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5 Fatal Flaws of
Gender Theory
Gender theory is anti-reality and
By Glenn Stanton Posted 3/18/17 at 6:01 AM

The Creation of Eve, attr. to Raphael Coxie, c. 1605

Our parents wisely told us: If youre gonna lie, youd better have a good memory!

Its not just advice. Its a warning.

Those who bend the truth will get caught in a contradiction. This is exactly whats happening
with todays gender theorists who want us to be believe that our maleness or femaleness are
mere imaginary constructs our culture forces upon us. It is not only contrary to reality, but is
actually anti-reality, thus its internal contradictions are readily evident. There are ve
dramatic inconsistencies they must answer for.

Fatal Flaw #1: Gender is a Spectrum

One of the most basic tenets of gender theory is that human genders are like the hues of a
rainbow, seamlessly blending from one to another and that all of us t in dierent places
along that spectrum. At the two extreme ends, you have male and female and in between
you have a vast array of diversity.

But its not true in reality, is it? You pay attention when youre out and about in the
community. How many other genders of the spectrum have you ever seen? How many are in
your parish, school or workplace? Im betting its only two dierent types.

When I speak on this topic on college campuses, I ask the males and females to raise their
hands individually. I then ask those who some other gender to raise their hands. Only on
secular campuses do I see hands raised on this one. Of course, this excites me because its an
opportunity to learn, to nally see one of these other genders we hear so much about. So, of
course I ask them to come meet me afterward and let me learn their story. They always turn
out to be some variation of male or female not a new or dierent gender at all.

Even cultural anthropologists dont experience, or have names for, any other genders outside
the binary norm of male or female. This leads us to the second inconsistency.

Fatal Flaw#2: Binary is Bad (Butthe G L B and T are Built on It)

If gender theory were a religion, the worst demon all the new believers must immediately be
exorcised of is the lie that gender is binary, the root of all evil. This belief is their at-earth
equivalent. But they dont appreciate that explaining and understanding their highest state,
the LGBTthing, is established completely on a binary system.

L - What does it mean to be a lesbian? Its being a woman who is attracted to other women. A
lesbian is not a man or any other gender, and she is not attracted to men or any additional
gender. There are no other genders that she is not attracted to. Its a binary system.

G - What about being gay? It means one is a man and only a man who is attracted to other
men. He is not attracted to women or any additional gender. Binary.

B - What does it mean to be bisexual? This is an easy one right? Bi. Bicycle, binocular, biped,
bifocal, biracial ... andbinary. It is not merely an unfortunate coincidence that bisexual and
binary share the same prex. Bisexual requires the binary. No matter how long the string of
letters gets here and it can get crazy longthere are no letters describing any of the other
supposed genders of the rainbow. This is a damning problem for them in keeping their story
straight and they dont even seem to notice.

T - What does it mean to be transgender? This is not a category of ones sexual interests. Its
the gender one identies with in relation to the one some narrow-minded, robotic medical
professional assigned them at birth.

But what about the prex: Trans? Transcontinental, transatlantic, translate, transmit,
transport, etc. Trans means going from this to that, from here to there. The gender
theory nomenclature itself reveals the binary nature of this. Trans people identify themselves
as either MTF (male-to-female) or FTM (female-to-male). You will have a hard time nding
any other options. Just like the L, G and B, Trans is binary.

Fatal Flaw #3: Gender is Not Naturally Determined ... Unless You're Trans

The second original sin the good student of gender theory students must free themselves
from is that gender is natural and objective. It is not. You act male or female merely because
your culture dictates that you must look and act according their denition of what a male or
female is. Enlightenment consists of overcoming this construct.

Thus, as good discerning students trying to understand what gender theorists are teaching us,
we must raise our hand and ask how all the diverse cultures of the world have at all times
happened to construct the same two sexes in the generally same ways and no others? Our
professors wont have an answer.

This fact should reveal another great inconsistency. Consider what the director of GLAAD's
transgender media oce said about BruceJenners infamous metamorphosis: The world can
now see what Caitlyn Jenner has always known, that she is and always has been a
woman.And what did Jenner trans to? A terribly stereotypical social construct of the
sexually objectied female form.

How can it be true that your male or femaleness has nothing naturally substantive to it
whatsoever, but for the transgender individual, their self-proclaimed male or femaleness is
absolutely, incontestably and irrevocably who they are, so much so that anyone who doesnt
recognize it will be severely punished.

Fatal Flaw #4: Androgyny is Natural

Androgyny is naturally occurring, according to the theory a part of the supposed rainbow
spectrum. But it doesnt exist without very detailed intentional eort, does it? No one really
has any problem seeing that the androgynous person is merely a glossed over male or female.

Fatal Flaw #5: My Little Boy is Actually a Girl

Suppose youre a school administrator and you have a student whose parents tell you is not
the little boy he appears to be and they ask you to accept and treat their child as the girl he is.
If you cooperate, you are a brave, enlightened hero. If you resist, you are evil. That is gender
theory orthodoxy. Its not scientic orthodoxy, though.

The leading researchers working with children with gender identity disorder regularly nd
that 73 to 98 percent of such children come to identify with their natal sex by puberty. Most
beneted from therapy, but many just reverted naturally. This is precisely why many of the
leading scholars and clinicians working with such children recommend that parents,
pediatricians and school administrators do not facilitate cross-gender behaviors and identity
of such children. One of the largest such clinics in Europe is the Amsterdam Gender-Identity
Clinic. They instruct that avoiding such facilitation saves these kids from having to make a
complex change back to the role of the natal gender.
Dr. Richard Green, one of the longest researchers in this eld and a strongly outspoken
advocate in LGBT politics, told the Atlantic Monthly that these children will likely feel a lot of
a pressure to remain as theopposite gender when they start to feel otherwise as puberty
approaches. It is not compassionate or enlightened to go along with the desires of the gender
dysphoric child. The exact opposite is true based on the best research.

Boys are not born into girls bodies and vice-versa. Its irresponsible and harmful to play along
with the assumption that they are.


Gender theory is all about running from the natural order of reality, seeking to turn it on its
head. It is anti-reality and anti-science. Just like a police detective interrogating a guilty
suspect, the more they tell their story, the more obvious its whopping inconsistencies are
revealed. It is remarkable and unforgivable how most of the media, academia and cultural
elites have facilitated the perpetuation of this scam by failing to ask its proponents even the
most basic questions. No such detective would keep his job. It should be the same with
journalists and academics who blindly support this deeply awed theory.

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