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S. Raveen Kumar

Task : 4 Basic System Design

To design and implement a Basic System using FPGA and display your name and
registration number on the LCD display.

Software Details:
For design Functional Simulation: Modelsim
For design Synthesis: Quartus II
For design Implementation: Quartus II

Hardware Details:
Family: Cyclone IV
Device: EP4C
Package: FBGA
Pin count: 780

Hardware Design:
S. Raveen Kumar

Program Code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "altera_up_avalon_character_lcd.h"
int main (void)
alt_up_character_lcd_dev * char_lcd_dev;
// open the Character LCD port
char_lcd_dev = alt_up_character_lcd_open_dev ("/dev/lcd");
if ( char_lcd_dev == NULL)
alt_printf ("Error: could not open character LCD device\n");
alt_printf ("Opened character LCD device\n");
/* Initialize the character display */
alt_up_character_lcd_init (char_lcd_dev);
/* Write "Welcome to" in the first row */
alt_up_character_lcd_string(char_lcd_dev,"Raveen Kumar");
/* Write "the DE2 board" in the second row */
char second_row[] = "16MVD0070";
alt_up_character_lcd_set_cursor_pos(char_lcd_dev, 0, 1);
alt_up_character_lcd_string(char_lcd_dev, second_row);
S. Raveen Kumar

Snapshot of the code:

S. Raveen Kumar


The basic system design has been performed and simulated using Altera Quartus II
simulator, Qsys and Eclipse tools and it is implemented in the Altera Cyclone 2 4E kit.
The C code is written to produce your name and registration number and has been
programmed into the FPGA board and the output is displayed on the LCD screen.

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