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Danielle Oyama

Mrs. Yeyna

Brit Lit Period: 0

29 March 2017

My Heroic Journey: Magical Weapons

Its safe to say that at some point in every individual's life, they wanted to be a superhero.

When I was a little girl, I strove to be Violet, from The Incredibles. Her soft spoken nature

resonated with my insecure, elementary self. As I have gotten older, my love for superheroes

ceased to fade, and Iron Man climbed up the list of favorites. Possessing both brawns and brain,

Tony Stark embodied everything of the modern day superhuman. The intelligence he possessed

allowed him to become such an extraordinary being, making him all the more relatable.

However, as I grow older I have realized that invisibility or a super suit are not practical tools in

everyday life. While it would be nice to evade my problems behind a shield or with a magic

hammer, certain qualities allow me to power through times of need. The magical weapons that

have saved me from treacherous situations include my sense of integrity, faith, and leadership


There is a single distinguishing factor between villains and superheroes, and that is their

conscious. A sense of right and wrong, a moral compass; leading individuals down a path of

greatness or darkness. I would like to believe I have chosen the right direction, or at least for the

most part. My parents raised me with strong ideals, and from the very beginning of my childhood

I remember righteous principles being ingrained into me. Do not cheat, do not steal, be kind to

others; while this may seem like common knowledge, they are vital concepts to adolescent
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minds. As I have grown older, and my opinions more solidified, I have realized how convicted I

am with my opinions. I am passionate about equal rights, fair treatment, and the idea of justice.

Nothing irritates me more than someone being blatantly unethical for the sake of their own

benefit. The morals I possess have driven me towards doing the right thing, and I live everyday

in pursuit of being a virtuous individual that I can be proud of.

Another attribute that defines a superhero is their faith. Faith in themselves, faith in their

abilities, but most importantly their faith in humanity. I wouldnt define myself as an optimist,

rather more of a realist. However, whenever I am put into a difficult situation, at some point I let

go of whatever concerns plaguing my mind. It is not that I am giving up, but rather accepting that

there are some factors in life I can not control or maintain. While it may not seem like a very

beneficial attribute, throughout my life I have begun to see the beauty in letting things happen

the way they should. I watch so many of my friends stress and lose sleep over circumstances they

can not change, which accompanies the territory of being a teenager. The ability to let go and not

worry about circumstances out of my hands is truly a liberating experience, one that I am

grateful for everyday.

The ability to lead and communicate with others is my final magical weapon. I would

characterize myself as a subtle leader. While I may not be the one to directly take charge, I am

typically the glue that binds a group together. The ability to lead goes hand in hand with

communication, and my ability to interact with others. Much to the dismay of my teachers, I

have always been very vocal about my views and opinions. However, the benefit in being a

subtle leader is that I am capable of compromise, and working towards the betterment of the
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group. Leadership and communication are the magical weapons I hold dearest to myself, as they

have aided me the most in my journey of life.

Magical weapons are not always some strange talent or mystical item. One does not have

to fall into a vat of radioactive waste in order to be a superhero. Every individual has a magical

weapon in their repertoire, whether they acknowledge it or not. Throughout high school, I have

realized how different people are. My former self always identified variances as a negative thing,

isolating individuals from the whole. Today, I identify differences as a beautiful thing,

recognizing that such discrepancies are what define us and make us unique. My magical

weapons have brought me this far in life, and I can not wait to see whats in store.

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