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The Aztec Empire was an empire that ruled from the 12 century.

The aztec empire

was based in the valley of mexico with high elevation in the near mountains they unified
themselves in the valley. First was the family unit, as a basic structure of society. The
government was built up from there. Second in line was the The Calpulli, Families couldn't own
land they to form a group called calpulli. The Calpulli had leaders and these leaders formed
another council called city council. City leaders ruled the city The leader was known as the
Huey Tlatcani.Huey Tlatcani was worshipped like a god, his rule was supported not only by the
city council, but also the priests, judges, governors, and a host of other officials.Ancient Aztec
religion was focused on how the gods, humans and nature were interconnected. There was a
strong emphasis on the worship of Huitzilopochtli, (Hummingbird of the South) was the warrior
sun (either the sun god or the one who fights for the sun god. Every 52 years, the people were
terrified that the world would end, people all over the empire would destroy their furniture and
precious belongings and go into mourning. When the constellation of the Pleiades appeared, the
people would be assured that they were safe for another 52 years. The world in ancient Aztec
religion was divided up into 4 quadrants, and the center - their city Tenochtitln. Prophecies was
also a part of the aztec empire many scholars believe that Hernan cortes was their god hero who
had been banished.
As early as 600 AD, languages known as Nahuatl were spoken by peoples in the area. It is
believed that these language speakers came from the north in waves, settling in central Mexico.
Speakers of languages such as Nahuatl began to gain power and became the dominate power.
One of the last Nahuatl speaking groups who came to the area was the Mexica, which would
become a powerful force in the founding of the Aztec empire. Some legend tells us the first
building constructed in Tenochtitlan was the temple honoring the Aztec god Huitzilopochtli,
Tenochtitlan was well built , and its aqueducts, roads, canals, and buildings were constructed by
highly skilled people. The aztec used limestone rocks and adobe bricks in their construction.
Houses had inner courtyards and were painted white. The artist carved the Aztec calendar stone
in 1479. Naturally, it was dedicated to the sun god. It was a massive carving, 3 feet thick,
almost 12 feet across, and weighing almost 25 tones (22.5 tonnes). It was carved from basalt - a
solidified lava, this being an area where volcanos were common. The famous calendar stone is a
smart combination of artistry and geometry. It shows how good the Aztec understands the
perception of time and space as wheels within wheels.
In the aztec empire parents would be responsible for their children education. The dad teaches
the son and the mom teaches the daughter. Work might break up the family in case the father
might trave or sent into battle, An Aztec society family was ruled in many ways by religion,
tradition, and structure. Life was ruled by fate - from beginning to end your family life,
occupation, and your success depended on the important event that happened in your life and the
structure of the universe and the nature of the gods. much as it has been in societies around the
world for all of history.The Aztecs traded everything, and it was an important part of their life,
and their economy relied heavily on agriculture and farming. Aztec Farmers grew beans, squash,
avocados, tobacco, hemp, and peppers but the most important crop was corn. In spite of their
primitive ways and farming tools, Aztec farmers produced enough food to supply not only their
own needs, but also those of the entire city, and this played a pivotal role in the economy and
trade of the Aztec civilisations.

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