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Modes of Delivery

There are four methods of presentation:

1. The Impromptu Speech

2. The Memorized Speech

3. The Manuscript Speech

4. The Extemporaneous Speech

1)The Impromptu Speech

This is the speech given off the cuff, that is, with no preparation.



No preparation required


Result is often rambling and incoherent

There may not be enough time available for adequate research

or audience analysis

2)The Memorized Speech

The speech is written out word for word and committed to memory.


Permits maximum use of delivery skills

Permits little or no adaptation during delivery

Recovery is difficult if you make a mistake

Speech may sound memorized

Time consuming to prepare

3)The Manuscript Speech

The speech is written out and read from the text.


Appropriate when extremely careful wording is required


Lacks freshness and spontaneity

Difficult to react to audience feedback

Speech may sound stilted because of the use of more formal

written language

4)Extemporaneous Speech
An extemporaneous speech is a speech given from notes. It
represents a middle course between the memorized speech and the
impromptu speech.


Nearly as polished as a memorized speech, but more vigorous,

flexible and spontaneous
Generous eye contact and immediate adaptation to the
audience are permitted

Takes less time to prepare than a memorized speech


Using this method of presentation requires practice

For most speaking situations use the extemporaneous method
of presentation

Avoid impromptu speaking. But learn to cope with the situation

if it is thrust on you.

Speak from a manuscript when precise wording and exact

timing are essential to the situation.

Maintain oral style and conversational delivery

Memorize a short important speech only on those occasions

where holding a manuscript would be out of place.

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