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GPISD Teacher Job Fair 2017

On March 30th, GPISD had a job fair for teachers looking for teaching
positions throughout our district. At South Grand Prairie High School, many
schools had tables set up for possible future employees to take a look at.
When I arrived I talked to two ladies from the Advanced Academics
department. I had asked them if they possibly knew how many teachers
were needed for the following school year, 2017-2018, throughout the entire
district. Although they didn't know and wouldn't until August, they did tell me
that the previous year, about 300 teachers were hired. I also asked what
school group are most people interested in and they replied with elementary
I then went to the best school in the district which was Grand Prairie High
School. I had asked what subjects are teachers needed the most in and my
principal, Mr. A, said math and science were in the highest demand. Currently
GPHS has no anticipated teacher openings, but they were still looking.
I went along to the Young men's leadership academy and asked if they had
any openings or needed teachers to fill positions, they said as of now about
five positions are open. I asked what subject were teachers needed the most
in and the said math teachers definitely.
Lastly, I went to Austin elementary. I asked the same question I asked every
other school, how many teaching positions were open. They had about three.
I went on to ask what subject were in demand and they gave me a more
specific answer then I received all day. They had said they needed a lot more
bilingual teachers, but they only had one position open. I asked what subject
did most people want to teach and in their opinions said kindergarten
through second grade.

I thanked everybody for taking the time to talk to me and answer my

questions. I did notice, though, that the side where most of the elementary
schools were at, were the most packed versus higher grade levels.
Overall, I thought this was a good experience and Im glad that I took the
time to go out and interview principals and teachers throughout the district.

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