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Fing #2776

Blog Task #4: Extended Metaphor

Discussion Questions

Answer the following set of questions. Pay attention to the keywords in the question stem to plan your
answer, and to the grading indications of each to ensure you are meeting the requirements.

1. Define the term extended metaphor. Research an example to support your answer.

Extended Metaphor is when an author connect single metaphor or analogy through multiple linked or
through a poem or story.

2. Locate the extended metaphor in chapter 6. Break the metaphor down into smaller symbolic units
below, and next to each symbol, suggest both the meaning of the symbol in relation to the metaphor,
as well as the pertinence to TItas life.

Symbol Textual Evidence Meaning and Connection to Titas life

Phosphoru What the doctor neglected to tell If you ask me , I think phosphorus is compared to
s Tita, of course, was that one of Dr.Brown action of encouragement. Dr.Brown to
the properties of phosphorus was used phosphorus to motivate Tita into socializing
that it would glow in the dark, again.Dr. Brown wanted Tita to know that her
revealing what she had written on matches can still be lit , foreshadowing that
the wall. He had no real need of someone in the future would light her match.
this subterfuge to know what she
was thinking, but he thought it
would be a good way for Tita to
start communicating with the
world again, if only in writing. John
could see she was ready. When
the doctor left, Tita took the
phosphorus and went up to the

Matches Unfortunately, she had to admit In my opinion ,box of match represent life in
that her own matches were damp which every person has a box of matches inside
and moldy them. In this her maltreatment in the past.
Dr.Brown tried to motivate her to be happy and
tried to prevent people or thing from
extinguishing her match.

Candles The candle could be any kind of The candle is a metaphor to pleasure in life and
food, music, caress, word, or love.Titas spirit decline after losing all hope of
sound that engenders the love until she met Dr. Brown. Only the right
explosion that lights one of the candle could light Titas match.
Oxygen In this case, the oxygen, for In my opinion, this metaphor is pretty self
example, would come from the explanatory comparing oxygen to the breath of
breath of the person you love the person you love. Matches need oxygen to
light as it is fires main component. This mean
that the feeling toward the person you love is a
pleasure in life , therefore lighting up your

Liberty They could turn into Birds and fly This quote is a metaphor for freedom. The bird
into the air & he would like them to itself symbolize freedom as it could fly into the air
carry her far away, as far as without restriction. It represent Titas freedom
possible. after meeting Dr.Brown would took care of her.
Freedom mean she isnt restricted to the kitchen

Herb So John's great-grandmother, In my opinion, herb is a metaphor for a revolution

Mary, started preparing some in medical technologies. Mary tried to used
leeches for bleeding her husband. leeches to cure disease in which the method is
As she worked, she felt quite ineffective. Herbs is improvement in medical
proud of herself for being up-to science and is more appropriate than leeches.
date with the best scientific
knowledge, which allowed her to
protect her family's health using
an appropriate modern
method-not like "the Kikapu" and
her herbs! The leeches are placed
inside a glass containing a half a
finger of water and left there for an
hour. The part of the body to
which they will be applied is
washed with lukewarm sugar

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