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Pstions and 4 SWerTrs Levels I, II, and III Radiographic Testing Method Supplement to Table of Contents References Historical References Reference Usage List Level I Questions Answers. Level II ‘Questions Answers. Level III Questions: Answers Sample Specification 24 2 39 n Historical References (Clo. G.L. Applied X-Rays. New York MeGraw-Hil, 1955 (tans, H.R, Practical Radgraphy for Industry. New York: Rlvihold Publishing Corporation. 1952, Cromer. J.A. Handbook of Industrial Radiography. Ldn: Edvard Arnold and Co, 1989, Sprol, W.T. X-Ray in Practice, New York: McGraw-Hill 1946 St John, A and H.R Tsenburger. Industrial Raiology. New Yer: Jb Wiley & Sons. 1943, sie, W. J. A Further Handbook of Indus Radiography. London: Edward Arold and Co, 1957 Reference Usage List Radiographic Testing Method Reference A: Total = 255 Reference E: Total Level (67) Level 1) Level (88) Level 113) Level II (100) Level IN| (24) Reference B: Total = 9 Reference F: Total = 197 Level 12) Level 1(51) Level IL) Level IT (48) Level IN (6) Level 11 (98) Reference C: Total Reference G: Total = 23 Level 1(3) Level T(1) Level I (3) Level II (0) Level I (10) Level 11 (22) Reference D: Total = 60 ‘Reference H: Total = 22 Level (12) Level 1) Level (12) Level 1 0) Level It 36) Level ITI (22) Level I Questions Radiographic Testing Method Although there maybe ober reasons for wing ‘eo tung cea tind edgy, ‘hey are most usally asd ‘improve definition nd resoaton in radigrapic ey 8 moore conmigo images {mate ims respond to muliilion vot raion ¥36 ‘An excellent radiograph is obtained under given Conditions fexporre with he fim acted 8 ‘dxtunce of 91 cn (36in) fom the target ofthe Xray {ube Ifthe ils now plas only 46 em (18 in) from the target and all exposure condion except time are eld const the new expose ime wl bes 1 enchanged 1 longer by approximately 80 percent © shorter by approximately 58 percent 4 enty abou 25 percent a long ashe rina xpos tne ka “An excellent iograph is obtained under given ‘xponue condition wil tbe cutest ofS mA and Snexposie ime of 12 minstes If ther conditions ‘not changed, wha exposure ime would be Fequied ifthe X-ray tbe caren could teased to toma? 24 minutes 12 mints © Gminutes 4S mints Fas 1a ln xdopraphy, pnetrameters re usually place ‘between he ntesiying sree andthe im Bon the source side ofthe et object nthe il side ofthe est objet 4 etween the operator andthe radiation source MASSE “When raographing tothe 2-7 quality eve, 39 [ASTM penser for 13mm (0, thick 2008 “hominy asa thickness of 4 Bmm05in) BS10%m mis) © [3x 0m (8 mis) 25x 10°m Omi) ces “The peneting ability of an X-ray beam s governed ie lootage © millamperage 1 fource ttm disance aamas Co. ws in nondestrstiv testing mis: 4 alppaicies * actrone © gammarays 4. Xnye assis A deasiomes isan instrament for measuring fim dens © deny of aati 4. tube cuent| moat ‘Thc igus which are eset fo proces 38 expose im propel are 2. stp bath, acetic aid and water By develope. sto bath and 0, © dovloper fer and water 4. sete a, er, and op bath agua Radiographic Testing Method, Level 10. The two most common eauss for excessively high-density adopraps at: 2 insficient washing and overdevelopment b conaminated finer and ise washing overexposure sh contaminated fin 1. overexponire and overdevelopmeat agus 11. The time requie fr one-half ofthe toms ina particular sample of radioactive msi 0 isimegrte scale 4 the nvere square law secure aha ie 4 the exposure ime tsi, 155 12, What does the tem Rh eer 0 when speaking of imensiy? alain Lis for haan ® roeogens per bour rays per bu 4 ration in yeoge8 Ass 13. Theabiityo detect a small dsconinity or flaw is sale 2. radiographic comrast 1 adograpti sensi radiographic density 4 radiographic resolution Aas30 Movement geometry. and screen cont re tree fasion tha fet raiographi 1 uaharpess| © etcalton| 4 density Aasas 15. Thecifeenc berwoen the dense of two areas of radar isle B sabjeet cons, definion ror 6, a, ‘The most widely sed unit of measurement for smearing he rate at which the op of gana ray src decays the 3 romigen © hate aM Aas Exporure to Xa or gamma rays: my have acumultv effect which most be ‘conidered ‘vl be beneficial since they build wp an immnity {© dation poisoning «. wllhaven elle on urna beings 44 wa have ony ashore effet on hua sues $263 ‘Which dose would be dangerous, if ot fata pli othe entire Body na shor period time? 2 1S1SR 38104 CR) 250k 4 allothe above doses would most ikely be faa ‘A262 When doing gamma ray radiography with high-mtensy miners the sources ar est handle 2 diet by personnel equiped wih special prsecive doting » byremotehanling eauipment ety by personnel wih special prtetve ‘hig extept when rdiogrpts re being made 6. bythe same methods used for lowatensty Asa fa fim is placed ina developer solution and allowed to develop witout ey apaton «2 theradiograph will show proper coast 1 vil be mpossbe to fin te raionaph pemanealy «thee wl bea general “Yogging” condition over theentie radiograph 4. the il ba tendeney fr area aat each ‘ier as ‘Te selection ofthe proper typeof fim abe wd for ‘he aay examination o purl pat depends 1 the ticks ofthe part B thematerlof he specimen © thevolnge range of the avalable Xray machine 1 tthe above Fas 2, 2s, 26, n. A Coo source has aif of 2 asus X-ray whe cura is contoled by: 4 the crrent passing hugh he lament 1h he distance frm he eatode to the anode the iypeof moter used inthe rae, 4 he volge and waveform applied othe Xray tube 2». A689 “The voltage and waveform apie tothe Xray tbe by ahughwolings tansfonne pny Steines te 4. quan of radiation &. dtaon of exposure © penetrating aby ak Beam divergence oo. Ante ‘Lend fil in diet contact with Xray le intensifies te seater radiation mare han he ‘rimary raion {oceutes the conrast of he radiographic image Imensifies the primary radiation more than the seater rdiion 3. 4, Should no eared when gamma ras are emited byte souree of adaton Fa Fiureientintesiyngsreens se usally mounted sn pats ing elders called «fim racks casetes © emul page 2. Ra age, ne et of he ruins ofthe il 1 he unsharpness ofthe Maw image inthe film © the contrast ofthe aw image on ten 1 Matte above Aisa 3. Radiographic Testing Method, eve In onder to decrease peometc unsarpess: ‘alton shoald proceed fom a small focal spot [voter considerations wil alow ‘dition should proceed fom ss lrg a foal spot ‘othr considerations wil alow «heim shouldbe a fara poste fro he object being raiographod 4. the distance rm the anode othe mata ‘taminod shoul bea small prac Fao |e ilovoltge api to the Xray tube rad 4, Xraysofonger wavelength nd more penetrating power are presaced +, Kemyeof sorter wavelength and more penetrating fpower are proces «. Krayeo shorter watclengh andes penetrating ower ate reduced 4. Kenyecf longer wavelength andes penetrating power ate preaced| Aan In onder to increase the ntensiy of Xan 1 the tube curent shouldbe nceasd 1 he tabs current should he doreed the est specimen shoul be moved fae om the film 4. slower ilovliag shouldbe apie 0 he tube ‘A203 9 Primary ration which ste lm older oF tse trough ath portion of he specimen wil “han sealering into he shadows ofthe acon, {Bicker potions producing an fect calle: 4 raison imaging spouting © anderest 1 Gaorpress A209; F9 Scattered radiation caused by any materi sch sa tall or oor on he ln sie ofthe specimen refened toa Mica © rele catering .tacbscatered sadaon F940 Which of be following materials is suitable for use in ‘esses orp and wed to mi proses sation? suis tee Bina © galvanized iron aaa Radiographic Testing Method Level M ”, fe following, which would be especialy sensitive 40. ‘oinjry by excessive exposure to Xr gamma ras? 2 blo Blensor the eye © imermalergans 4 alto he abowe ra Xemy export maybe dew a a. the diet beam from he X-ray tube target ® seater radiation asin rom cbjeets inthe direct tear «both and 4 otha pls residual ation tat exis for ‘heft few minutes fer the Xray machine bat ‘en retumed tothe “of poston aa. A genre often employe for determining the ovolge tobe used when Xaying partis at the ilovoage should be as high sor factors al peri. the ilovotage should be as owas ober ators wal permit «the lovlige is always a fio value and canst techanged 4 the lovltage isnot an npn variable and can Iechanged overa wide ange without afecting te radiograph re 1a pice of led 13 mm (05 in. thick placed inthe 43, ‘sofa bear of radiation emanating from Co, Wil rode te dou rate at given oaton by one tid 1 one gust © oneal 6 theoe quaners ans Excessive exposure of ln ight prior to evelopment ofthe lm wil mort ky result ins 48 ‘foggy fm 3 poordetition 4 yet sain Fae Reiculation resting in puckered or nel flm 48 surface is probly cased by crimping film air exposure bs sen extreme temperature change wile processing «water or developer on anprocested fm 4 Secs objeto lm tance Faso 10 Filling or loosening ofthe emulsion fromthe base of thefil emost tly cased by 1. ware or develope on unprocessed im © Tow temperature of processing soluions developer solution contamination 4 sam or exhausted fixer soon Fas an exposure tine of 60 seconds was necessary sing a2 m (4) source distance for a Parca expose, what ime would be necessary if 206m (2 A) sourceso-lm dstnce is wed anal ‘ter variables remain hese? 8 120s 808 eis: 32a Fa ‘One of the general ules concerning the aplication of [omar prneples af shadow formation to ‘adiopapy s 4 the Xray sould proceed fom a large foal Spe: as ter consieraons wil allow them should be as far s posible om the objet teingraiographed «: thedistacetetwcen the anode ad the matral ‘ekanined sould always be as eat a posible Mette above 20 ‘Asa ecko the adequacy ofthe radiographic ‘ecu; its costomary to place a standard est piece the sure sie ofthe specimen. This ‘anda tet pice i called a efaeace plate Blea sereen © pensraneter 4 aminator 2036; F9 ‘The duration of an exposure i wily come by 2 conoling the mileage b stiner 1. choke col inthe lament anstormer Anas ‘A penaraetris used to indicate he: 4 sireof discomtnites na part 1 deny often © smcent of im contrast 4. guny ofthe akopraphic techie Fn 4. 2. 4. si ‘A uorescetinensiying sree wll ransom X-ay energy into visible or igh ‘esl in esculaton © decrease the prsinres of the image when using fama aye «Snore the dfiton na aopraph ravitet A616 ‘Te hee main steps in procesingaradiosaph are 4. developing ling, and Fation ‘developing, fixation, nd wating © exposure davloping and ation 1 developing, ecuatng se Tiaation A618 Kilovolage, exposure tie, and sourceo-itm stance ae tre ofthe met portal Xa) exposure fates hat canbe conoled. A our ‘ich expose factor 4 focal point size 3 temperature filament 1 fea spt distance 4 millamperage ‘azoas ‘When the minut siver rans on which he ay fim image i formed proup toto in elasly lei masse, they produce a isl impression called a. airtells By graminss © etiulton 4 falig Fam State marks, which are lack we ikea clare ‘aks on a adiogaph ae often caused by fm being bent when nsened in aeassete or oer 1 foreign materia or di imbedded in secens © sertces on lead fl ens “improper film handling techrigoes Fade “The purpose of pitting an Xray lm cing developments protect the fm rom excessive presore 1 enew the develope at the sites of the lm diapers unexposed sve grains onthe im surface 4. prevent ecu agus Rodioraphic Testing Method, Level 52. When manually processing fms, te purpose for sharply tapping Ranger two ote es er the Tims ve bot lomered int the developers 1 sper unexposed silver gaits onthe film sortase preven ing ©. slog any airbobbles clinging to emulsion 4 doaltar te above Aas ss ‘The activity of the developer solutions minained stay ‘mamaning processing Solutions within the ‘eocmmende temperature range viding contamination fom the wash bath ing feplenisher 8 Aas ‘Sh The purpose of Frain is 4 toremove all he undeveloped iver sat of he mulson {oleae the developed silvers a penmanen image {o area the alan sitot the above aan 455, Forbest eli when manally processing film, Solutions should Be inuned win eniprate range of 1 181024°C (651075) B 6510 78°C (149 10 167-7) © 1a 29C175 1085) 131088 °C (1671 185") Aes ‘Water spots on can be mnie by 2 the rapid dying of wet 1 sing weting agent solton ing es fae aan 1. cnesing water doing he ise cele aay ST. The sal sean the Xay tube fom whic the 2 daphagm 1 foes spot © ecasing cup 4 cathode Foo u Radiograph Testing Method, Level st 8. 6 a o. “The ation quality of gama ray source is 4 determined bythe size ofthe focal pot 1 dseamined by the sotoe volved varied bythe operate 4 eater 9 han in Co-60 ras “The most common materi used to provide ‘poucton agit Keay 1 high-density rick 1 analy of 10 petont sel and 30 percent copper © tungsen Sled Fas ‘Acari sho equivalent of 1. 0001 mci 1060 mcs ©. 100 MCI lo Mcy ba Wit given exposure ime and ilovolage, 2 propey exposed radiographs obtained with Sarminues exposure atthe dsance ofS om (Co's dened to nese he sharpness of ‘eu in he image by ceasing the soute on ‘itance to 102m (40m) Te comet, mullanpetage-sminutes exposure to absinthe desired ‘akoprapic deny at he creased ditace i B 2tmA-minutes © Smvminues 4. mA-mimites ar Very short wavelength eectomagnetic radiation produced when slectrnstveling high speeds ide wih ner eal 1, Xeradiaion ® betnraaton 1. Bone of the above Fo “Tae exposure of personel o X- and gamma radiation ‘annbe mesure or montored by meas of fim badges ® dosineters © aati expose survey meters Motte above ans 6s ©. 6 2 Assuming that a god adlograph is obtained ata Setingot 10 ma in 40's, br mach ume willbe neces lo ota one cgatvaent radiograph ihe milaryperage i changed wo SA (ll other Condos remaining constant)? 2.205 os e804 lds Far A ragh shoring he reation between materia uch, lvoe, snd exposure calle a abar chart b anexposire chart © telat curve 1 anH&D cure Fst {A grag which expresies he relationship between the Toga ofthe exposure api toa photographic material nd teresting photograph deny fale: 1 abarchart 1 anexposue chan logarithmic chart Fs Shor wavelength elestomagret ration proaced dhring the disinegration of mule of radioctve ‘uae cll. a Xaaton 1 panma raion © fer adation 4 baker ration Fas A photographic image recorded hy the passage of X- fe parmaaye trough a specimen Ot called 1 ucoscopic image © rangraph ©. Sopp repraduction ‘none be soe Az ‘The nema development time or anvaly prcesing Xa fm is: 12-18 minutes in processing solutions a 24°C om ' 8minutesin processing sltons at 16°C (60°F) © 12-IRrminvts i rocessng sluons a 68°C (ser) 4. 58minutes i processing solutions a 20°C (68) ‘Aaa n. n In der to achive uniformity of development ver 75. the area ofan Xray in during manual processing 1 the im should be placa in deer ae being ‘developed the developer shouldbe apie by using ‘echuncl tier or culating pomps «the fim shuld be gtd wile the developer 4 th fim shuld Be wanfered diet rom the evelper tothe fet Aas 16. ‘When refering 02°27" or Thole inthe ASTM penerameter, he Trefersthe: 2 par thickness penetrance thickness time of exposure time for dbvelaping Aan3r -A.set of lead with am opening cut ia the shape of the pat tobe radiograph may be odo decree theclfect of seater adatom which undercut the ‘ccna, Such device fcled mask fier © bacscate absorber Fao 78 “Two X-ray machines operating atthe same nominal "lowe snd milimperage sting 1 wl produc he sme intensities and gales of Sl proce the same intensities but may peodace “hilerent qualities of radation «wl prod the are gues but may produce “ieent ness of ation 4. mny pve not only diferentes bur also 78, ‘dterent gales of ration D106 Foroscopy lifer fom eadlography i tha 1. Maoroscopy ase much lower llovaltage han ‘adlography bs aorocopy fe much more easave han sadlograpy | 0, «the Xeray age is observed visually on Miuoresoe sree ar thin ord on a in 4 Morosopy permis examination of ice pats than dos aioraphy as 3 Radiographe Tsing Method, Level An advantage ofthe pocket dsimcter ye of femiation camber wed to mortar adionrectved by personne 2 itprvides a permanent reco of acumated ‘onage bit provies an immediate indication of dosage ite the mot sense detector avaible {1 alofthe above ae advantages A264: Da ‘The density siference etween two slated portions cfs adopaph s known as b ratiograpieconrast specie sty {Subject densiy AS.5, 2024; 67 ‘ne requiement for Keeping forescentserensin fo eandon eat hey as be leaned witha lin-reeclah each ime they are ted not be expend to intense luaviokt aiaton © bemouned aig container atl nes 1 note exposed to east fumes, Augis {making an isotope expose in an unshieded ar, sound the dose ae 18 m (6 rom he source 100 mR. What woul be the dose ae at 73 oan 4. 15m8h © loo mi 2200 mi 300 kh, Aas6 “Te intensity of X- or gra radiation is measured 2 soengeas bows oenigens pe nit of tine HAD one ANSS;D.28 When producing adographs ithe ilvolge i increased the 2 subject coms eeeases 1 fm omrstscreases ©. subject coms inreases 4 imconrat increases aanas Radiographic Testing Method Level 8 . “The accena movement ofthe specimen ola, during expr othe us of fous i distance that too sal wih «produce a adiopraph wth poor const 1 make impossible to delet large discon eu in unharpess ofthe aoe fogged radiograph Ansa A propel exposed radiograph that i developed na Weighs decay 1 emi ©. specie sty ‘sore utr AIS: DAI; FAS 119, Atoms, molecules, and various subatomic panicles ‘hat ear either positive or negative electra) sage reeled 2 potoelecuons| ® phovons| 1 compounds A816; Das 120, Gama and X rion interact with mater and may be abort by 1 photoelectric absorption 1 Compicn searing © pairprodotion 14 Ml oFine stove Attg;D27 Radiographic Testing Method, evel 121, Approximately what percent ofthe origina radioactivity lft aera ves? 0005 bio ema a2 Anna; Daa 122 The velocity of al eletomagretic radiation i ‘186 000 mils per second 1. 1600 mules per second 186 000 mils per second {1860 miles pe second An36 D0 123, The radiation intensity of aadiisotope: 2 nceaes with ime 1 decrees with ime 2 ent affcted a tne lapses {none of the above ass ” eet aveype ee oberon er aero hee oren Anshan aAn Level I Answers Radiographic Testing Method 320d 63. d 33, a 64 34d 65. b 35. ¢ 66. 36. b 67. b 37. € 68. b 38. a 69. d 39. b 1. ¢ 40. d Tob 4ie 72. a ae Bd 43. Tae 44. b 75. b 45. 4 76. b 46. a Tb 47. Ba 48. 0 9. € 49. b 80. a 50. d Ble Slob 82. b 52. 83. b 53. d 84. a 54. 85. b 55. a 86. © 56. b 87 € 57. b 88. 58. b 89. d 50.4 90. © 60. b 91. b 61. b 92. b 62. a 93. b w 95. 96. 97 98. 99, 100. 101. 102. 103, 104, 105. 106. 107. 108. 1o9. 110. UL 112. 113. 14, us. 116. 47. ug. 119. 120. 121 122. 123. oe eannanonb ona cHrannerEagranne Level II Questions Radiographic Testing Method Low voltage X-ray toes ae generally fited with 8. Windows made of a. plastic b bern ©. lass aka aaa A monochromatic Xa beams 4a narrow beam wed 1 produce high-contrast ‘atiogants lg refered toa heterogeneous X-ray beam ©, beam containing only claractense Xadiation ‘ES Seam consisting ofa single wavelength pas “The general metho of posing Xray involves the ‘eden deceleration of ip velit lectons na ot ody eae 8 focus cop & fament 1 cade Aaa Ist were ascssary wo raiograph a 18cm (in) thet tel product which ofthe following gamma 8 sy sources would most ely be sed? a e060 htmt70 © teva Cea ‘ACo60 gama ay sure hasan approximate Practica hickness et of mm 25 in) of sel rts equivalent. 1 Sonn 4) of sel sequent ©, 23cm (Din) of lea ors quale {425m (itn) of sect ets equivalent a “The absorption of gama rays fom a given source shen puting tough mater depends he 1. atomic number, density, and thickness of the Young's maduls vale of he mater © Poson's to vale a he mater 1 specicactivity value of the source 109; F26 “Te fact hat gos, when bombarded by radon, tonie and become elestnel conductors make ther. ‘etl 4. Xray tnsfommers Bb Xrayutes © marks 4 taation detection equipment ten “The velocity f elects sikng the tars in an Xray the tea funtion of he 4. atomic numberof he cathode material 1, omic number of he ilamest material © voltage ference between the cade and anode 14 Game ow inthe rete ect pas “The uneven distribution of develope ais within {Memon of procesed Xray Him causes the sbjative ingestion of 1 ersninss steaks © spots 41 te cum rere) Rediographic Teting Method, Level IT [Note If question 10 or 1 are nse om test, the ‘examinee shold be furnished with semilogarithmic ‘coordinate paper. 10, Co-60is reported to hive aha of 5.3 yeas. By how much should exper ime be increased (over tha wed inl to produce exelent adopaps| ‘whe the Co-€0 Source was new) when te Sources two yeas ld? 4 nochange in exposure time is nae expose time shook be bout I percent longer © Sxpre me shuld be about 31 pereent longer ‘exposure ime shouldbe abou 621 100 perce Tenger uss 1, A source of f-192, whos baie is 75 dys, provides an optim expsire of given est objet feday ina pid of 20 ts, Five month fram ow: wht exper ime wou be required forthe Same radioprapc dens, under similar exposure ‘onions? 2 10minaes 20minutes 4 Ghour Aas 12. Ofthe following the source providing the most penetrating rato is 4 Cosa 1b ORV X-ay ue © ISMev Xray baton 4 electons ren 192 Ans 13, The gamma ray intensity a 30cm (1) fom 37 0Bq (1 Ci sours of aaacve Co-60 nearest 4 1Sroenigensperbour 100 roentgen per hour © Lroenigen pe mite {& 10malioemgens per day ASA: D6 14, The focal sptin an Xray tbe 4 is inline at an angle of 30" rom the normal to thotube axe {simainaned a high epative voltage during peas «should e large a8 possible wo ensue amar ‘eam af pear aaton 4, should he smal posible without unduly sorting the ea the tbe F910 2». 2 nan X-ray tube, the Fameat and focusing cup ae the te eset part of he © atode © reciier 4 Xaytansfomer ‘The qunity of ation which wil produce, by neu of onan, one sacra unit of ‘tetreiy in 0.001299 go ry aris own a milcaie gana 6 en ‘The specifi activity ofan boop sources usually 4 milion electron vols (MeV) cures per ram (Cvs) eager ho counts per minute (pm) AAS E219 Wii ft following isotopes haste longest rate? 4 Tm70 bcow paar 4 cei37 ASI; E346 “The ray fam of eeray conversion when ects ste aarget im an Xray tbe resus inthe podution o: 4 primary Xray 1 Seodary Xray © Shat wavelength X-ays heat E36 “The spe of sigh line joining wo pins of fed denies ons characteristic ere of fit {Wtnown ate 2 spedof he cane ne © average gradient 6 demity ra 21 a a 2s, 2%. [An Xray fim having wide atta as as by 1 poor definion ow contrast, high sped 1 none oe above F669 ‘The purpose fo tala olin some types of Xray tuber isto 4 labia moving prs © absorb secon radiation © detese the ned for ph erent 1 isa eat Anas ‘An Xray tae witha small foal spot is considered eter tha one wih large focal spt wen i (esied wo obtain: 4 greater penetrating power beter detain © les coir A rete ie density rasa (One mod of reluciog radiographic coma is: 1 ineeate the distance between he radiation source tnd the abject be derese te distance Between the object nd the fim zeae the wavelenath of he adiation sed inoresce Sevclopment ine win maufacte's ‘oommendatons F29 ‘Thin sheets of ead fii imate comet with Xray film during expose nese film density because «8 huresee and emi visible light which helps expose the film bso the sated radiation © prevent acksatered radiation fom oping the 4. emit eco when exposed 10 X-and sume ‘Bilton which lp dahon the fm A624 Xray tues ae ofen enclosed ina shockproof easing inorder 4 disiate heat 3. pete the operator rom high-voltage shock 6. Shield he tue fom secondary ation 1 dross the tiene ofthe eter esau i. 2 Radiographic Testing Method, Level [An Xray tae sled fora maximum of 250 kVp, ‘Ths tube maybe operated at a maximum of: 4 250 000 V peak vtiage 250 RV effective voltage 25000000 V sme voltage SISDKV average volage aan ‘Avwltage slater consiting of an ron core transformer ith single winging having a series of tape taro psn the winding call 2 thigh tage wasfonmer B. tflament uansformer © mmasolrntorwer 44 power wansfomer F011 In X-ray radiography. aerating cent must be ‘hanged to pasting diet erent in der sas ‘he need Yor unatirectonal caren. "This change ma) be accomplished ty: transformers Brecon © anodes ‘t caodes Fr ‘Whom raiogaphing tothe 227 quality level an [ASTM pentrameter for 63m (2.5) teal asa 2 13mm 0Siny eeu 25 mis) © 12i i mls) 1270 im (0 ms) exes ‘Valve tubes ae used in X-ray guint 4. provide necessary retifation by Stvae and deactate the Xray tbe © het the fiament inthe Xap tbe adja he siz of te age A465, 8:9697 {300 Co-60 radiograph sma om 276 men (in) fds source o-Alm distance of 9m (36m). it feneceesry to change the source to film distance © Stem Ot in), what exposure te would prodoe = Similar radiograph if al eter conions rma the 16 minaes dt minaes © 6 mints 88 mines Far ‘asiographic Testing Method, Level It 58. When sharp, lack, in-out shaped marks which are ‘own not to corespond with ary dacontinuies appear at random om radiograph, hey ar roby cused by prolonged development nod developer Exposure of the il by natural commie ray showers during storage ste hares cased by fiction 1 inadequate ning ae ng Ps 3, The ajument of tbe cute in conventional X-ray tube eats made adjusting the Glament eating cent aj the ange toate distance lnsering resistance in he ano ead {opening the shure the Xray tube port Fo 35. In comparison with lwer-voiage radia, bigheergyrodiogapha shows 4 eter conast 1 ater ate © ete amount of sate radiation reiive to rimary hea intensity 4. mone ofthe above perry ites wo athe pot ofthe Xray ue: intensify the Xray beam by combating secondary ration be ier shom wavelength X-ray beams o provide ofr radition| «¢ ovide the most readily adjusted means of ‘modifying Xray intensity 4. tere "of radation o provide a moce Tomogenous Xray bea Fa 37. An ASTM penetrate for use when inpectig 8 13mm (03 in) tack sel pate othe 2-7 qty level using a4 em (16) sorce-to-flm dance would te made of. 27 a(S i hick sino 11270 yum (60 mu ck arin et © 254m (10 ma hick ses! 451m 2 mi stp a any metalic material com 2 x» 41 2, Files placed tetwcen he X-ray tbe ad pesimen tend reduce seater anton unercuting the specimen by | avorbing the longer wavelength components of ‘he primary beam >, aberbing he shone wavelength components of ‘he primary beam «. absebingbackscaer ration decreasing te tens ofthe beam Pa Besides serving a filer, srens of igh atomic urbe, sich as lead and ea antimony, so 2 decreas the soure-tofilm dstance nese for reper raionragh previ some nage intensifying action pit the we of higher speed 1. Gectease he graininess in aiograph Ped “The ange of thickness over which dessa btaied that re sasfactory for nterretation is smeasze of te 4 subject const ofa radiograph B sev ofa adiogrp ©. laude a raiograph 1 definition of radiograph aaa Almost all amma rata is prformed wit: natal stops be orn © madam Tmt AS71513; B16 ‘The amount of unshapres ce blaring of radiographs 4 dinetypropriona tothe objet to- distance landinverselyproprsonal to the sizeof the foe Spee dey proportions tthe sizeof he ol spot nd inverselyproporiomal othe soure To etect, ‘dsunce Altace andre popotonl tothe source objet distance 4 inversely propoina othe sie of the focal spt naib objet tim distance FA a 4%. 4 a. Images of discontinue close whe source side of 6 tte specien boc less ley defied 3: 1 thetichnesso the specimen incense the size of he focal spt decreases 4 he thchnes ofthe specimen dcreases ‘A234; F2021 ‘The inherent fiation of an X-ray ue is fonction ofthe « 2 thickness and composition ofthe X-ray ube port B. voltage setting ofthe instrument ¢ soreeo-objet distance ‘meri wed a target Auga7 Xray is with age sain ie: 4 wl produc radiographs with eter definition ‘han wh all grain ie have slower speeds han hose witha relavely SL ave Mgher pees than hse with relatively smal grain sie ‘ul ake Toner to expose propel than Fim wih Fass ‘As the effective energy ofthe rafation nreases up fo out 250. ln rani increases 1m graininess creases radiographic delntion nreases 1m speed decreases By 1622 ‘Te specific activity of Co-60 depends onthe 1 time the mail has been ithe reactor ®: stomic namber ofthe materi gamma ray feo which i was expoied 4. Young's modulo value ofthe mate ‘AASA4; FAs Bs “The mst commonly wed target material nan Xay tube copper carbon © cade tungsten aaas 25 Radiographic Tsing Method, Lee It ‘The purpose for including alse shaped age that ‘ete rail ding operation n some Xa) thes 1 incease the intensity of Xan 1. derese the voltage needed fora specif quality ‘radiation «increase th permisble oad {1 none of the dove Ada ‘Adovce whichis basically a combination of magnet Shtranafoone designed fo pd an essere ‘ectrons nacho obit to very bh energies is called 3 4 lecrostatc bel generator Blnearacelerator © hetton 1 torial electromagnetic pe Xay tbe aataas “Two isopic sources ofa given strength ave two dierent spi acvty value The source Wh he Diher seni ctiity wae wil: 2 have smaller physical sie tan the source with lower spe act by hve shorter al life than the source with 3 lower specie scsty prc harder pana rays han he source with Tower specie acy 4 have a large py ize than the source with he Tower speci civ Ass Ags file epon located in an electra ld {road by eecodessross which a potential feenc applied forms the majo parton of Thettaode Xe the 4 nonzaton chamber ea “Two serious obstacle to igh intensity Suorosopy the natal to reproduce rests ante need oe evi replacement of Screens by the iad rghines anlage ran si of Muoroscopic eens «cont and slow sped 4 the ned for sng long wavelength X-rays andthe Tack of Xray neni associate with hs metbod "Alb Radiographic Testing Method, Level It ss st 1a gener. the quality of furoicopceuipments test determined by: “ 8 1 deniometereadings 1 penstametersonsitvty measurements sonny aea measurements 1 reference andre 19336 ©. In ucoscopic esting. a fandamenta icy isthe relive fw brighinet level ofthe mages One ‘method fr increasing bighines ties one ofthe following which conver light energy from te ial ‘Phosphor surface to dcons hich are accelerated {id foewed ono a wma fvresceat sceen 4 teuton B elcon amplifier © image apie orintensifiee 6 4 lecwstatie belt generator Asst ‘A general ul governing the aplication of he etme ponte of sco oman ses ht 8. Xeaye shoul proced from are fs po as ‘ther onesies wil alow bs distinc een the radiation source andthe Inter exumined should ben small = praca «flim shoud bea fro possible ro de eye ing aos «central ay should he as neal perpendicular the Fm as posi to reserve spatial reltonhipe "207 @. {In ower oii the principe of geomesic énlargcmet (placing the fm ta tance rom he ‘Specimen 6. 1 the source to-specimen distance must be al the orc film distance >. the source of aiaton must be extremely small © aimagnet Tocusing coll mt be ed nea the pertof te Xe tube 4. he specimen at be of frm thickness ‘A2030 become ss dependent up the compesiton ofthe serial whe 8 1 the lovotag is increased 1 the source tren distance decreed the lovotage i deresed 1 Sfiteris used Amn1345, ‘The forma itiampers x tine) + distance 2 wed cael Fm gadient Be recipoiy tw «ted to determine radiographic comrast, 1 teexposure factor 2015; P28 “The load that can be handled by an Xray tbe feat . pois governed by: 4 the composition of the cathe > the si othe foal spt andthe efficiency of the toling system ofthe anode . thedistace fom the anode othe cathode he highotage waveform aa2s X-ray exposure holders and eases often ‘ncoporat a sheet of ead fin te back which s ‘ot intimate cntet withthe fm. The purpose of ths Sheet of ed fo 2 toact aan intensifying scoen Bb toproect heim fo tacseater © bath and nether ance b Aza Alea sheet conning a pinhole may be placed halivay Between the Xray tube the im order 1 trie the approximate sie ofthe focal spot '.mussre the intensity ofthe ceaal ry fiber see radiation A soten he Xradation nase In cena cass itmay be advantageous to pack ead shot arena specimen, The purpose fr dng this 4. prevent movement of the specimen Bnet the sbjet contrat © govrate smaller wavelength X radiation 1 Sexe the effect of entered radon undercutting the specimen Aan22 Wher ratiograping te with a hicks estan 25m (1a) 2 Ce6) would pve gree radiographic sensitiy tha. a 250 V'Xey machine ba 50 kV Xray machine would give greater Fadogrphic smsivity than 260 «the eof orescent screens would result ogra of beer ait than would lead i the use af lead fi srens wil egirea stoner ‘exposure time than will Muerescent secens ‘AISI FB 65, Aradograph made witha exposure of 12-mA pot Iinute ha adem of 08 i the een of mama interes. Its desed to nctease the density to 20 in thsaren By ference toa characters cove othe film, ts found that he ference in og E, betwee {density of 8 and 2036 0.75. The anlogao of Tog 761858, What mst he nw exposure tne be to prodce a radiograph witha density of 207 4. 9.12 mA perminate 2112 mA por minute © 68.6 mA perminte Tom perminue aan3z 6, The absorpin of radiation by a material vais: 2 ie wth he square ofthe distance from he wih he tikes ofthe material €-imersly with th amount of saterng in the maeil 44 nan approximately exponent manner with the ‘hickaeeo the marl Aus? (67, Inthe miroradiographic techno: 4 soft Xray ar sully sd 1 atlovolage range of 550 kV i usually sed the potopsphc materia soe finer gained hana orinary Xray Hin 4 allot above Aanat (6%. Inorde for a riogaph to have a pentrameter esi of 227 bate 2 the raiognpic procedure has to Be bl to Aiferente a2 percent ference in specimen the radiographic procedure ste able wo deine the PTholeima penctrarmeter which 2 percent of {he icknes of he specimen «the radiogaph must he able to distinguish lsconiny with length equivalent to 2 percent ofthe specimen hikes 4. none ofthe above 2036 (©. For practical purposes, the shape ofthe characteristic uve ofan Yeay fn 4 independent of the type of im wet Bs independent of he quality of X- or gamma radiation drs changed when te quality of Xray ‘adation fe changed «primary determined hy the sabjet conta Fan Radiographic Testing Method, Level IT 70. The xm which describes the tol absrption ofthe ‘ef team eased bythe Xray tbe wal, the wal ‘tthe tae housing ahd any material between he tube and Rosin 4 say absorption dates sbuaption © charters fitation hore fitraton aga7 “T, The merval bstwcen the ime a films paced in {icersoltion andthe ime when he ginal ine, yellow milknes disappear is known 2 lang ine tung tine hardline 1 odin sme aaur Inmproper gure facts, poor contaet betwen fia ead ei seen, a granincs of lm re prsble causes of 2 high im density B poor definition fogged te 1 low fim density agus 73. te Muoeoscopy, te mst common way to minimize ‘peat 23: equip operators wth special gles 1 pace aie ver the viewing screen © tary the ity ofthe backround Tighe 1. change operators period A936 74 Which ofthe flowing Xray generators would prodoe the naowest cone of Xraiton? Mev &ISMev © 25 MeV a tMev ana 7S, Aradiograph is taken at volage of 00 KV. the Voltages ncreased witha resulta increase inthe nergy of raion, wh al eter condtons msi ‘same: the ganines of the il wll nezease Signin if high-speed im used the panne of heim wl decrease Significantly fa low-speed i is sed the prams ofthe lm wil irene Spica Class i used 4 there wl eit signa change nthe baniness of hee Anz Radiographic Testing Method, Level IL 76. A tadiopraph ofa zl weldment is made ving ISIMeV tetaron When the radiograph develope, ‘ere isa otra fim mating. A poral cause forsuch motting 2. income expose ine 1, exenuve objec tom distance ale o use a lead sren dang expose 1. excessive expste to usavolet a Aaaa -Abasiifferenceteteen a raiograph abd 8 Auoroscopic image 2. the Muoroscope image mae sensitive the Maorscopc image a positive wheres the ‘adiograph ia negative ransparency «the Maoroscope images bight 4 thee is no base dference between the wo ‘82420 Which of te following factors wll at marily Inflaene the imsge density of radiograph? the pe of il wed the sie ofthe fl © the otal amount of aiaton emits bythe X-ay ‘xganma ray souce 4 the intensiyng action of the coon A203 [A000 Vp Xzay machine we in conjuction with ead fo seen aan approximate pate ‘hcknes mito 2. 38mm (in) of stato its equivalent 1 Roma (3 in) a stel ots equvalent © 127mm (in) of sel or it egulvaent 41 41 cm (16m) of sea rs equivalent ra 80, Because of gomeical ators such as source size, source pecimen distince and specie om “stance, here can be lack af peste sharps st the edges of indetions. The unsarpess eased by comet fvtrs maybe ele fst 2. stigmaticffect B penumbra shadow {none ofthe above 51, Two factors which grea affect he suitbl (arget material nan Xray tbe ae 2 tense strength and yield eng 1. melting port and magnet eng «electra resistance ad tensile rege 4 omic number sad meng poiat, FS 2 a. “Therese the expose time mast be increased by & {acu of four when te source Stance lou eines f radiation decreases tan ‘ponent ae when he source tim dtc ncreneed bs erqualiyofeadiation is inverely proportional to tbe square fot ofthe distance fom tr souce to we fin be intensity of radiation is inversely proportional ‘tke square ofthe distance from te sure tothe fim the seared radiation effect is greater athe ‘Sue film distance increases "820.10; B28; F28-26 “Themost important factor fr determining the mount of Xray absorpion ofa specimen the 1 bicknes ofthe specimen bens ofthe specimen omic number of the materi 46. Yoong’s modus of he material 2628 ‘The appeoximae ratiographic equivalent factors for ste and copper at 220 KV are Land 1 Tesjctvely itis desirable radiograph a 13 um (0.5 plate of copper, what hickness of el ‘wold requ about the same exponare haters? 44 18mm (07 in) of est Gm (038.9) af see © Simm (14in) of test 4 Binm(tiayor suet Fa Wheh ofthe fetloming technique variables x most ‘commonly sed to adjust sujet contrast ‘4 sure-ofilm distance & alamperape © Mlovoage 4 fal pin size esr ims that are left etme ed screens oo lng in a higetermperature and hgh- Rum aesphere may 2 sow increased peed bu decreased quality become fogged € Recome mote 4. Show tesshaed light areas inthe inished does 2028 w. 8. 31 o “Te quate eneatne of fil blackening it 2 refer tos 2 finition photographic density © film const 4 raiogaphic comast Aan ‘Acuve that lates density with he logs of 9 ‘xporure rel relative expoare calle 1. adensiy-exposure curve © an HAD carve ergy intensity curve azn Subject conta is etd by 4 thiknesiferences in specimen B radon quality os ofthe above Which of be flowing insures would exit the ‘esses and most iey be wed to delet ‘Sul eake ire radaion bare? a fim badge ' soantain pen ype of onion chamber ©. 2 Geiger coum 8 dosimeter Anes 96, At voliages above 400 kV, the we of lad to provide rious problem, which ofthe following materials ‘ould most ely Be wed aa susie? 1 lem 1 concrete © eel boron Faas sn ‘A qualitative em often wet indicatethe sz of ‘he smallest deta tat canbe seein aradigrah a raliograpic sensivity 1 loge definition ©. radiographic conras!, 1 subject coma A204 Radiographic Testing Method, Level It ‘The slope (steepress ofa characteristic eure 2 mens of subject contrast B radoprphi defini eens comes Fam A special aiograpie method requiing wo Fara ken rng separate expres fom two dierent postions to ge the vial imresion ‘of thes imensonal pay when viewed in an ‘pal device simuhansounly ical . Muerscopy 1 xeroradiogrphy © Hereoradogtphy {porte radi aansr-s8 ‘The depth ofa dscominuity can be estimated by ‘making wo expires om singe fm from to {erent posions ofthe Xray tbe. The dep of the dicomimaty iscompated rom he shit i ie Shadow othe discon with respect othe laps ned marker onthe fron ar ack ofthe Specie, The etd ialled 2. stereoradiography 1 kevrahogey © irony 1 the pra mtd of depth cation ‘A20.46-48; F107 Constant aaton ofthe developer daring the evelopment process by means of mechanical timers for crclaing pumps my spond the developing yee 1 helprepenish he developer © come undesizabl, preferential flow of developer long cern athe came eeu Fa “The activity ofthe xr diminishes afer being wed foca pert of ime hscase the tetve ingredients ae thorbed by the radiograph Fixer solstion secumoltrsolube sive sls cave ingedins sete othe Batt ofthe tank ‘Saks Radiographic Testing Method, ere It 98, Inprocesing raopraps, the howl flow of waterin the wash an shoul Be: 4.23 .mesthe volume ofthe tank £8 times the volume of te tank atleast 81 L (40 gal pr hour 4. varied continous} in proption othe number of ‘adiopraps being developed Aas 99. A zine calniam sulfide Ouorscopc sree hate ‘onto expsed to bight daylight alto ‘ther sures of laceration wil 4: pelo ech ogi i igh become discolored and ose some of its biiance regu a higher blovotge ofthe X-ray generator to produc a satisfactory unage 4 allorteabove 615.16 100, Iereasng te Xay or amma ray ney wil 4 significantly decreas the average gradient of raters cure bs sigan incre the average gradient of a «. ncease the slope of characteristic curve 1 fave lit effect on the shape ofa characteristic 1620 101. As the development time nereaes the character carve grows tsp and moves towel by the characteristic curve grows tcp and moves totienia the carters carve emis the same in shape but moves oahe let 4. there itl eet on he characte curve “haat 102 A disinctive characte of high woage ‘ography iat 4 trun comparatively high subject contrast 1 ites i comparatively iph radhognphie «staraplicable wo comparatively tick ohighly tsotbing specimens 4 tho the above are distinctive characteristics of highvotiage adopt aa 103, Leal screens are wed for almost ‘ing exposues wher 2 te Muoroscopeecigue by leestage rdiogapy hghvaltage radiography 4. erradiogrphy agar 104, Which fhe following eases would moet key be seas an Xray trier window on Muorsc op esnipment? a Pox Bead ss © encase 4 num one glass Aagas 105. Themes practical speed of scanning atest het for conventional foroscopi npn ss beer estimated to be abot: 2 em (Tin) pers 25mm (1 in) pers © Dem (Din) pers Timm 3 in) pers Ausas 106, Whence operating conditions ar el constant, 8 ‘charge ntuhe cent snees a shang in rdaton innit emited fom an Xray tubes the intensity being approxima ropodonal ole cure What the pinay Inte prevens fom ‘being exacts proporonal? 4: the volage and voliage waveform of an Xray ‘machine rneormer varies wih lad 'b, wavelength changes rent exactly proportions ©. cae canot by changed ata haere 4 ater ration does not vary a proportional ans 107, When viewing radiograph an image ofthe Back of “heassete superinpsed a the mae ofthe specmen noted. This i most ely de a underet i ceresposure © the Xr intensity wast i hekscter aamai 108. The ava lye of ea for Co-60 proximately 13 mm (0.5 i) the ation vel fone source side ofa 38 mm (15 in) lead plates {64 Ri the radiation level om the opposite ste 2 RM bah em 10k Suh pat 10, Which of he allowing is ar a factor in determing subjectconas? 4 nature ofthe specimen the radiation ual wo © ypeot fm used 4 intensity and dstibutin ofthe seatered radiation ‘Aa03s 110, fan exposure time of 60s ad a source to distance of 12 (4s cesar fr aparicular pone wha exposre tine woul be needed fran ‘uvalen exponie the our om stance Is stangedo 18m (61)? ams bis ess 4 400s Rar eselope soliton shou be discarded when the quay of eplenisher added equals 4 the aiinal quntiy of developer 1. 2stmes the orginal quant of developer © Scetmes the rgnal quant of developer {Times te orginal quay of developer aus 112. ea specimen is adograped at 0 kV and agai at SOY with tne compensation to give de Fathi th sane density, which ofthe following Sfements woul Be ae? 4. the 4ORY exposure would have a lower comrast, linda grate laude than the SOKV exponire the 4ORY exposure would have a higher const nd peste tue han he SURV expose «the SORY exposure would have a omer const tnd peter lta than he 40 KV expose 4. the SOV exposure would havea higher comast tnd peste Inte than the ORV exposure 0 1 Radiographic Testing Method, Level It NB. A 250kVp X-ray machin ws in conjunction witha ead fo sven hasan apron rated thsknes io 2 381mm (1S in) of ste ris equivalent 1 51 mm 2in) of sector ts equate © 15cm (Gin) a tee ors equivalent 4 194m (75) of sel or tsequialent a 118. degree of concentration af the eaioaive sail gama ay Sources eerted 10a te: 1 specific actity of the source 1 gal ofthe source mi weigh ofthe source 1 hale ofthe source ras 115. nmilion ol aliography, lation athe rbe: 1 inceates the generation f shor wavelength Keys decreas he generation of shor wavelength Xe « mpeoes the raoprapic quality by decreasing ater radiation 4 offers no improvement in radiographic quality Fas 116. Fim seleston for an X-ray expose depend on: a. the thickness of the part 1 the material of he specimen the voltage range ofthe Xray machine 1 loft above Azst 17 While using an Xray tbe for radiography, the ‘opersto wat o increas the radiation itty. TO dose the 1 bilovoltage should be lowered 1 tube cuent sould he need © test specimen should be moved furber fom the film 4 tube curent shouldbe dereased rt 118 Led sere te pti iret comet with he il 4. increase te photographie ation onthe fm aso he longer wavelength scatered radiation © mens the photographic ees ofthe primary ore than the ster raion 4, doall ofthe above azn2s ‘Radiographic Testing Method, Level IE 119, Becwse of geometrical factor soc a sourse iz, ource to specimen distance, and specimen tof ‘une, here can bea ack of eft sharpness at the edge of indications, The utshapoess assed by these factors may be elled te 2 sigma eet © penumbra shadow ©. foc aiton| 4 noe ofthe above Ans 120, The msn purpose ofthe Xray gunertr consol on {he equipment is ‘maintain he direction and with ofthe X-ray Beam enable th operator too the intensity. ality, land duration of exposure desired «allow the operator fo adjust Film Foca Distance remotely 4. chnge aerating current to nerease Xray ‘nen ana 12, Florscope serene, ¢ mounted and wed, realy damages by which ofthe fllowing?™ 1 washing wth soft ction cath 1 exposure to laviolt ation ce sunight © porhaning ‘4 Radiation Aes 122 When X-ray, gamma ray, igh of electrons ste ‘he photogpine emulsion, a change takes place In the ier ae crystals. This change sealed ‘photographic density 1 photoprapcSensiiy © fsen image 1 characteristic curve Ae 13 113.7 6Bq (1 Ci of 192 produces a dose rt of $900 ght 0.3m (1, bow many a wil 3 700 GBq (10. produce the sae distance? «590 $0000 Pe) 458000 ADS; E56 124, Withrespect to quality, what tee atrs mast be considered in selecting a source distance? 1 somos activity, ype of fim, typeof seeeas 1 sue setiviy. eof less of teri sowoe sz, sure actly, specimen dance 4. sonce siz, specimen thickness, geometric tarps 625; F261 125. On araiograph of pipe wel, here sa very ht ‘reply shape sal imagen the weld. ‘Tie Image would most ely be de tthe presence of 2 porosity ® Shgincosion tungsten inclusion inadequate buldop aaswo 126. A lager physical sie source may produce an ‘sualem quality radiograph i 1. the source deans in increased 1 ce backing ead is sed © se lm sed 1 epost te is decreased rasan 127. Align image ofa backing "Bona processed ‘adiogaph is probably case by 1 exesive density bese . ibvolage sto low poor fim haaing com 128, Co) becomes Co60 when itis plein a nucear reac where capt: 4 ancecron B areuron «a prton ¢conamintion 129, Whes a faster sped im is subst fora slower ‘ce inprove ie eoononie of te exponte whch ofthe fllowing conditions occur? the Hm must esive special processing 1 the definition wl mprove the mage solution wil be rede {none of the above wil be experienced 2 130, Fora given change in the radiation expose, im ‘Sonat the are ability to show a diferecein density 1 no graininess praminess 44. no appreciable change in density eas I “Te ability of a material io block or prt Block ‘he page of ays and gama ra scale: penetration 8 Ssolaion abortion ‘laude 26 159, Source sins, spesimen thickness, and soureto- Specnen dite are the thre factors hat determine the 4. density ofthe radiograph 1 exposure ofthe raiogaph © fimsize {uatharpnes recorded on the radiograph 62s 153, The range of specimen thicknesses that canbe Magutly rst on he radopaph called 2 seasivity ofthe radiograph Init of the radoprac accuracy of he adograph 1 intensity a the source aan 1234, Approximately how long woul ite for 8370 GBq QC) Coed source to decay 1093 GBg 25CH" B53 years none of the above AAS DBT; BAS 135, The “photeleti" effet involves 1 the wnblesectrmagneti spectrom B Sieleci camera © complet sbeotion of phon 1 allofthe above p26 136, Radiographic undereting x ese by: sie seater poor geometry lea serene fe cecrons pao Rediographic Testing Method, Level I 13, The developer solution i a sid B Bhatine © saline Colloidal raat 138. general rule governing the aplication of he {oom peneipes of shadow formation sates that he 4 Xeaye should proceed from as large a focal spots ‘her eonseratons willow by tance beeen the radiation source and the ‘aerial examuned shoul be ae smal a peat «ln sald be ae fara posible from he eee being raiogapned 4. conal ray shouldbe as early perpenicular othe fm as possible o preserve spt relationships. ‘N07 129, Te hl life of adiouctive C137 snares a Yédaye Bo yeus Redan Auso:Dat 140-The slope ofthe H&D curve ofa rogram is calle a seed ite © gamma o raion ‘4 Seni ns 141, The project area of he target ofan X-ray tbe ie calle 1 focal spt > fooss effective focal pot geome ues 0 12 Te cores equation for determining geome nabs U8 where source to abject distance 1 jet o-film distance [fo so adation soure Fat Radiographic Testing Method, Level 143, An exposure technique established to obtain 220 retton factor © bocce bremsstrahlung pay R216 High nergy photons of L02 MeV or greater type interact eth mater by which owe of the (alowing? 4. posststie process Compton proses {thermionic process par E214 In which ofthe following proceses wil some eneey tthe tract photon te sed to dislodge the ‘lv from its orbit and the ender sed ove theless Linc energy? 1. phstsre process B, Coan proses € parprducton process 1 foaton proces pas 18, Radiation paicies and photons los thei energy ‘imal dough which of th following proceces? ‘radioactive decay & fonizaton one abortion {thermionic emission bas Imaging by Film 19, Aconding to cepted theory the pst which the Intent image is oclized on te emulsion ae local ‘eacenains a iver autnde 1 siver bromide © aver lode 4 sverniate rus Imaging by Fluorescent Materials 20. The Bunsea-Roscoe recipi lw, whch states that the doveloped ey density depends onl on he prot of raat intensity mes exposure ‘ration, ae fo: 4 direct gamma ry exposures 1 finest sree ponies lead econ exposures 1 dee Sery ponies Fan 21, Inphotofrography where a Muoroscopicseren is hd Tor eadogapic imaging sis importa hone sere that hat ible ight emision hat ‘Seavey high tthe Xray wavelengths wo be used 1 matches the wavelength sensitivity ofthe human oe Rasa minimum decay time «canbe viewed directly without the use of aed 4 Imaices the wavelength snsivity of the fPrtclarmage detector being used aaeae17 22 When comping Auorescet nteniying screens db fead fl seen, her primary advantage 2 improved image resolution B murtedlyieemsed expr times © muvkedly decreased exposure umes 4 reve inset to scattered radiation ca Radiographic Testing Method, Level IIE 23. Fluoroscopy ofa specimen using» 140 Vp 10mA Xray sore resale ina lens of 6R pe mite athe sree surface. Ofte sree ghee values Sd approximate ereen coor below (rhe sate ‘aati lee), which reresens te most desable ‘ren forse niet essing rosso”? a Briphness 938 x (1 fe; cole — green B Brphiness— 85 1 (0.9 fey cole yellow ©. Brghness~7 (065 fe; olor be 4. Brghness— 4618 (043 fe) color~ green A199, 19:13 Imaging by Electronic Devices 24. Unlike other commercially walle X-ray intensfiation ystems, he dec Xray pick wp tbe 2. has quantum energy loses exending factor of 50 Isextemely low sensitivity Siena 4. converts X-rays toligh and ight to letra Sienals sao 25. A fundamen difcly of orescon imaging i the Electonc Muotoscopy can ep to lina this problem hy ll hut nbc oe fhe felloming? 1. sing Xray ebes of ower operaing pote 1 sing an image tbe ins X ay tes of greater ffetve loading 4. sing the ry television system avast Radiometry 26. The mentgen is defined asthe amount of 4 eaitionemited by 1 Ci of F192 aa distance of Tas fn of dry seat sandr vmpertre snd pressure «eK ogamma radiation that wil prodice Telcos unit of age tne of ry eat standard vemperature ad pressure <4 Xeorgamonaadiaion aerbed by Ua of water 10°C (2 "Fh and 101 KPa (760mm of HE) pst 41 Radiographic Testing Method, Level IIL 27. The rad (raion absorbed doses defied ashe amount of 2 radiation nergy ssorbed by I em’ of mata 1 tadation ener) absorbed by 1g of matrl ation ener representing te absorption of {Ou COD ers) ol eneray per ema materia 4 radiation every representing te absorption of TOU HODers) of enerey per fof mater psi 28. The ned forthe concep of he em (oengen eguvalent man) rss fom the fot ha 1 theres no way to accorately measure the production af ons in air by heroongon represents such a small amount of feay aso be cumbersome in calculations used ‘nratiorepy applications «the amount of energy requted to produce anon air in animal ase ills fom the mount of nergy req vo uoduce an on prin ait the rene incorporates the fet of peuton tnd electon radiation ns tat does at Incorporate the effect of Xray animal sue DSL 29, Thora is defined a the quant of ration ‘-ofany pe which, when absorbed by any animal {erodes a psnlogial eter equivalent ‘otha prodoced by the absorption of258 WC (Coeatgen af Xo gen aye by, sieved by Te of animal se maces 0 abyorb 0.1K (np of energy by Lk ‘tania issue 4. Sucre by one gram of animal issue pst Generators and Tubes as an Integrated System 30, Xa generators but provide X-rays avery low ‘ner levee are used in Social rss endesroctve esting." single Seton Xeay fuesin these Tow vlage unite ae wealy bt th thin vinows of whut tril Wo peri so Xa to emerge from th vacuum envslope? a telium Seen aaa Figure ‘Schematic of a Basic X-Ray Circuit Courtesy General Dynamics Corp. a Note: Use Figure in order to answer questions 31-35 Ft 2. 2 . 3 36. . ‘The meter tha ypc shows he beam eueat is peor anos “Te lament tasfomer shown by: ® ‘ “The attansormer is shown by: # vole sletris shown by peer Eo>7 ? timer is shown by: “The beam cuent in an Xay tube serially ependent pon 4. tegetmtriat fumen ong © distance between apd ad eatbode 4 allofte above ‘The focal spot shoud be a small as conditions permis moe bt 4th sharpest posible definition the minut sizeof the unit. the maximum energy density 4 none ofthe above Fs Radiographic Texting Method, Level IE Sources of Electrons 4. a “Te focusing cp ofthe cathode in an Xray tube ats ssa electrostatic lens determining the sz of te ‘lecron beam by: 1, capuring stray clcrons emited by the filament 1 liming te maximo amperage ofthe filament ecg the negative charge onthe glass wal of the ube caused by secondary electrons sete byte arg 4, conoing the electri Feld between the anode nd ttecatode Anaa “The mos commen source of eros in igh: vaceum Xeray bes i ‘4 efletio from he anode thet cathode © the hested ane the tangsen pet ALL FS ‘The mast common technique for releasing electrons in gas Xray tubes 4 efletion rm he gs 1 increasing the Kilovoliage © poitine tn bombardment ofthe cold cathe 4. eting lament he anode of the te Aus ‘The most commonly used cathode type for industrial Xray nbs a coldcathde hot enthoge rong dik eatode 4 sod rectangular eatode Aas “The design and spacing of the electrode an the degree of vacuum te sch hat no ow of electrical ‘hare between he cathode and anode is possible ‘nah 2 lament is ested 1 high-voltage waveform reached 180" © ceuation sytem is operated {none of the above Fo Radiographic Testing Method, Level It Flame —— }— End Turn Fament Cod Secondary Winding ——} |__eguiotenat Rings Steel Tank —3>} on Tube | Primary Winding XRay Tobe Magnetic Focusing Coil Lead Collar ‘Tungsten o Gold Anode Courtesy General Dynamics Corp Figure 5 Electron Accelerating Methods 46 Ina baton eleewons are acckeratd by which of the folowing?| 4, Thetype of Xray generator illsrted in Figue Sis fe emission : & Gngng meget Feld of an AC cecwomapnt © higeeqaeny cleric! wave 4 elecwoutticreertor seclrang magnets 1 fesonntanfonmer generator Ri © Tnearaclerator tank ype nestor 47, Imalinersceertor the electrons ae accelerated E39 bywtchof te following? 44, Theta accelerates electrons tcl path a. hignsrequeney lecsial wave i 1 atzlerang magne © nevtonhombardment io feqpency sey 4 Chmging magnte elds of AC electromagnet magne induce FS aust umoncndcting charging bel “dh watighot she Vande 4 resonating the igh votiage othe equency ofthe high-voltage generator of the Va de Graf tye, AC power Besos ian ty wach method re the artls accelerated? AMIS E310 2 acserating magnets 48, What metod is used for generation ofXaysinihe _ higfequenyeecical waves ‘mulimilion volt range? 1 electrostatic gonertor ® betaton © linea accelerator allot the above rans ste epuve charges 1. more ofthe hove Ra 49, Flash Xray tubes re ull designed to produce lectrons for avseration by which one of the following methoss? htemision fl emission © changing magnetic el ofa wanformer primary 4 hightequeney electrical waves ry ‘Target Materials and Characteristies 50, Tungsten isthe prefered wget mati for Xay tate ed in ndstal Xrsy machines bree provides a double advantage. One of th advantages as the lfceney of the tungsten materi inthe redo of Xas8 proper is tomic ‘hae low meng point Uhecliceny of he tungsten materi inthe progction of Xray is versely proportional 0 een ember its igh crept Fo ‘1, Gold and platinum ae also used ia X-ray tubes for ‘atigrahy, bu ares made ofthese metals mst 4. be mre effectively bested than targets made of Boor fsivey cold han targets made of «beable withstand increasing presse ve low tema condi cum '52, Tungsten is the most commonly sed target materi in Xeey tubes Which oe ofthe flowing ‘macials altbough not common, is commercially tied forts Xray ee wre? a gold ert mayen ca08 5K Theciiency ofthe tage material inthe production ‘of rays is proportional wo 4 Kovotge 1 spacing of electrodes mone umber 6. Avogadro's umber Radiograph Testing Method, ere ITT ‘4. In choosing suitable meta for atuget materi te principal properties to be considered areal but which ne ofthe allowing? 2. high atomic number high meting point hgh thermal conductivity 1. high saporpresare Aus ‘When Xrays are aot mite wi the same intensity inal directions fom he fol sot, hiss called 4. sren eet Bangle of emergence © esl effest, sigma aasas quipment Design Considerations ‘Sh Anam in which te tet eae atthe oto ‘fan opening or "packer" regent used in Indus! Xray ube or improving he dsttaion ‘ofthe high volge Feld. This typeof ane calle rotating anode 1 hotannde 4. ie focus and Anka Ha ST. High-votiage eleostatc generators ofthe Van de (Gra type ae typically insulated with 1. miwogewearor doxie © Eponlxygen 1. ehlocethane aaa ‘Sk, The most sigifcant consideration of Xray tubes, ‘based en he Tow efficiency f Xray production: target ange ora spot size Ret dsp aaa 5%, In choosing a suitable metal fr an X-ray the rzt, ‘which ofthe following snot a property hats ‘rmally considered? meting pin nas attenation coefficient ‘thermal conductiviy Ans Reiographic Testing Method, Level It (60. When the high vole ansformer is connected Srety tthe Xray abe, the arangereat sealed fal rection tinea acelertor anit © saleostifed unit 4 tank ype nit. aaas 61, In X-ray equipment design, sheng placement and the angle of he coverage ofthe Xray beam is nora fnetion of . trgetangle 6 filament &. Xezy tbe por size 4. geometry ofthe fora spot aa igh-vacuu envitcament for Xe tube clement ‘Snoessary fer which ofthe Following? 2 w prevent oxidation ofthe electro materials 1 to pert ea pasage ofthe electon beam Without ization af gas within the abe «to provide lesa ution between he lected 4. lf the above Bas (63, Which of he flowing isthe major factor affecting {Meda eycle of Xray equipment? 2. sting of equipment thickness of specimen tae f anode coking 8: sae foal pot eau Two factors hat imi the elec power that an be sorbed by Xray tubes arth cooling ye se forthe anode aa ae grounding 1 geometrical sie ofthe focal spot © shigh tren eect (he sacuum Between cathode and anode 65, Tae efficiency of Xray productions given by the following expression: Be 1310" ZV. Givens {axgtof tungsten costed coper anda tute volage of SOO, determine the perc efficiency wee Eis ingeront. Element a 88% hydrogen BSU% shim 18 OM copper » Gime tungsten 74 now Radioisotope Sources o. %. Because itis fequemly supplied asa watersolubie ‘compound, which of he folowing i considered Fave atonal radiological hazard potential ‘ocuted with 2 cow bTei70 ee C637 E16 “Tm-110eits which of he following summa ray coe 13 and 117 Me oe sd 1052 Mev © 10nd 0490 MeV 44 00 and 0.450 MeV Baus Wich oe ofthe flowing radiiscope sources woul te he Best choiee fr radiopary ofa see pecinen 9 mm (0.375 in) thick om an energy indy? 2 Co b te70 ols Cras “The aif is wef characteristic of Iadiontope. flee 6 alles, he amount of ‘ecang tome is redoed to approximately what Percent ofthe amount at tbe beginning? 1 Dperent B 3percent . Operent 4 percent pa General, sources of igh specie activity are more ‘sil because ey have el sorption, iter B thesame © lover ry Guo n, a 1 18, 16. 1. Radiation ouput, alto known as dosage rate or arctic intensity. usualy expesod as lective ouput in bat ait per cane? b Rb mk AS6; 6.110 (Co-60 emis gamma ays of 117 and 133 Mev a6 MeV 19 and 129 MeV 13g and2.78 MeV 8 “ aasis ‘The principal gamma rays emit by I 192 ae 066,084, ng 091 MeV 0.31, 047 and 0 60 MeV 008,005, and 0.66 MeV 44 018,112, 4980 TB MeV asa Which of he following isan advantage of raiography with arma rays 35 compared 9X. rast 4 simcity of apparatus I compacts ofthe radiation source independence from oui power 4 Mletibeabove rat Fora paicular asso, source segth is ‘poportoalo which ofthe following? mae of source physical sie ©, ome weight 1 mame fers Aas ‘Which of he allowing is te for smaller atone source of higher specie activi? 1 sues less fom slF absorption os own gama ‘ation bless geometric unsharpmess in the raograph © llons shorter source tom distances 4 aloft above F, gamma ray sources emit which of he following? 2 broad coninuous spectrum of wavelengths 5 limited wavelength Between 0.010 and 4 MeV one orcs dcrete wavcengis 1 tha and rad Reiographic Texting Method, Level IL 7%. OF be isotpes sted Blow, which occurs a he rel iting an tom ina ncenr son fect? C60 heerr © im atm aso Film Principles and Properties 19%. Caution sould be exerisd to avoid removing fm ‘oo pil rom cris expose holier, assets. This would hsp to eliminate abjectionable ‘Sear trek lack marks cased by ® reculaton 4 scratches e Ext fne gran and high-contrast im used to obain thehighest quality fom igh valage Xray gupment ror ipht metal Clas eles It Clase lt Clas 1V aan2s 1. The agent that actully exposes a photographic grin (as 2. amma andor Xray quatum 1 dip pales 4 protons Fas £2, Which ofthe ftlowing i governed by the dance tenveled by the catered clecrons hough the ‘musion and consequently depends onthe energy of the impinging radiations? © raogape const 6 effective grains Ansan a Radiographic Testing Method, Level IIL 40 35 30 25 20 Densit 4s 10 os. 05, Log Relative Exposure Figure 6 10 15 20 25 30 3. Suppose a ratiograh is made sng film whose HED soph is show a Fuge 6. The fit exposed for [2 mA pet minute and has a density of [8 ithe area of ret Its desi oincesee the sens 20. Wht miliamperage pe rinute would Produce sucha change? gas ® 4 imposible to teins rom dts Fst Fluoroscopie Systems 1 Flurosopic secon of snc cadmium sli fnd scetsonal ure in ndutal sppiaion. These ‘Steens nosmaly te not sujet o wear oF eration fom expose to fong tem Xray ‘Whi on ofthe following wil severely degrade this ype screen? 1 leaning ofthe sree with ain soho solvent 1 prolonged storage mow humiity environment Seas he rst to yaar «exposure to avo adation sources contamination with nickel sie one pa pet tlon wl reat severe feglow problems ATeIS.16 48 5. Whenusing constant potenti! X-ray source for Aoorescopcispetion an optimum kilovolage s siden foreach material hicks. Th ‘pina lovolage 1. sekected such tha the par hikes to be X-rayed is haltvale layers independent ofthe materi area or euvatre Sele a anton ofthe permissible Xray tbe ‘ent, wih higher lovohage rue for lower Sled onthe bass of exposure time desire M96 ‘TV and Optical Systems 86, A Beoscopic system fr te inspection of weds in 2Sma (im) thek sel Has he flowing eae Xa souceorimage pane sping of em (i eny foal spot sae of mm (0.15in) cd wei oma pln pci 7mm Gu) mae ple length of 23cm (9 in) in vertical san Aietion of TV sysem usd to view image plane TVstem wih 825 ln scan, with mage Fly ‘eens on image ube During tests itis found tha tis Auoroscopic system imperections of ss han 89 mi (0035 in) wen ey ae oem pale! 6 the harzontl ca ies oftheTV. Assuming thatthe image seen pial Syston, and TV tequeney response are capable of acheter resolution tha hs, which ofthe {loving wil ineesse the esiuion of he system 1 incase the TV sean ate 0 1029 ls, with an fjopit Increase in fequency espns 1 ineeaetheXeay source fo-image plane spacing tostem Qin) «deren the tes wed. imageplne spacing 0 Simm (in) 4. chonge tan Xray source having mm (03 in) Aag26 Other Nonfilm Devices ", 8 ws. In te pas several companies have designed TV 90 camer wth age faceplates and phosphors that ‘decly conve fe mctved Nea toclecton ‘canning-bem aristions ‘he tikaess of th ss faceplate recognized to preven use a lower ‘ovolage applications but sea higher Lovolages hs ever gained acceptance ether, ‘compared wih ater tchmigues. Which he Tolowing snot comes forthe type of system? 1 the quantum energy losses associated with converting the rays to elect spral is Improved over ttersystems by afocor oes 9 ‘much a 50 ies +b. ncomparison to systems using image rhicons tw scees oe wih sage tenses sate, the Image presented isos he exteme simply of his system and eed for {ew conols or ajustments makes mantennce casi than oer types of stems ula 4 the exveme sensitivity ofthis sytem allows Adley of pees pencrameters oer the range ‘of s0.30040p. At92648 9 Solid-State Detectors ‘The obtainable counting speed using a scitlation ue itd andamenally bythe energy level ofthe incident edition ©. mens ofthe incident raiaion Radiographic Tsing Method Level 11 Gaseous Tonization Detectors ‘One desirable property fra gato be wed ina Sontation deter: 2 low saturation potent at which recombination of Pesitive fone with lero comes neggble fom esizaton pote © density aprotmatly equivalent wo the density of the chamber walls dvs culate! wo that of ara standart tempestre sd presie 62 ‘The greats problem which aries inthe routine we ofa pocket dosimeter is 2 is elatvely Mat response ro radiaton of diferent creas sinter inconsistent sesivty ‘eciealTeatage tha tends to dcharge the ‘lestrometer and ive fae igh readings «negative df caused by etange im ampere Conditons temperature, ham te) ‘Asa porableratiation survey insument th sin ‘Shadhanape ofa Giger counters i 2. nonlinear response wih changes radon ergy 1 lrg ie and delist constrain po sensitivity to ow radiation levels 4. rap dit daring he it ew mines of ‘operation An66:B5.28 um» oe “The scinilations (ight photons) emied by a b. fst neon atvies sae ers cave saves nes pepemiete ee intromentaton Sanh! ote 120 0 enamebeare © shina patie Fe 178 Processing ans should be erotically cleaned and Serie. Which he following agents in soliton ‘recommended? 2. sodium hypochlorite ® ascone €. howehod detergent 4 efector ad (ed) 179, The most commonly used ai in preparing top baths ‘oat the development proces Bla cee 4 hyteclorc Film Processing 160. in anal processing, iis nt posible ous stop bh lms shoul be 2 placed inte fxr slusion pla aed nthe fer slain witha Tinie rection n developmen tne ised in ranning water for at east 2 minutes tere fixing 4 ined inranning water fr at east 2 minus with ‘minute educuon in development time before fis “ Fas he pimary reason why visual (ander sfeiht ondions) development of raiopaps sald be 1 ite cific wdc the image with he ight ‘ut provided by asaflight » theapearance of developed but united ‘ogra wil be dfeent in he ded sate eto of the im from the developer wl fee. thedevelopment tine «Milne ad speed affect the appearance of Imager when exposed taste re 18, Retr quai radiographs can be bined when poly dose by manalprocesing eather tan by {uomaic processing but most pressings ‘eformed anomaly boca: ‘manual procesing i time consuming and memati processing produces consistency ite to tesin and Keep mancal processing persone! «.futomite processors are easier o maintain 4 chemical temperatures and solutions ae dic ‘anti in darkrocms where manual processing proctced cist 183. The fonction ofthe developer stp the process aren he emulsion recover iver 4. change exposed silver halide crystals to malic Sher ee» 184, The best method of aresting the development process ‘stoplace he i 1 anacid stp bat 1, Ser sation Sting statin Fas 185, The most important faction of he Rae ist: ‘4 neataize alka from developer 1 emove undeveloped silver salt aeons demi 4. hrden te emulsion Fas 186, Weuing agents re ued primary deterrent for a etiulition 1 changes in densi © water spots fling 9 187 In automatic processing ifthe im emulsion ‘becomes swollen soft or stcky, the result maybe: 1 slowdown ofthe tanspon system and overlap 6 fim sicking ona lie «lm wrapping around aller 4 allot the above 9 adiographic Testing Method, Level IL 18 Mealy afer processing radiograph sould be red sareltive humidity of 1 1Opercent 1 300 30 percent © 701080 perent 4 relative bum sno an important consideration 79 129, tn manual prosesing. the “ascde metho” of ‘tating fm is decrable. Tobe effective the hatty Mow of water should be 1 1-2timesthe volume of the tank 1, water flow ate has no bearing om im washing © 12-16times the volume of he ak 45 tines the volume of the tank F-39 (Supplement F.39);G.184 160, Holding a other parameters constant an inrese in {une of esclpment oa pven fim wl eatin ‘harcore Carve showing 1 increase contrast and increased sped 1 incest cont and decreased seed © deremed cont and increased speed 1. decreed conta and decreed speed Anat Muminator Requirements 1S1, Which o the ftloming sno a requirement fr ‘laminator sed inthe interpretation of radiographs? 1 light source of suficen intensiy Wo view the tres of interest of the aioeaph ty uficint matting fo avon gar fom the edges of theradiogaph «a Toot-operated ON-OFF switch 4 none of the above Fe For the routine viewing of high-density im, a ighntniyllominaor with an ajstable ight force shold be used. Sacha viewer should allow ‘ewig of dente a east up aoa ‘Radiographic Testing Method, Level IE 183, Whe viewing radiographs the fm viewer shoal Provide lghof an intensity thar is evenly disebuted ‘ith n adjustment to vary the intensity. Inaiton, Them weer should have: 2. viewing surface at 90-degree angle ©. fren bale © adfsing medium 11 a igh green coor Aas2 ‘To preven damage ons, which ofthe following should be provided when viewing radiographs? a: masks or screens foot swich het er opal glass 252 Background Lighting 195. The conirast ses of the human eye is pretest hen he surroundings compared tothe area of ines ona adograph have 1 about the same bihiness Blower bogies a higher brihiess 4 behest factor in contrast Sensitivity ‘x01 For best ont sensitivity, the fim viewing room should have ping 2 asda ss possible 1 sponse 38 im © aprons 70m 11 Slit athe aen of itrest inthe im being reviewed cx B73 1097, When evewing ln, background ligtng shold be viral eliminated 1 morsel on the film under examination ¢, becarfllyfitered {180 Sppeoeimately 20 im CEM 9 Optical Aids 198. Asteeescope ia device hat: 2 projet the contents ofa pai of tereraographs ‘Sh ascieen ging Spat resolution nications inthe radhgraps pois each eye tose oaly one ofa pairof ‘Serenatiographs «by exposing two lm castes simalancously fiom ferent angles, enables the proton of radiceraphs 4 allows atcarate measurement ofthe sit of an image nase of sereradioprphs made forthe purpose of pulse nana Judging Radiographic Quality Density 199, The deasiy of ny eadopapi image i primarily dependent up: «the ilbvotage ofthe source of radiation 1 the smount of ition absorbed bythe emulsion ofthe fm « botha and 4 iter snob ans 200 Inde ph of intensity of 22 x 200 fe om an ‘ea ofiim of 13 deny transmits an nent of ef Re. Whar the itn tans {he are of the film measring 23 density? 2 S4bGte b.Sate(05 te) © 11n te) 11101 Re) Aan3i32 Contrast 201. The reltionsip betwen im exposure and he resulting im density of ay parca Mm is 1 the ansharpnss hem contrat the sabject contrat none ofthe shove 202. Ashe hlovlage is increased, the sbjet coast: 1 dereses remains the same 1 tnoesss dirty with amm3s 203. Radogrphic image uaity may be aversly fected by por subject conta his may be caused by: 2 insficint boi differences inthe specimen excessive radian energy forthe appeston aloft above 66 204. The in conta for the specimens being rdiogaped may be determined fom 4 the size of fm 1 the dation quai the slope ofthe characteristic crv forthe im 1 allotthe bove ¥6 205. Which ofthe ftloming is independent, for moet Practical purposes, ofthe wavelength and ston [tthe adatom reaching heim? 2. subject contrast radiographic contrast, © film contrast 4 definition or Definition 206. By increasing the source om distance in given expose the image sharps increased 1 decreased © otf 4 decreased by a negligible amount 2021; 7.1920 ‘What the ffs of the canto radiograph ‘then the pyc eof arma source increased without changing any ee exposure fet? 4 semsiviy and geometric unsharpress are Increted ', geometric sharpness and definkon ae inresed © Byialscure size des ne let sensi 4. feomeric sharpness is nceased and sensitivity is Aecensed A207; F1920 Radiographic Texting Method, Level IL 28. The image sharpness of an object maybe affected by 2. ypeof im bye of screen ration guaity 1 allo te shove 66 20), When a ead screen radiograph ofan objet shows 3 poorly defined image of he objet, one couse of {eon comet th maybe 1. change toa course ran fils 1. asean Xray tate of ger focal pot 6, increase source dance 4 Ghange to Muorescentsreene Fass Artifacts 210. Dating the landing of 6m canst the ead fi! screens ae scratched. The vesuluagadhograph ‘ould shove 2 nochange since dee scratches ae not elated 10 the fl broad fz ight ines omesponding tthe rahe «defined dark lines conesponing to dsp sertches ‘random i inieation doe to sester eased by ‘ert BY 21, Deep scratches ia ead serene resin dark ines on the adiogaph, These ae due wo los of sorbing characteristic ofthe ea fit resulting in mre of he Xa souree reaching the fm by the crach suing ina geste surface sea of Tea, causing larger electron emission aes which sets pore of th fin irgap betwen he dep serach nd film 4 none fhe above 39 (Fig.27) 212, The appearance of eolred stains on a processed ‘aiograp could be caused by ‘neutralization ofthe aid the fr solution 1, neaalzatin ofthe alkaline conten inthe ver ‘olin 2. sidileation ofthe fier soliton 4 nderdevlopment eo ‘Radiographic Testing Method, Leel It 213. Prolonged washing of min wae above 20°C (68 Tyas atendene 2 expt the gelatin soften te gla cause yellow sain cts he image fade re» 214. When using lea ol intensifying screens, radiographic images a ign: fuzzy 4 of oil orgrease on he screens 1 hatin ting assed om the scons ©. of poor screen fim cont {of reg material betwoun the sree and the lin or 215. A mote ratigrah can be caused by 1 not removing the paper inerieaving before the bung come ead screens Xia dracon ets 4 allo the above Pasa Image Quality Indicators Given = 9 JTa7S where “r= material hcknese (inches) T= penevameter thickness inches) 2h Sexe ole ameter che) ‘0 = equivalent sensi (persen) 216, Using the forma given above, cleats he quien seni ofan ASTM #20 penerameer Sowing the 2T hle ona 32m (1.25 thick scien 4. 20percent 3 Lepercent © lspercent La percent cen 217. Using the forma given above, eleulate the spccnen dicks he equivalent sensitivity is Pe percent based on secing the ST hale ia ‘ASIM a0 penewameter, a. Mmm (135i) 8 g0mm GiTin) ©: &mm@.56in) 4 5smmQ7in) 218. The DIN ype penewameteris which typeof image gai indiestr? a pau type 8 asepped pe © awite ope 4 sane imaging ype 9 Causes and Correction of Unsatisfactory Radiographs 219. Omission ofthe stop bah oe sing ofthe im may streaking ofthe fim 1 elow staining ofthe lm 6. fogging of he im felling ofthe emulsion Faso 220. tnautomatcprocesing, poor drying of film canbe sted to which th following if the dying {enpestre an ication nthe dying secon ine found be acepable?” a. unceneplenishment of the xe slaion B infguan ase ofthe processor rol alignment the wash section ovedevelopmert, ast 21. In atmatc processing, streaks onthe il can be itd 2 ng interval etwcenfeodig of ins blogged developer eiclation tem diy deer tubes 4 alla the above Fast 222. A milky apeaing fixe solution could be causes by: theta being 100 warm or exhansed 1 sudden change in temperature © useof acarbonate developer 1 seo ine grind fi . Exposure Calculations 223. fan exposure time of 1 minute was acess wing 2 1.8m (61) soucet-m ditace Fors particular increasing the kovotage © decreasing the milmpersge 1 increasing the mulhanperage re im Techniques 23. The primary purpose of wsng wo or more ls of unequal speed inthe same caste 1 4. eliminate retakes due incorrect exposure tine B eliminate rakes de oars on heim © covers wide range of hicks one expose 6 reduce the seater ote eal mage Bass 232 When to diferent fis re elated for a mali technique thei speeds mut be ach that on their ‘Saracens carves 2 there sme overap onthe dest ais B. theres ao evel on the density ane there i some overlap on the fog Eas * i) ‘Radiographic Testing Method, Level It 233. Ifthe thiskness range ofa pcm soo great for ‘ingle exposure, aula tecgue maybe uid. few fils of ciferem spods are seleted for this ‘ramped log tla exposure range for these ‘vo im 4 the dierence in og exposure between the ale at the high-density end ofthe faster ln aad the low ‘emily end of slower fm curve ' thediference nog exposre between the ale at the lowest emf th faster lm ad the igh easy end ofthe slower film « thedileence inlog exposure between the vale at the low-density end f the stomer fm a the Iighsdeetyend of the astern 4. thedileence nog exposure Between he vale at the high-Senty endothe slower fim and he low-density ead he faster im Ex» ‘Stereoradiography 24 Selo the one advange ereraonraps have over ‘ns podiced by paras method. 1 they permit comet spatial elaon 1 they ose expensive viewing devices they requ special eaing gases 1 they ose two le nana A stp by which an rangement of pesmi mimos permit cach ee to sce bat angle one of 8 pair of adopts is known 2 sroboradiography parla aopapy © Heroraiogaphy 4 sstondioarnty F.106 Triangulation Methods 246 Using the paralias metho for tiangulation wit be Fi eostact wih tees and sifting he source ‘tual detane in wo detions rom sina fost forlcaon of flaw, revealed tat the Mw st sles than Hl th hit ofthe source side marker, The flaw i 4. caer the lm plane 1 earer the sour side Gate sure side face 4. onthe im side surface Fs 237. discomtinity was found by radiography in a ‘Temm(3 im) hick weld, The souree fn Aistanc was Stem (20in). A second exposure was ‘ae nih tho source sted 102mm (4) pall {Orth Hn plane, Iwas acted tha the conn Image moved 16 mm (0625) a compared ith the original exposure, Determine the dance othe fw afove he im, 4. 82mm 32410) bszmm(125in) © mm 270m) Tm (037 in) Fao Flash Radiography 238, Radiowaphy performed using higitenstyX-ay teams wth microsecond exposures 4. mictoraiography i aueradogtnby © stohoradopraphy Bab raliogrphy ns B28 Fluoroscopy 239, The optimum magnification to obtain optimum image Claniyina dynam Mooroscopi stem is eterno sng the equation M, = 1+ (U7F), For Soytem with screen onsharpnss of 0S mm (6.0250) and 3.7 vr (0.03) ol spot. determine the optimum geometric magfistion, 20 bie © 16 426 G50 240, One ofthe main disadvantages of fuoroseopic stems he 4 exesve operator taining require 1 hgh ngs ighoee on tn © flaw imag ealargsmen ima aby see fine dtl Gu 261, Whichone of he allowing is nota common method of viewing aloroscopic mage? 4 taugh phosphor ose lead as secon minor projection ofthe image seg of at imaging otcon 1. through acacia asta Screen e150 Electron Emission Radiography 242. Elecwon eaography is pearly wed for radiography of 4 high atomic number) mates thm metalic Specimens © ve thin nontalc specimens A Combination of phan ow atomic umber materials ray 243. An clecron emission radiograph shows sie ‘eas ony in his ogre sina 1. amacrradigraph © tmiroradiopah a potomicroraph A tomoeesy F120 244. The principle of ele emision radiography i thet on iste sbsortion Sitaction aasd by crystalline rte Sifeencs in lecon emission fom ania Rgher atomic number materials ‘erences nit dens eased by the ‘ieenial penetrating ability ofthe various fenorgy electrons F120 Microradiography 248. Which one ofthe allowing is nota commonly cepted eof miroradogrpay” 1 determination fsegrepaton of consents in thin allay sections by detection of mist discontintes ©. say of tologiea sections 4 ty ery sctre rae 246. Xray devices wed in microradiopraphy typialy ‘pete pena o a sony wb toony © 1S0kV tony Fae Radiographic Tsing Method, Level ME Centrol of Diffraction Effects 247 Fes an erent are devices used by radiographers to contol difaction elects If spurious intone epee nthe Uinished radiograph nd aieacton Sttpect wha technique aids or cectons canbe male wo he technique wo eliminate spect dilation pers? tise te Kilvolage Tower the ilowliags hang the adation cemter 127 mm (Sin) frm 4. change the class and type of film used from ype 1 ore? 0 248 X-ray difacton pattems appearing in a aogrph {re lypieily observed inthe radiography 4 thick castings at rer than 1 MeV thin mea spesmens with lage pain sie thin metalic specimens wi ne pra sve {thick metalic specimens with fw atomic number a Aan2s 288, The raopraphic aprsarance of ifraction aterm is Imoted and may be confused wih which one af the Faloeing sto ndetions? > Oxia or bar hog © poosty or bast 4 fsrans or porosiy ana 251, A meod for distinguishing beeen diiaction ‘molly and oer eases of mating 6" 4. eoxpse the film sing a much ower expose ‘pete 1 change the ange of incidence fhe Beam by 1.5 degrees and expose «lower the lovllage and reeapose 1 reonpore withow grng lead sreens Aanas Geging 251 In rote thickness aging stp using gammy seuces which one of te fllowing ration ‘econ ie most commonly wed? 4 amhracen crystal ¥ loicaton chamber © sadium did crystal Geiger Maller ate ana Radiographic Testing Method, Level 11 282, Of the folowing, which gaging aplication is most, ‘sable forusing gamma aye? 1 cigaete density gaging 1 thickness gaging of thi ol such condenser pares paper hikes gage 1 Tiguid density ease aan21 Real-time Imaging 253. Ina stem using abigh resolution seren and fon- Hight Teel TV, rea te imaging ost conducted fon 13m (05 in telat 20 fpm. The mten sharps ust be eld to 0. mm (0.008 in) Sourcevo-objst tance = lcm (16m) and foal Spotis 0 mm (0.03 in). Using the formal Dec, determine the wid ofthe radiation eam Ine dreton of motion, 16cm (64in) & stmmG2in) © mm Sin) 4 25imm (lin) Gast 254. comparing electronic image intensifier sytess thar se TV presentation with hse using Sli sae screen anhigh sensi closed creo TV systems, which fhe following Satoment is false? 4 the overall ui of an image intensifier TV ombination ually exceeds that ofthe srcewTTV ‘combinations + the overall salon ofthe itensife/TV ‘combination stall excseds that ofthe sxeew TV «Sete are of he viewed screen creases for iter, the overall system gain rust lo increase 4. the sage ctl scintillating sree nd th ne (pin ascent serene have Beer resolution ‘han the electronic mage nese tbes but ‘much lower igh oupat 939 mage-Object Relationships 25S Using seometic enlargement pipes, determine the mage sive ithe objets 13cm (6a) in ‘ameter he source o-ilm distance 9 cm (Gon), andthe source to-objet distance 16cm Going 2 Wemc2iny b Bemtsin) © 37em(s4in) 44 25em(10.m) rw 256. The focal pot should be as smal a possible, because ther ia definite relationship Hetwen he fo spot sive ant ‘adigraphic contrast tot radiation outpat ‘objet const Fadlgraphiedefinion rat 251. Whichofthe following influences the amount of ‘adiaton that falls onthe recording pane nthe ‘obra eon ofthe image? 4 the hickness characteristics ofthe test specimen 1 tho angl of te icon ation © thee ofthe recoding plane fhe tuckneaof the vocrdng plane Gat “Material Processing 258, A comequece of nsf hes r the presence of {Salen te fusion foe ofthe weld evel may he 1 incarmpltepeoewation fy rootconesey cntsie rot enforcement 4 tak of ion Aas 259. A wo made with an excessive number of pases oF ‘adequate speed of wel could rst 1 root concaity ® onidsion exci rot reinforcement 1 Sncomplee pence Aanai iscontinuities: Their Causes and Effects 260, telsthat contain more thas 030 percent carbon if Welded ar prone o which ype of discon)? 4. teat ne cracking © Boot hasion ag frmation “ eat Adoni in welds caused by gas entrapment in the men meal moist, improper cleaning or Tack o preheat calle 1 dose B lal of penenaton © pons, 4 Sag incasion B76 262. A discontinuity consisting fone or several paral ese eased by the intra apr or east of Imei whl nthe ht semlasic sate icae 1 ack of fasion tear © unis chalet 4 hot erck Bo ‘Crack or fractares formed in a cating prior t0 completion of sliiicaton teense of restricted Station is inde of 2 hinkage cavity hours cod shat G30 {A iacoinsity that may be he esl of improper ‘Dosring temperate oly composition i Indie of 1 snlageporsiy © dpsed dacontinates 4 nce ehaplee cur 265. A discontinlty caused by a3 leased daring ‘olifeton or bythe evaporation of motte or ‘olatle mate om dhe mol surface i ndative 1. mieoninge by shrinkage pres © aninchsion| 4 easporsty oun 266, Fall of the metal oil the mo avy ths reatng casting that snot complete, 1 score shift sal abut 4 tactes G09 261. dete discontinuity that exis because of Inpertect fasion of stems of metal hat Have converged by scold shut © rata 4 bck 7-10; 6.309 Radiographic Testing Method, Level It 264, Voisin a casting cased by inadequate fecing to compensate forthe voumeic shina that occurs ‘uring slicaton ae 4 shrinkage cavities shite © hota Howtos ca 20, Pals of orsign material sich 8 san slag that sc embeded in the ast mele a gashoes buckles rata 4 inlasions G30 Radiographic Appearance of Discontinuities 270 An indication o a easing radiograph that pears 3s ‘iti dar nes ora hand of aril length and ‘wih, with definite smoot oie nde of 1 strinkage Seren ald sate teas Gas ‘Vota ae realy cognizable as smh, dark, round or ova-staped spots with atograptic contrat ‘aging dey with heir lame are 2 esposity by shrinkage porosiy &. seaegaion core sing cur 272, An uneven wall icknes in an internal passage of 2 ‘tng a viewed ina radiograph Ida of b. segesation © anise chaplts case 273 an longated dark area of virying length and width that seer cootinoous intermittent appears the ‘enter of aradiopap of «weldment ic indie, racks 1 incomplete penetration ©. inclastons 4 abiakage cus Radlographe Testing Method Level 174 Indications on araiograph tat ppear as dark, ged lns of vaable wis ad numerous trafches with no definite in of connate Indicative of 1 cold eracks 1 cold ss © ot tear cone shiing east 275. Ak tine of varying wid onaratigraph hat folows the edge of te fusion zoe ofa welds indicative 4 undercating incomplete fusion © post 1 Soonkape Gass 296. An indication sppering ona raiograph sa dark, longed sce of varying length or wis oat at the cemer af a weld would probably be classified as 2. aligned prosiy 6, ag ine © wagon racks 4: lak ol penton 7-36 277. An oval cular dk spt with smooth edges ppearng onthe radiograph woud mos robably be india of 4. bun trv ctr enck pore 4 ek of fasion E746 278 Anintemiten of comtindoas dark ine found athe Edge othe weld grove or bevel would probably be ‘asf aligned pros 5 sag ine & tot concanty Aas4 279. Asarow, dark ine waving in iregulr directions ‘oud generally indeste the presence of a acrack Bag ine aligned porosity 4 Isc of fanon| ase 280. Aver thin sight darlin, either continu oF fnvrmiuent located parle! and normally on one ‘ide ofa weld would be india of 4 stagincsion .aliged porosity lao of fos pax 28 Indicaions appearing singly o& as luster of small Tigh ssn 8 GTA weld would mest probably be ested 4 weld pater ', nonmetal incon © tungsten nelson gases pan 282. The tem used to serie the eduction in th ase ‘metal hickness where te ls wel bead i sed Ae sudace called 1 convexity andre © lack fasion B36 283. tem wed to describe the oxides and othe sie whichare shown raligrapiclly as elongated or Founded ocson a ag B porsiy 2 met om kes Bae RETO ATO TED NAMEN TR ATR TENE TH ABN SENN AE SS Level III Answers Radiographic Testing Method 39. b me ls, 40. ¢ 8. b 116. 41 b 9. € 117. 42. a 80. a 118. 2. b ale 119, 44. b 82. b 120. 45. a BB. € 121 46. b ie 122. 47. a 85. a 123. 48. 1. d 124, 4b 4 125, 50. a 18 € 126, Sl. b 89. a 127. 52. a 90. a 128. 53. € oe 129. 34. 2 a 130, 55. ¢ 3. a BI. 56. € 4. a 132. 57. b 95. b 133. 58. @ 96. b 134. 3. od 135. 60. ¢ Boe 136. 61. b 9 © 137. od 100: 138. 63. ¢ 1d 139, 64. b 102. d 140. 65. b 103. ¢ 141 66. d 104. a 142. 67. b 105. b 143. 68. 6. b 14a. 0. a 107. d 145. 70. ¢ 108. ¢ 146. na 1. © M47, Ra 110. b 148 Bb iL b 149, 4. da 12. b 150. 75. d 13. d ISL. 76. d 114. 152, Radiographic Tsing Method, Level IIL Pearoh eo nean enn ce RARE ones Tee ANSE oe Kadiogrophie Testing Method, Level 11 153. 154. 155. 156. 157 158. 159, 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. m. 172. 173. 174, 175. 176. 17 178 179. 180. 181 182, 183 184, 185. ve anonehracenageeoAEBABAroOArAron 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191 192. 193. 194, 195. 196. 197, 198, 199. 200. 201, 202 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211 212. 213. 214, 215. 216. 217. 218 earancronnearonacen erase ones ar ae 219. 220, 221. 222. 223. 225. 226. 28. 229. 230. 231. 232 233, 234, 235. 236, 237. 238. 239, 241. 242. 243, 245. 246. 247, 248, 249. 250. 251. SOR TE Pann HARTA EHR SON TART ATH ThA 252. 253 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 261. 262. 263 264, 265. 266. 267, 268. 269, 270. 271 272. 273 274, 215. 276. 277. 278, 279. 280. 281 282. 283. wonenonarncesnasorarcanoasanone Sample Specification Radiographic Testing Method 10 Seope: 40 Radiation Source: ‘Ts specication sto be wed forthe radiographic 2X or gamma raiaton-a specifi in Table xamation of but els in to Stu (028 0 2) tek ple 30 Film: 2.0 Matertat: “Type Il Fine gai) or ener Carbon see! 30 Surface Requirements: Prepared mechanically to eliminate surface Imegularies whose image could inerfere with proper ‘Table | Ta Tins Voge acd — TRE) Coe Tipe isin Pam ake 13 TBC @Snomamein) © vemetsr asm 2Mey a mg dvoeD) ener Smmusinm(iSnw2iny —_¢Mev__377G9(K0C) 37 ToqU0CD 60 Tedniue 4 Sea nr 3m "srs (0.06 in) thick lead eter “Batch torte back fhe caste 65. Pesevameter the aplicsble penetrate hall tetted on the nominal sing wall ickness ls reinforcement selected rm Ta {61 Singe wall utilizing single or double film oing of ashe attogrghs. 62. FilmFocal Distance a minimum of 6. an (Qin FED shal be maintsined, (63. Screens: esd imensfeaton serene shuld be ‘sed for all exposures. Table II ominal Sng Wal ‘Matera Thicket mm Peveramcer Thickness _ Essent Hole __Dismaer Upiworm (035 ny 7 Omm ODT) aT OST men (HER) 695mm (02503819) 1 025mm(oorimy = 7T— Ost mm O02) 9513 mm (3805.9) OS mm@ozay Fost mm Darsin. Over -16mm(05-065m) 1S RR mm(OO1Sin) «>TO mm (003in) OverI6 19mm 06075) 17a mmUOITin) AT 8mm RS Over19.22mm(07509in) «20ST mmiaDin) §— 2A @Kin) (Over 2225 me (09418) 25 O6tmm(omsiny — FAS mm OSIM Over28-32 mm (1-1.28ia) 30 OT6mm Onn) ZFS mm DHA) Over32-38 mm (125-15in) 35H mm(ONISiny TAB (OTIn ‘Over3851 mm 1528) Imma ny 22mm (00nd OverS1-64mm 2258) 43 Lim ootsiay —_2t 2.3mm 08a) n ‘adioraphic Testing Method, Sample Specification 66 PenevameterPacement source side of object, being examined 32mm (0.13) 19 19 mm (075m) fom oe of weld at the exits 67. Shims’ required o have the sue nominal thickness under the penetrameter, as the tl thcktess ofthe wed pls reinforcement of backing sips. Backing sips of bars re nto Ne considered as prt a he weld or ‘enforcement for determination of penetrameter Single film viewing 201038 Double lm viewing 2.61038 ‘The density ofthe adogrph shal nt vay by more than minus 15 percent plus 30 percent rr the ‘easy trough he body of the penameter 8.0 Sensitivity: ‘The essential hoe 27) and the image of the pencrameter Shall be visible 9.0 Film Processing: Manual rauomascprocesing is acceptable 10.0 Acceptance Criteria: 1041 Allwelds ad adjacent base materi shall be fee ot Rercke incomplete penetration incomplete fasion Shag inclusions in 15 m Gin of length wat ck {to 13 mm (025 10 05 in) inctusions ‘xceding 3mm (0.13) 131025 mm (03 10 | in) —inclasions exceding 6 mm (0.25) SteStmm (1 2in) inclusions ‘exceding 10mm (03 in.) 8 & D E, bunthough porosity ~in 15cm (6in) of lnphin excess a it thick $10 13 mm (025 108i) —4)006.0m 2 mm (0.06 in) 134028 mm (0.310 Lin) (4) 2mm {006 i) (2) 2mm 0.09) 5Sto8l mm (1192 in) (4) 3mm (013i) n Sample Specification Questions Radiographic Testing Method Using the Sample Specifiation located on pages 71.72, 4 ‘answer the remaining questions. (References listed ‘ertain to paragraphs in he sample spetfiations) 1. A13am Sin) stainless ste! plate wold wi 5 mm (0.125 in) ote enforcement round Mash ‘on he ack side was raiogaghed. Which of the Tolowing woul be sccelable according tothe speciation? 4. 25DKV-91 om 36in) FFD—#10 pencirameter B10 Gi ieidEot em Qtin) FED ew OD EV“61 cm 24) FFD ~#10 penetrance {none of the shove Para. 67 2. The following parameters were wed when ‘tiograping 222 me (088i) hick pa wed ‘vith 3m (0.13 in) einfcement on the ont and 6 Tooke Source 100 C1192 Serens 0010 78 FED~ 61mm Q4in) —Penerameter~ #20 Film Clase Shim" mm (0250n) “This tecniqu relative tothe specification woukd real a. an arceptaleadogranh 1. anexcessive amount of shares © at unaceepaberaogaph 4. radiograph showing poor conrast, Para. 80 Based onthe specification requirements, determine the sidequacy ofthe flowing technignes 3. AL mm (1.6 in thick plate weld, wih 32m thick bcking bar sto be adiogranbod Select the oper conan of paroles, 2 400 LV ~6 rm 24) FFD = #95 penctrameter 1006 -192~ teem Din) FFD #80 penrameter , IMeV"= 72 in, FFD 40 penerameter .25C\Co0-S1cm@0in) FFD 125 peneraneter Tablet B From te preceding question, what woul be the ‘eoommended shi chess? 2 Bam OSin) 6mm (025in) © 10mm (38) @ 3mm (013i) ‘The density Urouph the ponetramet LE QIED double viewing) Which of te flowing ‘readings or statment x Comet forth exporre? 4.18310 207 (HAD) tough area of interest 1440216 H&D) trough aes of inert © unaccepable techgue 1 dole viewing fm required Para 70 ‘The following discomintes wer noted onthe radiograph of $1 mm i) hick carbon set plate Slag (3) 3 um (0.13 i.) 2) 6 mm (025 in), (0) TT (0.84 n, Proity (3a (13) Which of the following snements would constiute ‘he appropiate method of dspiion of hee condone? 1 scept 1 remove (4)3 mm (0.13 in) indications, rep, and reewpose emove the 11 mm (044 in) slag inclusion, repair ‘eld and reeapose 4. remove the (3) 3mm (0.13 in) porosity and (2) $Shmm (13) lagen repr Wel, sed ayo Para. 10, te 15 (H&D), which of the following statment ‘would be correc fr his ecigue an single! Sewing? 4 minimum deasiy 2.98, maximum densiy 435, minima density 2.98, maim densty 3.80 © minimum density 245, Maximum density 3 80 {none of the above Para.70 Level III Answers Radiographic Testing Method Be 4 c ob 5, 6 ¢

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