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Little Red Riding Hood

A long time ago there lived a young girl called Red

Riding Hood. One day Little Red Riding Hoods mum
asked her to take some cakes to her granny who was
ill. So she put on her cloak, packed up a basket and
skipped off through the woods to grannys house.

Little Red Riding Hood hadnt gone far when she met the woodcutter.
He asked her where she was going. Im going to take these cakes to my
grandmas house.
Thats very kind of you, but be careful, warned the woodcutter, theres a wicked old wolf in these woods
and hes always hungry.

Little Red Riding Hood bravely skipped on a bit faster.

Behind a tree the wicked wolf watched her. He was
feeling rather hungry. He would have liked to have
gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood there and then but
he could hear the woodcutter near by, so he thought
better of it. He thought of a clever plan, and ran off
in the direction of grandmas house.

Little Red Riding Hood Handout Page 1

When the wolf got to grannys house he rudely let
himself in and greedily gobbled up granny in one
bite. Then he squeezed his fat body into grannys
night-gown put on her night-cap and glasses and
climbed into bed.

A short time later Little Red Riding Hood arrived at grannys house. Granny didnt look like herself at all.
What big eyes you have, said Little Red Riding Hood. All the better to see you with, my dear, said
the wolf. But what big ears you have! All the better to hear you with, said the wolf.
Granny, what big teeth you have!
All the better to eat you with! said the wolf with a wicked laugh.

He jumped out of bed and began to chase a very frightened Little Red Riding Hood. She screamed very
loudly. Luckily the woodcutter heard the noise and just as the wolf was about to eat up the delicious Red
Riding Hood he burst in the door and cut off the wolfs head. Then the woodcutter cut the wolf open and
out stepped granny.
Little Red Riding Hood, granny and the woodcutter all sat down to tea and cakes and they lived happily
ever after.

Little Red Riding Hood Handout Page 2

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