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An Introduction to Philosophy, Conestoga College, Winter 2012

Dr. Mark Zlomislic

Metaphysics and Determinism

Please write a two-three page double spaced analysis of the film. Make sure that you have
a clear thesis and provide evidence for it.

Determinism is the position that events in the physical universe consistently display well
defined causal connections. There are scientific exceptions to this precise causal
determinism at a sub-atomic level, but its a scientific perspective generally accepted for
the rest of the universe. Because humans are part of the physical universe and the
biological realm, it is reasonable to assume that all of our actions and the choices that
initiated those actions are also causally determined, eliminating the possibility of free
choice. The French philosopher of the 17th century, Baron dHolbach argues that
freedom is an illusion. All human actions are brought about by previous events in
accordance with universal causal laws.

Are you free? Most of us want to believe that we are free. We connect to
Henleys notion, I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. We tend to
create a bold, vibrant life through wise choices and commitments. Yet, at the same time,
many of us believe that our freedom is restricted by forces outside of our control. Are we
able to make free choices, or are our actions determined by factors beyond our control?
Given the exact same conditions and circumstances, could we have chosen otherwise
than we did? The puppet created for the Marionette Theatre is controlled by forces hidden
from public view. Explore this metaphor for determinism as it is played out in the film.
Are we controlled by causes and effects in the same way that the main character was
controlled? Are we simply mechanisms that have already been machined to act and
behave in a pre-determined manner?

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