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Nom: _____________________________ Franais Mme


Chapitre 6
Dialogues multimdias avec des partenaires

You will be working in a group of three to create a multimedia dialogue using the
new vocabulary from this unit, as well as some useful and relevant vocabulary from
past units. As a group, you will choose the medium you use to present this
dialogue. The options include a song (such as a rap), a poem, a puppet show, or
whiteboard storyboard. If your group is really not feeling creative, you do have the
option to just write a simple dialogue and perform it, as we did in the last unit. In
any case, you will be filming your dialogue as a group on your phones, but you will
not be presenting them to the class. Only Mlle A will see the video your group
recorded. Your video should end up being around 1m30 long.

There are three steps involved in this assignment:

1. Your group writes a draft of the script for your dialogue
2. You show Mlle A the script and make corrections based on what she says
3. You go off to create your medium and film yourselves presenting it

Your dialogue must include: (you should use the new vocab from
reference #31)



suggestions to do the activities

use of the future tense, including the verbs aller and vouloir

acceptances and refusals to do the activities

questions about the nature of the activities (place, time, etc.)

This assignment will be graded out of 10 points, and your grade will be
based on the following:

3 points for correct grammar, pronunciation and use of vocabulary

3 points for creativity and originality
3 points for sufficient length and all of the above points being included
1 point for risk-taking and combination of class material

TOTAL: 10 points

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