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5 NOTES - The Russian Revolution 1917 - 1939

Two Revolutions in Russia

On the Eve of Revolution
• On Easter 1913, _____________ Nicholas II gave his wife a Faberge Egg

• He was celebrating 300 years of rule by the ____________________ family

• pacific
europe to the ______________
In 1914, the Russian empire stretched from Eastern _____________
• It was poor and __________________ compared to industrialized Western Europe

• industrialize
A small middle class and urban working class emerged as a Russia began to _______________
• duma
The Russian legislature, or___________________ , tried to enact reform
• limited
They were _______________ by Nicholas II

• secret police
The Czar relied on ________________________ to enforce his will
• ________________________________ hatched plots to overthrow the Czar
• The time was not right for a revolution

• nationalism
The outbreak of World War I, in 1914, initially united Russia with ___________________
• By 1915, Russian soldiers were fighting __________________
withought rifles, ammunition, or medical care
• million
In 1915 alone, 2 __________________ Russian soldiers died

• front
Nicholas II went to the ______________________to take personal charge of the war effort

• He was not any better at war than his generals

• czarina
He left the Czarina, ______________________ , in charge of domestic affairs
• german
Many Russians didn’t trust Alexandra because she was _____________ born

Two Revolutions in Russia

The Romanov’s and Rasputin
• holy man
Alexandra came to rely more and more on the advice of her “_________________ ”, Gregory Rasputin
• rasputin
_______________________ was an illiterate peasant from Siberia
• corrupt
He was _____________________

• healer
His personality helped him gain a widespread reputation as a _______________
• hemaphelia , an inherited disorder in which any injury can lead to uncontrollable
Alexandra’s son, Alexis, suffered from__________________

• bleeding
On one occasion, doctors were unable to stop his ___________________
• hypnosis
Rasputin stopped his bleeding through apparent ___________________

• god
By 1916, Alexandra insisted that Rasputin had been sent to Russia by ___________
• mad monk
He gained tremendous influence and became known by his enemies as the “__________________”
• destroy
Members of the Duma, nobles, and the czar’s relatives hatched a plot to _____________ Rasputin
• On December 29, 1916, the nephew of the czar, Prince Felix Yussoupov, invited Rasputin to his palace
• poisened
Felix fed him _________________ cake and wine
• talked
Rasputin __________________ on for hours
• The Prince got nervous
• revolver
He shot Rasputin with a ________________

• The plotters examined the body of Rasputin

• jumped
Rasputin __________________ up and grabbed the Prince
• courtyard
He then ran across the _________________ in the snow
• shot
He was ______________ again
• beaten
He was then ______________ with clubs
• dumped
Lastly, his body was ____________________ in a river

• His body turned up later

• Doctors said that he did not die from bullets or poison
• drowned
He had __________________ to death

• predicted
Just weeks before, Rasputin had ____________________ his owned murder
• royal
He warned that if he were killed, the ______________________would be killed by the Russian people within the next two years

The March Revolution

• By _______1917,
march Russia was loosing on the battlefield and there were food and fuel shortages at home
• In the capital, ________________________, workers went on strike and women protested for bread
• the protesters
Troops refused to open fire on _____________________
• The Czar was forced to __________________
• The Duma set up a _____________________government
• They continued the war against Germany
Most Russians were fed up with the war
• Troops were • _____________________wanted
peasents • City workers demanded
______________________ land food

• Revolutionary socialists set up__________________, councils of workers and soldiers

• Before long the_________________________, a radical group of socialists, took charge
• They were led by V.I. ______________________
• Lenin’s real name was Vladimir Ilyich _________________
ulynaov and he was born into a middle class family
• brother
When he was 17, his _______________ was hanged for plotting to kill Alexander III
• karl marx
He read the writings of _________________________ and spread ideas amongst factory workers

• germany
As Russia stumbled into revolution, _________________ sent Lenin back to Russia

• leon trotsky
Lenin along with another revolutionary, ___________________________________, led the Bolsheviks
• peace,land,bread
They promised the people “_______________________________________________”
• disastrous
The provisional government launched yet another _________________offensive against Germany in WWI

The November Revolution

• In __________________________1917, the Bolshevik Red Army attacked the temporary government
• The government quickly lost to the Bolsheviks throughout Russia

• moscow
The Bolsheviks made ________________ their capital and the party was renamed the Communists

• private
The Communists quickly ended ____________ ownership of land and gave workers control of their factories
• flag
A new red __________ with a hammer and sickle symbolized the union between peasants and workers

brest litosk
• Lenin quickly sought peace with Germany and signed the treaty of ____________________ in March 1918
• white army
For three years Russia fought a civil war between the Bolshevik Red Army and the __________________ loyal to the Czar

• _________________________ movements used the war to break away from Russia

• Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and _________________________ broke free
• Other nationalist revolts were subdued
• The ___________________ supported the White Army, cementing Communist distrust for the West

Two Revolutions in Russia- November Revolution

• The Communists unleashed a reign of terror against the White Army and established their own secret police
• Ordinary citizens were executed if they were suspected of opposing the ___________________
• Nicholas II, Alexandra, and their ________________ children were shot
• The Communists took over banks, mines, and __________________
• Meanwhile, _________________ turned the Red Army into an effective fighting force
• He executed every tenth soldier if a unit performed poorly
• By__________ , Lenin and the Communists had won but Russia was in ruins from years of warfare

From Lenin to Stalin – Lenin Builds a Communist State

After putting down the civil war, Lenin turned to his chief goal – _________________________________
• A ____________________________ was set up giving all people over 18 the right to vote
• All power, resources, and ______________________________ were granted to the peasants and workers

• Despite the lofty goals, the Communist Party reigned supreme and used the secret police to enforce their will
• The Communist government formed the ________Union across Asia, where Russia dominated other nations

• Since the government would _________ and redistribute products; factory, mine, and farm production fell
• In 1921, Lenin adopted the New Economic Policy, or__________, allowing for minor capitalism, or sale

• By 1928, production was back up to prewar levels and the standard of living increased throughout Russia
• Lenin’s compromise with ___________________ seemed to be working

From Lenin to Stalin – Stalin Gains Power

• Lenin _______________ suddenly in 1924, setting off a power struggle among the Communist leaders
The main contenders were:
• Leon_________________ – leader of the Red Army, the Revolution, and a skillful speaker
• Joseph_____________– A shrewd politician and behind-the-scenes organizer
• ______________________________ was born Joseph Djugashvili to a poor family
• He had studied for the priesthood, but was shunned because of his interest in the ______________
• By 1900, he joined the revolution, organized crime, and spent time in _____________
• He was a _____________________ player in the revolution

Stalin Gains Power

• In the 1920s, he was made _____________________________ of the Communist Party
• He was able to appoint jobs and build a _________________ following
• Before he died, Lenin had public doubts about Stalin’s ambitious nature and he thought Stalin was “______”
• Trotsky supported a __________________________ revolution against capitalism
• Stalin focused on building _________________at _____________
• Stalin put his ___________________ into top jobs, ___________________ Trotsky
• Trotsky ___________________ in 1929
• He was later killed in _______________________ by a Stalinist agent

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