didnt notice he was hiding in the corner
She watch as the zubat flew down and landed on a stack of pokeballs which made a few fall down and mabig CLANG
whoops said the zubat see that proves my point who would like a clumsy zubat like me he said as he flew down and tried to
pick them up
And who would want a ugly squirtle like me the squirtle said my owner liked me better when i wore the bow tie
then one day in a battle it ripped then she just got rid of me. the squirtle said
She did not know what was up with this group of discontent pokemon though she kind of felt bad for them though what
if they were right what if Betsy didnt want her what if she got rid of her because she was creepy she was a ghost type and who
liked ghost types there just weird and ugly and no one likes them no i said to myself no no no but but what if it is true she asked
And who would like a week diglett like me the diglett said
Is everyone here like this i looked around the room i didn't want to offend the other pokemon in the room. Is there
other pokemon? I asked.
No the zubat said. There are others outside
Ohh i said kind of relieved where are they? i asked 0
There outside squirtle said
Are we aloud to go out? i asked cautiously
Ohh yeah of course said the zubat we just want to stay inside he said casually

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