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Blog Task #4: Extended Metaphor

Discussion Questions

Answer the following set of questions. Pay attention to the keywords in the question stem to plan your
answer, and to the grading indications of each to ensure you are meeting the requirements.

1. Define the term extended metaphor. Research an example to support your answer.
- Extended metaphor is a comparison of two unlike things without using like or as, and the
comparison continues in lines, stanzas, or paragraphs.
- For example,
But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief,
- These lines was from Romeo and Juliet, which Shakespeare was comparing Juliet to the sun.

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2. Locate the extended metaphor in chapter 6. Break the metaphor down into smaller symbolic units
below, and next to each symbol, suggest both the meaning of the symbol in relation to the metaphor, as
well as the pertinence to TItas life.

Symbol Textual Evidence Meaning and Connection to Titas life

Candle In this case, the oxygen, for Fire uses oxygen for it to be able to burn. In this
example, would come from case, candle is being compared to food, music,
the breath of the person you love; caress, or anything that could lit Tita up again
the candle could be any kind of because her feelings have been hurt a lot.
food, music, caress, word, or
sound that engenders the
explosion that lights one of the
matches. (page 52)

Matches "Unfortunately, she had to admit Tita's feelings and moods are compared to the
that her own matches were damp matches. It refers to Tita's feelings after her heart
and moldy." (page 53) have been hurt in the past. Her feelings compare
to the matches that it would be hard for her heart
to be lit up again. The only thing she has in
herself is saddest.

Phosphoru Now that we have the Phosphorus is being compared to a factor that
s phosphorus mixture, the next step cures Titas pain. According to Dr. Johns
is to prepare the cardboard for the experiment, he uses phosphorus to open Titas
matches.While the strips were mind, so that Dr. John can be able to light up
drying, the doctor showed Tita an Titas feelings again.
experiment. (Page 51)

Titas Tita thought the miracle was Titas fingers compare to a thin cloud rising to the
fingers actually occurring when she saw sky. It symbolizes the privilege of Titas life after
her fingers turning into a thin cloud running away from Mama Elena. Back in her life,
rising to the sky. (Page 47) she used to be in the kitchen cooking everyday.
However, after she left Mama Elena, it is like
Titas having a new life, she has her freedom.

Birds They could turn into birds and fly This symbolizes freedom because birds could fly
into the air! She would like them to anywhere they wanted, their is no limitation to
carry her far away, as far as their destination. It is like Tita, she has her
possible. (page 47) freedom to do whatever she likes rather than
being in the kitchen.

Johns The gum arabic is dissolved in This in chapter, we can see that the recipes that
recipe enough hot water to form a paste Tita prepared were different with the previous. It
that is not too thick; when the shows that after Tita was living with John, she
paste is ready, the phosphorus is has freedom and love.
added and dissolved into it, and
the same is done with the
potassium nitrate. page 46

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