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5/1/2016 30Challengesfor30DaysofGreatness


30 Challenges for 30 Days of


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5/1/2016 30Challengesfor30DaysofGreatness

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but so few think of

changing themselves first.

How disappointed would you be to get to the end of your life and
discover that you were made to be great while all you did was
wait around?

Its time to get present, challenge yourself, and change things for
the better!

Will you be able to change everything? No. In fact there may be

lots of things you want to change that cant be changed. But YOU
can still change!

Even when you are no longer able to change a situation, you are
challenged to change yourself. And that makes all the difference
in the world.

With this simple truth in mind, here are my challenges to you for
the upcoming month a positive to-do list for 30 days of personal

1. When a new day begins, challenge yourself to smile

genuinely and gratefully.
2. When you dont get what you want, challenge yourself to
appreciate that there are lots of people in this world who will
never have what you have right now.
3. When holding on no longer seems reasonable, challenge
yourself to appreciate the fact that nothing in life is
permanent, and to realize that once you embrace this you can
do almost anything you wish because youre not trying to
hold onto anything anymore.
4. When you catch yourself thinking the grass is greener
elsewhere, challenge yourself to water the grass youre
standing on.
5. When you absolutely cant control whats happening to you,
challenge yourself to control the way you respond to whats
happening in your response is your power.
6. When it seems like problems are stacking up, challenge
yourself to face these problems positively. 2/22
5/1/2016 30Challengesfor30DaysofGreatness

7. When there seems to be little hope, challenge yourself to find

8. When the road ahead seems too rough, challenge yourself to
acknowledge that theres absolutely nothing about your
present circumstances that prevents you from making
progress, one small step at a time.
9. When you catch yourself overthinking things, challenge
yourself to take a step forward instead.
10. When you are completely uncertain about what the future
will bring, challenge yourself to make the best and most
positive use of the present.
11. When you have two good choices, challenge yourself to go
with the one that scares you the most, because thats the one
that is going to help you grow.
12. When you are going to do something anything at all
challenge yourself to do it with enthusiasm and devotion.
13. When others say your ideas are crazy, challenge yourself to
do what feels right anyway, to not care if your goals seem
crazy to others, and to remember that the crazy ideas are the
ones that often have the greatest impact.
14. When there are lots of excuses for why you cant get it done,
challenge yourself to focus on all the reasons why you must
make it happen.
15. When you find yourself wishing for instant gratification,
challenge yourself to admit that if you could have it all
instantly, it would not be worth having for the real value of
accomplishment is in the accomplishing.
16. When mistakes are made, challenge yourself to learn from
them, laugh about them, and waste not a minute on past
outcomes you cant control.
17. When you find yourself trying to control too much, and thus
enjoying too little, challenge yourself to let go, relax, take a
deep breath and appreciate what is for a while. (Read
Loving What Is.)
18. When there is needless drama and negativity surrounding
you, challenge yourself to look the other way.
19. When your own negativity tries to break through, challenge
yourself to recall that you are in control of the way you look at
life, and then use your struggles and frustrations to motivate
yourself rather than annoy yourself. 3/22
5/1/2016 30Challengesfor30DaysofGreatness

20. When you find yourself running in place attempting to fix

and fight the old, challenge yourself to build and grow
something new instead.
21. When doing the wrong things is easier, challenge yourself to
do the right thing, even if no one else will ever know
because YOU will know.
22. When you catch yourself praying for an easy life, challenge
yourself to pray for the strength to endure a difficult one
thats worth living.
23. When everything seems jumbled and rushed, challenge
yourself to take a step back so you can see things clearly
24. When you meet someone new, challenge yourself to be
patient with them, to pay attention to them, and to remember
that everyone you meet has something important to teach
25. When you dont like someone, challenge yourself to identify
an insecurity within yourself that they are triggering.
26. When someone treats you poorly, challenge yourself to treat
them with kindness and respect anyway not because they
are nice, but because you are (and then walk the other way if
you must).
27. When a negative situation gets emotional, take a deep breath,
and challenge yourself to remember that inner peace begins
the moment you decide not to let another person or event
control your emotions.
28. When someone you meet is lost, challenge yourself to help
them find their way.
29. When a friend falls down, challenge yourself to be the first to
extend a hand.
30. When each day has ended, challenge yourself to appreciate
that you have done your very best. (Angel and I discuss this
in more detail in the Self-Love chapter of 1,000 Little Things
Happy, Successful People Do Differently.)

Your turn

Will you accept this 30-day challenge? If so, leave a comment

below and let us know which of the 30 challenges you intend to
work on first. 4/22
5/1/2016 30Challengesfor30DaysofGreatness

Also, if you havent done so already, be sure to sign-up for our free
newsletter to receive new articles like this in your inbox each

Photo by: Darrel Larson

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Kim says
December 2, 2015 at 9:59 pm

With the guidance Ive received from your blog emails and book
over this past year, Ive gotten a pretty good handle on the first 5/22
5/1/2016 30Challengesfor30DaysofGreatness

two, but #3 I need to work on. I still try to hold on to everything

for fear that it will all change, or that it never will go my way.


Marc Chernoff says

December 6, 2015 at 4:51 pm

Kim, Im glad we were able to help you in some small way. Keep
working at #3 were all works in progress.


Brogan James says

December 2, 2015 at 10:27 pm

Challenge accepted. Number 5 is the one Im starting off with.

Thank you for this positive kick in the pants.


Christian says
December 2, 2015 at 11:05 pm

When you have two good choices, challenge yourself to go with

the one that scares you the most, because thats the one that is
going to help you grow.

Thats fantastic! Really gives me perspective with the crossroads

Im presently standing at.

As always, I feel blessed to have received one of your blogs


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5/1/2016 30Challengesfor30DaysofGreatness

Gail says
December 3, 2015 at 10:50 am

Christian, I made the scarier choice 37 years ago when I had to

decide between two different graduate schools. Im still proud of
doing that, and it was a pivotal moment in my life. Hope this
works out for you!


Marc Chernoff says

December 6, 2015 at 4:53 pm

Thank you for sharing that, Gail. And congrats!

N says
December 3, 2015 at 8:15 am

When you dont like someone, challenge yourself to identify an

insecurity within yourself that they are triggering.

This ones the best !! I will definitely work on this. Thanks guy for
being so awesome <3


Susan says
December 3, 2015 at 8:41 am

Thank you for this challenge; number 20 really resonates with me

and is where I will begin.

I so appreciate your blog and look forward to each new post!

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Catherine says
December 3, 2015 at 8:41 am

#14. Thats my challenge for today!


Eva says
December 3, 2015 at 8:57 am

Starting with number 1

Thank you for this! <3


Stephanie says
December 3, 2015 at 9:15 am

Ill accept the challenge. My life has taken a huge turn I was not
expecting and your words and wisdom are helping me greatly. I
will start with with #3 and will move to #20 next. Thank you


Doodlebug says
December 3, 2015 at 9:27 am

Wow. This post is a wonderful summary of this years work.

Thank you. My challenge is number 26. The little devil on my
shoulder can still cause mischief. To remind me that I AM a good
person I have just today taken delivery of a poster which says Do
all the good you can in all the ways you can, to all the souls you
can, in every way you can, at all the times you can, with all the
zeal you can, as long as ever you can. 8/22
5/1/2016 30Challengesfor30DaysofGreatness


Jackie cookson says

December 3, 2015 at 10:03 am

My challenge is them all I am in the process of change and it

sure feels scary


Jen says
December 3, 2015 at 11:04 am

When a new day begins, challenge yourself to smile genuinely

and gratefully.


Marc Chernoff says

December 6, 2015 at 4:54 pm

I love that posters quote, Doodlebug. Thank you for sharing it.


Loralee says
December 3, 2015 at 9:51 am

Im going to try challenge #27. I believe this will help with my

stress level.
Thank you for all your emails!


Bich says
December 3, 2015 at 10:47 am

Challenge accepted. Im starting with #5. 9/22
5/1/2016 30Challengesfor30DaysofGreatness


Devaveena Dey says

December 3, 2015 at 10:49 am

A sincere Thank you for putting together these gems of wisdom!

I know I will pick up 1 gem every day, and live by that. What a
fantastic way of ending a year and starting a new one! Your blog
has been a blessing for me. Thanks for your work!


Gail says
December 3, 2015 at 10:54 am

All of these are wonderful, but 12 and 14 really jumped out at me.
So, Im going to finally get a large task Im dreading DONE and Im
going to do it with enthusiasm and devotion! And then Ill move
on to another one of these inspiring suggestions. Thank you.


Czawanda says
December 3, 2015 at 11:06 am

I really like challenge #7 hope. Thanks a lot for the wonderful



Jennifer says
December 3, 2015 at 11:42 am

My life has been flipped upside down. Starting fresh with two
kids, I will use this as a guidance to not only move on but to 10/22
5/1/2016 30Challengesfor30DaysofGreatness

persevere in my new journey and make not only my life but my

kids life the most loving and nurturing place that they will thrive
and continue to grow into the wonderful little souls they are.


Andy says
December 3, 2015 at 11:47 am

Thank you for the wonderful reminders and challenges when I

needed to hear it most!

I appreciate both of you with your excellent and timely words.

Thank you so much!


Samantha Thomas says

December 3, 2015 at 1:28 pm

This is awesome! I totally accept this challenge. I will be starting

with #30. Thank you.


Teresa says
December 3, 2015 at 2:20 pm

They are all very good things to do but I will start with #5 I need
to learn to respond positively and not in anger and frustration.
Then # 14 There are things I put off and make excuses not to get
done I will think about why I need to get them done and do them.
There are certain things in my past which I keep trying to fix, I
am going to put # 20 into use and build something new instead.
#26 I will work on being the bigger person when people treat me
poorly by responding with respect and being nice. Then there is # 11/22
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27 Inner peace, I need that,and I will begin to practice not

allowing someone else to control my emotions.I think if I can
master these things on a daily basis in my life , my life will
become richer and more enjoyable. I cant wait to get started and I
thank you both so very much for the challenge .


Lily says
December 3, 2015 at 3:03 pm

I really appreciate all of these challenges, as they will surely

strengthen me over time.


Paige says
December 3, 2015 at 6:20 pm

Number 5, 19 and 26 -hi the nail on the head and its exactly what I
needed at this momment, today. Thank you.


Sandra says
December 3, 2015 at 8:39 pm

Good idea to start this challenge before the new year! Will start
now Im dealing with a person that is causing me too much
grief & I dealt with it a bit too strongly as in the spirit of #27 but
should have thought of #26 first. I may have really screwed up the
situation & my relationship with them. Will challenge myself to
work on #30 as I do feel proud that I dealt with it and think I did
my best at the time!

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Erik says
December 4, 2015 at 12:09 am

Hey you guys, M&A I just love you guys many blessings and
keep the good stuff coming. I would say 1-30 are all wonderful but
what really speaks to me in my present situation is 27 I cant
convey how that simple statement gave me such a clear view of
how to review the sight of whatever may be in view. Awesome


Atul kumar says

December 4, 2015 at 12:59 am

One of the best articles Ive read recently. Great ideas for getting
to know yourself more and respond to different aspects of life
and be ready for everyday challenges that life gives. Thanks for
these reminders.


Alanda says
December 4, 2015 at 4:45 am

I always feel inspired reading your words. Im starting with

number 1 and working my way through. Printed, on the wall.
Thanks guys-uplifting and gritty a great combination.


sanduni says
December 4, 2015 at 7:58 am

I challenge myself with #10 13/22
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Thank you so much.


Prashanti says
December 4, 2015 at 8:59 am

Challenge accepted !!! This is awesome !! Too many good things

but let me start with #5


simphiwe says
December 4, 2015 at 9:49 am

#14 if I can fix that problem I think I can be a better person.


Carlyle Adams says

December 4, 2015 at 3:53 pm

I will be working on #27, as I have to deal with a lot of turn around

thinking with regards to when I start with a new client buy-in.


Alicia says
December 4, 2015 at 7:11 pm

We suffer when we are wanting love so stop wanting love, and

start giving love. If theres something thats bothering you about
your relationships look at yourself.

When you catch yourself thinking the grass is greener 14/22
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elsewhere, challenge yourself to water the grass youre standing


Instead of assuming it will be better with someone else, in a

different job, with a new car take a moment to ask yourself why
are you unhappy in the first place then give love to the answer.
GIVE LOVE to what you have, because even if you get something
new, you might end up wanting something else down the road

LOVE THIS. Challenge accepted.


Gina says
December 8, 2015 at 1:40 pm

I love this list and have printed it out to refer to when I lose my
focus. Thank you so much! Im going to start with 4, 5 and 6:

When you catch yourself thinking the grass is greener

elsewhere, challenge yourself to water the grass youre standing

When you absolutely cant control whats happening to you,

challenge yourself to control the way you respond to whats
happening in your response is your power.

When it seems like problems are stacking up, challenge yourself

to face these problems positively.


Cristy says
December 8, 2015 at 8:48 pm

Its funny as I read this.. I know all this I lived it for many years
after a deep depression..I found a therapist who didnt believe
meds were the answer.. And we were going to retrain my brain.. I 15/22
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did everything she told me to do.. I finally had peace and serenity
in a long life of ups and downs.. My childhood was a scary place
and it came with me everywhere I went.. When I was 27 I ate a lot
of pills woke up alive.. Then what I had done sunk in.. Spent a few
weeks away I realized I wasnt crazy thats the good I took out of it
and I changed my life.. I am now 37.. I moved to a big city 2 years
ago and I feel the negativity has seeped back in!! And its scary I
am glad I came across this tonight!!! Its giving me hope and
reminding me of what I have and can overcome thank you so
much guys


Jessica says
December 14, 2015 at 10:01 pm

What a wonderful post-challenge accepted. Each point on this list

strikes a chord with me. I am always eager to grow and to become
a better me.


tingus says
December 15, 2015 at 9:41 am

No 26 and 27 is my challenge today. I will do my best to keep it. I

live with people that always treat me poorly and makes me feel
negative about my self.


teddy says
December 20, 2015 at 3:30 am

Wow thank you for the reminder, well for me ll just start from the
first to the last but more importantly the first because I tend to 16/22
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forget that blessings are new every morning


Joe Ezell says

December 21, 2015 at 7:51 pm

Marc & Angel,

Im a Customer Service Supervisor. Every Monday I send my team

of 16 employees what I call the Monday Motivator. Next week,
the final week of 2015, I will include a copy of the blog post (and a
link back). Im hoping it will encourage my team to set goals and
resolutions like the 30 Challenges.

Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year!



Lisa says
December 21, 2015 at 11:45 pm

I am not sure where to start,, i have been thru so much and with
all the heart breaks in my life i have built up so much anger,, I
have questions that i ask myself, why?, what did i do wrong?, can
i change?, did i deserve this?. Is there life after heart break after
heart break after heart break? why do i keep doing this to myself?
when can i see the light again? why is my life so dark?. will i ever
find that one special person?.. I have so much love to give to the
right person, I almost will make myself so mad at myself that i no
longer want to keep going I have a lot to offer and it seems like
its never enough. what to do, where do i start over again? can i
start to breath without getting my air shut off again. sigh dont
have a clue

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Hong says
December 30, 2015 at 4:42 am

Youre amazing. Thank you very much!


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5/1/2016 30Challengesfor30DaysofGreatness

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