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Chapter 13 European Middle Ages

500 1500
Section 1
Charlemagne Unites Germanic Kingdoms
Germanic Kingdoms 400 AD 700 AD
Farmers & Herders
No ____________________ or laws
Carved up ____________________
___________________ - most successful Germanic group
___________________ - king of the Franks, converted to Christianity
Monks and Nuns
Could withdraw from ___________________ life to monasteries and
Benedictine Rule
520- Benedict made rules for _____________ & _____________ that
established the basic form of monasticism in the Catholic Church
Took oath of ________________________
Main duties- ______________________ & worship
Also manual ______________ - worked fields
Charles Martel
____________________ swept from the Middle East
Battle of _____________ (732) - Frankish warriors defeated Muslim army.
_______________________ between two religions
The Age of Charlemagne
In 800, his _______________________ stretched across France, Germany &
Encouraged _____________________
Pope Leo III
Called on ___________________________________ to help with rebellious
______________________________________ was crowned emperor
Eastern Roman emperor thought this was ____________________
Widened the _____________ between Eastern & Western Rome
Charlemagnes Heirs
Charlemagne died in 814 & empire fell apart
843- Treaty of ___________________ - split the empire into 3 parts.

Chapter 13 Section 2
Feudalism and the Manor Economy
Vi k i n g s
Expert sailors & fighters from ________________________________
____________________ and burned cities - wanted resources
They were also traders and __________________________
1000 A.D.- ___________________________ set up a Viking colony on N. America

New Attacks
Late 800s - Muslims captured ___________________
896- Magyars invaded Europe & eventually settled modern day ________________
A New System of Rule
The Manor
Manor - lords ____________________
Peasants & serfs were bound to the _____________
Worked for lord in return for ________________________
The Manor was __________________________________
Daily Life
Peasants - life was ___________
Worked ______________ hours
Ate __________________ foods
___________________ common in winter
Celebrated marriages, births etc.
Attended __________________
Believed in ___________________, love potions, magic charms, witches

Chapter 13 Section 3
The Age of Chivalry
Chivalry - a code of ____________________
Brave, loyal, true to and, generous to enemies
___________________ protected and cherished
The World of Warriors
_______________ - warrior on horseback
At age _________ sent to lords castle for training
Dubbed knight at age __________
Tournaments & contests: Why? _____________________________________
Lords __________________ homes to withstand attack
High wall, towers, drawbridges, & ______________
Stored food and water to withstand long ______________
_____________ became the lord of the manor while husband off fighting
Duties: spin & weave cloth & supervise __________________
Expected to have many children and be loyal to her
Chapter 13 Section 4
The Power of the Church
Split of Church

Western Eastern

Pope Emperor

Roman Catholic Church Eastern Orthodox

Church Hierarchy
Pope, Archbishops, & Bishops
Lords & Knights
Authority of the Church
All people are ____________________
Only way to avoid hell was to participate in the ________________ - sacred rituals
Canon Law - church laws and ___________________
_______________________________ - could not receive the sacraments
________________ - excluded entire town or region from receiving the sacraments
Paid ____________________ - tax 1/10 of income, used to help poor
The Holy Roman Empire
936- Otto I
Roman Empire of the German Nation = _____________ Roman Empire
Lay-investiture: ______________________________________________
Many conflicts between kings & ___________________
Chapter 14 Section 1
Church Reform & the Crusades
Byzantine Emperor asked the pope for help fighting the ______________
Pope __________________ II agreed despite rivalry
Called for a crusade to free the ______________________________
Taking up the Cross
Dues lo volt!- __________ wills it
Thousands of knights left for the ____________________________
Became known as ________________________
Massacre in Jerusalem
Crusaders fought for _________ years
1st crusade captured _______________________________
2nd & 3rd __________ able to capture the Holy Land
4th crusade helped the Venetians capture __________________________________
- looted the capital.
Impact of the Crusades
_______________________ to conquer the Holy Lands
_______________________ among different religions

Increased ______________
____________________ power reached its height (short-lived)
Increased power of feudal _____________________________
Encouraged a ___________________ economy
Wider world ______________
Chapter 14 Section 3
England & France Develop

Strong Monarchs in England

The Anglo-Saxon King __________________ died w/out an heir.
2 people claim the throne:
_____________________, Edwards brother-in-law
Duke __________________ of Normandy
William raised an army and had the backing of the ______________.
Battle of Hastings William sailed across the English Channel and __________
_____________________ the Conqueror - King of England
Henry II
In 1154, Henry II inherited the throne
Broadened the system of royal ____________________
Royal Courts decisions became the basis for English __________________ Law
In time people accepted it over the courts of the ___________________ or nobles
____________________ determined which cases went to trial

A Tragic Clash
Henrys efforts with royal courts led to a bitter conflict with the ________________
Henry claimed the right to try ____________________ in royal courts
Thomas ____________________, archbishop of Canterbury, opposed this
In 1170, 4 of Henrys knights ____________________ Becket in his own cathedral
____________________ denied any part of the attack, and backed off the clergy
Becket became a ___________________and declared a saint

The Magna Carta

Henrys son, ______________, was a clever but untrustworthy ruler.
Eventually ________________________ his own nobles (taxes)
1215- rebellious barons forced John to sign the __________________________
Two basic ideas
1. ______________ had certain rights
2. Monarchs had to obey the _________
King also agreed to not raise new ______________ w/out consulting the Great
Council of Lords and Clergy
-- Taxation w/out ________________________________
Chapter 14 Section 4
The Hundred Years War & The Plague

The Black Death

1347- _____________________Plague raged through Italy
1348- reached Spain & ___________________
Then spread over the rest of _____________________
1 out of every _____ people died

A Global Epidemic
Had broken out before in Europe, Asia, and North Africa then died down
One strain survived in the __________ Desert
Spread by ______________ on _______________

A Terrible Death
Struck with stunning _______________
People ill 2-3 days then died
_____________________ conditions helped it spread
Black bruises on skin
Heavy ______________ & coughing

Social Upheaval
Brought Terror & ____________________
Some turned to magic & _________________________ for cures
Some plunged into wild ___________________
Some thought it was _____________________________ from God
Christians blamed ______________

Economic Results
By late 1300s the ____________________ plunged
Workers died, ____________________declined
________________________ soared
_______________broke out
It took more than __________ years to recover
Upheaval in the Church
The Church entered a spiritual ___________________
Many priests & monks _______________
___________________________ offered little comfort
______________________ occurred within the Church
Popular preachers challenged its __________________
John _________________________, attacked Church corruption
He insisted the ___________________ was the true source not the Church
The Church responded with ___________________

The Hundred Years War

Between 1337-1453 England & ___________________ fought a series of conflicts
English rulers tried to hold on to ______________________ lands
_______________________ III claimed the French crown in 1337
At first ________________________ won a string of victories
Their success was due to the __________________________
It Seemed that ___________________ would bring down _________________

Joan of Arc
In 1429, a ___ yr old peasant woman appeared before the uncrowned king of France
She told him _______________sent her to save France
She convinced him to give her an _______________
In one year she led several victories
She was _______________ by the English
Tried for witchcraft & _________________________________________________
The _____________________ would go on to win the war

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